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Second Chance At the Ranch

Page 24

by Maxine Morrey

  ‘What?’ Sarah was unrepentant. ‘She started it.’

  Nick and Paul exchanged a look that said ‘fair enough.’ Hero leant over and kissed Sarah on the cheek.

  ‘Thank you.’

  ‘My pleasure, love. Don’t let her get to you. You look absolutely beautiful and she’d kill for your figure. That’s why she’s such a cow about it. That and other things,’ she added vaguely, but included Nick in her glance. ‘Don’t let her spoil your night.’

  ‘I won’t, I promise.’

  ‘Glad to hear it. Now, by my count, I see two gorgeous men, two even more gorgeous women and a wonderful band …’

  Paul stepped in. ‘Hero, would you like to dance?’ He shot Nick a playful look, ‘With someone other than him?’

  Hero laughed and took Paul’s hand, following as they threaded through the crowd to the dancefloor.

  ‘Looks like you picked the short straw, love!’

  ‘Oh, I don’t know.’ Nick’s dark eyes flashed with merriment as he took Sarah’s arm and followed the others. ‘You know what they say about older women.’

  Sarah laughed and blushed at the same time. ‘Cheeky boy. Wait until I tell your mother!’

  ‘You all right?’ Paul asked Hero after they had been dancing for a little while.

  Hero knew he was referring to the encounter with Susannah. ‘I’m absolutely fine.’ She read his face for a moment. He wasn’t sure. She smiled to reassure him. ‘Honestly, I really am. But thank you for asking.’

  ‘No worries.’ He returned the smile, once again thinking that Nick really was a lucky bugger.

  The night ended with more hugs being exchanged between the Websters and Sullivans as they made their way up to the largest guestroom. There had been far too much champagne all round, with each refill being excused as ‘it’s only once a year’. Paul was now happily cuddling Hero.

  ‘Oi, mate.’ Pete nudged him. ‘That one’s ours.’

  ‘Erm. Excuse me?’ Hero poked her brother-in-law in the chest. ‘I do not belong to … argh!’

  Paul dipped, throwing Hero over his shoulder and running off up the corridor, the two of them giggling all the way. He dived into a bedroom then stuck his head out.

  ‘Bring her back now, son.’ His father wore a grin that matched his son’s perfectly.

  ‘Aww, Dad!’

  ‘I know. I know. She’s lovely, but you can’t keep her.’

  ‘But, Dad!’

  ‘Come on. Give her back now.’

  Hero, who had been giggling the entire time, now had the hiccups. Nick laughed at them both as Paul pretended to slouch back up the corridor towards the others, before bending to release Hero. She wobbled a bit from being upside down. Nick placed a hand gently on her waist to steady her as they crept into the guest bedroom assigned to them and did their best not to wake the sleeping children.

  Hero and Juliet commandeered the en-suite bathroom to change into their nightclothes, as the men stripped down to their boxer shorts in the bedroom. Nick was waiting at the door to clean his teeth when the two emerged. Juliet reached up quickly and planted a kiss on her brother-in-law’s cheek before scooting around the bed and shuffling up next to her children. Pete leant over to say goodnight to his wife, and they soon began giggling like teenagers. Nick and Hero grinned.

  ‘Had a good time?’

  Hero nodded emphatically. Her curls were gone, tamed into two pigtails, and the elegant dress had been replaced with pyjamas. The make-up was also gone, her face scrubbed clean for the night, and to Nick, she was just as stunning.

  ‘Thank you for bringing me.’

  ‘My pleasure.’ He paused, then slowly leant towards her. Without warning, she hiccupped. She looked absolutely mortified, and Nick couldn’t help laughing. Maybe it was for the best. This probably wasn’t the best time or place to do this … whatever it was … anyway.

  ‘Goodnight.’ Nick bent his head, placing the kiss on her cheek instead.


  Nick returned from the bathroom minutes later to find everyone asleep. He nudged Pete awake and prodded him towards the bathroom. Hero was lying on her back in the bed, with Bridie snuggled up into the crook of her arm, one arm flung across her aunt’s stomach. Juliet was on her side, facing away from them. Marcus had decided he wanted to be with the men and was sprawled out on the floor. Nick settled down alongside. Pete would take the space opposite.

  When Nick woke a few hours later, Pete wasn’t there. Blearily, Nick looked towards the bathroom. He could see light filtering out from under the door. He rubbed his eyes, rolled over, and then crept towards the bathroom door. It wasn’t locked. Pete was, as Nick suspected, snoring on the floor.

  ‘Oi! Wake up, you mongrel,’ he whispered.

  Pete grunted in response, batting Nick off. Nick persevered. Juliet would not be happy to wake up and find her husband asleep in the toilet.

  ‘Get to bed.’

  He hauled Pete up and supported him to roughly where the spare mattresses had been laid out for them, then let go. Pete dropped onto it and started softly snoring again. Nick looked over at the bed as his eyes adjusted to the dark. Hero was in much the same position, but Bridie had wriggled over and now lay with her head on her aunt’s stomach and her feet on her mother’s. All three looked comfortable so Nick went back to bed.

  ‘Apparently, I tried to steal you last night. I’m sorry about that.’

  Hero waved away Paul’s apology. Large black Chanel sunglasses shaded her eyes, but her head still felt as if it were being sliced in two.

  ‘Not a problem. Shame you don’t remember it though. It was pretty funny.’

  ‘Actually, I do. But I thought if I was in trouble with you – or anyone – about it this morning, denial was the safest option.’

  Hero slid her glasses down her nose and looked over the top at him. ‘Coward.’

  He grinned back.

  ‘Right. You ready?’ Pete nodded towards his sister-in-law.


  Hero thanked the Sullivans again and Paul gave her a hand up so she sat beside Nick, whose head was already laying back against the headrest, eyes closed. Paul shut the door and waved them off. On the first turn Nick’s head lolled onto Hero’s shoulder. Leaning her own against it, she dozed off.


  ‘Now, you’re sure this is all right?’ Juliet asked her sister and brother-in-law for roughly the twelfth time.

  ‘Yes!’ They answered in unison.

  Hero bent and hugged her. ‘You know I love you, but please, Jules, just get in the damn car!’

  As an anniversary surprise, Pete had arranged a weekend in the city, just the two of them. Nick and Hero had been more than happy to look after the children and they had finally got Juliet in the car.

  ‘Bye!’ The children waved them off further up the drive then went back to their game.

  ‘Dinner is in an hour you two,’ Hero called up to them. They waved in response.

  ‘What’s for dinner?’ Nick asked.

  Hero shrugged. ‘Something that takes less than an hour to cook.’

  Hero had turned out to be a pretty good cook considering she had never had to bother for much of her life. Juliet had shown her the basics when she’d come to live with them and Hero had gone on from there. It was as much of a surprise to her as to anyone to find that she actually enjoyed it. She would spend hours poring over recipe books, and loved to experiment on the family with new dishes.

  ‘Are they asleep?’ she asked when Nick returned from upstairs later that evening.

  ‘Pretty much. Would you like a glass of wine?’

  Hero looked up from closing the dishwasher door. There was a lopsided smile on her face.


  ‘Actually, I’d rather have a beer.’

  Could this woman get any better? Nick grinned to himself and pulled another beer from the fridge.

  They made their way out to the verandah, as was the norm after dinner, and sat for a while in
companionable silence. The night was warm and humid, and dark clouds danced overhead.

  ‘Storm coming.’

  ‘Do you think it’ll hit before the morning?’

  Nick shrugged and took a pull from his beer. ‘We’re prepared if it does.’

  Hero nodded. ‘OK.’

  Nick looked over at her.


  ‘Nothing.’ He raised the beer to his mouth. ‘It’s just that Jules hates storms, and so does Bridie. I just wondered if it ran in the family.’

  Hero shrugged. ‘Never bothered me. And you kind of learn to get pretty good at shutting out any sort of din on shoots and backstage at shows if you want to keep any sort of sanity.’

  ‘Fair enough. But if you change your mind … you know. I mean, you can always sleep in my bed if you’re frightened.’

  She looked back at him slowly. He was trying to keep a straight face, but it was clearly a struggle.

  They had come so close at the Sullivans’ ball, but not quite close enough. Two days after that, three of their stockmen had gone down with a virus that was sweeping its way through the district. Nick and Pete had been run off their feet trying to cover. They’d dragged themselves into the house at night to eat, barely tasting the food, they were so tired. The men were back now and things had more or less returned to normal, but catching up had left very little time for any personal life.

  ‘Sorry, but I’m not frightened.’ She laughed, ‘Besides, I’m not sure that would be such a good idea.’

  ‘Really? I think it’s a bloody marvellous idea!’

  Hero laughed. Nick’s feet were up on the balustrade and his chair was tilting back. His whole being was relaxed; a man happy in his own domain.

  ‘You really are a smooth talker, aren’t you?’

  Nick laughed against the top of his bottle before taking another swig. Looking across at his companion, he reached over and pulled the chair she was sitting in nearer. When he spoke, his voice was soft and low.

  ‘I get the feeling you’ve heard enough smooth talk to last a lifetime.’

  ‘You don’t know the half of it.’

  Nick smiled in the dark. ‘So tell me.’

  And she did. The light faded, the last sliver of moonlight disappearing behind thickening cloud as they sat. The temperature dropped and Nick fetched a couple of blankets. Hero told him of her childhood, her discovery by a model scout and the mad life she had led as a top model in high demand. In turn, he told her of his early life on the station, how much he missed it when he went to boarding school, and his plans for the future. She also asked him about the women he had dated, teasing him that it might be easier for him to tell her who he hadn’t been out with.

  The conversation then turned back to her and she told Nick about the men she had seen once or twice, and how difficult it was to tell whether they wanted to know her or the person they thought she was. And then she told him about Jonathan.

  ‘It wasn’t a conventional relationship, but I imagine it is more common than people think. We were attracted to each other, interested in what the other had to say, and under no illusions.’

  ‘But you didn’t love him.’

  ‘Not in the way you’re talking about. But I did care about him.’

  ‘Did he care about you?’

  Hero tried to see Nick’s expression, but it had been too dark hours ago. ‘You don’t approve.’

  ‘I’m just trying to understand.’

  Hero took a slow breath. ‘I thought he did care. Don’t get me wrong. I knew he didn’t love me. As I said before, it was a relationship of convenience, it sufficed both our needs. But to answer your question, yes, he did care. At least I thought he did. But then I saw his face that day he came to the hospital. Eventually.’

  ‘People handle shock in different ways,’ Nick said, trying to sound understanding when that was the last thing he felt like doing for this bloke.

  ‘Maybe. But he never came back.’

  ‘Juliet said you pretty much told him not to.’

  ‘Maybe,’ she said again. ‘But if I’d said the same to you …’ Hero left the obvious unsaid.

  Nick understood. Of course he would have returned, whatever she’d said. He hated to ask the next question, but he needed to know. ‘Do you wish he had?’


  ‘Come back.’

  Hero thought about it. Every moment was agony for Nick. He needed to know that she was sure, that she wanted to be with him because it was him, not because he was the next best available.

  ‘Perhaps I did at the time. Once Juliet came back here I was so lonely. I concentrated on getting better, but you can’t do that twenty-four hours a day. When I went back to the flat, it was even worse. It was so silent without Anya. It didn’t matter if the TV was on or the radio. It didn’t matter how much noise there was, it was still silent. I don’t suppose that makes much sense.’

  Nick felt for her hand in the darkness and held it. ‘No, but I think I know what you mean.’

  ‘I don’t think I actually missed Jonathan. I think I just missed someone. Someone I could trust and talk to.’ Her voice softened. It sounded like she was crying. ‘Someone to hold my hand.’

  Nick brought his other hand up and touched her cheek. Finding it wet, he leant towards her, tenderly kissing away her tears.

  ‘I’ll always hold your hand,’ he whispered.

  His lips moved to hers. Hero leant into him. She had waited so long for this, and her body cried out for more. The chair scraped as Nick moved closer, his hands travelling over her body, exploring in the dark. He pulled back to catch his breath.

  ‘You wouldn’t believe how long I’ve wanted to do that.’

  ‘Then why did you wait?’

  ‘I didn’t think you were ready.’

  ‘I probably wasn’t.’ Hero paused, and when she spoke again Nick could hear the smile in her voice. ‘But I am now.’

  Nick groaned involuntarily as he pulled her onto his lap, tasting her with his mouth and hands, smiling against her skin as her hands ran under his shirt, fingertips teasing his spine, sending shivers of heat throughout his body. His hands moved to Hero’s blouse, his lips trailing kisses in the wake of his hands as he deftly undid the buttons. As he got to the fourth, the phone rang. Hero pulled away.

  ‘Leave it.’ Nick’s voice was husky and thick.

  Hero sat back on his lap. ‘I can’t.’ She pushed herself off him. ‘It’s late.’

  Nick looked up at her in the darkness, understanding. She had to make sure. Juliet had received that call once and Hero couldn’t ignore the phone’s ring. Nick caught her hand and stood up.

  ‘I’ll get it.’

  Juliet sounded more than a little drunk when Nick answered the phone.

  ‘I just wanted to check everyone was OK. There’s a storm coming. It was on the news!’

  ‘Yes, Jules. I know. We’re all fine. The kids are asleep.’ Nick raised his eyes at Hero and grinned.

  ‘You know what Bridie’s like in storms.’

  ‘I do. We’re both here. She’ll be fine.’ He squeezed Hero’s hand.

  ‘OK, I love you. Tell Hero I love her too.’

  Hero leant against Nick into the phone. ‘I love you too.’

  There was the sound of shuffling and Pete’s voice chuckled down the line. ‘Excuse my wife. She’s a bit pissed.’

  ‘I am not!’ came a distant retort.

  Pete snorted in disbelief. ‘You all right, mate?’


  ‘Kids all right?’


  ‘Hero all right?’


  ‘Right-oh. I’m going to take my drunk wife to bed then.’

  ‘More than I need to know, mate.’

  Pete laughed and hung up.

  Nick replaced the receiver. ‘Your sister is sozzled.’

  ‘I don’t think your brother is entirely sober either. He’s obviously a bad influence on her.’

sp; Nick slid his hands down to Hero’s waist and pulled her close. ‘It runs in the family. Now, where were we?’ Hero moved against him just as light flooded the room. Almost immediately, thunder broke over the house.

  Nick dropped his head onto Hero’s shoulder. ‘I don’t believe this.’

  On cue, Bridie’s cries rang out from above. They made their way up the stairs and pushed open the door to the children’s room. Marcus was already out from his bunk and sitting with his arm around his sister as she bawled.

  Nick hunkered down in front of them. ‘Hey? You trying to drown out the storm?’

  Bridie nodded sadly, tears streaming. She jumped as another clap broke above them. Quickly scooping her up, Nick glanced over to Hero. Marcus’s arms were around her as she stroked his hair. Nick jiggled Bridie in his arms and extricated a weak giggle.

  ‘How about we all camp in my room tonight?’

  Bridie nodded, as did Marcus. He wasn’t terribly bothered about the storm, although even he had to admit it was a big one.

  A few minutes later, Hero had grabbed some blankets and they were all sitting snuggled up on Nick’s double bed. He was doing his best to read them a story over the rolling thunder and rain that now beat against the window. The storm gradually began to move off, the thunder claps although just as constant became fainter, and the children finally dozed. Nick looked over at Hero lying on his bed, her arms around her niece. He gave her a gentle nudge.

  ‘See you took up my offer then?’

  ‘Hmm?’ She raised a sleepy gaze as she shifted position.

  Nick’s breath caught as he looked down at her beautiful face. It was a face of calm, the face he loved. He bent, softly dropping a kiss onto her hair.

  ‘Never mind. Go to sleep.’

  Chapter 18

  ‘Come in,’ Nick called, looking up from the desk as Hero’s face popped around the door.

  ‘How are you getting on?’

  After a day working hard out on the station, Nick had been in the study with the accounts for the entire evening. They were due to be sent tomorrow and he just wanted to go over them one more time, not that there should be any discrepancy. He just liked to make sure everything was right.

  ‘Fine. I’m done.’


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