Book Read Free

Model Men

Page 12

by Neil Plakcy

  Except…I got down on one knee an’ looked closer. Except in this picture, I could kinda see it. I got hold of the paper, real careful, an’ got up. A little further down the hall was another picture, from the same class. I was sittin’ on a stool, in this one, lookin’ kinda like I prolly did when I got sent to the principal’s office in school: my heels an’ elbows were out, my knees an’ my toes pointin’ in. An’ there was my dick again, right there where it ain’t s’posed to be.

  I picked up the second picture an’ headed for the kitchen. When I turned on the light, I found three more, each one of me an’ showin’ parts of me that weren’t showin’ when I sat for ’em. I stacked all of ’em together an’ checked the dinin’ room, an’ there was another one right in the middle of the table.

  It was different than the others, though, ’cause even though it was a picture of me, I was layin’ on my back with my hands up by my head, holdin’ on to a pillow or somethin’, an’ my legs were stretched out wide. My dick was hard, in the one on the table, an’ my eyes were closed, my mouth open. It was…It was kinda weird an’ kinda hot an’ even a little bit scary, ’cause who drew it? An’ how’d they get into our house? “Benny?”

  Nothin’, but I didn’t really expect anything, either. I let out my breath an’ gathered up the picture an’ went to poke my head into the room we called the library. It ain’t fancy or nothin’, just a spare bedroom we put some bookshelves an’ lamps an’ chairs in. When I opened the door, I could see that Benny’s lamp was on, shinin’ on his chair. It wasn’t really empty, ’cause there was a piece of paper on the cushion, but Benny wasn’t around.

  Me again. Hard, an’ this time sittin’ on my knees, my head tilted back an’ my hands back behind me, holdin’ me up. There was somethin’ new, though: a little line, comin’ up from my head, like in a comic. I was sayin’ Please, Ben, suck me or fuck me or somethin’…I tried to decide if I should risk goin’ to the cops, ’cause this was just wrong. Someone spyin’ on us, listenin’ to us, an’ drawin’ pictures of it? Of me? I turned around to leave an’ saw there was somethin’ on my chair.

  Me, kinda curled over on one hand an’ my knees, the other one under me, prolly holdin’ on to my dick. Another one of those lines, this time leadin’ to God, I wanna fuck you now, Benny. Please, can I? An’ I almost missed it, but I looked for just a few seconds longer an’ I noticed a line comin’ from the edge of the page an’ some more words. If you don’t, I’m going to be really disappointed.

  I could almost hear Benny sayin’ that, an’ then the way he’d laugh after. Where the hell was he? I headed back out to the sittin’ room an’ turned on the light. Two pictures on the sofa an’ one on the low table between it an’ the fireplace. I looked at the sofa pictures first. Me, me, always me. In one I was on my back again, jerkin’ myself an’ a hand—not one of mine, somebody else’s—was up against my ass an’ all I could think was that there hadda be at least two fingers inside me.

  The idea of someone drawin’ these an’ leavin’ ’em for me was still creepy, but I was startin’ to get horny, too. The pictures were all kinda rough, but I knew exactly what they were s’posed to be showin’, an’ dirty pictures are dirty pictures. In the other sofa picture, I was layin’ there with cum on my belly an’ my hand kinda curled around my soft dick like I was tryin’ to keep it safe.

  The table picture was me on my hands an’ knees, again, an’ this time there was a dick half-inside me. I was sayin’, Yeah, please, fuck me like that, an’ I could almost feel it, could almost feel Benny’s hands on me. I tugged at the front of my pants an’ wondered what I’d find in our room.

  What I found was my lamp on an’ one last piece of paper, on the floor right inside the door. It was smaller than the rest of ’em, an’ it wasn’t just a picture of me. It was a picture of me fuckin’ Benny, an’ it didn’t really look like the rest. It was more finished, or something. It also had a little scribble down in the right-hand corner at the bottom, which none of the rest had. A little noise brought my head up an’ I remembered that I was kinda worried about there maybe bein’ some kinda creep in the house.

  There wasn’t a creep, there was just—“Benny!” He was in bed, the quilts pulled up to his chin an’ no book in sight.

  “Hey,” he said, an’ kinda lifted his chin. “You found them.”

  “Yeah, but I dunno what to think,” I said, wavin’ the pictures at him. “I mean, you’re about the only one who’s seen me naked like this, recently.”

  “Yeah, I am.” There was somethin’ kinda funny about the way he said it, an’ I looked at the last big picture, really lookin’ at it, ’specially the writin’. Now that I was lookin’ at it, I was pretty sure I knew whose it was.

  “You—Benny? You…drew these?” They were a lot less creepy an’ a lot more sexy all of a sudden. “When?”

  He smiled at me, duckin’ like he does when he’s embarrassed. “I did. Over the last few weeks. I was afraid you’d catch me.”

  “Catch—” I set the pictures on top of our bureau an’ crossed my arms. “That was you? In the back an’ the hat an’ everything?”

  “Guilty,” he said, an’ I could hear him smilin’. “It was a spur-of-the-moment idea, really. I thought it would be interesting to draw you, but I didn’t know if being in the class was the best thing. And then when I was sketching you, I started thinking about, well…” He shrugged.

  “Yeah, it’s prolly a good thing I didn’t know it was you,” I said, an’ hooked my thumbs under my suspenders. “Hey, Benny?”


  “Tell me,” I said, gettin’ my suspenders down an’ then pullin’ my shirt outta my pants, “did drawin’ these, y’know, do it for you?”

  “Yes,” he said, an’ moved a little. “Especially the last few.”

  “Mm, yeah?” I started unbuttonin’ my shirt, slow. “Even the last one? The little one?”

  “The little one…no.” Benny moved again, lookin’ at me an’ then lookin’ at the mirror over the bureau. “Because I didn’t draw that one. I, um, commissioned it.”

  “You what? Had it drawn?” I forgot about my shirt for a minute, feelin’ kinda like I did when somebody hits me on the jaw in a scrap. Parta me was kinda pissed, ’cause I ain’t interested in sharin’ Benny with nobody, an’ parta me was tryin’ to figure out who the hell we knew that Benny woulda asked for somethin’ like that.

  Noddin’, Benny sat up an’ the quilts fell down, showin’ me that he wasn’t wearin’ a shirt. “Yeah. ‘Cause I’m not that good, and…I don’t know, it was one of those things that just kind of took on a life of its own. Uh…Forest did it. I paid him, cash.”

  “Oh.” Forest, of course. I felt silly insteada bein’ pissed off, then, an’ shrugged. “He’s real good, ain’t he?”

  Benny relaxed an’ I kinda wondered just how worried he’d been about me an’ that picture an’ me knowin’ he asked Forest. “Yeah,” he said, watchin’ me.

  “I know somethin’ else that’s real good, too,” I said, an’ skinned out of my clothes. Benny slid outta bed an’ I saw that he was naked, too, which made my dick happier. He was smilin’ at me again, too, which was…I dunno, I ain’t that great with explainin’ how he makes me feel when it comes to that kinda thing. But I liked seein’ him smilin’ at me an’ it made my chest get all warm.

  “And what would that be? Something like, oh…this?” An’ then Benny came over an’ got down on his knees in front of me, an’ when he leaned forward I put my hands on his head. He started off by kissin’ my legs an’ my belly an’ even my knees; he got his hands up on my ass an’ squeezed it, some, an’ started lickin’ me.

  “Mm, yeah,” I said, puttin’ my hands over his. A minute later, Benny started suckin’ on me, an’ I made a happy noise. His mouth was hot an’ wet an’ wonderful, an’ the way his tongue curled around me, rubbed at me.…I closed my eyes an’ tilted my head back. “God.”

  Benny’s mouth moved off my dick an’ he kissed me, makin’
a line up over my belly an’ chest to my mouth. After we kissed for a while, with him pressin’ up against me an’ our dicks rubbin’ on one another, he bumped his nose against mine. “You’re so much better than any drawing,” he said. “Come to bed.”

  “So’re you,” I said, an’ kissed him again. “Only if you’re gonna fuck me.”

  “Sure thing,” he said, an’ pulled me over to the bed. He kissed me again, an’ I pinched his ass, an’ he tried to tickle me an’ we ended up fallin’ over onto the quilts. We kinda wrestled for a couple of minutes, kissin’ an’ bitin’ a little an’ lickin’ one another, ’til finally I ended up on my back with Benny sittin’ on my legs.

  “Will you fuck me now?” I gave him my best ‘pretty please’ look, even though I knew what the answer was. “Please?”

  “Of course,” he said, and moved over so I could get my legs open. “You wanna start with two?” He leaned over me an’ grabbed the lube off his table.

  “Yeah,” I said, and then, “God, Benny, yes,” when he gave me what I wanted.

  “Phil?” Benny said, a couple of minutes later. He had a funny look on his face, one I ain’t seen very often.

  “What? Benny, please.”

  “One of the reasons I started drawing those pictures? Seeing you sitting there made me appreciate just how good you look.” He moved up an’ kissed my dick an’ licked it a couple of times. “How hot, how fuckable you are. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to wait?”

  I laughed a little. “Not really, ’cause I ain’t you. But I know how hard it is when I’m fuckin’ you.” Then I rubbed my hands over my chest an’ pinched my nipples an’ kinda stretched, like I was showin’ off for him. I was prolly as tired of waitin’ as he was, so I said, “So don’t, Benny, don’t wait. An’ don’t make me wait, please?”

  “I won’t, swear to God,” he said, grinnin’ at me. Then he moved away from me, lookin’ for the lube. Just a little bit longer an’ then there was the cool slick an’ he was pushin’ his cock into me. “But slow, okay?”

  “I know, I know.” I hated it, but I knew there wasn’t nothin’ I could do to make him hurry. Didn’t mean I wouldn’t try, though. “Wanna feel you, okay? C’mon, Ben, move.”

  Benny touched my dick real softly, shakin’ his head. “Just a minute.” He moved, though, an’ I hummed a little as he stretched me.

  He ran his hands over me, up the outside of my thighs an’ my sides an’ across my belly, up to my chest. Benny got deeper as he petted me, an’ I wiggled, tryin’ to help him out. When he was tight against me, he curled over an’ helped me up so we could kiss. It was messy an’ slow an’ God, it was so good.

  “Fuck, Benny?”

  “Hm?” He opened his eyes an’ looked down at me.

  “C’mon, please?” He just touched my face an’ kissed me again, slippin’ outta me real slowly at the same time. Benny pushed inside me again, an’ when he was all the way in, I pulled him down an’ kinda rose up ’til our lips touched. I opened my mouth an’ Benny licked at me, sucked on my tongue, an’ moaned at me some. I dunno how many times we did that, him movin’ in an’ outta me so slowly an’ the both of us kissin’ like a couple of kids neckin’.

  “Benny,” I said, wrappin’ my legs around him an’ movin’ under him, “God, move.”

  “Fuck yes,” he said, an’ made a short little thrust that made me groan. After that, he started fuckin’ me for real an’ I laid there, lovin’ the way it felt. All of a sudden, though, he slowed down again.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Benny said, an’ wrapped his hand around my dick. “I just want you to cum first, that’s all.”

  “Ah.” I moaned as he started jerkin’ me, fuckin’ me at the same time. It took Benny a few minutes to get back into the rhythm, but he did. I couldn’t really help him out, much, ’cept by liftin’ my ass an’ tryin’ to fuck his hand. I made noise, every time he hit me just-so inside, an’ he leaned over.

  “God, I love the way you sound,” he said, stoppin’ for a second. “Makes this so much hotter.”

  “Please,” I said, movin’ ’cause he wasn’t, “do it, fuck me.”

  “Are y’close? Wanna hear you cum, baby, c’mon.”

  Benny’s fist was slick an’ tight an’ perfect around me. “Yeah,’m close, but I want you t’fuck—“

  “Cum for me,” he said, an’ got me just right inside again, “c’mon, Philip. God, you’re gorgeous; so hot and hard for me; love seein’ you on the edge like this. You’re so close; c’mon, cum for me.”

  I grabbed at the sheet as he talked to me, as he touched me, my muscles gettin’ all wound up an’ tight. I was almost there, almost, just needed a little more.… “Ben, Benny,” I said, only it was mostly air, “please—” An’ then he pulled out one more time an’ slammed back into me an’ that was it, all I needed. It was like everything good ever got stuffed into my head an’ then went off like fireworks an’ my brain went all fuzzy, when I came.

  An’ Benny, he had a hold of me an’ was fuckin’ me, hard an’ fast. I watched his face, watched him bite his lip an’ the way he got this little wrinkle between his eyebrows. It didn’t take no time at all ’til his mouth opened up an’ his fingers dug into me an’ he shoved his cock into me as far as he could. “Fuck, fuck yes.”

  He flopped over an’ kissed me, sloppy an’ lazy, an’ I got a hand into his hair. “Mm. Hey, Benny?”

  “Yeah?” He lifted his head, some, so he could look at me.

  “Was it real good?” I grinned at him an’ he laughed, sittin’ up.

  “Wanna know a secret, Phil?” Benny pulled outta me, gentle, an’ lay down alongside me, rubbin’ at the blobs of cum on my belly. I nodded an’ he put his mouth right up next to my ear. “No matter how good I think it’s gonna be, it’s always better.”

  I poked him with my elbow an’ shook my head a little. “Jesus, Benny…”

  “It’s true.” He kissed the side of my head.

  “I ain’t gonna argue,” I said, ’cause I couldn’t think of what to say to that. Sometimes if I think too much about him an’ me, I get kinda scared about it—about how much we seem to feel. So I leaned over an’ swatted him on the hip an’ then I sat up. “C’mon, let’s clean up an’ I’ll make you some flapjacks, okay?”

  “How about French toast instead?” He sat up, too, patted me on the leg an’ then got outta bed.

  “Sounds good,” I said, an’ followed him, glancin’ at the pictures as we went by. “We gotta remember to find a frame.”

  Benny just laughed.


  Clancy Nacht

  Matt’s first runway made him nervous. The show was major, and he was wearing a long, open silk robe with a stand-up collar that made it look like a cross between a kimono and something Sherlock Holmes would wear.

  All he had to do was walk. Who didn’t know how to walk? But runway was different. It required attitude. He had to walk.

  At this point, he was just hoping he didn’t fall on his ass. But if he did, he’d better make it fierce.

  Looking next to him, he saw Gabe, a German model who spoke English better than most of Matt’s friends. Gabe’s grin was a bit lopsided. That seemed to be fine; male models were rarely asked to smile on the runway. His dark hair stood in stark contrast to his pale face. His lips were rouged, his eyes painted around to give him an exotic appearance. “Don’t be nervous. You have it,” he said to Matt.

  Matt exhaled slowly and nodded. They weren’t with the same agency, but Gabe had stood in line behind him and had sat near him during makeup. Matt gestured to the stage.

  “So what do you think about while you’re out there?”


  “Just beer?”

  Gabe laughed. “Good beer. Beer I’m going to have at the afterparty.”

  “There’s a party?” Matt played with the long black wig attached to his hat. When he’d looked in the mirror, he’d barely recognized himsel
f. They’d even airbrushed on abs, which begged the question, why did they cast him? There were plenty of bigger guys with six-packs, but he’d guessed their shoulders didn’t fit into these clothes.

  “Yeah, there’s a party later. If this show ever starts.”

  Without his phone, Matt felt like he was in a vacuum. He had no idea what time it was. “What’s the hold-up?”

  Before Gabe could answer, there was a loud clamor at the back of the broad, bright room with its rows of empty makeup tables. The double doors flew open, and a striking man in stiletto boots and a leather military jacket swaggered through. His blond hair fluttered in a breeze of his own making; his lush lips curled at the sides. Chin up, he looked haughty, his gray eyes imperious as he surveyed the lineup of men and then the makeup tables.

  Matt leaned into Gabe. “Is that the designer?”

  “That,” Gabe spat, pointing with his glare but obviously too intimidated to gesture at the blond, “is nobody. A big, fake nobody.”

  The nobody dropped into a makeup chair and sat back as stylists appeared to frantically make him up and undress him. For a nobody, he commanded a lot of attention.

  “I’m sure he has a name.” Matt couldn’t help but be intrigued. He’d been told to arrive two hours early and be prepared to wait. And wait he had, through several touchups. This guy just popped in and was being fitted with a headdress.

  “Niko.” Gabe rolled his eyes. “I’m so ready for him to be over. He’s horrible.”

  Matt noticed that even with all of Gabe’s harsh words about Niko, he couldn’t take his eyes off him.

  Niko stretched out his arm and pointed toward a table lined with bottles of alcohol that the models weren’t allowed to drink. He snapped his fingers. A production assistant appeared to plead with him. Niko sat up, turned his head to give her his full glare, and she shot off toward the table.


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