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Pole Position

Page 15

by H. M. Montes

  Her uncle sat there shaking his head, “We always wondered if he was racing drunk, he’d race somewhat good in the heat race but by feature time he was a mess. I don’t know how the officials didn’t catch on to it.” When I told them about the night of the wreck, how my mom had talked to Jimmy after the heat race asking where his wife and little girl was. Chassis’ mom started to cry then laughed and told me all about the chicken pox and how mad Chassis was that she couldn’t go. “I have pictures of her somewhere, she would have been miserable at the track, but she was still so mad at her dad.” She said with a smile then put her arm around Chassis.

  “I think you two need to go talk.” She told Chassis.

  “Chassis, go talk to the boy, go out to the farm, we’ll call when supper is ready.” He said with a smile.

  We all stood up, I held my hand out to Chassis but she didn’t take it, she stood up and walked out of the house. I followed right behind her, she was just about to get in her car, “Uh no, I followed you all the way here, you’re riding with me Mrs. Lead foot.” I told her then helped her into my pickup.

  The ride to her uncle’s farm was silent except for when she told me where to turn. I followed a long driveway, then she told me to keep going down an over grown trail. When I popped over a small hill, there was a race track over grown with weeds but you could still tell it was a race track. I shut the pickup off and turned the key back so the radio would still play, I flipped the console up and pulled Chassis towards me. She didn’t take the hint so I grabbed her hips and pulled her on to me so she was straddling me. We set there in silence just staring at each other for a few minutes, “I’m not him, okay? I’m sorry for what happened, you have to believe me, I have nothing to do with him. He only comes to me when he wants money, when I tell him ‘No’ he thinks he can beat the shit out of me.” I told her. She looked down at my chest so I tipped her chin up so she was looking at me again, “Do you believe me? I swear I had no idea who you were, I tried to figure it out but I couldn’t. I knew that I should know you from somewhere but I couldn’t figure out where. I didn’t pursue you to hurt you Chassis.” I told her. She nodded her head then covered her face with her hands, I pulled them away, she started blushing and looked back down at my chest. I again lifted her chin “Talk to me.” I said.

  “I…I think I love you.” She said as her face turned even more pink. As soon as those words left her mouth, it took all I had not to strip her down and prove to her how much I loved her back.

  I smiled, “You think so? Because I’m pretty sure I fell in love with you.” I told her. She smiled and shifted on my lap, when she felt my cock pushing against my jeans she shook her head and said we couldn’t have sex in the pick up since there wasn’t room. I laughed, “Oh we can and we will if you want to.” I told her.

  “Do you want to?” she asked.

  I rolled my eyes and lifted my hips, “What do you think?”. I lifted her off me and helped her pull her sweat pants off, I kicked my shoes off, unbuttoned my pants, and pushed them down along with my boxers. She was sitting there with her shirt on still, I told her to take it off as I pulled mine over my head. She was now naked and once again blushing, she was fucking beautiful. I pulled her on to my lap again, using a finger I found that she was already really wet. “Oil level is good.” I told her and positioned the head of my cock at her entrance. She slowly and I mean slowly slid down my cock, her pussy was so tight and wet I was afraid that I would cum the very second she slid up then back down. “OUCH” she said as the tip of my cock hit her cervix, but I wasn’t in all the way. She sat there and very slowly made small circles with her hips, I licked my thumb then pressed it against her clit.

  “Shouldn’t I move more?” she panted out.

  I shook my head, “Fuck no, (I rubbed circles on her clit), I can feel you cumming all over my dick like this.” I told her as I felt more of her hot cum flood her pussy. A couple of minutes later she slid up then looked down as she lowered herself onto me again and again. Each time she slid up I could see her cum covering my cock and could feel it sliding down to my balls. I threw my head back against the head rest “Jesus fucking Christ.” I panted out.

  She licked my neck then sucked on it, “Oh god Jet, oh Jesus that..” she said as she moved her hips front to back. I grabbed my cell phone, “What are you doing?” she asked as I pointed it at where we were connected.

  “I’m going to record this, so anytime you’re not around I can watch it and jack off.” I told her with a smile. She shook her head at me then started moving up and down faster, I pulled some of the wetness from her pussy up to her clit with my thumb and started pressing harder circles on it. She had one hand on the head rest beside my head and the other against the driver side window. The windows were all fogged over as we both moaned and panted trying to make it last for as long as we could.

  “Oh fuck..oh god..JET…” she screamed, literally screamed my name as she slammed down on me again.

  “Are you ready to cum baby?” I asked her then leaned forward and took a nipple in my mouth, I sucked on it and pulled at it with my teeth gently.

  “Yes..Oh fuck…”, she moaned and threw her head back. I felt her pussy walls clamp down on my dick and pull me further inside of her.

  “Can I cum in you Chassis?” I growled out. She nodded her head yes as she pushed down harder hitting her cervix again and again. I punched my hips up to meet hers, she screamed again as we both found our release. My cock twitched inside of her as I filled her with cum.

  We sat there panting against each other shoulders, she slowly pulled herself off of me. I looked over to see my cum running down her thigh as she looked for something to clean it off with. I swiped it off the inside of her thigh with my fingers, “Suck it off.” I told her and held my fingers up to her, she grabbed my hand put my fingers in her mouth. She never took her eyes off of mine as she pulled them out of her mouth. I growled, “You keep that up and I’m going to fuck you against the tailgate.” I told her, then handed her my boxers so she could finish cleaning up. Her uncle called to tell us supper was ready, just as she was about to put her sweat pants on I told her to leave them off. “I’m going to get an even ten orgasms out of you before we get back to town.” I told her.

  She laughed, “No you won’t, you can’t.” She told me. I raised an eyebrow at her, zipped my pants up put my shirt on then my shoes. I grabbed her sweat pants and put them between me and the door.

  “Just lay back, you’re going to learn I CAN and will make your body do what I want it to” I told her.

  On the way back to town the cab of my pickup was filled with her screams as I fingered her pussy and flicked her clit. A block away from the house I finally gave her back her sweat pants. She pulled them on. Then fixed her pony tail. “We’re going back to campus, but I think we’ll get a hotel for the night.” I told her as we pulled in the driveway of her mom’s house. She smiled and nodded her head then went to get out of the pickup. I grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a kiss, “I love you Chassis.” I told her.

  “I love you too Jet.” She said with a beautiful smile on her face. As we walked towards the house I stopped her, bent down so I could whisper in her ear.

  “I got the even ten out of you, and I love how much of a screamer you are. Tonight I’ll make sure we get kicked out of the hotel.” I told her then walked towards the house.

  She caught up to me, “No, tonight, I’m going to suck your dick until you can’t cum anymore.” She told me, then opened the door and walked inside. I stood there blinking and shocked before I followed her inside.

  Her mom was just finishing up putting food on the table, I had to stand behind Chassis because after her little comment and watching her cum three more times on the way back to town, my dick was rock hard. I followed Chassis over to the table, her uncle introduced me to his wife before we started eating. Her uncle was talking to me about racing, when suddenly her mom spewed water across the table and started choking.

!! Are you okay?” Chassis asked and jumped up from the table. Her mom shook her head and held her hand up letting Chassis know she was okay.

  She coughed a couple of times, took another drink of water, “Did you two get things talked over?” her mom asked as she set her glass of water down.

  Chassis smiled at her mom then at me, “Yes, we did.”

  “That’s good, because that massive hickey on your neck wasn’t there when you left to TALK.” Her mom said then narrowed her eyes at me.

  Chassis jumped up from the table, ran down a hallway, “AHHH really Jet? REALLY?” she yelled from down the hall.

  Her uncle yelled, “Shit have you seen HIS neck, are you part vampire Chass?” he laughed.

  I stood up, walked down the hallway to the small bathroom Chassis was in. I stood behind her, “You bitch about one, but look at this, I look like I have some kind of blood clotting disorder.” I told her.

  She whipped around and looked at me then stood on her tippy toes, “If I suck that good on your neck, just think how good I can…”

  “We need to leave, go tell your family we are leaving.” I told her.

  She laughed and shook her head, “Nope, I’m hungry and I want to finish supper.” She told me then walked out. I took a few calming breathes, resituated my cock and walked out to join them at the table again. “Sorry mom, Jet thinks we are in high school or something.” She told her mom as she took a bite of steak.

  I raised my eyebrows, “Obviously YOU’RE the one that thinks hickeys are cool, I on the other hand think they are gross.” I told her with a huff then finished my steak in record time. After we had all finished supper and dessert Chassis told her mom and uncle that we were going to go back to campus.

  “Liar, you’ll stay at a motel somewhere.” Her uncle said with a laugh.

  Her mom looked at me, “YOU, better not get her pregnant, are you two using condoms? Do you need money for some?” she asked looking from me to Chassis.

  “Oh my god, we are leaving!” she hugged her mom and uncle and his wife, then we left.

  I followed her for a couple of hours until she pulled into a motel parking lot. I pulled up beside her, she rolled her window down, “I’m ready for sleep. Is this place okay with you?” she asked.

  I nodded “Looks fine to me.” I said. We shut our vehicles off, she grabbed her bag out of the trunk of her car. When we walked into the lobby, a young blonde lady was working.

  She smiled big at us, “How can I help you?” she asked.

  “We need a room for tonight.” I told her.

  She tapped a few buttons on the keyboard, “I’m sorry but all we have available is the honeymoon suite. I can give it to you at a discounted rate since it’s all we have available.” She told us. I grabbed my credit card out of my wallet, handed to her. She looked at it, back at me then at Chassis.

  “You don’t remember me do you?” the lady asked.

  I looked at her again before putting my credit card back inside my wallet, “I’m sorry, I can’t say that I do.” I told her.

  She slid two plastic room cards across to us, “That’s a shame, I’m pretty sure I’ll never forget who YOU are.” She said with a wink.

  I heard Chassis suck in a quick breath, “Did you sleep with her?” she asked.

  As we stepped away from the counter, headed towards the elevator, “Honestly I have no clue who she is, I think I would remember.” I told her.

  We rode in silence in the elevator, “Unless you were drunk.” Chassis said as the elevator came to a stop.

  She tried to hurry out before me, I grabbed her hand, “Chassis, I’m not going to lie, I’ve slept with more women than I care to count. I’ve never went unprotected with ANY of them. There’s a chance I could have been drunk and fucked her but I have no clue and I sure as hell don’t want to go back and ask her. Well unless you want me too.” I said with grin. Chassis rolled her eyes and waited for me to unlock the room. I slid my key card into the door and pushed it open, Chassis walked in first, flipped the lights on.

  “WHOA, this…I could get use to this.” She said with a laugh as she ran towards the four post bed and belly flopped on to it. She rolled over and watched me as I slowly walked towards her. She hurried off the bed to stand on the opposite side from me.

  I cocked my head to the side, “What are you doing?” I asked.

  She smiled, “I’m going to go shower, alone, while you try to figure out how you know the little tramp down stairs.” She told me then darted around the bed and into the bathroom.

  I didn’t try to follow her, I sat on the bed and waited to hear the shower start, I tried the door handle but she had locked it. I grabbed one of the hair pins out of Chassis’ front pocket of her purse, bent it straight, and unlocked the door. I quietly opened the door, she was shampooing her hair humming that god damn Pitbull song about red rooms and tie ups. As I quickly stripped my clothes off, I watched her swing her hips back and forth as she continued to hum along. I pulled the door open when she turned her back , then I placed my hands on her hips. She jumped and screamed, I started laughing.

  “You asshole, I locked the door, how did you get in here?” She asked then finished rinsing her hair. I grabbed the body wash, put some in my hands, rubbed them together then gently ran my hands from her hips, down her thighs, between her legs;

  “Doesn’t matter.” I told her as I lightly bit her ass cheek. She jumped, then turned in my arms so I was now level with her pussy. I smiled up at her, she pushed at my shoulders, so I stood up;

  “Are you really pissed about her?”

  “Yes, no, I don’t know.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. “How many Jet?” she asked.

  My eyes got big, “How many? How many women have I fucked?” I asked with complete shock. She nodded her head yes.

  “Pshh, fuck if I know Chass. I didn’t keep names and tick marks.” I told her. She rolled her eyes and started to get out of the shower;

  “WHAT?” I grabbed her arm.

  “I’m just wondering what number I will be.” She said then yanked her arm out of my grasp.

  I hurried, washed my hair and my body then got out of the shower. She was bent over looking for something in her bag, I grabbed her spun her around threw her over my shoulder and walked into the master bedroom. I tossed her off my shoulder, she hit the bed with a huff. “You fucking listen to me CHASSIS, YOU.ARE.NOT.ANOTHER.NUMBER. Do you understand me?” I said as I pinned her arms on the bed beside her head and straddled her body.



  I wasn’t sure if I was mad or jealous that we had run into someone from his past. Just the way she looked at him, I wanted to punch her and tell her he was mine. The hotel room was absolutely beautiful, I ran to the bed and belly flopped onto it, then rolled over and watched as Jet stalked towards me. I hurried and climbed off the other side of the bed so he couldn’t get to me.

  He cocked his head to the side “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m going to go shower...Alone...while you figure out how you know that tramp down stairs.” I told him. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. I walked around the bed then to the bathroom, I locked the door for safe measure, I needed time to think about this. So much had happened in the last twenty four hours, my head was spinning. There was no doubt in my mind I had definitely fallen for Jet, the fact that I had fallen in love with him in such a short time scared the hell out of me. I was rinsing my hair, when I felt two hands on my hips, I jumped and screamed as Jet laughed at me. He had to have picked the lock to get in the bathroom.

  He put some body wash in his hands and started slowly working his hands over my skin starting at my shoulders, down my back and across my butt. Then he bit one cheek, I spun around and glared down at him. His blue eyes had a mischievous gleam to them as he leaned in closer to my pussy. I stepped back and shook my head no and pushed at his shoulders almost knocking him off balance;

  “Are you really mad about her? I told you I don’
t have a clue who she is.” He said and stood up.

  “Yes, NO, I don’t know, I just want to know what number I will be.” I told him.

  His eyes got big “Are you serious!” he asked. I shook my head and got out of the shower.

  I was trying to find something to sleep in when jet walked over to me, spun me around, threw me over his shoulder then walked over to the bed and tossed me onto it. He climbed over me, “YOU.ARE.NOT.A.NUMBER do you understand me?” he said through clenched teeth. Just as I was about to reply to him, his cell phone rang, he stared at me completely ignoring his phone;

  “Answer your phone, I need to call Asher and let her know that I’m going to be back tomorrow.” I told him.

  He climbed off the bed, grabbed his phone, “Yeah?” he answered.

  I got off the bed grabbed my phone, rather than call Asher I decided to text her *I will be back tomorrow sometime, staying at a motel w/ Jet.* ~ *OH? So, he did follow you! How r things going?* ~ *We talked, I will call you on my way back in the morning* ~ *YOU BETTER! <3 you, drive careful!*

  Jet was on his phone, “Are you fuckin’ serious?” he said with a big smile. I walked over to my bag grabbed a t-shirt and underwear. “Uh huh, (he grabbed the shirt and underwear out of my hand and shook his head ‘no’ at me while still on the phone) my car too? Damn!” He said as he stared down at me and walked me backwards toward the bed. “Right on, I’ll give him a call in the morning on my way back.” He told the person. “Yeah, okay, cool let him know I said hell yes.” He pushed the end button then pushed me down on the bed. “Ever been to Super Nationals?” He asked with a grin. I was sitting on the bed with him standing in front of me. I slowly dragged my eyes up his body, he was so sexy and muscular, that damn tattoo in the middle of his chest had me practically drooling. “Chassis?” he said in a low growly voice.


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