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Trife Life To Lavish Part 2 Genesis & Genevieve...Am I My Brother's Keeper

Page 10

by Deja King

"So what happened? Where have you been and why did Renny tell me you were dead?"

  "Girl, where do I start? How `bout wit' that fool ass nigga Arnez. Him and that ruthless Chanel really left me on the sidewalk for dead. If Renny hadn't showed up I would've bleed to death right there in the Queens projects."

  "So Renny saved your life?"

  "Yep. After he took me to the hospital, I was there for a few weeks. Then when they was ready to release me he stashed me at one of his other cribs in Jersey so Arnez couldn't find me. He didn't want Arnez to know I was still alive."

  "Why, because he was afraid that Arnez would try to finish you off?"

  "That, and if Arnez knew Renny saved me then he would also know Renny knew about what he did to your mother and that he was trying to get you. Renny wanted Arnez to think he was in the dark about all that while he plotted to make his move."

  "So Renny was telling me the truth when he said he wanted to get rid of Arnez?"

  "Definitely! I mean that is his cousin and they do a lot of business together but Renny mos def want Arnez out the picture. He just tryna figure out how and the right time to make it happen."

  "So you've being keeping a low profile all this time?"

  "Yeah, and the shit has been driving me crazy. I've only seen my mom a few times. But she understand I'm damn near under the witness protection program right now," Tierra joked.

  "But why did Renny want me to believe you were dead? I wouldn't have told anybody what was going on."

  "I know. I was a tad stunned when you told me that," Tierra explained shrugging her arms. "But he didn't even want me to know he had made contact with you."

  "What do you mean?"

  "I knew he always had some people watching out for you. You know to make sure Arnez was never able to snatch you up. But when I would ask about you, he always said, he hadn't spoken to you."

  "That was true. The first time I actually heard from him was a few weeks ago."

  "Yeah, he told me after I saw your bracelet. At first he denied it but I knew it was yours. It was the canary and white diamond bracelet Carmelo gave you for your birthday. I never saw nobody else with a bracelet like that."

  "I left it over here the other day. Renny said he would give it to me next time I saw him. Is it here?"

  "No, I think Renny has it with him."

  "I thought he would be here, he sent me a text."

  "Actually I sent you the text from his phone. Of course he don't know that," Tierra smirked. "When he told me he talked to you, I went through his phone while he was in the shower. When I sent you the text I was happy you hit me right back because of course I had to delete both of them."

  "I see you still slick as hell! You better be lucky, I didn't call him or text again before I got here."

  "Who you telling! Renny would have a fit if he knew we were talking right now"

  "Maybe, but he had to know that eventually he would have to come clean. I mean he can't pretend that you're dead forever."

  "True. Because as soon as this shit is handled with Arnez I'm breaking free. I feel like a prisoner."

  "I know what you mean!"

  "Yeah, but at least you able to be out and about. I want to go shopping and rock some fly shit!"

  "You will, but you maintaining. You still look official. I see you put on a little weight but it look good on you."

  "Yep, I did but that's because..." right before Tierra could finish her sentence Nichelle heard what sounded like crying. She looked around to see where the noise was coming from and noticed a baby monitor.

  "There's a baby here?"

  "Hun huh, I'll be right back," Tierra said and disappeared upstairs. When she came back a few minutes later she was holding what looked to be a newborn.

  "Is that your baby?" Nichelle's question was filled with astonishment.

  "Yes, his name is Elijah."

  "That's Renny's middle name. Wait, please don't tell me that's Renny's baby" Nichelle started backing away; shaking her head in complete confusion.

  "I didn't want you to find out this way. But when Elijah woke up I really couldn't keep the secret anymore."

  "So all that time when you and Renny were keeping secrets from me about what happened to Carmelo you were also having sex the entire time!"

  "No! I swear, Nichelle. We didn't become intimate until after I got shot. After I started staying at his crib and I got better, one day it just happened."

  Nichelle slumped down on the sofa as if defeated. "You've been playing house with my boyfriend and now you all have a baby together and you want to say one day it just happened. Wow, only you Tierra. Only you can say some bullshit like that with a straight face."

  "Technically, Nichelle, he wasn't your boyfriend."

  "But you knew I was still in love with him."

  "No I didn't. When you found out that he was responsible for Carmelo's death you left that hotel room saying you wanted nothing else to do with him."

  "So of course being the hoochie you are, you felt it was open season to get at my man, because whether we were together or not he was still my man and should've been off limits to you!"

  "Nichelle, I was alone and stuck in the house. Renny was the only man available to me. I'm not trying to excuse what I did but my circumstances left me with little to no options."

  "A baby," Nichelle said trying to contain her sniffles. "I lost a baby by a man I loved and now you have a baby by a man I'm in love with. How fuckin' unlucky am I."

  "Nichelle, I'm so sorry," Tierra said sitting down next to her on the couch holding Elijah. As beautiful as the baby was, it was breaking Nichelle's heart to be next to him.

  "I can't do this," Nichelle admitted, standing up from the couch and grabbing her purse.

  "You're leaving?"

  "Yes. I found my best friend and lost her again all in the same day."

  "Nichelle, don't say that. We can get past this like we have everything else."

  Right when Nichelle was about to respond both ladies turned their heads as they heard the front door opening. Renny came inside, noticed both women and calmly closed the door. When he walked up to them, with unruffled composure he took his son out of Tierra's hands and cradled him in his strong arms.

  Nichelle kept the silence going and kept to her original plan which was to leave.

  "Where are you going?" Renny directed his question to Nichelle with such ease as if she hadn't just found out he made a baby with her best friend.

  "I'm going home."

  "I'll take you," he responded, handing Elijah back over to Tierra.

  "That's okay. You need to stay here and be with your baby."

  "I said I would take you home." Renny reached out and grabbed Nichelle's arm, freezing her movement.

  "Let go of me!" She belted trying to free her arm but his grasp was too firm. Renny gave Nichelle a glare that sent a shiver through her body. After all this time his hold over her was as powerful as ever.

  "Come sit down." Renny gently released Nichelle's arm and guided her back over to the couch. "I see Tierra took it upon herself to get you over here and tell you about our baby," he said not once looking in Tierra's direction.

  "Why didn't you tell me, or were you just going to continue making me believe that Tierra was dead?"

  "I was going to tell you everything at the right time."

  "When was the right time gonna be? I'm almost numb to you at this fuckin' point, Renny!"

  "You know I hate when you raise your voice at me."

  "And I hate that you put your dick in my best friend's pussy, how about that."

  "It only happened a couple of times."

  "And I'm supposed to believe that."

  "Tierra, tell Nichelle how many times we had sex."

  "Like twice," Tierra answered putting her head down.

  "It doesn't matter; it was enough for you all to make a baby together. And the more I think about it you two are a much better fit than we ever was. You're completely ruthless and Tierra is the
definition of trifling-a perfect match."

  "Tierra, take Elijah upstairs."

  "I need to set some things straight with Nichelle before I go anywhere," Tierra popped.

  "What did I say?" Tierra rolled her eyes and then did as Renny directed.

  "I understand you're upset. I made a mistake one that I regret but that doesn't change my feelings for you."

  "It amazes me how you're able to switch shit up like it isn't a big deal. You have a baby with my best friend, everything has changed!"

  "Are you saying because of the baby I have with Tierra, you're no longer in love with me?"

  "What I'm saying is that I should've been done with you when I found out all the fucked up shit you did. But if that wasn't enough to make me stay away from you, this surly is. I'm done for good this time and my only regret is wasting this past year wishing we were back together."

  "I can't let you leave me."

  "You don't have a choice. I don't care what I have to do but I will get you out of my system once and for all because you're poison."

  Veronica was looking forward to having dinner with Arnez. She hadn't been able to see him the last few days due to Delondo's unexpected visit. When he had to abruptly cut his trip short due to a business emergency that was taking him to Memphis, the first thing Veronica did was call Arnez.

  "Baby, I missed you," Arnez said, giving Veronica a kiss on the lips when she arrived.

  "I missed you more," she smiled. "Thank you for meeting me for dinner at such short notice."

  "Of course. I was surprised you called since you said you would be out of town for the next few days."

  "My trip was cut short and you were the first person I wanted to see when I got back."

  "That's perfectly fine with me because like I said, I missed you. I didn't realize how much until seeing you again." Veronica couldn't stop herself from blushing as she took in Arnez's bullshit.

  "What are you doing next Wednesday?"

  "Wednesday. . .1 think I'm supposed to be going out of town. If I'm not mistaken I have to go to Atlanta and handle some business."

  "That's too bad. I wanted you to attend this launch party for one of my clients with me."

  "Launch party, for what client?" Arnez asked, trying not to sound too interested although he was.

  "Oh, a young lady who is doing a campaign for a new perfume line. The party should be nice. T-Roc is giving it and his extravagance is legendary in the industry."

  "Hate that I have to miss it. Where is this extravagant party going to take place?"

  "The Plaza Hotel in the Grand Ballroom, like I said T-Roc is going all out. It's actually very smart marketing. He's using it as a tool to introduce Nichelle and get buzz and a ton of press for his new perfume line. I apologize; I'm talking about these people as if you know them. I'm sure you've heard of the multi-media mogul T-Roc and Nichelle is the client I was telling you about."

  "I see. The Plaza, that's over there on Fifth Avenue and Central Park South-right?"

  "The one and only."

  "That should be quite a party. I wish I could be there."

  "Me too. I'm ready to show you off."

  "We have plenty of time for that. I'm not going anywhere," he said reaching across the table and stroking Veronica's hand. Arnez felt that sniffing up under Veronica's ass for all these weeks had finally paid off. With the information she revealed, Veronica had basically handed Nichelle over to Arnez on a silver platter. He would no doubt use it to his full advantage and as he held Veronica's hand the plotting began.

  "Nichelle, you have to stop disappearing like this's getting ridiculous!"

  "Akil, I told you an emergency came up the other day. But it's been handled."

  "What's going to be your excuse next time, because there always seems to be one."

  "No more excuses. I guarantee you there will be no more disappearing acts."

  "How can you be so sure?"

  "I just am." Right at that moment, Nichelle's cell began ringing and she saw it was Renny calling for the hundredth time. Ever since she left his townhouse a few days ago he had been blowing up her phone. Renny either didn't want to believe or couldn't believe that when Nichelle said she was done, she meant it.

  "Are you going to answer that?" Akil questioned since this was at least the fourth or fifth time her phone had rung during their conversation but yet Nichelle ignored the call.

  "No, and as a matter of fact I need to change my number."

  "Why, is somebody harassing you? I can put a trace on the call."

  "It's not that, I'm just ready for a fresh start. You know a clean slate. I think a new number is a good start."

  Akil raised an eyebrow, showing his suspicion about the reason Nichelle was giving but he didn't take it any further. "Then it's done. You can toss that phone. I'll get you a new phone and number through my company, so you don't even have to worry about getting a bill."

  "Works for me."

  "Now that we've gotten that minor issue squared away, on to more important things, like are you ready for your party on Wednesday?"

  "I can't believe it's here already, time is literally flying."

  "I know but that's a good thing. That means you're a busy girl, making major moves."

  "From what I hear T-Roc is pulling out all the stops for this event."

  "That's what I hear too. He hired that event planner Bronson Van Wyck and he only handles big dog shit. But this is going to be great publicity for you. Although you probably don't care since you're taking an extended break from modeling once you're finished with this campaign."

  "I'm not so sure about that anymore. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea for me to give this whole career thing my all. I mean you only live once."

  "What's with this change of attitude? Last time we spoke you wanted to focus on other things and leave this modeling shit alone."

  "I do have something very important that I want to focus on but I think I can do both, especially since I put closure to an issue that was a heavy burden on me."

  "That's good to hear because I believe the sky's the limit for you, Nichelle. You have something special, I see it, T-Roc clearly sees it or he wouldn't be investing all this money in you. The only person who needs to believe it now is you.

  "I'm working on it, trust me."

  "That's all I ask. Now I have to go, there's a meeting I have to attend. But don't forget you have a fitting at four o'clock."

  "That's right! I've had so much on my mind, I almost forgot."

  "You can't afford to forget. Wednesday will be your night to shine so your outfit can't be nothing short of perfection. But from what I understand your stylist has nothing but fiyah lined up."

  "Well, I'll be there." Nichelle walked Akil out and when she closed the door she heard her cell ringing again. There was no doubt in her mind it was Renny. She leaned back against the door and put her head down. She hated that there was a big part of her that wanted to answer his call. That was the main reason she wanted to change her number. Nichelle knew in her heart that one day Renny would catch her at a vulnerable time and she wouldn't be able to resist. Even knowing he had a baby with Tierra couldn't completely shake the hold he had over Nichelle and it scared her.

  "Supreme, I can't believe we're going to this event on Wednesday. You don't even like industry parties... never have," Precious commented as she changed the sheets on the bed.

  "Well, it's not just any industry party. It's supposed to be an official affair. I am a businessman and it would be somewhat disrespectful not to show up. T-Roc supports a lot of my projects it would only be right I do the same."

  "You not gonna get an argument out of me. I'm looking forward to putting on something fabulous and having a great time with my husband."

  "You already know what you're wearing?"

  "Not yet. I'm going to the city this weekend to find something fuckin' hot. You know the kind of outfit that's gonna make you wanna get me in the corner all night for a quickie,
" she laughed.

  "Damn, I can't wait to see that outfit!"

  "Speaking of outfits, I wish you could've seen Maya decked out in her prison gear. It was a far cry from the days when she raided my closet."

  "I still can't believe you went to see her. Quentin must've given you some type of sob story to make that happen."

  "It wasn't exactly a sob story. But I did want Quentin to know I was truly making an effort to have a relationship with him. He was so gung-ho about me seeing Maya and that's why I did it."

  "Do you regret going?"

  "No and yes. No, because I can now look Quentin straight in his face and tell him I did what he asked even though I can't stand that heffa. Yes, because it was a complete waste of my time. Maya, ain't remorseful about shit."

  "Did you really think she would be?"

  "Shit, the way Quentin was yapping, he almost had me convinced that she would be. Maya has really done a number on him. I don't understand how such an intelligent man can be taken in by that psycho. But then who am I to talk. I didn't realize Maya was the enemy until she was damn near about to put me under the grave."

  "And don't forget how she played me. I have so much hatred towards Maya that I try to keep her and the entire situation that went down out of my mind. Because every time I think about it, I contemplate how I could have her killed and get away with it."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Damn straight."

  "I never knew you felt that way. I mean I knew you were angry about what went down but you never told me you wanted her dead. I thought that was just me."

  "Please. If Maya wasn't in jail she would be dead, I can promise you that."

  "I know you feel that way but you really wouldn't have her killed."

  "Yes I would! Why the hell not!"

  "For one, as much as I detest her she is my sister."

  "You're kidding right," Supreme chuckled. "Wait, you're not kidding. Are you really claiming that piranha as a relative?"

  "Supreme, quit with the jokes. You know I'm not claiming Maya like that."

  "That's what it sounded like to me."

  "Listen, the fact is we are related and as much as I can't stand her, it would devastate Quentin if something happened to Maya. And I do care about him."


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