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Who hasn't experienced a pang of lust or longing at a photo of a male model? Whether a hundred times life size on a billboard or romping through the pages of a glossy magazine in his Calvins, Tommys or Ralphs, the male model is the gold standard for masculine beauty. The characters in these stories run the gamut, from the billboard-gracing Aiden in Cynthia Hamilton's "Big Picture," to life models in drawing classes, to runway models, to ordinary guys immortalized in a catalog shoot in T. Hitman's "When Gary Met Larry." They hook up with artists, photographers, roommates and lovers, in locations from New York to Miami to a beach in Australia, and many places in between. One thing all the male models here have in common is sex appeal and a yen for man-on-man action. These aren't the kind of guys who say, "look but don't touch" — they want to be touched, and in all the right places! The authors here, some of the best writing in gay erotica today, have taken hold of the idea of...