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Unwanted Desire

Page 5

by Cyndi Friberg

  To her astonishment, the sentinels grabbed his arms and dragged him off the cowering stranger. “What the hell is going on?” She hadn’t intentionally drawn her knife, but it fit comfortably in her hand.

  “They have Jizette.” The anguish in her mate’s tone clawed at Dyauna’s heart. Maddox had raised his sister. He was extremely protective of her.

  “Who has her? Why was she taken?”

  The stranger remained on his knees, head bowed, trembling. Without lifting his head, he proffered some sort of message. She snatched the folded paper from his hand and read the provoking words.

  “This makes no sense.” She looked at Maddox, easily understanding his outburst. No one threatened a Barbary pride lion, much less one of his kin. “Even if a lion did what this claims -- which I find hard to believe -- no one in Barbary pride is stupid enough to leave the body where it will be found.”

  Maddox pulled her into his arms for a quick hug. “I can always count on you to boil things down to brutal logic.”

  “This mutt claims Jizette herself verified the scent of two Barbary males on the victim’s body,” one of the sentinel’s reminded him.

  Dyauna eased away from Maddox and positioned herself so she could see the others. “Ever heard of a condom? It’s not that hard to plant evidence. Most men can be led around by their cocks if a pretty woman is involved.”

  Maddox nodded, purging his anxiety with a deep breath. “Ask around. See if anyone will admit to an unusual indiscretion. I’ll double the teams searching the mountains.”

  “You think Izak set this up?” Dyauna’s suspicions had been headed that way; Maddox just got there faster.

  “He failed to spark hostilities between your people and mine, so he put a new twist on his old strategy.”

  She didn’t ask about Jizette. Maddox was well aware that his sister was in danger every minute he delayed. Finding Izak was the wisest course, the only viable option. If they launched an offensive against the dogs, Jizette’s captors would simply kill her.

  Even so, the woman in Dyauna understood what it was like to be utterly helpless. And she was tormented by the possibilities.

  * * * * *

  A thin, black man rushed out of the side door of a large farmhouse and met their truck as Kash pulled into the wide, graveled lot between the house and the barn.

  “About time you got here!” He pulled open Kash’s door and started to say something else when he spotted Jizette. “And who do we have here? I didn’t know you were bringing a guest.”

  “Jizette, this is Milo.” Kash leaned back so she could shake their host’s hand.

  “Welcome to the freak show, milady. Any friend of Kash’s is a friend of mine.”

  Freak show? She mouthed the words to Kash as Milo walked around to her side of the truck.

  “After he’s shown you around, it will all make sense,” Kash promised.

  Milo opened her door and led them into the house. They paused in a cozy, eat-in kitchen and he asked them if they needed one room or two.

  Kash looked at her and smiled. “One is fine with me, but it’s up to the lady.”

  “Two rooms would be a waste. We’ll end up in the same bed and you know it.”

  Milo chuckled and slapped Kash on the back. “Lucky man. Now, let’s get the pleasantries out of the way before we get down to business. Are either of you hungry or thirsty?”

  They both shook their heads; then Kash said, “Jizette could use a change of clothes, if you can scrounge together something in her size.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “This is fine for tonight,” she told them. “But I’d appreciate whatever you can find for tomorrow.”

  Milo’s dark gaze settled on her face and narrowed with speculation. “At the risk of being rude, what species are you?”

  She glanced at Kash, unsure how much this “farmer” knew about what went on inside the walls of Alpha Colony.

  “She’s Barbary pride,” Kash answered for her. “Maddox’s sister to be exact.”

  “You know my brother?” Apparently Milo knew a great deal about DOMA’s favorite petting zoo. Kash had managed to avoid discussing his reason for visiting the farm. He’d told her he had something Milo needed, and neatly sidestepped the details.

  Milo smiled. “We know some of the same people and have some common enemies. Most notably DOMA, of course.”

  “Why is a farmer at odds with the Department of Morphological Affairs?”

  “Why don’t I show you?” He lightly touched her elbow, guiding her across the kitchen and out the same door through which they’d entered. “To the casual observer, this complex appears to be a family farm. We have pigs and a few head of cattle, nothing noteworthy. We grow a variety of grains, vegetables, and observe all the irrigation restrictions, so we don’t attract attention from local authorities.”

  She wasn’t sure why the facts were important, but his tone warned her to pay attention. The barn was dark and dusty, like every other barn she’d ever been in, but this one had a wide service elevator that took them to a nondescript corridor.

  All right, this was odd. Why would a farm have underground corridors wending their way from one building to another? Milo led her to the first “subterranean station” and she had her answer. A massive, largely mechanized laboratory operated beneath the cornfield.

  “With a state of the art recirculation system and various forms of alternate energy, we are completely off the grid and self-contained. The pigs provide all the methane we care to harvest, and all the fertilizer we could ever need. The grains feed the animals and the animals feed us,” Milo explained. “That’s the true circle of life.”

  She was mesmerized by the high-tech scene before her, so incongruous with the rustic panorama above ground. Beneath his practiced justification, the explanation didn’t quite ring true. She dragged her gaze away from the lab and faced Milo. “Are you being a good steward of your resources, or is the farm’s primary purpose to conceal your true mission from outsiders?”

  He smiled at Kash. “Smart girl.” Then he turned back to her and replied, “To some degree, it’s both. Self-sufficiency equates to safety in a world as corrupt as ours. The power players know where we’re located. That’s not the primary purpose for the façade. The farm discourages vandalism and adds a layer of security between us and the general public. We operate the only medical research facility that is completely unaffiliated with any outside organization or government. We do not take donations, nor do we accept corporate sponsorship. We offer completely unbiased certifications, much to the chagrin of those who would manipulate our findings.”

  “And that’s where DOMA comes into the picture?” She glanced at Kash, pleased by the approval in his eyes.

  Milo nodded. “Pharmaceutical companies from around the world come to us when they’re ready for clinical trials. Because of our uncompromising standards, our endorsements actually mean something. We have helped in the development of everything from preventative vaccines to complex medical imaging.”

  “Very impressive.”

  “Thank you.” Deep dimples framed his mouth when he smiled, giving him a boyish charm.

  “When and why did you cross paths with DOMA?” She needed to understand how Alpha Colony was connected with Milo’s farm.

  “DOMA has submitted applications on four occasions and all four times their claims proved false. They coaxed and coerced, bribed and begged, and finally threatened to have us shut down.”

  Understanding unfurled within her, and she moved away from the observation window, more intrigued by their host than his fancy toys. “Have you been helping Director Darman? Did you leak the recording of Sasha’s transformation to the media?”

  Sasha young was an ex-handler who found out DOMA had been manipulating her DNA. And if that revelation weren’t shocking enough, her sexual interaction with one of the morphs caused her to transform into a white tiger.

  “I didn’t leak the recording, but I employ the
person who did. She’s the head of my investigation’s team.” Milo flashed his charming smile and added drama to his tone as he asked, “Would you like to meet her?”

  “She’s the reason we’re here,” Kash reminded with a patient smile.

  Milo led them past a smaller laboratory where the two workers wore elaborate, enclosed suits. Jizette felt her steps falter again. “What are they testing in there?”

  “Bio-hazards. I’m not sure what’s on the menu today.” Milo’s dismissive tone told her to keep walking.

  The access corridors branched off in three directions. Milo followed the tunnel on the left. Jizette felt edgy, restless, as if something wasn’t quite right. She clenched and unclenched her hands, unable to identify the source of her anxiety.

  Kash slipped his arm around her waist and gave her a little squeeze. You okay?

  She looked up at him and smiled, but a now familiar ache erupted between her thighs, making her breath hitch. This is just a little overwhelming.

  He immediately stopped walking and turned her to face him. “If you need a break, I can take you to our room and you can meet Tayla in the morning.”

  “I’m not sure what I need,” she whispered. “I feel really odd.”

  Pulling her to his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her face against the curve of his throat. Breathe, sweetheart. My scent will soothe you.

  She inhaled deeply and let his warm, woodsy smell fill her nose and spread across her senses. His arms felt wonderful, so strong, yet careful. This would be so much better if they were pressed together skin to skin.

  “Change of plans, Milo. We need to see one of your doctors.”

  “Is she ill?” His concern sounded genuine, but his voice grated now. All she wanted was Kash, only Kash.

  “Not ill per se” -- his hand stroked the back of her hair and his arm kept her anchored against him -- “but we’re concerned about some elements of our condition.”

  “You’re affected by this too?”

  An impatient growl rumbled deep in Kash’s chest. “Suffice it to say, there would be no concern if she were a wolf.”

  “I see.”

  They started moving again and the world swam sickeningly. Kash pulled her firmly against his side, supporting and guiding.

  “Dr. Hillard has worked extensively with hybrids and morphs. She should be able to figure out what’s going on.”

  It seemed like they walked forever. Each step sent intoxicating sensations ricocheting through her body. Her breasts swelled and the T-shirt irritated her nipples. The urge to rip off her clothes was almost unbearable.

  Kash’s fingers dug into her side and need throbbed from him in searing pulses, intensifying her desire.

  “Let’s just… I can’t…” Her legs buckled, and he swept her up in his arms. She curled into his body, needing more of him.

  Harsh light stabbed into her eyes as they entered the clinic. She moaned and closed her eyes. Greetings were exchanged and explanations given, but it all meant little to Jizette. A bone-deep ache had settled over her body. She was ravenous, beyond modesty or logic.

  Kash set her down on the end of an exam table and ordered the others from the room. The lights dimmed and she opened her eyes, blinking as her pupils accepted the dimness. He stripped off his shirt and unfastened his pants, not taking time to remove the rest.

  There were no words, no need for coaxing, or justifications. They communicated with scent and touch. She lifted her hips as he pulled down her shorts, tossing them aside. Her T-shirt followed and then her shoes. She assisted him every step of the way.

  He pushed her legs apart and stepped between them, his gaze fixed on her face. She grabbed the backs of her knees and held herself open, demanding an end to her suffering.

  They were beyond preliminaries. The entire day had been one excruciating bout of foreplay. He positioned himself then clasped her hips, pulling her toward him as he thrust into her. She threw back her head and screamed, coming hard and fast from the simple bliss of being filled.

  He held still inside her, his hands moving up and down her back. She wrapped her legs around his lean hips and clutched his shoulders. She didn’t try to understand it, didn’t try to analyze it. She just accepted the pleasure and the perfection of their joining.

  Pulling back slowly, he watched her face, his gaze intense and concerned as he drew nearly out of her passage. “You’re still so damn tight.” He groaned. “I don’t want to hurt you again.”

  “That wasn’t pain. I promise. Move. Please. I’ll die if you don’t.” She leaned back on her elbows, giving him a better angle as he happily obliged.

  He insinuated his hand between their bodies and covered her clit with his fingertip before starting to thrust in earnest. His finger gently caressed her clit and her body provided a fresh rush of cream. Within two long strokes, his motion smoothed and she sighed, a gliding shuttle replacing the tight friction that had hovered on the brink of pain.

  “Better?” he whispered and she smiled.

  She wasn’t sure an exam table was much better than the front seat of a truck, but Kash was perfect, and that was all that mattered. He draped her legs over his forearms, thrusting deeper and harder. His hunger drove into her just as powerfully as his shaft, feeding her hunger, intensifying her need.

  Pleasure rolled through her. She opened her mind and body, surrendered entirely to the magic and the madness. Her core contracted around him, holding and caressing him with the demanding rhythm of her release. He clasped her to his chest and came in deep shuddering spasms. His forceful climax sent a fresh wave of pleasure surging through her, and then reality bled through the blissful tranquility.

  “We need to find a more appropriate place before we do this again.” His voice was still low and passion-roughened.

  Her legs squeezed his hips, driving him deeper. “I don’t know. This table seems to be the perfect height to me.”

  One of his dark brows arched as challenge flashed in his gaze. “You don’t mind our audience?”

  She blanched. “What audience?”

  “If Dr. Hillard is like every other scientist I’ve ever known, she activated surveillance as soon as she closed the door. We morphs are too unpredictable. They have to be ready for anything.” He stepped back and quickly zipped his jeans, then gathered their discarded clothes. No sooner had he helped her into her T-shirt than a discreet knock came at the door. “Just a minute.”

  “They knew we were done, which means you’re right. They were watching us.” She scooted off the table and pulled on her shorts, hurriedly securing the drawstring. She was wiggling her feet into her shoes when Kash opened the door.

  “Has the crisis passed?” A certain gleam in Milo’s eyes hinted that the doctor hadn’t been the only one watching their inadvertent performance.

  Jizette tried not to let one extremely rude intrusion ruin her opinion of the man. Her first impressions were usually right, and she’d liked Milo.

  Dr. Hillard was a stunning brunette, who went out of her way to minimize her physical appeal. A complete lack of cosmetics didn’t distract from her sculpted features and a shapeless lab coat only hinted at the curvaceous figure concealed beneath. Was she determined to be taken seriously as a scientist, or was she afraid of her sexuality?

  “Ask her if the crisis has passed,” -- Kash motioned toward the doctor -- “we’re not sure what the hell is causing this.”

  “I ran a variety of scans while the crisis progressed.” Dr. Hillard moved across the room and activated a wall display, her manner all business. It was sad to see such lovely features cold, and expressionless.

  “You were scanning us as well as watching?” Kash stalked toward her. Watching was one thing. Analyzing every physiological change took her invasion to an entirely new level. “Discover anything interesting?”

  Ignoring his scathing sarcasm, she shrugged. “Potentially.” Dr Hillard called a series of three-dimensional graphs to the screen and pointed to the fir
st. “Both of your bodies produced a combination of hormones and enzymes at staggering levels, which is to be expected during bonding fever.”

  “But we’re not even the same species.” Jizette wasn’t sure if anyone had told her. “I’m a lion-shifter and Kash is a Timberline wolf.”

  “Which led me to my second set of scans.” She touched one of the smaller graphs and it expanded to fill the screen. “I was afraid your sexual interaction had triggered the resurgence of your genetic evolution, but that’s not the case. At least not entirely. Mr. Kash’s DNA is stable. He is reacting to his mate as any male does during bonding fever. Your DNA, however, is in a state of flux.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” Kash’s fists clenched at his sides.

  “There is no cause for aggression, I assure you. Your female is in no immediate danger. There are two possible explanations for her condition.” She turned to Jizette as she went on, “It could simply be a naturally occurring anomaly.”


  “Generally the female triggers bonding fever. Her body produces pheromones that draw potential mates to her, and the mate most genetically suited to her physiology is most strongly affected by her… scent, for lack of a better word.”

  “You said ‘generally.’ That’s not what’s happening to me?”

  Hillard shook her head. “On extremely rare occasions, the male can trigger the process in a female. Because her body can also shift forms, that element of her physiology could be trying to compensate.”

  “I’m becoming a wolf?” She was paralyzed by the possibility. Would loving Kash cost her everything, her family, her identity, her species?

  Loving Kash? She needed to calm down.

  “I’m not explaining this very well.” The doctor sighed.

  “Try not to be so nice,” Kash suggested. “Is having sex with me changing her?”

  “Without having scanned you before you encountered each other, all I can really do is hypothesize.”


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