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Model Men

Page 8

by Neil Plakcy


  The door opened and Dr. James came in. “I’m just stopping in to see how things are going. You don’t mind, do you?”

  I’m sure my eyes screamed at him to leave, since I couldn’t say anything.

  “So what test are you performing?”

  Dr. Jock snapped the rubber glove and worked the lube down his index finger. “He said he had blood in his stool, so I figured I’d need to do a rectal.”

  “Good idea. Did you need any help with that? I can show you some techniques, if you’d like.”

  Dr. Jock stepped behind me and said, “Watch how I do it, and then you can show me how to do it better.”

  If I wasn’t hard before, I was now.

  “If you could turn around and bend over…,” Dr. Jock said.

  “There may be a problem,” I started, as I turned around.

  “That’s all normal,” Dr. James said waving his hand at me.

  I felt one of the flaps open up and revealed one cheek. A cool breeze rushed up my gown, and my cock jumped and bounced. This wasn’t supposed to be happening.

  Dr. James touched my shoulder. “It will be over before you know it.”

  “Fine.” I faced the exam table and set my hands on the edge.

  Dr. Jock moved behind me and opened up my gown.

  “Notice the solid muscle tone,” Dr. James said, as he ran his finger over the curve of my ass.

  I felt my knees threaten to give out.

  Dr. Jock touched my shoulder and said, “Relax and take a deep breath.” He slipped his finger between my cheeks and sought out my opening. The KY was warm as his finger explored. He found the tight sphincter and pressed in. Inch by inch his finger sank into my butt. He wiggled it back and forth, reaching for my prostate gland. He pulled back and forth a few times.

  My cock jumped and I felt some wetness at the tip. My balls jumped and the hair tickled them as the air moved over them.

  Dr. Jock’s finger found my prostate and pressed down firmly on it. He palpated it and fingered it from all sides.

  Pre-cum flowed out of my dick and pleasure soared over my body. I pushed back against his finger. My ass sucked on his finger, begging for more.

  “His prostate feels round and firm, not hard or mushy. No abnormal masses felt.”

  He kept his finger inside me as he spoke. He pressed down on it over and over again.

  “Very good,” Dr. James said, as he pulled on a rubber glove. It snapped into place as he stepped next to Dr. Jock. “Let me feel and then I can show you a little trick I’ve learned.”


  I felt Dr. Jock withdraw from my ass and step back.

  “As you can see he has a very muscular butt, and those strong muscles may make it hard to insert your finger, so asking him to breathe deeply was a great idea. That helps him relax. Are you relaxed?”


  I felt him slip his finger into my crease and work its way to my hole. He pumped into me several times as he searched for my prostate. Usually I was taken out for dinner first, but I did volunteer for this, and I was getting paid for it. I pressed back against Dr. James and moaned as he dug.

  “Am I hurting you?” he asked, pressing in deeper and poked my prostate.


  More pre-cum oozed out of me and dripped onto the floor, I felt one drop land on my foot, hot and wet and slick.

  “He has an amazing prostate, and he is the perfect test subject. Notice if you grab his testicles, it blocks his butt from relaxing.” Dr. James grabbed my balls and pulled them down.

  My ass clamped down on his finger, and he probed and twisted. My cock flapped up and down as he milked my low hangers. His bare hand was warm, and I felt him roll my balls between his fingers.

  Oh my god!

  I dropped my head forward and closed my eyes. Was he trying to jack me off here?

  He pulled his finger out of my butt but continued squeezing my balls. “This could be the perfect time to check for testicular cancer. Nate, could you sit down on the table and we’ll check for a hernia and cancer at the same time. How often do you examine your testicles?”

  “I try once a month.” I sat down on the edge of the table, and that piece of paper crinkled under my backside.

  Dr. Jock asked, “When do you do that? In the shower?”

  “Nate, that is a great time to examine your balls,” Dr. James said as he lifted my gown to reveal my knees, still respecting my modesty.

  My cock was standing straight up and rested against my belly. The paper garment flipped up and my hairy balls fell into view.

  Dr. James folded the gown back and grabbed one testicle. He pulled it, rolled it, and pulled the skin tight. “Notice the rich color and healthy hair. And one testicle usually hangs lower than the other one.”

  Dr. Jock moved to the table and grabbed my other ball. He rolled it in his fingers. “It is warm, healthy, and well developed.”

  “Both have descended and if we pull them up, we can make sure that he doesn’t have a hernia. The inguinal canal is a weak spot in the abdominal wall and can tear open...”

  “And could cause a problem if a piece of his intestine slipped through and got stuck, cutting the blood supply off and causing tissue death.” Dr. Jock continued to play with my ball. He then pulled it up and inserted his finger underneath to feel for a hernia.

  My dick rocked back and forth. The stimulation rose in my pelvis, and I felt more fluid pour down my shaft.


  “I feel that so many men are embarrassed about these exams and they could save a life. This is an important thing that we need to instill into our patients.”

  Dr. Jock nodded but didn’t let go of my testicle.

  Dr. James looked at his watch. “It looks like we have some extra time, so what else should we work on? Have you ever cathed a man?”

  Oh crap!

  “I think I need to use the restroom,” I said.

  “Perfect, we’ll catherize it out of you.” He turned and pulled out a kit from one of the cabinets. “Can you lie back on the table and bring your feet up?”

  “I didn’t agree to this.”

  Dr. James pushed me back as Dr. Jock slid out the leg rest on the exam table. Dr. James set the plastic box on the table and opened it. He pulled up my gown, ripping the paper in the process.

  My erection sprang up and bounced up and down.

  Kill me now.

  Both doctors stopped and stared. “You sure are a healthy man, Nate,” Dr. Jock said as he pulled out a red cathing tube and applied lube to it. He grabbed my cock and pulled the slit open. He guided the tip of the tube in and slowly pushed. The rubber tube entered my penis and filled me. I could feel the pressure as it slid deeper into me. My hard cock started to swell even bigger as it slid down my shaft. “Having an erection will help the tube slide in easier, but it will be a lot longer. A real long, long tube.” His hand massaged my erection and worked the tube in.

  I felt my dick grow thicker in his hand. His stroke felt so good, despite the pressure of the tube being inserted deeper and deeper inside my shaft. The tube stopped and refused to go farther. Pain started, but I took a deep breath, and the tube continued in. The inserted end must have entered my bladder because warm urine started to flow out.

  Dr. Jock aimed the end of the cath into a urinal and caught the output.

  It felt great to empty my bladder. As the flow stopped, Dr. Jock started to pull the tube out. “What an amazing job you’re doing.” He poured the urine down the drain and threw the used cath kit in the garbage.

  Dr. James stepped in front of me. “I hate to waste that erection. How about getting a semen sample? Doctor, would you like to assist?”

  “I could demonstrate several techniques to obtain a sample,” Dr. Jock offered. “He seems motivated enough.” Dr. Jock stepped to the head of the table. He pulled open his lab coat and started to unbuckle his belt. He drew down his fly and let his pants drop to the floor. His tightie-whities were
bulging on his football player’s body. His hand grabbed his basket and pulled on it. A wet spot soaked through the cotton and the fat mushroom head was visible.

  Oh yes.

  Dr. James moved between my legs and spread them. His hand stroked my balls and worked up my shaft. He ran one finger up to my tip and spread the pearl of cream over its end. He brought his finger to his mouth and tasted me. “Delicious.”

  I couldn’t decide who to watch. Dr. James started to open his pants, but Dr. Jock was removing his briefs. A thick bush of brown hair flowed out of his waistband, followed by a huge, thick eight-inch cock. He pushed the underwear down to his knees and moved closer. He grabbed his cock and said, “You can stroke the whole penis, but some men prefer to only work the tip.” He demonstrated both techniques, milking out a pearl of pre-cum.

  The musky male scent of sweat and semen entered my nose. I brought my head back, licked my lips, and Dr. Jock guided his cock to them. He traced my mouth with his dick, smearing the clear fluid along them and then circled around and around.

  Dr. James pulled down his pants and moved closer to my ass. “We had such great success when we stimulated your prostate.” I felt his cock rub along my butt. He pressed against my hole; the lube from the previous exam made his entry easy. His tip slid in, and he buried himself to the hilt, prodding my gland again.

  Dr. Jock saw him enter me, and he did the same with my mouth. His thick cock tasted of salt and man. Inch by inch he filled my mouth until his thick bush touched my nose. I inhaled and savored him. I was filled from both ends and basked in the warmth that flooded my body.

  Dr. James grasped my dick and started stroking. His hand spread my pre-cum and lubed my shaft. His touch made my hips rock back and forth, push my cock into his hand as his dick slipped in and out of my ass.

  I sucked on Dr. Jock and felt his hairy balls bounce.

  Thank you Jesus.

  He reached down and squeezed my pecs. His fingers combed through my hair and played down my torso. He humped my face and moaned with pleasure.

  Dr. James increased his speed in my ass and on my cock.

  I reached up and pulled on Dr. Jock’s tight end, increasing his speed into my mouth.

  His cock seemed to swell and grow as my mouth worked on it, pre-cum started to flow out of his dick and mixed with my saliva. The mixture increased the depth of his thrusts and my lips sealed around him, drawing out more.

  My balls started to ascend as Dr. James plowed into me.

  “I’m…get…ting…close.” He drove into me with each syllable. He pulled out of my ass and surged forward. He grabbed his cock with mine and jacked them together. His pre-cum mixed with mine as our two thick shafts rubbed along each other.

  Dr. Jock grabbed my head and held it in place as he fucked my mouth.

  Dr. James humped and jacked faster.

  I felt a hot, wet gush explode out of his cock. It mixed and ran along my shaft and I knew my load would explode soon.

  Dr. James groaned with pleasure and squeezed my cock.

  I rose up and pushed my dick against him. My balls let loose, releasing the force they had been building. I sucked harder on Dr. Jock and felt him shoot deep into my throat. I swallowed and swallowed, trying to prevent from drowning in this sea of semen.

  Dr. James milked my cock for all that remained and wiped the excess across my abs. He massaged his cock and mine together.

  Dr. Jock pulled out of my mouth and shot another wave of cum across my chest. His load mixed with ours.

  I closed my eyes for a second, and the next thing I felt was a wet, warm washcloth wiped across my torso, over my cock and around my balls.

  Dr. Jock dressed and left the room, as Dr. James cleaned me up and dried me off. He opened a cabinet and pulled out a new paper gown. “Your next doctor will be with you in a minute.” He pulled off the cum-soaked paper on the table and threw it away. He pulled a new, fresh piece to cover the table, and he patted the spot.

  I donned the new gown and tied the strings at the neck as Dr. James finished readying the exam room and left. My bare ass sat on the paper and waited.

  “Knock, knock.” The door opened and Dr. Yummy entered. Thick black hair that fell down to his shoulders in waves, brown eyes, tan skin, white, even teeth on a perfect model’s body. He handed me a folder. Prostate cancer.

  There was another knock on the door. Dr. James entered and smiled. “I came to help.” He grabbed a purple rubber glove and snapped it into place. “Turn around and bend over.”

  Oh fuck, here we go again…



  Doug was eighteen, just out of high school. The youngest guy who had ever posed for the magazine. He was from a small town in northern California, posing to get money for school. With his shoulder-length hair the color of burnt cinnamon and frat-boy good looks I was instantly smitten, though I was forty-five, old enough to be his father.

  “So have you ever done this before?” I asked him.

  “No,” he confessed, in a soft lyrical tenor, on the brink of manhood yet still filled with childlike innocence.

  “Well don’t be nervous. We won’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  “Thanks,” Doug said. “So how does this work? What do I do?” He ran his hand nervously through his luscious locks.

  “First just relax. Be yourself and don’t be nervous. I know, easy for me to say. I get to keep my clothes on.”

  Doug laughed, showing off those perfect ivory-colored teeth, and I snapped my first picture.

  “See? Not so bad.”

  He smiled and nodded.

  “First I’m going to get some clothed shots of you and then we’ll work our way down. Shirtless. Underwear. Nude. Sound good?”

  “Sounds good,” he responded.

  I could see him relax. Good. My job was always easier if they were relaxed. Not that I blamed any of my boys for being nervous. What they were doing took a lot of guts. I could never pose nude no matter how much you paid me.

  “So what brought you to LA?” I asked as I clicked my camera. I found that if I talked to them they became more themselves and forgot about the camera and posing. “Acting? Modeling?”

  “No,” he laughed. “That stuff really isn’t for me.” He caught me off-guard. I thought those were the only reasons good looking young people came to LA. “I’m going to USC.”

  “What are you studying?”

  “Business communications.”

  “Nice. Can you lift up your shirt a little and give us a peek at your stomach?”

  He did and my heart raced at seeing his flat, smooth stomach, evenly tanned by the sun.

  “How long have you been doing this?” he asked.

  “About twenty-five years.”

  “Wow,” he said impressed. “I can’t imagine doing any job that long.”

  “That’s because you still have mother’s milk on your breath.”

  He laughed as if this was the funniest joke in the world. I loved his laugh. It was warm. Friendly. Genuine.

  “Want to take off the shirt?” I asked. Truth be told I couldn’t wait to get him naked.

  “Sure,” he answered casually as if I had asked if he wanted to go to a ball game.

  Slowly he peeled off his shirt. His pecs were hard and meticulously developed. His nipples, a virginal pink color, were the size of silver dollars. Like his stomach, his chest was devoid of hair. Two small tufts of a darker cinnamon-colored hair lived under his arms.

  As the day wore on Doug and I grew more and more comfortable with each other. He definitely had more personality than most of the other no-brain egomaniacs I had to deal with. Plus he looked really good in his tight briefs.

  “So how are you feeling?” I asked as I changed the film in my camera.

  “Great,” he answered. “This is easy.”

  “Glad you’re enjoying yourself. So…ready to ditch the undies?”

  “Okay,” he said starting to pull his briefs down.
  “Wait,” I stopped him.


  “Turn around. Let’s get some shots of your butt first.”


  Turning around he exposed his butt and my dick got instantly hard. Doug had one of the roundest, tightest bubble-butts I had ever seen!

  “Doug, look over your shoulder and smirk at the camera. Pretend you’re flirting with someone you like.”

  He did and I almost melted like butter on hot bread. The big flirt even winked. I wondered how many girls—or guys—he had done that to.

  “Was that okay?” he asked, voice tainted with just a hint of self-consciousness.

  “Great. Now I want you to look away from me, flex and clench your butt.”

  He did, and damn if I didn’t almost cum! Closing my eyes I counted to ten and reminded myself that I was a professional.

  “Okay,” I said once I had regained my composure. “Ready to show the world your dick?”

  “I guess,” he answered, still facing away from me. I could hear the blush in his voice and I couldn’t help but grin.

  Doug turned around and you’d have thought it was the first time I’d ever seen a naked man. My heart stopped and my dick got even harder.

  I couldn’t tear my eyes from his body. His neatly trimmed pubic hair. His fat dick that rested on two of the biggest bull balls I had ever seen. I loved balls, and Doug’s were perfect. I’m amazed I didn’t lick my lips. Or fuck him.

  “Is my body okay? Is my dick big enough? Do you think they’ll like my body?”

  His boyhood insecurities turned me on even more.

  “You’re fine. Everyone’s going to love you.”

  “Really?” he asked, perking up.

  “Really,” I answered honestly.

  I must have snapped a million pictures of him. I have never taken that many shots of any model. He was just so yummy. I didn’t want our session to end. It should be illegal to cover that body.

  “I’m glad you think your readers will like me.”

  His words made my chest swell up with pride. “I’m sure you have no problem getting one-night stands.”

  As soon as I said that I froze. My eyes bugged out. I hadn’t meant to say that out loud. I was supposed to be a professional. One of the top photographers in LA.


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