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Hollywood Redemption: A Hollywood Romance (Fairlane Series Book 1)

Page 19

by Harlow Layne

  Laying my head on his shoulder, I asked against his neck. “Do you wish you hadn’t asked me to come?”

  “No?” he questioned then gave a small chuckle. “I want you to see what I do. I want you to be a part of my life, but I also don’t want you to run away because of it.”

  Sitting up, I cupped his cheeks as I gazed into his cerulean eyes. “I was so excited to see you at work. If I would have known… I’m not normally a jealous kind of girl.”

  Resting his forehead on mine, Luke looked into my eyes for a long moment. “You know she’s jealous of you, right?”

  I huffed out a laugh. “Jealous of me? Right?”

  “Oh girlie, girl.” Lars called out from the doorway causing us to break apart. He started walking toward us with an evil grin on his face. “You have no clue, do you? You’re gorgeous and I may be wrong, but she was probably planning on trying to advance her career today with her leading man, if you know what I’m saying.”

  My teeth gritted at the thought. “That makes me hate her all the more because he’s mine.”

  “Oh, possessive. I like that. For once I don’t think Luke minds someone claiming him.”

  Luke’s arms wrapped tighter around me, but he said nothing as he watched his friend come closer.

  “I’ve had a word and I’ve been assured that Lana will no longer have any more problems on her end, so if you’re set to get changed we can hopefully finish with enough time for you to catch your flight.”

  “It doesn’t matter if we are done or not, we’ll be making our flight.”

  “I’m only joking, my friend. I know this is important to you and now I can see why.” Lars winked at me. “You did good, my friend. You did good.”


  “Have you ever been to Mexico?” I asked Luke as we rode in the back of a town car the resort had sent for us. Everyone else had arrived the previous day, so we were alone for the time being.

  He rolled his head against the headrest. “No, not Mexico. Have you?”

  “When I was a child I came twice, but that was back when you didn’t need a passport to enter the country. I relied on my blonde hair and blue eyes as my way to get out.”

  “What?” Luke asked with a laugh. His brow furrowed in confusion as he looked at me.

  “I was young, probably around nine or ten, when I went with my grandparents and of course because I was so young I had no identification. When we were coming back across the border the people acted as if they weren’t going to let me back in the country, so my grandfather told me to flash my pretty blue eyes at them. All I knew was that I didn’t want to get stuck in Mexico, so I batted my eyes, and everyone laughed at me.” A smile tipped my lips thinking back. “They let me right through.”

  Luke laughed again, his head thrown back against the headrest. “I want to see pictures of you back then. I bet you were cute.”

  “Oh, no. I don’t think so.” I shook my head at him as I cringed internally. “I was so not cute.”

  “Everyone thinks they weren’t cute when they were young unless they’re full of themselves and with how beautiful you are now, I know that you were cute, very cute.”

  “Well, you are very sweet, but you are also very wrong. I know the truth.”

  Pulling me closer, Luke swept his lips across my cheek until they greeted the shell of my ear where he vowed. “Baby, I’m going to tell you every day that you are beautiful until you believe me. Even if it takes until the end of my days.”

  Fuck, I loved him. Could he be any more perfect for me?

  I interlaced our fingers and then brought them to my mouth, kissing the back of his hand. “Seriously where have you been all my life?”

  Leaning down, he rested the side of his head against mine and spoke softly. “Waiting to meet you in that restaurant.”

  “You’re going to make me cry.” I started to turn my head to look out my window, but Luke stopped me.

  The warmth that emanated from his eyes melted me and made me lean into his touch once again. “I won’t make you cry and even if you do, it’s okay.” His eyes searched my face, but whatever he was looking for he didn’t find. I hated disappointing him, but there was nothing I could do in that instance. “You don’t have to hide from me. I’ll never find you lacking. That I can promise you.”

  “I know and I’m trying. It’s easier to believe the bad especially when you’ve heard it for so long.” I let out a frustrated breath. “It’s been engrained in me for so damn long that I don’t know any other way, but for you I’m trying my hardest. You might have to remind me a few or a thousand times.”

  We both let out a laugh, but it was cut off abruptly as we stared into each other's eyes and I had an epiphany.

  I had found him. The one man on the planet that was perfect for me. I was sure of it and I would not let anyone, or anything fuck it up for me. I would fight heaven and hell to keep him.

  Almost like we could read each other’s minds, our lips crashed in a wave of emotion too great to name. It was sweet and desperate at the same time, full of so much want and need that I was sure that if we didn’t reach the resort soon, we’d get arrested for public indecency to say the least.

  Luckily for us the car pulled to a stop in front of the resort before any clothes were removed. Unfortunately, we wouldn’t be alone for a while because the second after we were checked in and escorted to our villa, our group was waiting for us. Even though I’d missed Anna, I was desperate for just a little more time with Luke.

  “Alex,” Anna called excitedly and waved from a lounger that sat outside the living area, overlooking the ocean. The view was gorgeous, and I could hear the waves crashing even from inside. It was heaven and I couldn’t wait to spend the next few days basking in the sun, enjoying the pool, friends, food, and especially Luke.

  “Hey!” I waved back and took in the small group of people that were hanging out in the shade. Luckily, I’d met them all when I’d visited Anna for the fourth of July, so I wasn’t too uncomfortable around them. They were all celebrities or with celebrities, but they were also just people who made insane paychecks.

  Before we could make it to her lounger, Anna had sat her drink and sunglasses down on a small table and stood in greeting. Wrapping her arms around me, she hugged me tight. “I’m so happy you guys are finally here. I didn’t want you to show up and everyone be gone. Plus, I don’t want to overdo it in the sun. I’m not getting any younger,” she said brightly, with a genuine smile that would put anyone immediately at ease.

  Anna was older than I was by almost ten years, but she could easily pass for my age if not younger. She had nothing to worry about with ageing. I needed to find out her secrets and start now so I could look as good as her.

  I didn’t have time to respond. She quickly turned and gave Luke a small hug and then stood back with her head tilted to see him better.

  “Luke, I’m so happy you could make it. I know Alex would’ve been sad if she only had the likes of us to hang out with.”

  “That’s not true.” I proclaimed until Anna turned toward me with her hands on her hips, her brows raised with a knowing look on her face. “Well, I would have been sad if Luke had to miss the trip because I would miss him, but I would’ve been happy to be with you.”

  “I know, honey. I was just kidding around with you. You guys are in the honeymoon phase where you can’t get enough of each other.”

  Wrapping my arms around Luke, I rested my head on his chest and smiled at Anna. “I wouldn’t quite call it the honeymoon stage, but I can definitely attest to the fact that I can’t get enough of him.”

  “I bet you guys are married or at least engaged by this time next year.”


  Both Luke and I turned abruptly to Ruby, Anna’s best friend for the last ten years or so. I wasn’t sure of the look on his face, but I knew my mouth was gaping and that my eyes had gone wide with shock.

  “Everyone knows it.” Ruby said over her shoulder as she stood to walk down t
o the beach. “It’s only a matter of time. Don’t try to fight it.”

  Fight it? I wouldn’t fight it, but I hadn’t even told Luke I loved him yet nor he, I. She was putting the cart before the horse, but I had no doubt that she was right.

  “Come on.” Ruby angrily looked back once more. “They’re here, we waited, and now I want to go to the beach.”

  Well, shit. It looked like I hadn’t made a friend in Ruby. Was she mad that Anna had invited us on their annual vacation? My head tipped up to see Luke looking down at me with a surprised look on his face. Shrugging my shoulders, I looked back to Ruby’s retreating form before my gaze went to Anna.

  She watched Ruby with a frown and only turned to us once Ruby had thrown something down on a chair and took the one next to it.

  “I’m sorry. I had no idea she was going to do that. Her boyfriend broke up with her right before Christmas so she’s not really feeling the love, and I think she’s a little jealous of you two.”

  I couldn’t help but look back to where Ruby was sitting down on the beach by herself. “If I would’ve known she was going to be upset by us coming, I wouldn’t have come.”

  “Fuck her!” Cyndi answered back as she stood and started to collect her stuff. “She’ll get over it. Don’t let her ruin your vacation. I know I’m not going to let her ruin mine. Besides, young love is sweet and hot.” She gave us a wink before she headed to the beach to join Ruby.

  “I agree,” Grace said quietly as she too started to put her towel and suntan lotion in a beach bag.

  I’d only met Anna’s friends the one time I’d gone to visit her, but I liked them. Well, maybe not Ruby, but I liked the rest of them. They were each so different from each other but complimented each at the same time. Ruby was a bitch while Cyndi was fun and outspoken to Grace’s quietness. Anna, I felt, held them all together.

  Luke shifted in my hold and tightened a hand around my hip. “Maybe we should give you all some time alone before we join you.”

  “No,” Anna answered, shaking her head. “Don’t let her win. Don’t let her see any defeat. Go put your stuff away if you want, change, and then join us. You deserve to be here just as much as she does. Okay?”

  I nodded because what else could I do. I didn’t come all this way for someone to ruin my time with Luke and Anna. I felt Luke nod too before I started to turn and head back inside.

  We’d been down at the beach for a couple of hours. The girls all laid out on loungers until we got too hot and had to take a dip in the water, and the guys played volleyball with another group of men they’d found on the beach.

  Ruby had kept quiet the whole time and pouted when I took my seat next to Anna, but I paid her no mind. Instead of focusing on the negative, I watched Luke and Colton with their shirts off, their muscles rippling with each movement as they got hot and sweaty. It was hard to take my eyes off Luke and his body. He was getting me hotter than the sun.

  I wasn’t sure when everyone else had ate, but I’d barely eaten anything since we’d gotten up early for Luke to shoot his commercial. I leaned over to Anna touching her bronzed arm.

  “Hey, I’m going to go see if Luke wants to go get something to eat with me. I’m starved. I got up too early to eat much. If you need us, text me. I should have my phone on me.”

  Anna leaned closer to me to the point it looked like she might fall off her lounger with a worried look on her face. “Are you sure there’s nothing else?” Her eyes darted toward Ruby in a silent question.

  “I’m sure. I really am hungry, that’s all. Do I like that she’s upset with me for some unknown reason? No, but there’s nothing I can do about it and I’m not letting her ruin my time here.”

  “Good.” Her hand reached over and squeezed mine. “Don’t eat to heavily. The only bad thing about coming here this time of year is the sun sets pretty early. Typically, once it starts to set, we start getting ready and then head out to dinner. I have a really cool place planned for tonight since you’ve never been.” Her eyes gleamed with excitement causing me to smile at her.

  “I look forward to it, just let me know when we should be ready.” I leaned closer so that I could whisper, and she would still be able to hear me. “Who else is staying in our villa?”

  “Cyndi,” Anna answered with a knowing look.

  Standing I looked down at Anna and waved. “Great!” After making eye contact with everyone but Ruby and giving them a wave, I made my way over to where Luke and Colton had played volleyball. Now they were all sitting around talking and drinking.

  The moment Luke saw me coming their way a smile broke out across his face and he stood. It made me beyond happy to see his reaction. It felt wonderful and unbelievable, and I was going to bask in it every opportunity I had. I also didn’t mind the hungry look that crossed his face as he took me in from head to toe. I had on a simple bikini that was an ombre of turquoise colors that went well with what little tan I had left from the summer.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and brought me to him until our bodies were flush to one another. My hands slid up from his ripped abs to his glistening chest.

  “Hey, handsome. I wanted to see if you wanted to go get something to eat with me.”

  His eyes half-lidded, he gazed at my mouth. “I’m sure I could be persuaded to eat with a lovely lady.”

  With my arms wrapped around his neck, I smiled up at him. “I could really use a shower before we go anywhere. Would you like to join me?”

  A throat cleared behind us before the group chuckled.

  I looked around Luke’s arm to see Colton trying to fight his amusement. “Alex, you didn’t introduce me to your man.”

  “Did you not introduce yourself?” I asked, shaking my head at him while he tried not to laugh. “Luke, this is Colton.” I pointed to Colt. “And Colt, this is Luke.”

  “Her man.” His voiced sounded proud to call himself mine and I loved it almost as much as I loved him.

  “My man. Now, if you’ll excuse us, I need to take a shower and get some food in me.”

  “Sure. Have fun you guys.” Colt gave us a wink while his lips twitched.

  Lacing our fingers together, we walked up to our villa. “Did you have fun with the girls?”

  “I guess,” I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. “Ruby kind of brought down the mood. Anna and I talked a little bit, and I relaxed, but that’s about it. I’m sure it would’ve been different if Cyndi hadn’t fallen asleep.”

  “I’m sure. She seems like she’d be pretty crazy.”

  “I don’t really know them. I only met the girls the weekend I met you and I kind of ditched Anna to spend time with you.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did otherwise we might not be here right now.” Leaning down until his lips found mine, Luke pinned me to the sliding glass door that led out to our balcony.

  “Do we have time for a quickie” I asked against his lips.

  “No quickies for you. You went your whole life without an orgasm before me. I want it to be good for you and for you to enjoy it. Every time.”

  “It’s very good for me. Hell, I can’t get enough of you and after I sat and watched you play volleyball, it’s all I can do not to jump you out here where anyone could see us. Anyway, I’m sure I could still enjoy a quickie. You’re very good at pleasing me.”

  A wicked grin tipped his lips. “I aim to please. Now, let’s get inside so I can strip that tiny bikini off you. It’s been driving me crazy since the moment you put it on.”

  “Really?” I asked, as I snaked an arm around to undo the tie at my neck.

  Luke’s eyes darkened as he stepped toward me, sweeping me off my feet and carrying me to the bathroom over his shoulder. I hadn’t really taken our room in when we first arrived. We’d simply put on our swimsuits and headed down to the beach.

  Lifting my head from his back with my hands on his hard ass, I squeezed each cheek while I envisioned biting them.

  Luke slid me down his body and my fee
t touched the cool tile. The bathroom wasn’t as big as I expected it to be. Maybe it had something to do with how big Luke was. His broad shoulders filled the room as he stepped inside the shower and turned on the water.

  To the right of me was a bathtub with candles all around it, but sadly it wasn’t big enough to fit the both of us. I’d never really thought of the size of bathtubs before meeting Luke since I was short and had no problem fitting in one, but now I was annoyed that we wouldn’t have the opportunity to use it.

  Warm hands smoothed down my sides pulling me against his chest. “Hey, what’s with the frown?”

  “This tub is too small for the both of us.” My bottom lip popped out, and I knew it was childish, but seriously I wanted to use it with him.

  His lips found my neck and trailed kisses down and across my collarbone. “Baby, we’ve got that hot tub right out there. I know it’s not the same, but we can still enjoy it.”

  “You’re right. I think right now we should enjoy the shower.”

  Without a word, Luke untied the strings from my bikini bottom and had my top off in record time as he walked me backwards into the shower spray. At the same time, my fingers tried to untie his shorts, but they were wet and hard to get undone. Instead I tried to push them down over is hips, but they wouldn’t budge.

  I gave one last tug with no results. “Damn it! I need you naked.”

  One hand slid up my neck to cup my jaw, our lips fused together in a hungry kiss. Our teeth clashed, and my tongue tasted him, causing me to moan.

  My moan grew as I felt his erection spring free from his shorts and press against my stomach. Wrapping my leg around his hip, Luke’s hands lifted me up until his tip could slide along my wet folds. My arms and legs wrapped around him as I held myself up. I licked up his neck and jaw until my lips found his mouth once again and I nibbled on his bottom lip.


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