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Hollywood Redemption: A Hollywood Romance (Fairlane Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Harlow Layne

  Stilling, Luke positioned his hard cock at my opening and thrust deep inside, filling and stretching me all in one motion.

  My back arched against the cold tile of the shower wall as my body accepted every inch.

  Luke flexed his fingers and dug them into my hips, as I wrapped my legs and arms around him even tighter. It took everything I had in me to keep hold and not slip as our bodies moved together in a hypnotic dance, reaching a dizzying peak before relaxing into each other.

  My hand trailed across his bare chest and down to hook around his side. Closing my eyes, I relished being in Luke’s arms and that we were in no hurry. “That wasn’t as easy as it was at your house.” I laughed and felt Luke’s body shake along with mine. “That step thing in your shower is definitely needed for us and our height difference. I think that was my work out for the week.”

  “It was a good workout and one that I look forward to again.”

  “I don’t know how you did it. I mean, you did most of the work and I’m spent. If you hadn’t carried me to the bed, I’d still be sitting in the shower.”

  Chuckling, he turned and wrapped both arms around me. “I’d never leave you in the shower. And for your information, I’m just as spent as you are.”

  “I don’t want to get up. I was hungry before, but now I could stay here with you and take a nap.”

  Luke hummed as he shifted his leg in between mine. “Why don’t we order room service? While we wait for it to arrive we can nap and then eat in bed if we want.”

  “That sounds like a great idea.” I snuggled closer to his body and drifted off until I felt him move from underneath me. “What are you doing? I was so comfy.”

  “I know.” He smiled and sat down next to me. “I could hear your stomach rumbling in your sleep, so I thought I’d find the room service menu and order us up some sustenance.”

  “That’s probably a good idea.” My fingertip traced down his arm and along the vein in his hand. Turning his hand over, I linked our fingers together. “Even after all that Chinese food last night, I feel like I haven’t eaten in days. You really worked up an appetite in me.”

  His response was to cup my cheek before placing a soft kiss to my lips. “You do my ego well.”

  “I’m only telling the truth. You may need another vacation after this one because I plan to ride you every chance I get.”

  “Good to know we’re on the same page.” With that parting shot, Luke winked and left.


  I’d quietly been taking in the restaurant that Anna wanted us to try. It was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. It was in a cave and when I heard those words, I wasn’t excited. My first thoughts were it was going to be cold, dark, and dirty, but it was nothing like I imagined.

  Instead, it was amazing. The space wasn’t large and with the low lighting it made each table intimate, with bright and fun colors that glowed on the walls from the floor. We had a table in the very back and I’d been seated where I could see the entire place. I sat back and drank one of the best margaritas that I’d ever had while taking it all.

  “So, what did you two do the rest of the afternoon?” Anna had a knowing smile on her face as her eyes kept moving from Luke, to me, and back again.

  “I was tired from all the traveling yesterday and today, so we ordered room service and stayed in bed.”

  “Bed being the operative word here.” Colt elbowed Luke.

  I could feel the pink rise from my chest and up my neck until it reached the tip of my ears. Had someone heard us when we got back to our room?

  Beside me, I felt Luke’s body go rigid. “Do not shame her.” Luke growled. “Are you not going to fuck your wife while you’re here? Do you want everyone here to give you shit or knowing looks every time the two of you walk into a room?”

  Colt’s eyes widened as he stared back in shock. Luke was pissed, and it only seemed to escalate as the seconds went by.

  “I’m sorry, dude. I meant no harm.” Colt finally managed to speak, but I wasn’t sure if it was enough for Luke.

  “I don’t understand you American’s. You’re always ashamed of your body or talking about sex, unless you’re making fun of someone. Do not shame her. Alex has every right to express herself in any way she sees fit and sex is a part of that.”

  “Luke,” I called, placing one hand on his bicep in the hope to calm him down.

  When he turned to me all fury was gone and only what looked like love was in his eyes. It was possible I was mistaken and only read what I wanted to see, but in that moment I hoped I was right, because it would crush me if I was wrong. “You were embarrassed.” He said softly for only me to hear.

  “I was.” I agreed feeling silly for something that was so good and right between us. “But you’re right. We’re both two consenting adults and I shouldn’t let what others say bother me.”

  “Alex.” Colt cut in. “I’m sorry. I was only having fun and never meant to embarrass you. I really am sorry.”

  “Thanks,” I replied, briefly looking at him and then turning away to take a quick sip of my margarita.

  There was no reason for me to be embarrassed. I was an adult and had done nothing wrong. For the first time in my life, I was enjoying sex and wanted it with a man that I was in a relationship with, and that man wanted me just as badly. A man that I loved and who had repeatedly told me that he was in it for the long haul.

  “Not all of us are European, Luke,” Cyndi called from further down the table. “I’m not saying that anyone here is ashamed of their body, but yes, we are all American’s and didn’t grow up showing everyone our bits. We all know you’ve got no problem showing the world your body.”

  “What?” I asked looking at everyone at the table. “We do?” I had no idea what Cyndi was talking about. Had Luke gone out and flashed them or something when I’d fallen asleep earlier?

  “I have nothing to hide,” Luke shot back.

  “Yes, we all know,” Ruby condescendingly replied.

  “Am I missing something here?” I asked as I looked between Luke and Ruby.

  “Oh, honey, I’m sure you haven’t missed an inch of him,” Ruby sneered.

  Setting my glass down, I squared my shoulders as I looked down the table at everyone. “What the hell is going on? I don’t know what your fucking problem is with me, but we’ll get to that later,” I said to Ruby. I was tired of her attitude, but she’d have to wait. “What I want to know is what’s behind this insinuation about Luke?”

  “Honey,” Anna said softly with sadness in her eyes.

  I was getting frustrated and wanted to leave before I blew up at everyone and made myself look like an idiot. Taking a deep breath in, I placed both palms on the table in an effort to calm down. “Just tell me. Someone tell me what she’s talking about.”

  “It’s nothing bad.” Anna started and then turned to give Cyndi and Ruby a dirty look before looking back at me. “I don’t even know if it’s true. It was something Ruby mentioned once she found out that the two of you were coming.” She gave me a sad smile and then looked to Luke. “Like I said it’s nothing bad, there are rumors that when you have to do a scene where you’re supposed to be nude that you don’t wear a cock sock. You just let it all hang out.”

  “I don’t wear anything. I don’t see what the big deal is. Do you wear one, Colt?”

  “Yes, I do.” Colton answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  Were they saying that Luke was running around the set naked for all to see him?

  “Look at her now,” Ruby laughed evilly from her end of the table.

  Seriously, what was wrong with her? I’d done nothing to Ruby and barely been around her.

  “I don’t see what the problem is?” Luke asked with genuine confusion. “Before I came to the United States, I’d never heard of this cock sock. When asked if I wanted one I declined. I’m not ashamed of my body, and no one has ever seemed to be uncomfortable with my nudity so, what’s the point?”

>   “So, your cock isn’t swinging in the breeze for all to see,” Cyndi said a little too loudly causing the few people that were close to us to look over intently.

  “Oh my God, Cyndi! Hush!” Anna gave her a stern look, but quickly looked back to me. “Alex, like I said it’s not a big deal. You know Cyndi is just giving you shit like she always does, and as for Ruby, well, she’s upset that I invited you without asking her. But she has no say in who I invite. Colt and I are the ones paying for the villas and I want to spend my vacation with my good friends. Pay no mind to her.”

  “It’s hard not to when everyone seems to have a problem with us.” Hearing the sadness in my voice, Luke hugged me to him and placed a kiss to the top of my head.

  Our food was delivered and what started out as a fun night out with friends turned into a quiet, uncomfortable dinner. No one spoke until we were ready to leave and either head back to the hotel or find a bar or club to go to.

  When everyone chose to hit the town and drink, Luke and I opted to go back to the resort. I didn’t want the drama, and I wanted to talk to Luke. I wasn’t comfortable with the thought of his nudity on set. I couldn’t get the thought out of my head of a hundred or more people on every movie or television show he was on, saw what he was packing.

  “Something’s on your mind,” Luke said as we walked back to our villa. No words had been spoken once we decided that we would not be joining the rest of the gang. I wasn’t sure if Luke was bothered by what had been said at dinner or not. He certainly didn’t act like it as he looked around at everything we passed while I was stuck inside my head.

  “You’re not wrong.”

  The arm that hadn’t moved from around my shoulders gave me a long squeeze before it slipped down my back and settled at my hip.

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “I do, but I’m afraid it will turn into a fight,” I answered as I looked up at him.

  Luke stopped in his tracks, grabbing my hand, and caused me to be pulled back and look up at him. “A fight? Why would we fight?”

  Putting my hand to his chest, I answered. “Because I feel very strongly about it and I think you do too.”

  “We’ll never know if you don’t talk to me about it. Do you want to wait until we’re back in our room or talk along the way?”

  Turning my head, I could see the resort further down the road. It wouldn’t be long before we were back in our room, and I didn’t want anyone to witness either one of us getting angry or shouting. All we needed was for our first fight to be posted on social media.

  “Let’s wait until we get back to our room.”

  “Maybe we can use the jacuzzi while everyone’s away and talk there.”

  I couldn’t help but smile even though I was upset. From the moment I saw the Jacuzzi in our room that overlooked the ocean I’d wanted to use it. I had a feeling it would be used many times by us during our stay.

  “I like the sound of that.” I started on ahead pulling him with me. “Come on, let’s go.” A chuckle came from behind me causing me to smile back at him. “What?”

  “You don’t seem as worried.”

  I shrugged and continued back to our room. We didn’t talk the rest of the way, but I wasn’t as worried for some reason. Luke had a way about him that seemed to melt all of my problems and worries away when he was with me, even if he was the problem. I wasn’t sure if that was good or bad, but for the moment I wasn’t going to worry about it.

  After a few minutes of having my eyes closed as I relaxed in the hot water of the jacuzzi, Luke pulled on my foot and brought me to him on the other side. It was unnerving that the hot tub stuck out making it look like you could fall out and into the sand below, but I knew that I wouldn’t.

  Wrapping my arms around his neck, I sat straddling Luke as I took his face in. I watched as a drop of water trailed from his forehead, down his cheek and neck, all the way down his chest, and into the water. Every time I saw Luke without a shirt on, I wanted to jump him, or anytime really. The attraction I felt for him was insane and made me wonder how I got so lucky that he ever even looked at me. The other part was that Luke treated me better than anyone had ever treated me before. Not once was he an asshole to me, and his attentiveness and the way he cared about everything I said or did was an extreme turn on.

  “Are you ready to talk yet?”

  I hadn’t been ready to talk. It was hard to think about anything except how gorgeous he was in the moonlight and all wet.

  Moving off him and facing out toward the water, I rested my chin on my arms. “I think you’re the only man in the world that ever wants to talk about this sort of stuff.”

  “Are you the only woman who doesn’t?” he countered.

  “It’s not that I don’t want to talk about it. Once we got in here, I only wanted to ogle you. I can easily get lost in you.”

  “I find it hard to control myself around you too, but I also know that our time is short.” His finger trailed from my shoulder down my arm and back again. “I don’t want anything left unsaid when we’ll be apart for a few months, especially if it’s something that’s better said face to face.”

  Laying my cheek on my arm, I looked over at him with a smile. “You’re too perfect.”

  A light rumbling chuckle filled the air. “Is that your complaint?”

  “No, you being perfect is not a complaint. It’s a wonder, but let's not get lost in that conversation. I feel like I could go on and on about how you’re perfect for me.”

  Leaning down, Luke brushed his lips against mine. Once he pulled away he murmured. “I’m glad you think so.”

  “I’m not sure how to bring this up. I mean, you know that I don’t like something, but…”

  Running a hand down my arm, his voice rumbled from beside me. “Just spit it out. I won’t interrupt you, just say what you need to say.”

  “Okay, here it goes.” Taking a deep breath, I let it out and told him what was bothering me. “I don’t like the idea of you being naked on set. I understand that with many, or almost all, of your roles they want you to show off what you’ve got, and I don’t blame them. Do what sells, but the vast majority in the audience doesn’t need to know that you held true to the scene and didn’t cover yourself up.”

  Luke’s full attention was on me. He wasn’t looking out at the water or trying to avoid this. I had every bit of him. “Is there more?”

  “I feel like your penis is mine.” A laugh escaped, and I slapped a hand over my mouth. “Oh my God! That sounds so bad.”

  Luke shook beside me and even wiped a tear away once he had calmed down some.

  “I understand your views on American’s and our attitude towards nudity and sexuality, but someone or many someone’s seeing you fully naked while you’re working… it doesn’t sit well with me. I feel like I can’t ask you to not do that because you wouldn’t care if I walked out to the beach with everyone there and was naked for all to see.”

  “If you were comfortable with everyone seeing you naked, then no I wouldn’t care, but I do know that you would care if anyone else saw you. I would care though, if you were doing it because you wanted to make another man attracted to you, or to make me jealous.”

  “To me your cock is a very private part of you and I don’t like it that everyone on set gets to see you like that. To know every inch and vein. I know I’m not the only person in the world who has been intimate with you and knows your cock in detail, but for hundreds of people to see it. I don’t like the thought of it.”

  I blew out a breath and shook my head before I looked back out to the ocean and the moonlight glinting off the waves.

  I could feel his eyes on me as I stared out at the water. We were both quiet for a long time before Luke broke the silence. “It does upset you greatly, doesn’t it?”

  Letting out a deep breath, I nodded. “It does, and it makes me feel stupid.”

  Slipping his fingers under my chin, he turned my head, so that I was looking straight into hi
s eyes. “Why on earth would it make you feel stupid?”

  “Because I know that it’s going to continue to bother me and it won’t matter.”

  “Hey, what you think does matter.” Furrowing his brows, his eyes penetrated mine. “Especially to me. If you want me to wear one of those flesh colored socks, then I will. It’s not worth you being upset or it coming between us. I should clarify that no one is close enough to know every inch or vein, not even the actress I’m with, and when there’s a sex scene the crew is very minimal.” His lips twitched at the last part and I was sure mine did too. I knew it was ridiculous, but I think it helped get my point across.

  “You’d really do that for me?”

  “Beautiful, you’d be surprised by what I’d do for you.” He leaned forward until our foreheads touched, and we were gazing into each other's eyes.

  “Would you so willingly show your cock if it was small?”

  Instead of answering me, he blinked as if in shock.

  “Come on now, you know that your cock is big. The first time we had sex I wasn’t sure how all of you would fit in me. If I hadn’t been so turned on I would have been scared you were going to break me.”

  “We fit perfectly together. In every way.” His was voice full of conviction.

  “I have to agree.”

  God, I loved this man. I wanted to cry with how much he meant to me and that he so easily gave in to what I wanted. I somewhat understood his view on nudity even though I didn’t feel the same way, but I was so happy that I wouldn’t obsess over it and have it become a problem.

  I leapt from where I’d been sitting, wrapping my arms around his neck and crushing my mouth to his. Our teeth clashed together before my tongue swept in searching for his. He tasted of Luke and the beer and tequila he had at dinner. He tasted perfect.

  Pulling my mouth from his, I wrapped my hand around his neck as my thumb stroked behind his ear. “I have something I want to say, and I hope it’s not too soon, but I can’t hold it in any longer or I might burst.” I smiled nervously at him and bit the inside of my lip. “Every day it becomes harder and harder not to tell you.” His eyes glowed in the moonlight, staring deep into my soul, giving me the promise that he might just love me back. Taking the leap, I brushed my lips to his. “I love you, Luke.”


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