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His Possession (The Owners)

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  She was terrified at the smallest of things. If he pushed too hard she’d scarper at the first opportunity.

  There was more to him than the possessive instinct he felt over his woman. What he couldn’t tell his uncle was his dominant nature. To have a woman under his total control was the ultimate thrill and pleasure. In his mind’s eye he saw Violet, on her knees, naked. Her hands were bound behind her back as he gripped her hair in his fist, fucking her mouth with his cock. The image had driven him insane, and one day soon he hoped to know what it would look and feel like in the flesh.

  A knock came at the door.

  “Come in.”

  Violet opened the door and stood waiting. “We’re going to be late if we don’t go soon.”

  Cadeon nodded, grabbed his mobile phone and followed her out of the door. All of his problems could wait. He needed to get through the next few days.

  Chapter Five

  Violet stared at the computer as Stacey hovered in the background. She was patient and helped her through everything she was struggling to cope with.

  “How do you do it?” she asked at lunchtime. For the first time since she’d worked for Ashwood Enterprise she was having lunch with another person. She’d bought a turkey bagel with mayonnaise.

  “Believe me, you’ll get used to it. What I love about working with and for Mr. Ashwood is that it’s never the same damn thing. You think with the letter writing and setting up meetings it would get boring. I’ve found it challenging, and how can I hate a job where it found my husband?” Stacey said taking a bite of a carrot stick.

  “Your husband works here?”

  “No. He’s CEO of another firm. I met him on one of the many scheduled trips you’ll have to take. Mr. Ashwood flies all around the world to keep up with the growing expanse of business. Have you noticed he doesn’t settle on one style of business? He’s all about finding the potential in the small and bringing them up to be brilliant.”

  Violet thought about what the other woman said.

  “I forgot to offer you congratulations. You’re expecting soon, right?” she asked. Violet smiled and took a bite of her sandwich. It wasn’t lost on her she was the only woman in the office building who ate the carbohydrate-heavy bread.

  Stacey tapped her stomach and smiled. “I’m due in about six months, but we’ve decided I should go on maternity. Avoid any issue with stress. I have to say I was surprised he picked you as my replacement.”

  Violet knew what she meant. “I tried to talk him out of it. I don’t think I’m ready.”

  “You will be. I’ll see to it.”

  Smiling at Stacey, she finished off her sandwich. If Stacey felt that way then what about the other women? Did they think something awful about her?

  “So what’s your story? You’ve not said much around here, and I know everyone has been curious to know about the pretty mail and coffee girl,” Stacey asked.

  Violet froze. Talking about herself was a big mistake. “There’s nothing to tell.”

  “Really? Surely, you’ve got something to say. A past, an ex-lover, perhaps.”

  “No. I don’t have anything.”

  “Come on...”

  Violet gasped as a hand grabbed her arm. “I’m sure Miss Moore wants to keep her personal life private. I would expect more from you, Stacey,” Cadeon said as he pulled her up out of her seat.

  “Yes, sir. Sorry.”

  “I need to speak with Miss Moore alone. Enjoy your lunch break.”

  Everyone was staring at them. She saw the curious glances, and her cheeks burned with humiliation. What more could he possibly want? The glances would turn into whispers and then turn into rumours. She gulped down the tears she felt coming to the surface. The attention he was gaining her was unwanted.

  He walked up the stairs and through the rows of desks as people moved out of their way and watched the boss escort her to his office. Cadeon opened the office door and let her enter before going in after her.

  She stood just inside, and she turned to him. He lay against the wooden door. Probably a good job he’d opened the stubborn thing. The door never wanted to open for her.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. He didn’t answer. Instead, he stalked toward her, his hand running through her hair until he cupped the back of her neck. The movement tilted her head up to look at him. She gasped as he took full advantage of her lips. There was nothing gentle about his touch. His lips were firm as he licked, sucked and kissed her. Violet had no choice but to hold on or be swamped by him. The hand not in her hair holding her firm moved down to her hip and round to cup a cheek of her ass.

  She cried out as his fingers dug in.

  “That’s it, baby. Give me everything,” he said. This Cadeon wasn’t someone she recognised. He was someone primal. He removed his hand from her hair and cupped her ass with both. Cadeon lifted her up and pressed her against the nearest wall.

  Violet cried out as her back slammed against the wall. Not from pain but from the consuming heat he was giving her. She’d never seen any man be so out of control with lust. This is what it had to be. Lust. One of the seven deadly sins. Something so brutal, yet elemental, that it threatened to burn them alive.

  His lips moved down her neck to the opening of her blouse. She watched his dark hard travel down her pale skin. A moan broke out of her.

  “Are you wet for me?” he asked.

  She didn’t know what he meant. Her mother might have been a whore, but whenever that aspect had been happening she’d been hidden away from it all.

  “God, I want you so badly. I ache for you.”

  He let her down on her feet. As he went to move away Violet couldn’t control her legs. It was like they’d turned to jelly.

  “I’ve got you.”

  She leaned on him. The effect he had on her was shaking all of her ideas. Cadeon had been in her life for a year at work but only twenty-four hours of her reality. He’d given her far more attention than anyone else. Even her mother had been cautious around her. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she cursed them and her existence. She hated feeling things she didn’t know or understand. How could she be so deeply affected by a man and not know what it meant?

  “Hey, why are you crying?” he asked. His finger went under her chin and tilted her face up to look at him.

  She shook her head and stared at the floor. The humiliation of everything she’d felt in ten minutes was consuming her. She needed to get her thoughts together before they threatened to explode.

  His arms moved round her, and Violet went into them willingly. She needed the comfort he offered. Her tears spilled silently as always. The threat of being found kept her quiet.

  “I-I can’t talk about it,” she said. The sound muffled by his jacket. He stroked her hair as she wept. The agony of being alone hurt her. There was no one she could talk to or turn to. She was alone.

  A knock on the door interrupted her tears. Cadeon refused to let her go.

  “Who is it?” he called.

  “I’m back from lunch, Mr Ashwood. Do you want me to continue training Violet?” Stacey said.

  Violet glanced up at him. His eyes pierced her with a look causing her to shiver. Such need reflected back at her.

  “I’m sending her home. She’s taken sick. She’ll finish her training off next week.”

  “I can still work,” she told him, but he pressed a finger over her lips, silencing her.

  “All right.”

  She heard Stacey leave.

  “You’re in no fit state to work. You’ll stay in my office until I’m ready to escort you back home.” He walked her to the two-seater chair along a plain wall.

  “I’m going back home?” Happiness and a niggling tinge of sadness enveloped her.

  “No. My home is your home.”

  He picked up the phone before she could question him. The phone call sounded important, and she sat down. Her whole body relaxed into the comforter. His voice sent a wave of peace through her body.

bsp; Her eyes drooped as tiredness swamped her. A yawn. Before long her head fell back as she collapsed into slumber.


  Cadeon finished his call keeping an eye on Violet. He watched as sleep claimed her. As soon as he finished with his business with another tycoon he walked over and laid her out on the two-seater. In sleep she looked peaceful and so young. Running his fingers through his hair he went and stared out over the city. He had so many offices spread around several companies. England, New York, Italy, Spain to name but a few. The Ashwoods had become very wealthy several generations ago. It had started with a vision of making a bunch of small individual businesses and making them expand and grow. Over the years the collection of industry Ashwood Enterprise owned was extraordinary. He lived a good life, a life of wealth where he clicked his fingers and he could have whatever he wanted. Before Violet had walked into his life, he did have what he wanted. Models, actresses and young heiresses were queuing to become the next wife and inherit some of his fortune.

  He shook his head at how quickly his life had changed when a young brown-haired woman had entered his office building. Moving to his desk, he sat down and started reading through some business proposals and signing his name off on some contracts that needed to be placed in a file.

  He thought about the club, Possession. Every person who went was like him. A man trying to control his instincts. He saw some of the married men, saw the look of love and passion on their faces as they escorted their wives around. Married men with mistresses weren’t allowed. Neither were men with many women. It was an exclusive club meant only for one man and his one woman.

  Glancing over at Violet he knew he needed to visit soon. Having the woman he wanted with desperation within touching distance was sending him insane. He’d noticed the kisses he was giving her and the way he touched her as he passed. Already he was leaning toward her as a constant in his life. Closing his eyes he went back to work.

  When he got her home and settled for the night he’d visit. For the rest of the afternoon, he signed checks and made phone calls. His voice kept quiet so he wouldn’t disturb her sleep. At some point towards the end of the day she began to become fitful. A whimper escaped her, a sound of pain and fear. Getting up from his seat he walked over.

  “Don’t leave me, Mummy,” she cried.

  Frowning, Cadeon placed a hand on her shoulder. She cried out in fright and jerked awake. Her hands wrapped around her knees, and she stared at him panting for breath.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “It’s me, Cadeon. You were having a nightmare.”

  Both of her hands went through her hair, and she kept glancing round the room.

  “No one is here. It’s just you and me, baby.” He put his hands on her arms. Instantly, he felt her tense up. Without waiting for a response he picked her up and seated her on his lap. She began to squirm away, but he held her steady. “I’ve got you. No one is going to hurt you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered, obviously grateful for his support and his strength.

  “Are you ready to walk out of here? I’ll take you home.” Violet nodded, and Cadeon grabbed his phone and keys. Taking her hand he pulled the door open and made his way down to where his limo was waiting. He felt the stares, but he refused to let go of her hand. Holding her was his only pleasure.

  His driver was waiting, and Cadeon opened the door, letting her get in first. Like the time before she settled in the limo as far from him as possible. Her head rested against the tinted glass. She looked pale and sick. He flipped open his phone and sent a quick text to Tate for an update.

  “You shouldn’t have let me sleep so long,” she said. Cadeon stared across at her. She looked so small and fragile.

  “You needed the sleep, and I finished my work.” His phone buzzed. Tate wasn’t any closer to finding out any information about his woman.

  “When will you take me home?” she asked.

  “My home is your home.” He reached across the space and cupped her knee. The skirt she wore had ridden up. Her legs looked incredibly pale in the light from the street lamps shining in the car.

  “It’s dark out, and I could have worked more. I don’t want people to think I’m slacking off or something.”

  “I’m the boss. My employees are told to think what I want them to think. If I catch anyone bad mouthing your situation, they’ll be sorry.”

  “You can’t get rid of someone for not liking me.”

  “Baby, I’m the owner of the company. I can do what the fuck I like.” She went silent, and he put his phone away. Tate needed more time. What was it about Violet Moore that made him nervous? She didn’t scream or shout. In fact, she seemed scared of every little thing.

  His house came into view, and she tensed.

  “I’ll work tomorrow,” she said.

  “Tomorrow is Friday, and you’ll sit in my office while I work. You’re not working, and that’s the last I’m going to say on it.”

  The limo pulled up outside, and Anne stood waiting for them. Cadeon got out first and reached in, offering his hand. Violet stared at his hand, not taking it. She looked at her door as if she could make a quick escape.

  Why couldn’t he let her go? She deserved to be courted and have him kiss her on the doorstep. The truth hit him. He was too damned impatient to wait that long. He wanted her, and in his world, he didn’t have to wait to get what he wanted. Spending time with her would make her grow accustomed to his closeness. His touch. His possession.

  She took his hand, and he breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe she was beginning to trust him.

  He smiled as he helped her out of the car. She looked beautiful. Anne took their coats as they walked inside.

  “I’ve prepared some food. It’s ready in the dining room,” Anne said.

  “I’m not hungry,” Violet said.

  Cadeon ignored her, took her hand and led her through to the dining room. Two places were set. Steak with boiled potatoes and vegetables awaited them. He helped her into her seat even as she protested. He took the seat next to her.

  “You’ve got to eat something, and you’re not leaving this room until you do.”

  “You can’t order me around like a child.”

  “Then stop acting like one. Your health is my top priority.”

  “Why?” She hadn’t picked up her knife and fork.

  “Because I look after what is mine. Do you want me to feed you?”

  She shook her head. When she began to eat the food in front of her, Cadeon picked up his own fork and began to eat the delicious food. The steak was cooked to perfection, pink in the centre, not bloody. The potatoes were soft and not mush. Anne truly was an amazing cook.

  Violet took a few bites but put her fork down, going instead for the water. She placed a hand on her head and winced.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “Nothing. My head hurts. Nothing serious.” She sipped her water, and Cadeon left it. Her body showed she didn’t starve herself. He wouldn’t force the issue, but if she continued to pick at her food and showed signs of any weight loss, he’d have no choice but to force her to eat.

  After dinner finished, he walked Violet up to shower and change.

  “I need to go out tonight,” he said in the doorway to the bathroom. “Don’t get any ideas of sneaking out. Relax and rest, and I’ll see you soon.”

  She went to close the door. He stopped her with his foot in the way.

  “I won’t leave. I promise.”

  He moved right next to her, then placed a finger under her chin and tilted her head back to look at him.

  “I’ll protect you, but you’ve got to trust me,” he said. Her eyes widened seconds before he dropped his head. He kissed her lips. A small brush of skin against skin. Her moan made him lose control. One hand banded around her waist as the other sank into her hair, holding her firm against him as he deepened the kiss. His tongue sought entry between her lips. Her hands wrapped around him, slightly at f
irst, changing into more of a demand as he consumed her lips.

  Her heavy tits pressed against his chest. Cadeon wanted to rip the clothes from her body and fuck her hard and fast. Her scent was becoming like a drug to him. From one little taste, he wanted more. He wanted to possess her, love her, take care of her, do everything in his power to put a smile on her face and to show her how much he wanted her.

  The kiss changed, and she became frantic beneath him.

  Not wanting to scare her, he pulled away, kissing the tip of her nose.

  “There is nothing I’d like more than to fuck you right now. I know you’re not ready, but I can wait.”

  “What if I’m never ready?” she said.

  “You’ll be ready.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because you’re soaking wet, and no matter how hard you fight it, you want me as badly as I want you.”

  He kissed her nose again and left her standing there.

  Chapter Six

  Cadeon got in his car and drove. His cock ached with the need to sink himself between her creamy thighs. Running a hand over his face, he turned left and continued down the road.

  The club was exclusive and cut off from most towns and cities. The club looked like a distant castle but was owned by one of the wealthiest men of the city, Stephen Knox. The Knox men had passed the club down to the oldest son for generations, and only the most elite had any chance of getting in.

  Stephen didn’t live in the house, but it was a place of relaxation and business.

  The gates were locked as they always were. He removed the card from his wallet and pressed it into the scanner, along with his individual, twelve-digit number. The gates opened. He drove down the long driveway. Trees obscured the view from the main road. The parking was full, and he knew there would be many couples inside. He reserved one parking space next to Stephen. As an exclusive member he got the perks that came with the cost. Buttoning up his suit jacket, he checked his phone before making his way inside. The butler waited inside. He was one of the few people with enough credentials that allowed them to work here.


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