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His Possession (The Owners)

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Cadeon closed his eyes and let the thrill of having her in his arms soothe him. She would be his, if it was the last thing he did.

  Chapter Three

  “Where is she?” Dominic asked, slapping the woman at his feet away from him.

  “We don’t know where she could have got to, sir. No one knows what she looks like or where she could have moved to. With no name or other details we can’t find her,” one of his minions said.

  Dominic didn’t like failure. He wanted results, and he wanted them fast. His business relied on him to be the best he could and to get the products distributed in the best possible condition as soon as possible.

  “She’s a little girl, and I want her. People will pay a pretty penny for her. I want her. For the past three years you’ve failed me.” Taking out his gun, Dominic shot the man who’d come back to his house with the same stupid answers. No one has seen her. No one knows where she is. There are more women out there.

  “Does anyone else what to follow this shit-head?” he asked the other men surrounding him. No one stood up.

  Picking up the picture he’d found in Valerie Walter’s house. The stupid whore had kept her daughter in the dark from him. She knew he was looking for young girls. Stupid fucking cunt. They should know never to think for themselves. They were good for one thing, for fucking and bringing him money. When one whore died, ten more stood in her place. Valerie had been a good earner. She knew what the men wanted. Finding the picture of her daughter had been a treasure he couldn’t deny, but locating the girl was becoming more trouble than he liked. Maybe when he got her, he’d give the little slut a test drive.

  “Now, I want you to leave here and get in touch with our contacts in the police force. Push a little money. I don’t give a shit. I want this girl found.”

  His men left in a hurry. They knew better than to fuck with him. Dominic Green, human trafficker, drug pusher, and all round bad-ass. No one messed with him. Least of all women. He glanced at the woman curled up in a ball. Smiling, he grabbed her by the hair and pulled her into his bedroom.

  The girl would be his.

  Chapter Four

  Violet stretched, coming awake and opening her eyes. She frowned. The bed wasn’t hers, and she didn’t recognise the room. She became aware of the other presence in the bed and turned to see Cadeon fast asleep beside her, one arm flung over her waist and one leg covering both of hers.

  She’d never slept in a bed with a man before. Lying as still as possible, she looked at the man she worked for. In sleep he appeared so peaceful, unlike when he was awake. Cadeon Ashwood was a force to be reckoned with. She’d witnessed grown men become terrified at the prospect of doing business with him.

  He opened his eyes and smiled at her. The effect on her body alarmed her. His smiled should not affect her so easily.

  “Good morning,” he said. His hand on her waist moved up her rib cage to lie underneath her breast.


  “Did you sleep well?”

  How strange for her to be having a conversation about her sleeping pattern with her boss? Wait a minute. She was in bed with her boss. That sort of thing mustn’t happen. Shit. She wished her mother hadn’t kept her in the dark about so many things. But then, men did sleep with her mum all the time.

  Shut up, Violet.

  “Yes. I did.”

  “Good. I’m glad.” Cadeon leaned over and kissed her on the lips. The merest brush of lips. Nothing overly sexual or dominating.

  “You keep doing that,” she said.


  “Kissing me. I’m your employee. You shouldn’t kiss me.” Her fingers traced the line of her lips.

  “I like kissing you. Don’t you like me kissing you?” His hand moved down her body and grasped her hip. She took a large breath trying to compose the shaking of her body. What was he doing to her? “Well? Do you like me kissing you?”

  “Yes,” she whispered not trusting herself to speak any louder.

  He cupped her cheek, his thumb stroking the curve of her jaw. “You’re so beautiful.”

  She liked his compliments. Licking her lips, Violet stared into his eyes. Their gazes held in a fight of wills. Who would look away first?

  “You don’t believe me when I say you’re beautiful?” he asked.

  Violet wouldn’t turn away. “I don’t know what to think. Beauty means so many things to so many people.”

  Cadeon chuckled. “Your eyes speak of so much knowledge. Of shit you should never have witnessed. Yet, you say stuff that has an air of innocence. You’re a contradiction, Miss Moore.” He kissed her again. “You’ve got secrets. I’m going to unlock them.”

  Her heart beat faster. No one could ever know about her past. Her mother had forbidden her to ever speak of her life. The day she killed herself was the day the old Violet ceased to exist.

  “I’ve got no secrets. I’m just trying to make my way,” she said. Her hand stopped him from moving down her face. The fear of being caught gave her the strength to stop him on his quest.

  “What are you afraid of?”

  “I’m not afraid of anything,” she said.

  “You’re scared of my touch.” To prove his point, his hand went to her collarbone and travelled down to cup her breast. Violet tried not to struggle under his touch. Tears formed in her eyes, and she bit her lip to stop calling out. His touch scared her, not because she was repulsed, but because of what it made her feel. She didn’t understand what was going on with her body or how to control it. Cadeon Ashwood was a dangerous man, and she should be running in the opposite way to avoid him.

  “I can feel your heart beating, Violet.” She broke eye contact and stared down at his hand. His fingers were tilted as he brushed them along her nipple. The material of her gown pointed up as her nipple grew tight. Pleasure burst from the spot he was touching.

  “S-stop,” she said. He pulled his hand away.

  “You’re a bright young woman. I see you, and you’re happy to hand out mail and serve coffee. I don’t buy it. I’ve seen you glance at the art work in the corridors when you think no one is looking. There is something about you, Violet. You want to see the world but are afraid to open up and fly.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She did. What scared her was how easily he could read her.

  “I could show you everything.” He grabbed her chin in a strong grip. Not tight with the intent to hurt. “One more taste.”

  Cadeon bent his head, and Violet couldn’t stop him. His lips touched hers. This wasn’t a brush of lips. This was something else. A possession of her mind, her body. Violet held onto him as he made love to her mouth. His tongue traced the curve of her lips before plunging inside. He tasted fresh and masculine. Moaning, she pressed closer. Cadeon moved his hands down her body to the straps of her gown. Violet didn’t want to refuse. His kiss had caught her off guard. She loved the feel of being in his arms and having him take total control over her.

  He moved down, kissing along her neck and down. Her fingers sank into the hair at the nape of his neck. A growl came out of his mouth. She watched as he moved over her, his naked body pressing between her thighs.

  Violet froze. The length of his arousal pressed at her core.

  “A man will say anything to get one thing. Keep yourself whole, Violet. Once you give it up, they’ll treat you like trash.”

  “What’s the matter?” Cadeon asked, coming off her.

  She took in the scene with fresh eyes. Her gown was down to her waist. Her nipples glistened from the wet heat of his mouth. Her legs were spread open, and he lay between them.

  “I-I-I would like to get dressed now.” She hated it when she mumbled. The sound made her appear childish even to herself.

  “We’re not doing anything wrong,” he said. A frown marred his face. Licking her lips she turned away, dropping her hands from his hair.

  “I-I know. B-but I think I should get ready for work.” She closed her eyes as he pl
aced the straps of her gown back up and over her breasts, thanking anyone for the fact he didn’t ridicule her.

  He got up from her body, and she blushed. His shaft between his legs was long, thick and proud.

  “Shouldn’t you put some clothes on?” she asked.

  “This is my house, and I’ll wear what I like. Besides, I like your gaze on me.” He stared at her for several minutes. Unable to concentrate with his naked presence she pushed away from the bed and went in search of her clothes. She found them and began dressing. Taking the brush she’d found last night, she stood in the mirror brushing her hair.

  “Would your driver take me home? I need to change before work.”

  Cadeon moved and stood behind her. He wore a black business suit with a crisp white shirt and a tailored jacket.

  “You’re not going back there,” he said to her reflection in the mirror.

  “I have to. It’s my home.”

  He took the brush out of her hands and began to brush her long length of hair. The action he used was smooth. “I told you last night I wouldn’t let you go back to that house.”

  “But everything is there. My stuff.”

  “Give me your keys. I’ll get my men to clean it out. I don’t want you back in that street.”

  She turned round and took the brush out of his hands. “You don’t know me. You can’t just bombard my life like that.”

  “Can’t I?” He folded his arms over his impressive chest. “Violet, I hate to break this to you, but no one knows where you are.”

  “You won’t hurt me.”

  “No, I won’t, which is why you won’t be returning to that place. Give me your keys. I’m taking care of you from here.” He opened his hand, waiting.

  “I’m twenty-one years old. I can take care of myself.”

  “Then do so, and understand what I’m offering you. Give me your keys. Don’t make me take them from you.”

  Violet had never had another person be so protective of her. Swallowing past the lump in her throat, she glanced down at the floor. Cadeon was so different from everyone she’d heard about.

  “I don’t have the keys. They’re in my bag, which I left downstairs,” she said.

  “Fine. Finish getting dressed, and we’ll go down to breakfast. You can give me your keys, and then we’ll go to work.”

  Violet nodded. “People will talk if I turn up with you.”

  “Do I look like the kind of man who gives a shit about stuff like that?” He spun away and walked out of the room.

  Alone, Violet brushed out her hair. Why couldn’t she tell him no? But there was another, more confusing, question for her. Why didn’t she want to?


  Cadeon walked down the corridor and went straight into the kitchen. Anne was buttering some toast. She gave him a look and continued in her work. He went for the coffee and poured himself a mug.

  “Where is she?”

  “Getting dressed.”

  “I noticed no other bed was made up,” Anne said.

  “She stayed with me.”

  The only sound was the scratching as she spread the butter over a crispy slice of toast.

  “You know she isn’t like most of the women you’ve dated.”

  “Don’t give me the third degree. I’ve never brought a woman back here,” he said. Anne always knew what to say to put him in a bad mood. He watched as she slammed the knife on the side and stalked over to him.

  “Cadeon Ashwood, don’t you ever raise your voice at me. You may be my employer, but I can still put you over my bloody knee and smack that backside of yours.”

  He burst out laughing. Anne had been the best nanny and housekeeper in the world. She’d never punished him even though sometimes he’d deserved it.

  “Don’t laugh at me, boy. I know what you get up to, and don’t ask me how I know. I just do. That girl up there isn’t like your circles. You’ve got to be careful with her or risk losing everything. Do you understand?”

  Cadeon knew what she was talking about. His lifestyle was kept from the media and press, but it didn’t mean his private life was private. The life of an Ashwood was stressful. He’d seen the way his father had reacted with his mother. Always in her company and bestowing her with gifts and favours. His father’s possessiveness of his wife had been open for all to see. Cadeon had wanted the same, to be so completely taken by a woman he couldn’t bear to be without her.

  “I would never hurt her. I promise. Ah, here she is.” Violet stood in the door looking beautiful and perfect as ever. With great pride he watched as she walked toward him and handed her the house key. The first move in a line of trust. At least he hoped she saw it that way.

  Thinking of her alone in that awful place was more than he could stand.

  “Do you want coffee, tea?”

  “Tea, please.” She sat at the counter, and he kept his gaze fixed on her. Every little move she made and the way she held herself so still and silent was as if she was scared of anyone knowing she was there.

  “Do you want any toast, love?” Anne asked.

  “No, thank you.”

  “You’ve got to eat,” he said.

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Cadeon went to order her to eat but stopped himself as he caught Anne’s warning look.

  While she drank her coffee, he went and called one of his men to collect her keys and begin the process of emptying out her house. Once that was sorted he picked up the phone and dialled Tate. He answered on the first ring.

  “What do you want?”

  “I want to see if you’ve got any news.”

  He heard a heavy sigh over the line. “Look, according to most records a Violet Moore didn’t exist before three years ago.”

  “But our security at my office runs thorough checks.”

  “Yes, and you’ll probably find a trail of some kind. I’m not saying this girl is shifty, but something isn’t right with her birth and everything.” He heard a lot of clicking and the sound of paper moving.

  “Call me as soon as you have something.”

  “Will do.”

  Cadeon hung up. He didn’t think anything suspicious. Nothing illegal that could implicate her in any way. He just knew in his gut that this girl had a past, and it wasn’t all flowers and roses.

  He walked over to his window overlooking his gardens. As a successful and wealthy business man he could have anything his heart desired. Ever since Violet walked into his office building a year ago he’d known she would be his. The first elevator ride with Violet, he’d stood at the back. She hadn’t noticed him, her hands filled with bundles of letters to be sorted through. There had been three other people in the small space, but his eyes had been on her the whole time.

  At first it had been her neck he’d become obsessed with. The curve exposing a length of flesh for him to lick, kiss or nibble. The ride had been short and sweet. Her floral scent as she moved away had filled his senses making him crave for more.

  Next he’d seen her round the office, her head downcast, always scared to show her face. Men greeted her. She’d smile and hand the mail over and move onto the next person in line. The previous man forgotten if he’d even had a chance in the first place.

  The second elevator ride he stood as close to her as social understanding allowed. He knew the cameras would capture every move and sound. In the reflection from the metal doors he could watch and not be seen. She said little, but her presence did something to him. Something indescribable. He felt protective of her. As if she called to the man deep within him to hold her and make sure nothing bad could happen.

  At first, the sensation had scared him. Surely it was in his mind. He’d sort out the first woman he could find and slake his lust with her body. That didn’t help, but rather made him need a hot shower to rid himself of the scent. Not understanding what was happening he’d sought the help of his dearest uncle, the only close living relative he had of his father’s.


  “What troub
les you, Cadeon?” Uncle Michael asked.

  “I know we haven’t been the most normal of men, but this woman at work – I want her more than I can begin to describe. I need her, Uncle Michael. Every time I see her the impulse to take her and hold her and never let her go is strong. I don’t understand it, but I remember Dad feeling a similar way with Mom.”

  “This isn’t about our family, Cadeon. This is about a certain type of man. A man who is possessed by a gene so strong he can’t bear to settle down without her at his side. You’re a member of the club. You’ve seen how it works.”

  Cadeon stared at his uncle unsure what to say. “You mean Possession is....” He couldn’t find the right words to describe it.

  “For years men have fought their desires, their needs. The possessive instinct had been described as nothing short of a foolish man who couldn’t control his head or his heart. Then, many years ago, men like your father and his grandfather with other men with the wealth and power formed an exclusive club. A place where they could be free to be as possessive as they liked. Possession was born for the man who couldn’t control his need to be possessive of his woman. When you find the woman, you’ll know.”


  Cadeon recalled the conversation as if it was yesterday he’d spoken to his uncle. On the day of his eighteenth birthday his dad had pulled him aside and handed him the all access card, A card for an exclusive gentleman’s club where only the most wealthy and privileged were allowed. At first he thought it was sex club until he began to sit and watch. The men who brought their wives were all about showing the men who was boss. The men talked about the way they felt. It was a place for like-minded men to be at peace with someone of a similar understanding. Possession became his salvation. Without it, Cadeon was sure he’d have gone insane with wanting since Violet walked into his life.

  He thought about her upstairs in his bed. She was innocent, but she hadn’t put up much of a fight to rid him from the bed. His cock hardened in his trousers as he thought about her naked in his arms, the way the gown slipped to her waist and her tits were on display for him and him alone. He wanted to slide his dick between the valley, to suckle and nibble on her tight buds. Cadeon knew with Violet he had to take everything slow.


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