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When Opposites Attract

Page 3

by Romina Valdes-Alsina

  "No, I'm going to help," she said, her voice breaking.


  No way...

  She can't be...

  Subconsciously I put my hand was under her chin making her look at me, face to face. Again, without thinking, I wiped a tear from her cheek. Why does she do this to me?

  "Why are you crying?" I asked shocked.

  She shrugged.

  "Well, don't cry," I said softly.

  "Why not?" She exploded. "I cancelled my date and came here trying to be nice and you treat me like crap! Who wouldn't cry?"

  I was shocked.

  "You... you cancelled your date?"

  She sat back down.



  "Well, I realized that I didn't like Derek as much as I originally thought."

  "Derek, as in that rich kid that was at the pool every day?" He was a prep’s type all right.



  "I don't know, okay?"

  She cancelled a date with Derek to come here, wow," I smiled.

  "Okay, let's just get started," she said.

  I nodded and went on Google. I looked for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, and then clicked on our scene.

  I turned to look at Anastasia, and I found her closer to me than I expected, so we bumped heads.

  She started laughing, which made me laugh. Then suddenly I stopped.

  "No one, but Pete and my family has made me laugh since"

  "Since what?"

  "Nothing, never mind."

  "Okay, I won't push, but sooner or later I will find out and you will feel so much better having told a preppy gal like myself." I chuckled shaking my head.

  "Come on, let's just see what the scene is about."

  "Fine," she said, not wanting to change the subject, but not having any other choice.

  We both turned back to our assigned scene.

  "I can't believe it!" I hear Anastasia say.

  "I was just thinking that," I said but Anastasia kept on talking.

  "She did that on purpose, she saw that we didn't like each other so she gave us the scene in Romeo and Juliet that they meet, kiss, and fall in love. She knew that we would have to act as if we were in love, but she knew that,” I got up and stood very close and grabbed her chair and brought it closer to my body. I hunched over and got right in her face.

  “That what?”

  “That I, that we, that it would be,” she started stuttering through her words, not being able to come up with a complete thought.

  "You have a problem with me being the Romeo to your Juliet?"

  She stared at me speechless. When I locked eyes with her was when I realized that being too close to her was a huge mistake. Being able to smell the small amount of perfume on her neck made me go crazy; being this close makes me want to kiss her. Why did she have to be the head cheerleader!


  He was so close to me. Believe it or not yesterday I dreamt of him. Yes I'm in love with an emo, instead of a jock, which I know is totally wrong, but I don't care! I know big shocker to me too. JUST KISS ME! I screamed inside my head. I was sick of this emo playing with me. All my life any guy I wanted I got, and Angel will not be an exception. He was starting to pull away, so I grabbed his hand.

  "Angel," he seemed surprised, I sighed.

  "Can I tell you something?"

  "Sure, if you want to," he said unsure.

  "Trust me I do." This was it, this could be very humiliating if he doesn't like me back, or if he laughs at me. I hope I'm prepared for the outcome.

  "I'll admit it, when I came into Reid's class and I saw you, I thought I was cursed, being stuck next to you all year, but I tend to change my mind a lot.” He laughed nervously, unsure of where I was going with this.

  "But, when you were standing so close to me, a few minutes ago the first thing I thought was that I wanted you to,” my voice trailed off, I couldn't say it, it got stuck in my throat. I looked up from the floor and saw his face.

  "You may not feel the same way, and I have never told a guy this, but I wanted you to kiss me so bad that the urge was actually overwhelming." Once I said that I realized it was out there, I couldn't take it back. I can't believe I just said that! Oh my gosh! Am I crazy! I got really nervous and started to freak, because Angel wasn't saying anything. I made myself sneak a peek at him. He was staring down at me, his face expressionless. I blushed bright red.

  "You know you can say something, I mean, please say something." He stayed quiet a few more agonizing seconds, which felt like hours to me.

  "If you would have told me this a few days ago, I would of thought you were drunk, crazy, even joking, or maybe you were dared."

  "But?" I encouraged him to go on.

  "I believe you, and strangely enough,"

  "Yes?" I said looking at him, my eyes growing in surprise and anticipation. He looked at me.

  "I," I stopped breathing. I didn't, I couldn't, move.

  "I feel the same way, I wanted to kiss you so bad." I let out my breath in relief and smiled.

  "Really?" I asked.

  "Really," he confirmed.

  He stood up and grabbed me. We were inches away when someone knocked on the door. Angel let me go and I sat down, angry because I was about to have the kiss of a lifetime! A kiss that I have been waiting for... for like ever! Angel sat down too; I could tell he was disappointed.

  "Come in," Angel said. Then in came his friend Pete and that girl that was flirting with Angel. Ugh, of course she had to ruin the moment! Pete was shocked to see me.

  "Project," I said then he nodded, as he understood what was going on, or was supposed to be going on.

  "Hi, I'm Anastasia."

  "I know who you are," he said with a smile, "I'm Pete, and this is my girlfriend Sakura."

  "Oh yeah, Pete, I know you. How have you been?" I asked smiling with no hint of sarcasm. He was surprised at my tone.

  "Fine, thank you."

  "Well, Angel, I got to go." I said as I grabbed my bag.

  "Okay when are we going to continue... rehearsing our lines?" He asked smiling; I couldn’t help but smile back.

  "How about tomorrow at my house?" From my peripheral vision I saw, emo slut, Sakura turn to look at us.

  "Okay, what time?" He asked as I took out a paper and wrote down my address.

  "Practice ends at two, so any time after that is okay."

  "Okay, let me show you to the door."

  "Um no, its okay. I know my way out and your friends are here." I said, and then walked towards the door. I was about to leave when I turned around.

  "Well bye, and it was nice to see you again Pete," I said honestly, "and you too Sakura." I lied. Then I left; I got in my car and drove home. I wonder how his lips would have felt like? I also wonder why Sakura was flirting with my Angel if she's going out with Pete. She sounds like a total slut if you ask me.

  Chapter 6


  I closed my bedroom door after Anastasia left. I turned around to find Pete and Sakura staring at me wide eyed; their chins hit the floor.

  "What?" I asked getting a bit self-conscious.

  "You and Anastasia? How did you even get her to talk to you?" Pete asked in awe.

  "Shut up, Pete. We were just working on our drama project."

  "Then why didn't you tell me she was coming over, why hide it if you weren't doing something wrong?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

  "I didn't know, either! She just showed up. Pete, just drop it."

  "Fine, for now, but I think there's something going on between the two of you. Something you're not telling us."

  I just looked at him. How do I explain my feelings towards the preppy cheerleader to these two, well at least to Pete.

  "What do you think Sakura?" Pete asked Sakura who had been sitting in Anastasia's chair looking pissed about something.

  "I can't believe Angel has fallen in love with the preppy devil that he was turning us agai
nst all this time. A bit hypocritical if you ask me." Was it I or did she sound bitter? I don't get girls at all.

  "I never said I did," I said defensively.

  "Whatever," she said looking away from me.

  "What are you guys doing here anyways?" I asked.

  "We thought you'd be bored so we dropped by, but I guess we were wrong since Anastasia was here to entertain you." Pete said with a mischievous smile on his lips.

  "I said drop it," I threw an eraser at him.

  "Fine," he said as he caught the eraser with an ease that was beyond me. He is really good, but he won't try out for any sports.

  "Thank you," I sigh.

  "For now," he mumbled under his breath, but I still heard it. I glared at him for a few minutes until we ended up laughing. He threw the eraser at me and it hit me on the head.

  "Shit!" I said rubbing my throbbing head.


  I was at cheerleading practice getting ready to be lifted to the top of the pyramid. It was the last stunt we had to do for the day. We had to get this right so we could go home already. Once I was sure I was balanced I put my fist in the air then waited 20 seconds and let myself fall back to be cached by two strong male cheerleader. The only reason they are here is because they trashed a classroom and this is supposed to be punishment by the coach, but they love caching falling cheerleaders. When we finished I made my way towards my bag and my ringing phone. Ugh! Not again damn it; Derek won't stop texting or calling me since our date that never happened. You'd think he'd take a hint. I decided to answer him so he could stop.

  "Hello?" I asked then took a sip of my water.


  "Who else would it be?"

  "Ana! Why did you stand me up? You haven't been answering any of my calls or texts. What the hell happened?" He asked and oh he sounded mad. Yikes!

  "I'm so sorry, but I didn't go, because, Derek, I realized that I like you but as a friend, nothing more." I said in my nicest voice.


  "I just want to be friends," I repeated slowly picking up my stuff and walking towards my car.

  "I understand you. What I don't understand is why?"

  "I like someone else," I stated as I got in my car.


  "Can't say, might jinx it. Either way I got to go. I can't drive and talk."

  "You do know you're the only girl that's ever turned me down."

  "Yeah? Well, I like setting new trends."

  "Funny," he said sarcastically. "But you will be mine, Anastasia."

  "Whatever," I hung up. Is he serious? You will be mine, ha! Not as long as Angel is around, mister. Actually he'll never catch me alive. I don't like him, sure he's hot but he's a total creep. I'm just happy he hasn't show up at my house. I really hope he doesn't know where I live.

  When I got home I saw Angel sitting on the front steps of my house. Most of the time I have the house all to myself, because my sisters both live with their boyfriends, my dad is sadly deployed and my stepmom works all day. Oh crap! He's early and I'm all sweaty from practice! I think my super short cheerleading shorts and my purple and black crop top make up for it. I looked at him; he was wearing dark wash loose skinny jeans and a black and red shirt with his beanie. He looked amazing.

  I parked in front of the stairs and got out. I had so much stuff, a huge duffle bag with the cheerleading uniform, pom-poms, and shoes, plus my school bag and I had my phone, water, and my keys in my hands, I was having trouble closing the car door. Man, I bet I look so stupid right now.

  "Hey, let me help you with that." He said as he jogged over and took my bags.

  "Thank you," I said smiling at him and finally closing my car. He looked me up and down.

  "My face is up here," I said joking.

  "Don't flatter yourself," he said smiling.

  "You're right, I shouldn't flatter myself. You do it for me." I said smiling and started walking for the door.

  I felt his gaze on me; emo or not he's still a guy. I rolled my eyes with a giggle and unlocked the front door.

  "You took me by surprise, so I felt I should do the same." He said catching up to me.

  "Right," I said going inside and holding the door open for Angel. Shouldn't he be doing that for me?

  "Nice place," he said as he looked around the huge living room.

  "Thanks this house has been passed down for generations in my family." I told him taking my bags and setting them down in the sofa next to us.

  "Do you mind if I take like a two minute shower?" I asked.

  "No, go ahead."

  "Okay come on," I said and took his hand, leading him towards the grand staircase.

  "But, I already took a shower." He said laughing.

  "Don't flatter yourself." I said imitating him. "I just need you to wait in my room in case my step mom walks in and freaks out because there is a stranger in the living room."

  "And she won't freak out that I'm your room because?"

  "She doesn't go in my room and I don't go into hers. It's the first rule we established when she married my dad." I said as we went up the stair. Still holding hands, might I add.

  "Is she horrible?" He asked.

  "No, actually she's awesome, but I don't like anyone in my room."

  "Me neither." We got to the top of the stairs and he noticed we were still holding hands. Sadly he let go and blushed. Aw isn't he cute.

  "Wow we have something in common," I said.

  "Yeah surprises me too." He laughed as I opened the door to my bedroom.

  Chapter 7

  My room is not pink, because strangely I really dislike pink rooms. It's teal with pink accessories and I love my room. It's very me.

  "Wow... this is... girly."

  "You are in another world here," I said as I walked in.

  "Tell me about it," he mumbled as he followed me.

  "Hey can I use your computer?"

  "Sure," I said then went into my closet. I got jean shorts and a white top then went into my bathroom. I took a two-minute shower (that's a record!) I even washed my hair. It smelled like daisies now. I dried myself then got dressed. I grabbed my comb and gently combed through my naturally curly hair, then pushed it to the side and wrapped a towel around the tips, drying them. I walked down the hall and into my room. Angel had opened up the same website we had the other day.

  "Wow you weren't kidding what was that? Like 3 minutes?" He asked when he saw me.

  "Two," I corrected, "and yeah I'm pretty amazed myself."

  "Hey do you put products in your hair? Or curl it?" He asked randomly.

  "Nope just conditioner why?"

  "It curls so perfectly," he said touching my wet hair.

  "Thanks," I said smiling. His hand moved from my hair to my cheek, his fingers cool and damp.

  "You know, we never got to finish." He said getting closer to me.

  "You're right, we didn't." I leaned forward.

  Our lips barely met when my phone rang.

  "What?" I asked angry at whoever was calling. I heard Angel laughing at me.




  "What the? Dude, you're starting to scare me, stop it!"

  "I already told you, we're going to be together, and I won't give up till that happens."

  Angel took the phone from me.

  "Derek you need to calm down," he said in a calm voice.

  Derek must have said something harsh, because Angel got angry all of a sudden. He seems to be a hot head like me.

  "Well too bad, she doesn't like you!" It's too bad that I can only hear Angel's side of the conversation.

  "Well Anastasia likes to try new things."

  "I don't really care that you get any girl you want!"

  "Why should I tell you? I'm Anastasia's dirty little secret," and with that he hung up.

  I laughed. "My dirty little secret?"

  He smiled sheepishly at me. "You know like the song?"

p; "No."

  "Come on they're not that old. "He went to the computer and went on YouTube. Then a somewhat slow beat started playing. I looked at him; this song didn't sound anything like I expected.

  "It's my favorite song." He said as he walked towards me.

  "I like it, what's it called?"

  "Beautiful." He stopped in front of me and reached for my hands; putting them around his neck, He wrapped his hands around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder.

  "What happened to ‘dirty little secret’?"

  "I changed my mind."

  I laughed began moving with him, our bodies matching the slow beat. He sang the words in my ear; his warm breath sending chills down my body.

  "This is like the type of music my mom would listen to."

  "What happened to her?"

  "It's a long and sad story."

  "We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." He said and squeezed me a bit tighter.

  I thought about it and realized that I did want to talk about it with him. I wanted him to know everything about me. I looked up at him.

  "I do want to talk about it with you."

  "Okay then," he said as he let go of me and went to sit on a little love seat I had. I sat down next to him. Never in a million years did I imagine dumping Derek for Angel, and that I was about to tell Angel the one thing I don't talk about with anyone outside my family.

  "Well my mom had cancer, my dad didn't like to talk about it, so I don't really know what type of cancer it was, but she had it. It was fatal and she knew it, so she made each of us two things. She made us videos, so we could watch her when we missed her too much, she wrote a letter, and" I smiled a sad smile, "she left me a list of songs that she loved." I felt the tears prick my eyes. "This song just reminds me so much of her. She would've loved it. She loved songs about perspective."

  "That wasn't that long."

  "I gave you the short version."

  "Hey is it too much to ask if I could see the video?"

  I thought about it. I didn't hate the idea of Angel seeing the video; in fact I liked the idea.

  "Sure," I got up and in my special drawer where I kept my mom's things. I got out the DVD, and then I put it on the player. I hesitated, but I stopped thinking about it and pressed play. Oh god what did I get myself into?


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