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His Possession (The Owners)

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  He wanted her to trust him. To give him everything she had. Lifting her up in his arms, he swung her around, delighting in the giggle she released. The first true sound of laughter he’d heard from her.

  Taking her to the bed, he pulled back to look down at her. She truly was a beautiful woman with full thick hips and gloriously large tits. Any man would be putty in her hand. Over the years he’d had his share of women. None of them compared to her. She held innocence and sensuality within her grasp, and she didn’t even know how to use them. He wanted to share everything with her. To give her a chance to be happy.

  “Do you think I’m fat?” she asked.

  “No. Never.”

  “You keep staring.”

  “Because you take my breath away.” He cupped her breast in his hand. The mound was so large it spilled out of his hand.

  “I don’t think we should be doing this,” she said again.

  Cadeon knew he should give her time to adjust to his presence, but he couldn’t do it. Giving her the time to see his faults could mean he would lose her. Some women would hate his domination. He hoped to make it part of their life, to show her how good it could be between them.

  He tweaked her nipple, running his finger over the tip. He watched her reaction to his touch. She bit her lip to stop herself from crying out. He wanted her to scream her pleasure. He wanted to hear and feel the evidence of her release.

  Leaning down, he kissed her lips. Tasting her and loving her mouth. She lay so calm under him. He pushed down the desire to wrap the silk cuffs he had at the top of his headboard. Violet needed slow, long loving before he could introduce her to his other side. He ran his hand down her stomach, relishing the quiver as he pressed against her stomach. He ran it down further until his palm rested on her pussy. Her pubic hair was wet from her arousal. Using his middle finger he slipped between her silken wet folds, pressing the tiny nub at the top. She jerked in his arms, and he knew she’d never touched herself. The woman beneath him was a virgin in every way.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  She nodded her head with a frown. “It feels really good.”

  Her legs opened wider, and he smiled. Cadeon focused all of his attention on her clit. He wanted to draw out her pleasure even as his cock was crying out for some of his own. Being naked, skin to skin with her was too much for him to contain. He used both fingers and pleasured her, sucking her nipples into his mouth. Her hips moved in sync with his fingers, riding his hand. It was a natural call to the woman within her.

  He stared into her eyes as one of her hands touched his shoulder. She lifted up to look between her legs.

  “Let it come, baby.”

  Her gazed turned to him. He increased the pace of his fingers. Violet shook and screamed as her climax went through her. Cadeon brought her over the edge and kept her in the bliss for moments. He absorbed every sound and look coming from her. He relished the knowledge he’d been the one to bring her to her first orgasm. When she came down, he reached over to the draw by the bed. He pulled out a long tube.

  “What are you doing?” she asked breathlessly.

  “It’s my turn, only I want us both to feel good.” He flicked open the tube of lubrication and smeared a generous amount on his dick before putting some more on his fingers. He threw the tube on the other side away from them. Bringing the blob on his fingers between her legs, he rubbed it over and between her slit, making sure she was nice and wet. Cadeon opened her legs and got between her.

  Violet stopped him with a hand on his arm. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to fuck you, but I need to come.” Taking a thigh in each hand, he opened her legs wide. For a second he stopped to admire the beauty of her pussy. The lips were wet with the mixture of the lube and cum, her clit red and swollen. She looked good enough to eat. He draped her legs over his thighs and grasped his cock. Cadeon moved the tip through her slit, not pressing against her entrance. He wasn’t lying when he said he wasn’t going to fuck her. This was about them getting used to each other. Although if she begged him to fuck her, he would do it. He wanted her that badly.

  He settled himself between her legs, his cock resting against her clit and between the lips of her pussy.

  Taking her hands in his, he pinned them against the pillow by her head. “Look at me,” he said.

  She opened her eyes and stared back at him. For the rest of his life he wanted to watch her. With a move of his hips he saw her eyes widen in wonder. Each movement provided him pleasure and pressed on her clit, giving her pleasure as well. He did it slowly at first, bringing out the sensation to make it more enjoyable for her. With her already having one release, he wanted to draw the second one out.

  Sweat covered both of their skin as she began to move with him, her hips lifting with him. Part of him wanted to lift that last little bit and penetrate her, but he stopped. If he took her now, he would abuse the trust she had in him.

  “Cadeon,” she said on a moan. He knew what she was thinking. His cock was rock hard, and he knew he was seconds from coming. Taking her lips in a searing kiss, he rode her harder. The sensation was enjoyable. However it wouldn’t be as good as the feel of her cunt squeezing him like a fist. Closing his eyes, he inhaled her scent. He bit down on her shoulder, feeling the need to mark her as his. He sucked and did something he’d never done to another woman. He gave Violet his first ever love bite.

  She cried out at the same time as he did. Their release echoed off the walls. Cadeon went back on his feet, grabbed his cock and fucked his fist until his white ropey cum spilled out of the tip and onto her stomach. He collapsed on top of her, getting his cum on himself in the process. It didn’t matter. He wanted the closeness of her in his arms.


  Was she still a virgin? Violet stared down at the head lying on her breast as the world began to stop spinning. She didn’t think they’d had sex, but he’d been against her body and spilled his seed. Living the kind of life she had, she knew scarcely anything about sex. Just the stuff her mother had told her, and she had tried to keep it all a secret, the lifestyle she had to live in order to survive.

  “I must be heavy,” he said. She winced as blood began to move back round her body.

  “You’re a little heavy.”

  “I’ve made us both a mess. Here, let me get us both in the shower.” Before she could protest, he picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, making sure it was hot before helping her into the tub.

  She enjoyed his caring side much more than his bossy side. Cadeon took the soap and washed her. Violet stood still as he finished with her body before moving onto her hair. She closed her eyes enjoying the feel of his fingers massaging her scalp.

  “That feels nice,” she said.


  Once he was done, he turned the shower off and helped her out. Cadeon dried her body and hair before carrying her back to the bedroom. He brushed her hair, refusing to let her do anything. Tucking her in bed, he joined behind her.

  The light turned off as he snaked an arm around her waist.

  Violet wondered if most relationships were like this. Had Stacey undergone this kind of treatment when she first started out being his personal assistant? She cut off the thought, not liking the thought of another woman being with Cadeon.

  Closing her eyes, she drifted off into sleep.


  “Mummy, why can’t I come out of my room when you have visitors?” Violet asked while she brushed her mother’s hair.

  “I’ve told you, pet. It’s not safe for you. Those men-visitors would hurt you in a second. I don’t want that for you,” she said.

  Violet stared at her mother in the small mirror. She looked pale, and a purple bruise was visible along the side of her face. Staring at the marks on her mother’s skin, Violet wished she could do something to make her happy.

  “I could help you, Mummy. Be ni
ce to the visitors while they’re here.”

  Suddenly, her mother flew into a rage. She took the brush from her and slapped her round the face with the flat part. Violet crashed to the floor as pain exploded on the side of her head.

  “Don’t ever suggest anything like that again. If you think that hurts, wait until a man won’t take no for an answer. I don’t want this world for you. I was stupid to become a part of it and even stupider trying to keep you safe from it. Do you have any idea what Dominic would do to you if he found you?”

  Violet had heard him spoken of many times. The name sent dread through her body. At ten years old Violet was already learning when to keep her mouth shut.


  The dream changed.

  Violet had stopped by to speak to the priest on the way to the shop. He was the only man who really knew about her identity. At eighteen, Violet knew she was getting ready to leave home. It was getting scarier trying to hide from the men who came to her mother. The schooling she’d taken would get her by. Checking to make sure no one was watching, she let herself into her home. For as long as she could remember she’d always been watching. To make sure no one would see her. A dirty secret, she had to be kept locked up.

  “Mummy, I’m home.” She picked up the mail. Junk as usual. The house belonged to Dominic, and no one of any importance came to visit, only the men her mother entertained. The life she’d led up to this point had been meaningless. Violet began to wonder why her mother even kept her around for as long as she did.

  Hating herself for the direction of her thoughts, she walked up the creaking stairs. The time was just after three, and her mum would need to start getting ready. It was Friday, and Dominic or one of his men would be coming for the week’s earnings so far.

  “Mummy?” she called. Walking up the stairs, she stopped outside her mother’s bedroom. No one lay in the bed. Frowning, she found one of the more glamorous dresses cut up.

  “Mummy?” she called again as a feeling of dread washed over her. The door to the bathroom was shut. Violet had left it open when she left.

  “Mummy?” she said again, this time in a whisper.

  She pushed open the door and let it open slowly. Biting her lip she stared at the arm resting on the bath.

  Like all the other times, she ran screaming for her not to die. Lifting the lifeless form of her mum out of the bath. The red water splashing all over her as sobs escaped her.


  She screamed as the voice shook her.


  “No, she’s dead. She’s dead....”


  She was pulled out of the dream as Cadeon shook her awake.

  “What?” she asked, opening her eyes and staring round the room. The reality of her situation came to her. She wasn’t back at the house, holding her mother.

  She’d gotten out. She was free.

  “You’re shivering,” he said. His arms went ‘round her, pulling the covers back over her. She closed her eyes as his warmth surrounded her.

  “You were screaming for your mom,” he said.

  Tensing, she waited for more questions.

  “You don’t have to talk about it until you’re ready.”

  Violet stared out into the darkness of the room. She could never talk about it. Her shame and curse was living a life that was a lie. The girl in the dream, that was who she really was. This person in a bed was a coward and a runaway, too scared to tell anyone about the life she’d led for fear of being taken away.

  Closing her eyes, she let the fear drain away. As it drained away, so, too, did her energy.

  The warmth he gave her would be enough. She knew with time she’d have to leave. Her mother had made sure she understood that staying in one place would get you killed.

  Chapter Eight

  Waking up early the next morning, Cadeon left Violet to sleep a little longer. After the nightmare of the previous night she hadn’t slept well for the remainder. Anne wouldn’t be around until about seven-thirty, and he had some calls to make. He went to the kitchen to start the morning coffee then went to his office and fired up the computer. Going back, he set himself up a cup with milk and sugar. He went back to his office and dialled Tate’s number.

  Cadeon didn’t care how early it was. He wanted some answers.

  “Hello,” came the muffled reply.

  “We’ve got a deal,” he said.

  “For fuck’s sake, Cadeon. I’m working on it. Shit like this doesn’t just grow on trees. I’ve got to work at it.” He heard Tate moving around as he woke up. Cadeon wrote down the name Dominic. Violet had screamed his name the night before. Her mother was dead, and she spoke strangely when she talked in her sleep.

  “Well, I’ve got some things that might help. I know it’s a long shot, but they’re stuff she’s called out in her sleep.”

  “You’re already sleeping with her?”

  “Shut it, Tate. Do you want the names to help or what?”

  “Sure. Send them to me, and I’ll email them through to Sean.”

  Cadeon gave him the names and the few details he remembered from her screams and also how her accent had changed while she’d been screaming. “Would that help any?”

  “I don’t know. These could be people that would bring up more information, but I’m hunting in the dark at the moment. Anything you give me can help.”

  They talked for a few more minutes before ringing off. Cadeon opened his emails and checked them through before going to the file he kept on Violet. He pressed the icon and brought up her personal work file.

  He took the key from his desk and opened the drawer, taking out the paper version he’d gotten her to sign not long ago.

  Something wasn’t adding up about the woman upstairs.

  His gut was telling him she was in danger, but for the life of him he couldn’t imagine why. Getting frustrated, he closed the computer and placed the file back in its compartment, feeling more frazzled than before.

  By the time he walked out of his office, Violet sat at the kitchen counter, watching Anne make breakfast. She didn’t talk. She simply watched the older woman walk about the kitchen.

  “You keep staring at me, child, and I’m going to start dropping plates,” Anne said.

  Cadeon watched her, aware Anne had spotted him and knew not to give him away. For as much as Violet opened up when they were alone, after what happened the night before, he figured she would try to distance herself as much as possible.

  “I’m sorry. I’ve never seen anyone so happy in a kitchen before. It’s nice to watch,” she said.

  “Hasn’t your mother ever been happy in the kitchen?” Anne asked.

  “She never went in one unless she had to. Her job was to do other things.” Violet went quiet, and Anne raised an eyebrow at him.

  There was darkness in this girl’s past. A lot of it.

  “Good morning, Violet,” he said as she took the seat next to her.

  She nodded her head, and he noted the lovely shade of red she turned. Anne busied herself in the kitchen. Cadeon moved closer to her, his leg brushing along hers. She gasped and turned to stare at him.

  “I wanted to thank you for last night,” he said as quietly as possible.

  “You’re welcome.”

  Anne placed a bowl in front of Violet and a cup of coffee in front of him.

  She left them to go and clean another room. He watched her leave.

  “Can I ask you something?” Violet asked.

  “Of course.”

  He rested his hand on her knee and watched as she jumped from the contact.

  “Am I still a virgin?” she whispered, her face bright red. Her chest looked flushed.

  “Violet, we didn’t have sex last night,” he said.

  “Oh.” She pulled away from him.

  Anne walked back in the room, and any chance he had at talking about her question left him. Once breakfast was done, he took Violet to the waiting limo. During the working we
ek, he didn’t like driving into the city to work. Too much stress first thing in the morning. He sat staring at Violet as she looked out the tinted window. A frown marred her face.

  “What are you thinking about?” he asked.

  She turned to him. No smile either. “Nothing.”

  “Come on. I read somewhere that the brain is incapable of not thinking something. There has to be something on your mind.”

  “I’m wondering when the bubble will burst.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Well, this can’t be real. I’m no princess, and this is no fairy tale. I feel I’m going to wake up one morning, be back in my small house with nothing to offer the world other than my time,” she said.

  “That’s really sad for someone who is only twenty-one.”

  “How do you know my age?”

  “You work for me, Violet. I know everything about you.”

  She stared at him. He detected the panic in her eyes, which was fleeting, but he noticed it.

  “Shouldn’t you be making advances to someone your own age?” she asked. For the first time he saw the fire inside her. The need to survive. The man in him stood up and took notice. She was young, naive, and to a point, uncultured. But she had a fight inside her. Cadeon respected her more for standing up to him.

  “Do you find my advances repulsive? Or just my age?” he asked.

  Violet stared at him, her gaze moving up and down his body. He laughed at how joyous he found the moment. Then stopped as he realised there hadn’t been many incidents in her life for her to let go. To be a woman. To know someone would catch her when she fell. To know someone would always be there for her as a lover but also as a friend.

  This was the possessive feeling his father talked about. The need to be with her no matter what. As long as he could spend time with her, hold her, he would be happy. Nothing else mattered in life other than the rare moments of bliss, two people shared together.

  “I don’t find you repulsive,” she said.

  “What about my age?”

  “I don’t care about your age either.”

  “Just my general need to control?” She smiled, the first real smile he’d ever seen her make. “You should do that more often.”


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