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Second Chance At the Ranch

Page 25

by Maxine Morrey

  ‘Oh good. I’m going up now. I’ll see you in the morning.’

  They had decided it best not to spend the night together whilst they were in charge of the children. Kids had a habit of appearing at the most unexpected of times, so it was safer that way. Safer, but driving them crazy. She started to close the door.

  ‘Hero?’ Nick called out and a moment later, her face appeared again. ‘Have you got a minute?’

  In answer, she opened the door further and stepped into the study, the light from the hallway briefly silhouetting her body under the thin-strapped white cotton nightdress she wore, as she automatically pulled her dressing gown together and belted it. She closed the door behind her.

  ‘What’s wrong?’

  ‘Nothing. I want to show you something.’

  Hero crossed to the desk where a large sheet of paper had been unrolled, the edges weighted down with a couple of paperweights.

  She cast her eyes over it. ‘Are these the final plans?’


  ‘And that bit there is the extension?’


  Hero looked over the design, lifting the paperweight to see the plan underneath, asking more questions. The drawings were for the renovation and extension to the Gatehouse. It had taken longer than he’d hoped as he’d wanted to put aside a certain amount of money himself rather than start with a huge loan, and Juliet and Pete had been happy to have him live at the main house for as long as he wanted. Juliet especially had loved it, enjoying the bustle of a family, so different to her own childhood. The previous owners had let the building fall into ruin, and his parents hadn’t thought much about it, but Nick could see its potential. The work had begun in earnest some months back now and the extension was nearly finished. It was finally beginning to look like the house he’d kept in his mind for so long.

  Hero perched on the edge of the desk, as Nick leant back in the chair, answering her questions. Her cheeks were still pink from her bath, and the glossy hair cascaded down her back in a shimmer of chocolate brown.

  ‘It’s going to be wonderful, Nick.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  ‘Do you think you will be accepting visitors?’ Her tease was shy, and all the more tempting for it.

  A slow smile crept onto Nick’s mouth. He lifted the paperweights and the plans pinged back into their rolled-up state. Moving them aside, he placed a hand each side of Hero’s hip, sliding her along the desk until she sat in front of him, her toes swinging just above the floor.

  ‘That would depend entirely on who they were.’

  Nick’s hands dropped, then slid slowly back up Hero’s legs, lifting the nightdress with it.

  ‘Nick. We can’t … the children.’ Her voice was low, husky with the want her mind fought to overrule.

  He pulled back, raking a hand through his hair. ‘No. Sorry.’ He stood, putting distance between them in the hope it would cool his raging desire. It didn’t. Especially when Hero moved from the desk, immediately closing the distance between them again.

  ‘Goodnight.’ She reached up, kissing his cheek, before leaving the study, pausing for a moment at the door as she cast a glance back, meeting his eyes and knowing her own reflected the same hunger as his.

  Nick listened to the sound of soft footsteps on the stairs before hearing her door click shut. The sooner he got the Gatehouse finished, the better. If he didn’t, he was going to go crazy.


  ‘Just going over to check on the renovations,’ Nick called out to Pete as he wheeled the motorbike out from the shed when they’d finished for the day.

  ‘OK. See you later.’ Hero was walking out as Pete headed in. ‘You off to see how the house is getting on too?’

  ‘No, I was just going to see how that poorly lamb was doing.’

  ‘You’re more than welcome to come,’ Nick offered. ‘We can check on the lamb on the way back.’

  ‘Sure you don’t mind?’ She smiled.

  ‘’Course not. Hop on.’

  The workmen had finished for the day, and the only sounds were from the animals out in the fields, their calls drifting on the gentle breeze. The house was coming along well, and Hero loved seeing Nick’s animation and excitement as he showed her around. They were now in what was to be the study, and Hero was looking out of the unglazed window, taking in the view that Nick would have when he came in here to do paperwork.

  ‘What do you think?’

  ‘I think it’s looking amazing! It’s going to be beautiful, Nick.’

  Smiling, he brushed a bit of dust from the dark tresses. ‘I think it’s going to be beautiful too,’ he whispered into her hair as his lips grazed her neck, his hand sliding around her waist, pulling her close before moving lower.

  Nick’s touch set off flames in Hero that she couldn’t control. Didn’t want to control. Not any longer. His warm, strong hands moved under her skirt and reached her hips, his skin slightly rough against hers, but the touch gentle. Hero thought it the most perfect combination. Then he moved to between her thighs and she lost the ability to think at all. Her hands reached for him as she moaned softly, her eyes closing. Suddenly, his touch ceased, and she opened her eyes, searching for the reason it had stopped, and desperate for it to begin again. Nick’s eyes looked almost black with heat. But his hands remained where they were. Away from her.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, her voice thick with longing, as she attempted to pull him closer to her.

  ‘Nothing,’ he replied softly, sliding his hands back up her body, unable to keep the distance his mind was telling him to. ‘Oh God, Hero, absolutely nothing. But I need to know that this is what you want. That you’re sure.’

  Hero slid her hands around his neck and pulled him as close as she possibly could, kissing him softly. She tilted her head back, so that she was looking directly into his eyes, now dark with passion. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure of anything in my entire life.’

  It was all Nick needed to hear. He bent his head and kissed her, soft at first and then harder as she responded in a way he had never dared to hope. His hands explored her body as he laid her back gently, roaming over the smooth skin, touching the scars she had kept hidden, every touch bringing her nearer.

  ‘Nick, please,’ she whispered as his hands grazed her thighs, before moving away again, teasing, tempting. His only response was to smother her plea with another kiss as he let his fingers trail across her. Soft, tender kisses trailed down over her throat as he pulled at the lacing of her top, revealing her breasts, the nipples hard and erect with wanting. His tongue flicked at them, then teased again slowly, as Nick explored her, taking her into his mouth, sucking, tasting. Hero turned her head to the side, a soft moan escaping. Nick’s weight shifted and Hero felt him against her, knowing that he wanted her as much as she wanted him. His hand slid downwards again, and she breathed his name softly as her lover’s fingers once again began their teasing dance. Moving against him, Hero heard his intake of breath, increasing her desire for him even more. Her mind was losing focus – all she could feel was Nick’s weight against her and his fingers driving her into ecstasy.

  Nick whispered her name, his breath warm and enticing as his lips brushed her ear. She turned her head and opened her eyes, looked into his, and his hand moved away from where it had been taking her. She found his hand, trying to push it back to where she was desperate to have it in order to continue her pleasure, but Nick was stronger. His hand twisted and held hers, moving her arm up until it was above her head. Hero felt the heat soar again as Nick smiled, covering her soft mouth with his own and moved one hand downwards again, bringing Hero to the brink. She moaned against him, her pitch raising as she moved closer. She was so close! He pulled back, his hand still moving against her.

  ‘You sure you want this?’ he whispered.

  ‘Yes! Oh … I … yes!’

  His fingers and the gentle, secure weight of his hand on her wrist had made coherent thought almost impossible.r />
  ‘I have to be sure,’ Nick whispered closer as one finger slid inside her.

  Hero’s breath caught and her face buried itself into the curve of his shoulder. It was all becoming too much, the passion building as Nick teased her with both his body and his voice. He knew she wanted to cry out, to scream in ecstasy and he played on it to make the flame burn white hot.

  ‘Let it out, Hero.’

  Nick slid another finger inside and Hero forced her head against his shoulder to stop herself from calling out. It was the last barrier. Something she couldn’t take back. But God! She wanted to scream with the sensation he was driving her to.

  Nick felt his own desire building.

  ‘I want to hear you.’ His voice was soft, but rough with desire and his lips brushing against her ear felt so sensual. As he moved faster, Hero pulled back from his shoulder, wide eyes focused on his. She was breathing heavily now, beautiful mouth parted as small moans left her body. She felt it, and so did Nick. His speed increased and Hero struggled against the wave she felt building inside her. Finally, the final defence fell, crashing down as Hero cried out his name in ecstasy, her eyes closed as her body bucked beneath him, flowing through her in waves, Hero thought it might never stop. And she didn’t care because it felt so good. Finally, the shuddering subsided and Hero opened her eyes. Nick was looking back at her and smiling.


  ‘Hi.’ She thought she’d be embarrassed but it all felt so good, so right. There didn’t seem to be any need. All she needed now was more of him, something Nick was happy to comply with as Hero pushed at his jeans with wantonly urgent hands.

  She woke later, stiff from the hard floor and the workout they’d both had. She glanced at Nick’s closed eyes and moved his wrist gently to see his watch.

  ‘Plenty of time yet.’ His voice was sleepy but she could hear the smile in it. She wiggled around until she was facing him.

  ‘I thought you were asleep.’

  ‘Sorry to disappoint you.’

  ‘Oh, I’m not disappointed.’ She slid her hands over the muscular arm that wrapped around her body, then moved down his back, before brushing along his upper thigh. ‘I’m not disappointed at all.’ Her touch had woken him in more ways than one. Nick pushed himself up onto one elbow and played with a strand of her hair.

  ‘You’re amazing.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah. I bet you say that to all the girls.’ Hero looked at him from under her lashes. ‘Don’t forget, I know you. Those smooth lines won’t work on me.’

  Nick raised an eyebrow. ‘Is that right?’


  ‘So how come you’re lying on a bloody hard, very uncomfortable floor with me then?’

  ‘You know, nobody likes a smart arse.’

  ‘You do.’

  He had her there. She reached up and ran her fingers though his hair. It was sticking up at odd angles.

  ‘Yes, you’re right, I do.’



  ‘I don’t say that to all the girls.’

  She believed him.


  ‘I know this is a bit of an odd request, mate, but I need to borrow a woman.’

  ‘Oh,’ Pete replied, a smile curling onto his lips. ‘Right. Help yourself.’

  Paul grinned back.

  ‘I’ve got some dinner dance thing tonight. I had someone lined up, but she’s gone down with the flu. It’s one of those things that’s going to look a bit odd if you turn up on our own. Apart from which I’ll be bored out of my mind. I wondered if Hero or Juliet would mind a trip into the city for a free dinner.’

  Pete shrugged his shoulders. ‘Probably not. They’re inside. Got time for a beer?’ Pete pulled the screen door, heading for the fridge and grabbing two beers as he relayed Paul’s request to his wife as he did so.

  ‘I’d love to, Paul, but Bridie’s temperature’s still high,’ Juliet replied. ‘I don’t really want to leave her. Hero’s free though, aren’t you?’

  Hero looked up from the cookbook she was studying. ‘I, well, yes but, I’m not really sure …’

  ‘There’s nothing to it. All you have to do is look pretty and stop me from going insane, and you already have part one covered.’

  Hero rolled her eyes at him. She knew he was only putting on the smooth talk for a laugh. Hero wavered. She really didn’t want to go to the function but neither did she want to let a friend – which was what Paul had become – down.

  ‘I’d really appreciate it, Hero. The hotel is holding a second room in the event that I can manage to persuade someone to come with me.’

  ‘It’s just that I wanted to be here for when Nick got back from droving.’

  Pete waved a hand as he finished his beer. ‘He won’t be back until after lunch tomorrow at the earliest.’

  Hero was cornered. ‘OK. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. Social mingling is not my forte these days.’

  ‘Excellent. Thanks, love. I owe you one.’


  The evening was nowhere near as bad as Hero expected it to be. Paul was a fun companion and kept her amused with a running commentary on the people attending.

  ‘Paul, dear boy!’

  Paul raised his eyebrows at Hero quickly as they were approached by a distinguished looking gentleman. ‘Eccentric but astute,’ he whispered before his hand was swept up and pumped furiously.

  ‘Carlton, great to see you.’

  ‘And you, dear boy, and you! And who is this lovely lady?’

  ‘This is a friend of mine, Hero Scott. Unfortunately, my date has the flu so Hero kindly stepped in to prevent me being the sad bloke who had to attend on his own.’

  Carlton Barnes roared with laughter and slapped Paul on his back, almost managing to wind him, despite Paul’s size. After kissing Hero’s hand, Carlton turned and scanned the room.

  ‘There’s someone I’d like you to meet. Nowhere near as delicious as your guest, but might be useful and jolly good fun. Where has he got to? There he is.’ Carlton flapped his arms to another guest. As he approached, Hero saw who it was.


  Carlton and Paul looked at her. ‘You know him?’ Paul asked, surprise in his voice.

  ‘For ever!’

  ‘Hero? Is that really you?’

  ‘I was going to introduce you, but it appears there’s no need.’ Carlton laughed, tailing off as Rupert rushed up and swung his friend in the air.

  ‘You look fabulous! Stunning! Lots of other good words!’ Hero laughed and batted him on the shoulder to put her down. ‘I was going to give you a call to meet up but then they moved the meeting in New Zealand to earlier tomorrow so I’ve got to shoot off. I’m so happy to see you but what are you doing here?’ Rupert laughed.

  ‘I came with a friend. Oh! I’m sorry. Paul Sullivan, this is Rupert that Juliet told you about.’

  ‘Uh oh.’

  ‘Don’t worry. It was all good.’ She laughed, reassuring him. ‘Paul’s parents’ own the neighbouring property to Hill Station.’

  Hero sat with Rupert and caught up on the gossip. He regularly sent her emails offering the latest scandalous event but him relaying them to her in real life was so much better.

  ‘So, where’s the infamous Mr Webster?’


  ‘Honestly? I thought they only did that in the movies.’

  ‘No, it’s actually for real. Some old friends needed to move some of their cattle. They’re short of hands so Nick volunteered to help. He’s back tomorrow, thank goodness.’

  ‘And Paul is?’

  ‘Just a friend. His date went down with the flu and he needed to borrow a trinket. Juliet volunteered me, and as it happens, I have plenty of practice at that sort of thing.’

  ‘Something tells me that there’s more between you and this Nick chap than trinkets.’

  Hero smiled, taking Rupert’s hand, her eyes saying everything he needed to know.

  Driving back from the cit
y the following morning, Paul glanced across at his passenger. ‘Thanks for coming with me, Hero. I know you didn’t really want to.’

  ‘That’s OK. It was actually quite fun, and such a wonderful surprise to see Rupert there so I’m glad I did.’

  They were approaching the town and Paul turned the ute into the pub car park.



  Susannah watched from the corner of her eye as she dried glasses. Paul Sullivan and Hero Scott sat at the other end of the bar. The Websters and Sullivans had been close ever since Jack and Gill had bought that run-down old station, and the friendship had extended down to the next generation. Susannah picked up another glass and started on that. Sarah Sullivan had taken Juliet Webster under her wing when she had moved out here, especially when Juliet’s own in-laws had moved to Adelaide to retire. From her actions at the ball, it was clear that Hero Scott was also now a favourite of Sarah’s. She’d made no secret of the fact that she would have been more than happy for her son to get together with Hero. But it didn’t seem likely that was going to happen. Hero Scott had cast her spell over Nick Webster the moment she landed, and Paul Sullivan certainly seemed pretty happy with his serial dating, although he seemed to be seeing more of that skinny lawyer he brought in the pub sometimes. No, it was more likely that Gill Webster, rather than Sarah Sullivan, would be getting Hero Scott for a daughter-in-law.

  The glass slipped from Susannah’s hand as the thought burned in her brain. The sound caused her customers, including Hero and Paul, to look up. Susannah gave them a fixed smile.

  ‘Butterfingers,’ she said as another thought began to form in her mind.


  Paul didn’t even see the blow coming. Grabbing his shoulder, Nick spun him around, letting his fist fly. Paul was on the ground, with a bleeding nose, wondering what the hell was going on before he knew it. He looked back up at Nick. If it had been anyone else, anyone other than his best friend, his reaction to retaliate would have kicked in immediately but shock and confusion had temporarily overwhelmed him. But none of that meant he wasn’t furious.

  ‘What the fuck was that for?’

  Paul stood up and stepped forward, just as Joe ran up and stood in front of him, his own face showing as much confusion as Paul’s. He and Pete had seen Nick pull up in the old ute, slam the door and then, with no warning, punch his friend, causing both of them to sprint over and stand between the two men.


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