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The Do Over

Page 9

by A. L. Zaun

  When we were saying our good-byes, he leaned in and pulled me into an embrace. I held on to him for dear life. His arms felt warm and inviting as they wrapped around me. My heart pounded in my chest. He pulled back ever so slightly and tipped up my chin with his hand. Leaning down, he pressed his lips against mine. When his tongue teased my lower lip, I opened my mouth for him.

  Then, I became lost in his soft but sensual kiss as tingles coursed through my entire body. I could barely catch my breath as my heart beat feverishly. Every cell of my body was yearning for him. Pulling back, he pressed his forehead against mine. He could've taken me right then and there.

  He said, "I want to see you again." He kissed my forehead and hugged me again.

  "I'd really like that," I answered, swooning.

  I unlocked the door, reluctantly not wanting the evening to end. He waited until I was inside before he made his way to his car. Inside my dark living room, I foolishly did a happy dance to put all happy dances to shame.

  As I made my way to my room, I pulled off my shoes, tossing them in the closet, and plugged in my cellphone to charge. It was only a matter of time before a couple nosey friends wanted details.

  Getting ready for bed, I pulled out my Team Kindle tank top that I loved sleeping in. I was too excited to actually fall asleep. I crawled into bed and pulled out my Kindle, so I could continue reading my book. I'd never taken so long to finish a novel. Then again, I'd been a little busy this weekend. When my phone beeped, I grabbed it to read the incoming text message.

  Macy: Well? Did he do the deed?

  Dani: None of your business.

  Macy: That's a no.

  Dani: Shut up and leave me alone.

  Macy: Not a chance.

  Dani: Did a little recon for you.

  Macy: Details?

  Dani: Chris crushed on Liam's mom.

  Macy: That's gross.

  Dani: He was five. Liam beat him up for it.

  Macy: So, he likes older women.

  Another text came in.

  Liam: Thank you for having dinner with me. I had a great time.

  Dani: I did, too.

  Liam: I want to see you again. Soon.

  Dani: You better.

  Liam: Absolutely. Sweet dreams. XOXO.

  Dani: Good night. XOXO.

  A giddy smile crossed my face. No longer able to concentrate on reading, I put my Kindle away. All I could do was think about Liam. I recalled the feeling of his lips on mine. The thoughts both thrilled and terrified me.

  Sitting in my car, I stared at the text messages we'd just exchanged. I had a great time tonight.

  I loved watching her talk about her books. She'd captured my undivided attention. The look on her face was priceless. She'd sat up with an expression full of enthusiasm. I didn't like that she'd thought I was laughing at her. What kind of asshole would I be if I did that? The moment she'd let her guard down, her eyes sparkled. I couldn't get enough of her smile. I'd listen to her talk about her books all night long if it meant I could see her face light up.

  It had been a really long time since I'd let anyone get close to me. It had just never felt right. In less than twenty-four hours though, I'd shared a part of me that I'd kept very private. There was just something about Dani that was different. I barely knew her, but it was like I'd known her my whole life. It was the way she walked down to the front of the classroom the first day I met her. It was her eyes, her smile, and the way she tilted her head to the side as she bit her lower lip. It was the way she felt in my arms. It was the smell of her hair and her perfume lingering on my shirt. It was the way she flirted.

  She was smart, sassy, and sexy as hell. I could spend a lifetime licking her lips, tasting her mouth, and sucking on her tongue. It was still more than all of that. It was the way I felt around her. I didn't have the words to describe it all, other than to say that my heart started beating again because of her.

  As I got out of my car and walked into my dark apartment, I tossed my keys on the counter and then headed over to my desk. As I booted up my computer, I stared at my reflection on the monitor. I wasn't impulsive by nature. I usually planned things out and thought them through, even if it was a split-second decision. There was always a reason and method.

  A clever idea had come to me while we were eating. I'd never done anything like this before. I just wanted to know what made her tick. I needed to learn a little bit more about her.

  As the Internet came up, I thought about what I was about to do. The more I thought about it, the more I started second-guessing myself. What am I really going to gain from this? I wondered if this could blow up in my face. Would she think I'm a stalker? Or worse, would she think I'm whipped?

  I sat there and stared at the screen. Then, I heard a ping from the online video chat. I leaned back in my chair, lacing my hands behind my head, as I opened the chat window.

  "Hi, sweetheart," she said, smiling into the computer camera. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

  "Well, hello to you, beautiful. How are you doing on this gorgeous night?"

  "Considering this treat, I'm doing fantastic. So, are you going to tell me why it's been so hard to get in touch with you?" she asked in a soothing non-accusatory tone.

  Shaking my head, I smiled. "That's not true, and you know it. I always have time for you."

  "Is that so?" She pursed her lips and rolled her eyes. "Oh, am I being a nag? I don't mean to be. I just miss you. Tell me, how have you been?"

  "Slow down. It's late, and you're asking too many questions." I chuckled softly. "You know it's true. I'm never too busy for you. And you're not a nag." I leaned forward. "Work is awesome. You know I love it. Friday was hard though. Damn drunk drivers. Enough of that. Tell me something new."

  "I asked about you, not work."

  She always saw right through me. I knew I had to tell her about Dani. I just didn't want to jinx it. It was bad enough that I was questioning what I was about to do a few minutes ago. I needed to keep some perspective when it came to Dani. I wasn't usually won over so quickly. But, damn, she had that it factor. I definitely had Dani on the brain and under my skin. Maybe this chat would stop me from making a complete ass of myself.

  "I'm doing great. In fact, I'm better than great." That should pacify her for at least a couple of days. I quickly shifted the conversation. "Now, how are you?"

  "Fine," she deadpanned. "It's always beautiful here in October. You should come up to Asheville to visit me and see for yourself. Or you can just tell me about the girl." She smiled with satisfaction.

  I sighed, furrowing my brow. How on earth does she know?

  She admitted, "I know that look, and I'll save you the trouble. I was talking to your brother today, and he mentioned that you were quite 'smitten'—that was the word he used—with a 'hot babe'—again those were his words."

  "That's interesting. I haven't seen him this week. Our shifts didn't coincide," I said, raising an eyebrow. "Was Chris hanging out with Wyatt when you called?"

  This was just awkward all around. As true as it was, I didn't want to talk to her about being smitten with Dani. My hesitation had nothing to do with Dani or how she made me feel. As I thought about her on the beach, watching the sunrise, my heart started to beat faster. Maybe it had to do with how real my feelings were for her.

  "Liam, I love you dearly." Her eyes softened, making the turn in this conversation even more bizarre. "And I hope that it's true. I would love for you to be smitten."

  The words just flowed out of my mouth without much thought. "Her name is Dani. I met her yesterday. She's beautiful, smart, and funny. She's sweet and sensitive. I took her to the beach and told her about Dad. You know I don't talk about him with just anyone, but it felt right to tell her. We went out to dinner tonight, but I have to pace myself because I'm really enjoying her company. I'm finding that I want to know everything about her."

  Her face broke into a huge smile. "She must be very special if you told her about your dad. Seize th
e moment. Love doesn't always happen—"

  "Whoa. Stop it right there." I had to put the brakes on this conversation fast. "I never said anything about love. I like her." I paused for a moment. "Okay, I really like her a lot, but I've only known her for a day."

  She shook her head from side to side. "You forget that I know you better than you know yourself. It's written all over your face. Trust your heart. Anyway, I want some grandbabies to spoil, so get with the program."

  "Mom, this conversation has just gone into the no-fly zone," I interrupted, looking away from the monitor.

  "When are you going to see her again?" she asked relentlessly.

  "Not soon enough," I said, smiling like a goofball.

  As our chat came to an end, I had all the encouragement I needed. I typed in, opening the door to discovering just a little more of the mystery of Dani Ruiz. Shaking my head in disbelief, I ordered a Kindle Fire HD. I'm such a sap. I might as well have handed her my balls on a silver platter.

  It had been two weeks since I'd seen Daniela at Breathe, and I still couldn't get her out of my mind. I was so determined to change and make things right that I couldn't even fuck Lise that night. Thinking back, I knew I deserved some points for that one because she had her tits in my face and her hands down my pants.

  Damn, I wanted some pussy, and Lise knew it. My dick was hard and throbbing. I was a selfish son of a bitch. I couldn't fuck her if I was thinking of Daniela. Or can I? I'd done it before. Why is it different this time?

  The difference was Daniela and my quest to win her back. I needed to change my ways and prove myself worthy of her. It was hard to concentrate as I weighed my options.

  Lise could suck cock like no one I'd ever known, and she was playing with mine. Shit! Lise was fucking stripped naked and on top of me. She leaned in and kissed my mouth. I was a dog. On automatic, I stuck my tongue in her mouth, but all I could think about was kissing Daniela.

  Lise pulled back with a smile on her face. "You're hungry tonight. Let me give you something to eat."

  She had no idea how hungry I was. Turning around on top of me, she stuck her pussy in my face as she put my dick in her mouth. Shit and more shit! I needed a fucking prize for pushing her off of me.

  At first, she was confused. Then, she was fucking pissed. She yelled at me in whatever language she spoke. Hell if I knew what she was saying. I was fucking shocked at what I'd done. I didn't know I had it in me. I liked to fuck, and I liked fucking Lise every way I could, but not anymore. I wanted Daniela. I wanted her in my bed and in my life.

  That was the last time I had seen Lise.

  To say I was frustrated was an understatement. I loved having sex all the time. It was my way of de-stressing after a long day. Now, on my quest to win back Daniela, I was pussy-less. Shit. I was crawling out of my skin. Like a fucking junkie, I needed a fix.

  On top of everything else, I had no idea how to approach Daniela. For that matter, I didn't even know how to find her. I did a Google search and found that her address and information was blocked. Damn her and her need for privacy and all that boundary shit. How am I going to find her? I was on the verge of going crazy as these frustrated thoughts fucked with my head.

  Earlier today, I'd received a text from Chris to meet him for drinks. I knew he wanted to talk about Breathe. I'd done this with him before. I knew the routine, but at the moment, I was in no mood. I needed to fucking get laid before I lost it. Then again, I thought maybe a drink would do me some good, so I agreed to meet him at Houston's on Miracle Mile at five thirty.

  I pulled into the valet and tossed him my keys. As usual, the place was packed, and the bar was full of women dying to get picked up. I wondered if they were always so obvious with their low-cut and tight clothes.

  My pheromones must have been giving off the I-need-to-get-fucked-hard-and-now vibe. As I made my way over to Chris, a few women smiled and offered to buy me a drink as they handed me napkins with their numbers. I needed a fucking prize. If I wasn't on a mission, I would've bagged two of them in the bathroom at the same time. Just thinking of girl-on-girl action was getting me hard. I needed a drink fast.

  I had to wade through a sea of bodies pressing up against me before I met up with Chris.

  "Rick, it's good to see you." Chris extended his hand to me and called over the bartender.

  She leaned over the bar as she took my drink order. She was easily a double-D. Her tits were begging to be handled, nibbled, and sucked. I asked her for a double and told her to keep them coming as I thought about her doubles and her coming. I needed an outlet before I went insane. Shit! I was coming undone.

  Chris and I engaged in small talk, and then I told him my impressions on Breathe. I was biased. After all this time, Breathe was where I saw Daniela, so for me, it would be memorable. Regardless, there really wasn't anything negative I could say. I didn't think Chris was convinced because I seemed distracted.

  Sweat started beading on my forehead. The bartender kept coming by and leaning over the counter next to me. Sexually frustrated to the nth degree, I tossed back my Johnny Walker like it was water. This abstinence thing was really getting to me. I couldn't handle it.

  "Are you okay?" Chris asked.

  I wasn't exactly going to tell Chris that I'd seen my ex—who happened to leave with his friend—that I wanted her back and that I was now on a quest to become a man worthy of her affections. Not to mention, this meant I hadn't gotten laid in two weeks, so I was going to explode. Nothing I was doing was taking away the edge.

  After I threw back the rest of my drink, I simply said, "I've been stressed at work."

  Chris patted me on the back. "I know exactly what you need—basketball."

  "Basketball? How the hell is that supposed to relieve my stress?" I asked, signaling the bartender for another drink.

  Chris took a swig of his beer before he said, "Exercise and endorphins—the feel good stuff. My buddies and I get together on Thursdays. You should come."

  I looked over at him and considered the offer. Chris is a good guy.

  He added, "The guys are really cool. They wouldn't mind if you joined our game. You've already met Lucas."

  Bingo. "I might have to take you up on that. I need to do something."

  This had to be a sign from God. This was the prize I was getting for becoming a fucking honorary priest. For the first time in two weeks, I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. I was just going to find out if Liam was still talking to Daniela. It was my only viable lead right now. I was so fucking excited that I could have kissed Chris right here. Yes, I'm one step closer to Daniela.

  I loved the game of basketball. It represented life. I had to work as a team, think quickly on my feet, and trust my instincts. Plus, there was something special about being at the free throw line.

  I stood on the court, waiting for the guys to arrive. As long as our schedules permitted, Chris, Wyatt, my buddy Josh, and I came every Thursday. We played a fierce game of two on two. Wyatt and Chris always teamed up together. They had nothing on the Lucas-Josh dream team.

  With its high ceilings and waxed wood floors, the gym was awesome. I was palming the ball, looking at the basket, as I began to dribble it. There were times in life when it wasn't about being part of a team. Everything was on your shoulders alone. On the free throw line, I had to block out the crowds and the other team. My only focus was on the goal: making the basket. I bounced the ball a couple of times and took the shot. Whoosh.

  Moving over a cart full of balls, I got back on the free throw line, thinking of Dani. We'd been seeing each other for a couple of weeks now. After wiping the sweat from my brow, I bounced the ball a few times as I thought about what an amazing woman she was. I took the shot. Whoosh.

  I bounced the ball a few more times. I hadn't spent much time with her since the weekend. It took everything in me to stay away, especially considering that my station house was close to her office. Even though we both had busy schedules, I just wanted to see her all
the time. While I looked at the basket, I couldn't believe how quickly she'd gotten under my skin. I took the shot. Whoosh.

  Bouncing the ball, I thought about how there was something unique about Dani. She stood out from every woman I'd ever known. When I pictured her smile, I smiled.

  Chris called out, "Yo, Lucas, we're here."

  I looked over to see him strut in with the douche from the club.

  Turning back around, I took the shot. Whoosh.

  I watched as Rick walked into our gym like he owned the place, and that brought me back to the present.

  I didn't like Rick. He was a cocky son of a bitch, and I hated the way he'd gawked at Dani the other night. He was bad news, and I didn't trust him. These were reasons enough for me not to like him, but I trusted Chris with my life. If Chris thought it was a good idea to bring that asshole, then I would be open-minded for Chris's sake.

  Chris waved. "Hey, Lucas."

  I jogged over to Chris and Rick. After wiping my hands on a clean towel, I greeted both of them. Wyatt and Josh walked in behind them.

  After a short warm up, we divided into teams. Rick played on Wyatt and Chris's team. However, it made no difference because we wiped the floor with them. As intense as we normally played, this game was more aggressive. It seemed personal between Rick and me. I didn't know what the hell his problem was, but he needed to back the fuck off before I didn't care that he was Chris's friend.

  "Good game, guys," Josh said, patting the losers on the back as we walked off the court.

  "Yo," Wyatt said, coming up next to me. "Oh, smitten one, I heard you met someone Saturday night."

  Wyatt, Chris, and I were close, but we weren't that close.


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