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His Possession (The Owners)

Page 7

by Sam Crescent



  She blushed.

  “It seems hard to smile,” she said after a few moments.


  “Because I’ve never had much to smile about.”

  Cadeon didn’t question her further. He knew how hard it could be to talk about people.

  “What will I be doing today?” she asked.

  “You’ll be camping out in my office.”

  “Doing what?”

  “I bought you this and took the liberty of filling it with some books.” He reached inside his briefcase and pulled out one of the small e-readers that were so popular.

  “Why would I need this?”

  “Because you weren’t well yesterday and I rather like the thought of having you in my office so I can keep an eye on you.”

  Also, I hate the fucking bastards in the office who check out your ass. You’re mine, Violet, and I don’t share.

  “I can pay you back,” she said. Her hands shook on the small device.

  “Don’t worry about it. I would be offended if you even tried to pay me off. That’s yours. I only ever want to see you smiling as you read it.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Can I ask for something in return?”


  Cadeon had hoped she would say that. “Kiss me.”

  She frowned but moved to sit beside him. Her brown eyes were so expressive. The apprehension was back, but she had a ghost of a smile back on her face. The moment she went to kiss his cheek, Cadeon stopped her.

  “No. I want you to kiss me on the lips.”

  He wanted to know what it felt like to have her reach across the short distance and place those lips on him. His blood was firing on all cylinders, creating an inferno inside.

  With the e-reader in her lap, she leaned over and brushed her lips against his. Not the most sensual of kisses, but to Cadeon it was the most beautiful thing he’d had.

  “Thank you for my present, Cadeon.” She moved back to her seat, staring at his gift in her hand.


  Violet hadn’t lived a life where she got many presents. The most her mother could afford was the clothes on her back and enough to feed her. Most of the nights were spent with male clients while Violet camped out, hidden in her little cupboard. As soon as she was able, she’d taught herself to read and write, going to the priest to get his help. He was the only friend she had who wasn’t in Dominic Green’s pockets. She stared down at the gift. Her heart beat frantically inside her chest. Did this gift mean as much to Cadeon as it did to her?

  She never wanted to let it go. At Christmas, her mother had given her a doll. A small plastic doll, with no clothes, but it had been one of the best years of her life. Biting her lip to contain the tears, Violet ran her hand over the flap covering the screen.

  Should she give it back? No, her kiss had been the only payment required. She looked up and saw Cadeon staring back at her. The intensity of his stare held her in place. He made her tingle from head to toe from his kisses and touches. Cadeon Ashwood made her feel. For most of her life, she’d learnt to cut herself off from feeling. Being numb was better than being alone and in pain.

  “Are you all right?” he asked.


  He could have no idea what that simple gesture meant to her. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath, holding the gift to her chest. When the limo pulled up outside, she followed him outside. With a hand on her back, he escorted her upstairs. Next to him going through his office, she felt immature and out of her depth. There were so many women who would love to be with him, who could keep up with him at every turn.

  She felt the stares and tried to ignore them. The hatred coming off the women threatened to burn a hole straight through her back. He yanked on his office door, and it opened instantly. Stacey stared at her but smiled rather than glared. At least there was one person who wouldn’t hate her.

  For two nights, she’d gone home with the boss. For two nights she’d slept in his bed. Last night they’d done something that made her feel so good inside. Cadeon was working his way into her system. When she looked at him, her heart beat, and she felt alive. Someone was looking at her, not staring over her. Cadeon saw her; he didn’t see through her.

  “Take a seat. Relax and enjoy.”

  He threw his jacket on the seat and went around to his desk. She sat on the seat next to his jacket.

  Opening the flap of her present, she read through the titles of the books available to read. Not many stood out, so she decided to start from the top.

  His voice as he spoke on the phone would distract her. At times she looked up and caught him staring back at her. After a time, she pulled his jacket over her. She felt so calm and happy to be safe.

  Chapter Nine

  Dominic Green stared at the queue of girls in front of him. Some looked like they were knocking on death’s door. He picked out a selection before going back inside his office. Business was booming. The crisis in the world meant more people were turning to gambling, drugs, and women to escape the pain of their situation.

  He lit up a smoke and sat down. Pouring himself a healthy measure of scotch, he glared at the picture on his desk. The girl was a pretty bitch, he’d give her that. She’d pack a couple of grand in a few nights. Some of his more expensive clients liked them on the chunky side with the girl-next-door kind of look.

  His men had failed to gather any information on the girl’s whereabouts. It was as if she’d fallen of the face of the earth. Valerie had been a rare find, a girl with a heart yearning for love. How that bitch had managed to keep her daughter a secret was beyond him.

  A knock at the door interrupted his thoughts.

  “Come in,” he said.

  His second-in-command stood in the doorway.


  “We might have got something. We’re not sure because it would lead us to a different country,” the man said.

  “What are you fucking talking about?”

  “We believe Valerie Walter’s daughter has moved to America, sir. We’re going through the scanners now trying to find a match. This picture isn’t the best thing to go on. It’s a little older, and we don’t know for sure how old she might be.”

  Dominic lost his temper.

  “I don’t give a fuck how long it takes. Get me some answers, and do it quickly. I want this girl, and when I get my hands on her I’ll show everyone not to fucking mess with me. What’s mine, stays mine.”

  He rubbed his hands together just thinking about the pain he would inflict on her. The nameless girl who was causing him trouble.


  Tate growled with frustration as every lead came up blank. There was no way he could find any fucking information about the girl that Cadeon wanted. That could mean only one thing. She was in the country illegally. Pulling the notes up he’d phoned through early in the morning, he picked up the phone and dialled Sean.

  “Hello?” a female voice answered with a purr.

  “Is Sean in?” he asked.

  “Give it here, babe. Go and make some coffee. No, don’t put any clothes on. You won’t need them later.”

  Tate rolled his eyes as he heard Sean giving out orders. “Sean here.”

  “Don’t you have anything better to do than fuck?”

  “Cadeon isn’t keeping my girl away from me. I’m a free agent until the right woman comes along. What do you want?”

  “Cadeon phoned me this morning with more information about this girl.”

  “Fucking hell. He must really like this girl.”

  “Yeah.” Tate thought about his own girl, Rebecca Black. If he did this, he could finally get a shot with the only woman he’d ever cared about. He remembered the last time he had seen her. She’d been terrified, but he’d known right away what she’d come to mean to him.

  “Give me the names and what-not.”

  “Her mother is dead, and appar
ently someone by the name of Dominic was mentioned. Also, he said she sounded strange. Had like a British accent or something as she was talking.”

  “What?” Sean asked sounding alert.

  “Her mother is dead, Dominic, and something about a British accent. What’s up, Sean?”

  “I don’t like the sound of this.”


  “Look, I don’t want to start a panic, but I need to get some shit sorted out. Then I’ll call you.”

  “Just give me some information here,” Tate said.

  “Not yet. I was fine until you mentioned the name Dominic. Let me talk to my contacts, and I’ll speak to you soon.” The line cut off. Tate growled and threw the receiver down. He hated being kept in the dark.

  Staring at the computer screen of Violet Moore, he wondered what was different about her from so many other women. Cadeon wouldn’t stop in his quest to pursue her, even if this search came up badly.

  Chapter Ten

  Cadeon watched her read a book. The numbers on the screen were doing nothing to distract him from the vision of Violet. The men couldn’t take their eyes away from her as he held his meetings. Her skirt was lifted above the knee, and her fingers circled the exposed piece of flesh. By lunch time he was out of his mind with need. His cock, rock hard, threatened to split his trousers in two. He took the food from Stacey and told her to take a long break. Placing the food down, he closed and locked the door.

  Taking the food over to his desk, he looked at Violet. She stared at him, the e-reader open in her lap.

  “Come here,” he said.

  She placed the e-reader on the side before standing moving to stand next to him. Cadeon held her hip and brought her in front of his desk. Staring into her eyes, he ran his hands up her legs to rest on her panties.

  “Cadeon,” she said in protest.

  “Don’t speak.” He grabbed the panties and pulled them down. “Step out of them.” She lifted one leg and then the other.

  He placed them in his pocket.

  “I need those,” she said.

  “Did I say you could speak?”

  She shook her head. Cadeon couldn’t believe how instantly submissive she was. It was as if a part of her responded to his call.

  “Now, you’ve got to eat lunch, but first I want you to earn it.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will.” Cadeon lifted her skirt to her hips and placed her on his desk. He sat back down. “I want you to open your legs.”

  A blush painted her cheeks as, slowly, she opened her legs. He’d known from the feel of the panties how wet she was. Cadeon could see the evidence between her lips.

  “You look perfect.”

  “Cadeon?” she whispered. He loved hearing his name on her lips.

  “Play with yourself.”

  “What?” He saw the look of alarm on her face.

  “I want to see your fingers sliding through your pussy. You’re wet and turned on. I want you to please me. Do you want to please me, Violet?”

  She nodded her head.

  “Pleasure yourself.”

  “What about you?”

  “Would it please you to see me doing the same?”

  Another nod of her head.

  Smiling, he unzipped his designer trousers and pulled out his cock. Her eyes widened. The little minx didn’t think he would do it.

  He would do one better. Going to his drawer, he pulled out a spare tube of lubrication. Ever since seeing her hot ass walking round his office, he’d learned to keep a spare tube of lube in case of emergencies. He’d been wanking over her hot body since the moment he met her.

  “Do I need some?” she asked.

  “No. You’re wet already.” She blushed and looked away, embarrassed.

  “Hey, don’t be like that. I love how wet you get. It shows you desire me.” A blush still stained her cheeks, but she looked more flush than shamed.

  Cadeon made sure he had plenty of lubrication before he leaned back and began to massage his cock.

  “Show me, baby,” he said.

  “I don’t know how.”

  “Lick your fingers. I’ll tell you how.” She licked the fingers of her right hand. “Now, press them between your legs on your pussy. Like that. Move them around.” He watched her delicate touch against her own body.

  His shaft jumped in his hand. She looked so sexy using her fingers to bring herself off. “Slowly, find what you’re looking for.” He watched her playing with her body. Violet looked over at him panicked.

  “I can’t do it,” she said, tears in her eyes. Pulling his hand away from his own body, he leaned forward and grabbed her hand. Sucking her fingers between his lips, he heard her gasp. Her feminine juice coated his tongue. Licking every last bit of taste, he guided her back between her legs.

  Her eyes remained firmly on him. Cadeon used her fingers to touch her clit. Her body jolted from the contact.

  “Do you feel that?” A nod of the head. “Explore yourself.”

  Before he went back to his cock, he unbuttoned her blouse. Opening the sides he pulled her breasts over the top of her bra. He knew he should be going slower with her. Cadeon couldn’t stop himself. When he was in her company, he felt like he’d known her forever.

  Leaning back in his chair, his hand round his cock, he watched the view. Her tits heaved over the top of her bra. He imagined fucking between her tits, her tongue swirling along the tip of his cock. Moaning, he travelled down her body. Her tummy was nicely rounded, something he could grab onto and fuck hard. She didn’t have a skinny body. She was a pure woman who could take the hard, rough, or gentle screwing. Cadeon loved to mix his sex up. He knew there would come a point when he would unleash his lust. There was only so long he could keep the possessive side of himself locked up.

  Her fingers were creamy with her juice. He heard how wet she was every time she flicked her clit. A moan escaped her lips as her fingers touched her clit.

  Cadeon wasn’t watching a woman masturbating herself. He was watching a woman finding who she was. A woman on the quest of pleasure. Staring at the wonder in her eyes as she stared back at him, Cadeon knew something would change once she reached her orgasm. This was the point in a woman’s life where he could hold her, protect her and watch her flourish – or destroy every ounce of personality within her.

  Pulling his foreskin back, he ran the tip of his finger along and around the sensitive flesh underneath.

  She stared at him. Her teeth biting into her lip. Body shaking. Cadeon could see she was close. He sped up the beats of his hand, watching the way her legs shook and her hand increased in the one spot of her clitoris. Two fingers together massaging her. He watched her, absorbing everything she liked. What made her eyes widen, what made her wince. All of it, he watched and learned. Feeding the information to the deepest part of his brain.


  Violet felt his gaze on every part of her skin. Her body was flush with arousal, her fingers slippery wet from her own sex. She moaned as he continued to fuck his fist. The way she felt about him scared her in that moment. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for him. She felt it in her blood.

  When she was with him, she felt safe and happy. Even if he scared her sometimes, the fear didn’t stay with her long term.

  “That’s it, baby. Touch your pussy. I want to see you coming.”

  Moaning as his words tightened the muscles inside her pussy, her fingers were frantic as she searched for the release she knew he could give her.

  “Cadeon,” she screamed as her body shook from the pleasure, her fingers bringing her over the edge. Opening her eyes, she saw Cadeon grab some tissue as a growl erupted from him.

  “Fuck, yeah.”

  Before she had time to catch her breath, he grabbed her. He took her onto his lap, one leg over one arm and the other leg on the other. She straddled him on the chair. His fingers sank into her hair, removing her ponytail from the band. He fanned her hair around her face.

p; “You’re so beautiful. I’m the luckiest fucking man in the world.”

  Violet smiled at his compliment. He kissed her on the lips, his hand grabbing the back of her head to keep her in place.

  Her hands rested on his chest. She felt his cock between her legs. The sensation didn’t bother her. She liked being in his arms. He wrapped his other arm around her. Breaking from the kiss, he pressed her head against his chest.

  “I’ll care for you, forever,” he whispered.

  Closing her eyes, her heart burst inside her chest. Could this be love?

  “I want to take care of you,” he said.

  She didn’t know what to say. Cadeon stroked her hair. They rested in his chair, neither moving. The phone on his desk rang, and they ignored it, content to lie in each other’s arms. Violet wanted to stay within the safety of his arms. Never leave him.

  A knock came at the door. Stacey shouted through to him that his two o’clock appointment was there to see him. Violet, with his help, got off his lap. She was reeling from the fact they’d been with each other for two hours, minimum.

  He pulled her skirt back down.

  “I need my panties,” she said.

  “No, you don’t. I’ll keep them.”

  Ten minutes later, Stacey showed the man in. Violet went back to her seat and read. Her mind was in turmoil from the events of the afternoon. The life she’d known was getting out of hand. The moment he spoke, Violet had felt her body drawn to his call. Closing her eyes, she prayed for the sanity that had left her since he’d made his presence known.

  Cadeon Ashwood made her feel, and in the world she lived in, it was dangerous to feel.

  Chapter Eleven

  The week passed, and slowly Violet became aware of the system of how Stacey worked. Once she’d mastered Stacey’s role, Cadeon would call her into his office and get her to work in front of him. He bought her a state-of-the-art laptop to keep her in his company. She had heard some of his colleagues talking, and the whispers and taunts unnerved her. Never before had she been the subject of gossip, yet now she was being talked about constantly. Cadeon Ashwood had never shown an interest in a woman the way he did her.


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