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Love's Vengeance

Page 30

by Dana Roquet

  “Bridgett?” Desiree questioned when released, standing and turning around to face her nurse, “That woman we saw today—Vanessa—did you happen to see her greet Stephen?”

  Bridgett frowned in thought, “No.” she shook her head, “Why do you ask?”

  Desiree shrugged, “Oh never mind. Shall we go?”

  Bridgett laughed softly, “Yes I want to have another look at that bird.”

  As they came down the staircase, voices could be heard and following them, they arrived at the drawing room where they entered to find Stephen and Timothy hunched over a chessboard. When the two noticed the new arrivals, both stood and smiled sweetly, their game forgotten.

  “Ladies, join us please. We were just passing time until your return. Do you find your rooms to your liking?” Stephen asked, taking Desiree’s hand in his own.

  “Wonderful Thank you.” Desiree assured, trying to detect a hint of unease about him but his face was calm, his eyes twinkling merrily. He obviously was unaware that she had witnessed his welcome from Vanessa and who she might be in his life, she could only guess.

  Bess came to the door of the room just then and announced dinner would be served in half an hour and then snapped, “Stephen! Would you get yourself upstairs and cleaned up? Your brother is not going to disappear if you take ten minutes to dress and neither are your guests!” She glared at him with her hands upon her broad hips.

  “Yes Bessie I will.” Stephen gritted with a teasing sneer.

  “And do not be giving me any of those looks of yours master Colter.” she shook a finger at him in menace.

  “You had better obey Stephen. Bess has grown quite cruel since we saw her last and I believe she may deny you dinner if you are not careful.” Tim interjected with a laugh.

  “Oh it is great to be home!” Stephen sighed, pressing a kiss to Desiree’s hand, “I will be right back. Take a look around if you like—Tim could you show them around the place?”

  “Surely,” Tim grinned at Desiree.

  “Bessie you have grown cruel haven’t you?” Stephen teased softly as he walked toward her then gave her backside a soft pat as he passed from the room.

  “Ohhh!” Bessie shrieked.

  Stephen hurried on his way and Tim coughed and sputtered, forcing down a mouth full of brandy through his laughter.


  Tim toured the ladies around the first floor including the dining room, the ballroom that faced the back lawn and the study; ending their tour at the front veranda on a large porch swing watching the sun grow lower and lower in the sky. Shadows spread across the lawn as it slipped below the palm trees and the sky turned to reddish hues.

  Tim brought Alexander from his perch for Bridgett to have a closer look. Both ladies hesitantly stroked the silken plumage as Tim gave them a few of the particulars about parrots and their nature.


  “She is a beautiful girl.” Bessie said with a smile, watching Stephen descend the stairs. He was shaved and had donned a clean shirt, suit coat and breeches.

  “That she is Bess.” Stephen agreed, stopping at the bottom of the steps and giving his old nanny a light kiss upon her brow.

  “Does her family know that she is here?”

  “She has no family Bess. Her parents were killed some months ago in a carriage accident.”

  “Poor thing.” Bessie said with a shake of her head, “So young to be left alone.”

  “Yes but she is strong Bess and has coped well. She is quite remarkable.”

  “Stephen you sound as though you care for that young girl a mite. Would you perhaps be planning—to settle down?”

  “Ohhh no—one word to you and the cat would be out of the bag.” Stephen laughed.

  “You best hurry and propose before that brother of yours steals her away from you. He is quite taken with her I fear.” she teased.

  “Fear not Bess, I am almost positive I have her heart.” he assured, patting her shoulder and heading for the front door.

  “Well ,dinner is ready whenever you are.” Bess called after him.


  “Stephen!” Tim greeted him warmly.

  Stephen joined the two ladies seated upon the porch swing while Timothy put Alexander through some of his tricks. Tim was explaining the process of teaching a parrot to mimic and Stephen chuckled, interjecting, “One important aspect about a parrot,” he said, “Never say anything in earshot that you do not want repeated. Isn’t that so Tim?”

  Tim laughed, taking in Desiree’s quizzical expression, “As young lads we had a devil of a problem with this fellow.” he explained, “He was forever following us boys about during our days and I believe it was at garden party of some sort that our mother brought him out to entertain the guests with his amazing vocabulary and you should have heard the language this beast had picked up from us. Mother was mortified—her treasured Alex speaking as if a…well let us just say in a not very gentlemanly fashion. It took months to remove the words and phrases from his vocabulary. They are very receptive to words they hear often.” he laughed, returning Alexander to his perch.

  “Bess informed me that dinner is ready, shall we go in?” Stephen asked, extending a hand to Desiree.


  “So where has Bess put you?” Stephen inquired softly as Bridgett’s door closed behind her after bidding them each good night.

  “There.” Desiree said pointing to the room next to her nurses.

  “Oh that is just wonderful!” Stephen drawled, none too happy, as he led her to her door.

  “What is the matter?” Desiree asked with a giggle at his affected ire.

  “Not a thing except that my room is on the opposite side of the house. Perhaps Bess is trying to tell me something.” he whispered with a deep lingering kiss, “Good night my sweet. I shall see you first thing in the morning.”

  He kissed her once more and she entered her chambers, closing the door as Stephen headed back downstairs to do some bookwork and continue the chess match that he and Tim had started before dinner.

  She had wanted to ask him of the woman today and had thought and pondered on how to approach the subject all through dinner but now she was still in the dark about what she had seen and she did not feel at ease to ask him about it.

  She was on shaky ground because she was beginning to realize that there was much more to Stephen Colter than she even suspected. The woman could be his lover, just as she had become or perhaps held an even more important role in his life. He had never mentioned anything of the women on his island home. She had known that there would be women of course, but she had not considered that some of those he had been involved with would be right here—but of course they would! After seeing the extent of his family’s holdings—the mansion, ships, it was obvious to her that his wealth far exceeded her own and of course he would be sought after. Rene’ Vermillion and the others, although on a much less grand scale, had wealth and were the target of many women, so of course Stephen would be.

  Suddenly feeling very insecure she hurried back out of her rooms to request Bridgett’s assistance in undressing and her evening toilette and to clear her mind from its current train of thought.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Desiree stretched her arms above her head, then slipping into her robe and opening the doors to her balcony she walked out into the fresh morning air. The sunlight spilled upon the back lawn and the lush jungle beyond bringing it all alive with brilliant hues and the fresh sea air made her feel exhilarated and wonderfully at peace.

  She moved to the stone wall of her balcony looking down upon the lawn and there she saw Stephen, standing with his arm raised out from his side looking to the sky. As she watched a throaty squawk preceded Alexander as he swooped down from the trees and landed upon Stephen’s outstretched arm. Stephen stroked the head of the parrot and then held out his hand. The bird took the offering from him with gusto and then Stephen signaled and waited as another bird appeared from somewhere among the palm trees. This one had p
redominately yellow plumage and was small in comparison to Alexander. It landed beside Alex upon his arm and accepted a reward. Then with a lift of his arm, both birds took to the sky heading for the trees.

  Stephen turned, walking toward the house and happened to glance up to see Desiree. She waved in greeting and he hastened his steps disappearing under the balcony. Desiree rushed back into her room grabbing a dress from her armoire and slipping it on herself haphazardly. She had barely drawn it on before a light knock sounded upon the door of her sitting room and she dashed to open it.

  “Good morning my sweet.” He breathed, engulfing her in a kiss as the door closed quietly behind him, “I missed you so. I fear I have become spoiled, having you with me all through the night.” he confessed with a chuckle.

  “I missed you as well—Stephen would you help to lace me please?” she requested turning her back to him and waiting. But instead the dress came off her shoulders along with her undergarment and Stephen slid her arms out of the sleeves while placing searing kisses upon her shoulders and back.

  “Stephen!” Desiree spun around to face him, “We can’t! Not with your family in the house. If someone were to come to the door…” she sighed weakly as the gown slipped below her breasts and his hands engulfed them. She could not remember her train of thought—it was completely lost to her.

  “The house still sleeps for the most part and if someone comes to the door I shall simply exit over the balcony. No one will come, trust me.” He assured as his mouth, found her throat, tracing down toward her breasts.

  Her gown slowly moved downward and his lips followed until her clothing slipped from her hips to the floor and Desiree gazed unseeing, while his mouth moved down her stomach and he dropped to his knees before her. She touched his soft curls as his kisses moved down her hip to her thigh. There he paused to look up into her eyes, which were glowing with passion.

  “Perhaps I better continue with this on the bed.” He whispered and stood, lifting her into his arms and proceeding through the door to her bedchamber, kissing her all the while. He lay her across the bed and then disrobed quickly as she watched with admiration.

  “Now—where was I?” he breathed as he moved atop her and his hips came to rest between her thighs. His body touched hers intimately as he moved slowly; lowering himself. His lips coursed along the side of her breast and down her ribcage until he had positioned himself at waist level and his mouth moved down from her stomach once more, very leisurely. He nipped at her hip with his teeth and then his kisses resumed where he had left off, moving languidly downward.

  Sometime later Stephen lay gasping atop Desiree and would have moved to lie at her side but she bent her knees, raising her legs and penning him above her, “Hold me Stephen.” she whispered, kissing his neck.

  He looked down into her eyes, seeing tears sparkling there and clinging in the hair at her temples, “What is this?” he crooned. “Why are you crying? What is wrong Desiree?” he asked softly while bending to kiss away her tears.

  Desiree could not say why she was weepy. There was no reason for it. The closeness she felt at this moment dispelled all her fears and she felt secure within his arms. Stephen continued to rest above her though, holding her and rocking gently until her tears subsided.


  “Look what I found on my way downstairs.” Tim beamed as he entered the dining room with Bridgett on his arm and seated her across from Desiree.

  “Good morning.” Desiree said brightly, catching a silent inquiry from Bridgett as to how she had managed to dress alone. Desiree shrugged slightly, with a glance toward Stephen. As a servant placed the morning fare before each of the new arrivals, Stephen sipped from his coffee cup and addressed Bridgett.

  “Bridgett I was planning to take Desiree about the island this morning and show it off to her. You are cordially invited to join us if you like.” he offered, hoping silently that she would decline. He wanted Desiree to himself this morning.

  “Thank you Captain but I believe I shall make my own tour of the isle. I would like to take a look around the town and perhaps browse at the shops Timothy mentioned yesterday.”

  “Well I would like to go along.” Timothy piped up through a mouth full of bacon and Stephen shot him a look of disbelief, “With Bridgett that is. What fun will you have with only a driver as company?” he asked smiling sweetly at Bridgett, then chuckled as he regarded his older brother, “I can tell when I am not wanted by some. May I join you dear lady?” he asked returning his full attention to Bridgett.

  “Of course. I would enjoy your company.” Bridgett accepted with a nod, thinking that this could prove to be an interesting morning with this charming young man as her guide.

  “It’s settled then…” Stephen began.

  “Cap?” Ham called from the threshold, entering the room and pausing just within, “Jim Phillips has arrived with his goods from the East. He is getting things stored and will be up directly to give you his figures.”

  “Blast it.” Stephen sighed, “So much for our outing Desiree. I am afraid I must speak with the man. He has been in the Orient and we have much to discuss.”

  “Well then Desiree will just have to join us.” Tim decided enthusiastically, “I will show you both all the sights. I am a much more proficient tour guide anyway.” he assured with a wink.

  Desiree nodded, “Thank you Tim I would love to come along.”

  “Wonderful! Stephen I shall take good care of these two for you.” Tim said with a grin.

  “I am sure you will.” Stephen grumbled, rising from the table, “Have a good time.” he said warmly to Desiree and then addressed Ham, “Let’s get to work old friend.”

  As the two left the room, Tim gulped down the last of his coffee and rose, “Ladies while you finish your breakfast I shall go and see about a carriage. I will return shortly.”

  Tim hurried out of the room and Bridgett sipped at her tea, smiling over her cup, “This shall be an interesting morning I am sure.”

  Desiree softly agreed, thinking to herself that it would not be nearly as interesting as it would have been with Stephen’s company but Tim would be her second choice, she decided.


  The carriage rumbled down the cobblestone drive while Timothy began explaining the history of their family on Somerset with the clearing of the ground for the house as they turned out onto the road. After a tour that wound through the hills above the town upon a well tended road carved through the trees, they drove through some of the residential areas and then ended their sightseeing at the shop lined main street of Somerset where they dismounted the carriage. Tim began pointing here and there, bringing to their attention to shops of interest when he was haled by an elderly gentleman at the door of the livery across the way and he waved in return undecided as to how he should proceed.

  “Go ahead Tim. We shall be in here.” Desiree offered, pointing to the clothier shop up the road.

  “I’ll just be a few minutes.” He assured with a nod and hurried away to speak with the man, while Desiree and Bridgett turned to the shop.

  No one was about as they entered and there were no chimes upon the door to announce an entry but since they were only looking, Desiree shrugged at Bridgett and they helped themselves to browsing through the materials. As they were at this, muffled voice’s were heard coming from behind a draped door at the far side of the shop and Desiree’s ears perked at the mention of Stephen’s name and she listened intently but only caught bits and pieces of a quiet discussion.

  “Oh he has found a naïve little twit who actually believes his lies…” the words faded softer, then stronger, “He shall soon tire of the game and we shall continue as always.” A lighthearted laugh followed the comment.

  A second woman made a soft inaudible remark, then giggles, followed by an awe filled voice, “I have never known a more lusty stag although I…”

  Desiree cursed silently, wishing she could hear the remark. Then the woman’s voice continued, “He has never
been known to tarry long over one woman—of course you know that best of all. Vanessa how can you tolerate his roving eye as well as everything else that roves?” she tittered.

  “After so many years and so many women I have come to terms with his insatiable appetite…” the words faded to a low murmur and then laughter.

  The reply was undistinguishable.

  “Just so he returns to my bed, I can bear it. I am a very patient woman.”

  Desiree had heard enough. With her face flaming red, she gestured to Bridgett and the two silently left the shop. Tears threatened to spill over as Desiree fought to keep her composure.

  Bridgett held her tongue, knowing full well the pain Desiree must be in and as Tim approached, Bridgett turned her attention to him just as he was about to mention Desiree’s sorrowful expression. “Tim, it must be getting on to the noon hour. Might we start back now?” Bridgett asked.

  “Of course.” He answered lamely, as he studied Desiree’s face for a moment. He took both ladies by the arm and they started down the street toward the waiting carriage.

  Desiree was quiet most of the ride home and was thankful that Bridgett was keeping Tim occupied with questions, leaving her to herself. To think that just hours ago Stephen had held her tenderly within his arms as she had wept foolish tears of insecurity. Now those feelings took hold and could not be alleviated. It appeared this woman Vanessa knew well his intentions concerning her as though it a common occurrence.

  Her two companions breezed into the house talking gaily, while Desiree remained quiet, wanting only to retire to her room and be alone. She could not even think of lunch, although it was set out in the dining room and smelled wonderful. She patted Tim’s arm as he offered to escort her to the table and shook her head, “I believe I shall forego lunch Tim. I am not very hungry.” She looked to Bridgett and averted her eyes, unable to deal with the understanding she saw there.


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