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Love's Vengeance

Page 31

by Dana Roquet

  “Desiree I shall miss your company but I am not one to force another’s will. I leave that up to Bess.” He looked warily about the front hall and the dining room, “You had best make a hasty retreat before she finds out or she will have you seated and eating before you know what has hit you.” he laughed.


  No sooner had Desiree closed the door to her bedroom than a knock sounded at her sitting room door and she went out to answer, half expecting to find Bessie there, come to force her below to eat. Stephen grinned wickedly, entering the room as his arms came about her waist, “What is this about you not wanting to eat? Since when have you lacked an appetite?” he asked with a chuckle while nibbling her ear.

  “Stephen, stop, please—I am simply not hungry.” She moved back from the tingling warmth of his lips against her neck.

  “You wouldn’t have something to tell me would you?” he asked cocking his head and raising an eyebrow with a charming smile.

  “What do you mean?” she snapped with surprise, knowing full well that he could not possibly know of the revelations she had learned this morning. This would be the only thing she would have to tell him and she refused to broach that subject.

  “Well—I know that when a woman is…” he slipped his hand over her flat stomach, touching it gently, “with child she is known to lose her appetite at first—and Tim said your mood changed suddenly this morning and there were those unexplainable tears earlier and I have concluded…” he chuckled.

  “Stephen you are insane! I assure you, you have concluded incorrectly.” She blushed. “That would be a nightmare!” she added, thinking of the conversation at the shop.

  “Oh?” Stephen questioned with a frown, surprised and a bit bruised by her remark. She loved children—it was obvious. He could tell that by just the brief glimpse he had witnessed between her and the children at Nevis but her remark just now had been cold and cutting. “You are right of course, it would be a terrible turn of events wouldn’t it?” he asked with lightness to his voice, leaving her the option of correcting him.

  Desiree looked away, unable to meet his gaze. She had missed the inflection in his voice and she was crushed. “Oui it would I am afraid.” She replied softly.

  Stephen watched her wring her hands and could not understand the signals her actions and words were giving out. He let the subject drop and turned back to the door, reaching into the hall.

  “Well,” he produced a small basket, “I had hoped you would allow me to take you and this assortment of delicacies from Bessie’s kitchen and ride to a favorite spot of mine for a quiet lunch and an afternoon together.”

  Desiree watched him grin sheepishly, looking to her with uncertainty and she was amazed that he had gone to such efforts for her. She smiled slightly in spite of herself. She wanted to rush into his arms and tell him of her fears and have him reassure her that all she suspected was untrue. She wanted not to care, to be grown up and accept that for now—this moment, he belonged to her and enjoy him for as long as he would have her. But all Stephen saw was her standing in indecision. He placed the basket upon the floor and walked up to her, “Please.” he pleaded and kissed her softly, “Please.” He repeated, kissing her again and again and again.

  “Yes! You win!” Desiree laughed, unable to catch her breath, “Just allow me to change will you please?”


  “How are you at riding bareback? You did say you rode quite often at home, didn’t you?” Stephen wondered aloud as he bent to retrieve the basket from the floor and they headed down the hall.

  “Yes I do fairly well.” Desiree assured, with a giggle, suddenly overwhelmingly happy, just to be with him. She had decided as she had changed into her riding clothes with Stephen’s helpful assistance, that perhaps what she had overheard this morning had been merely jealous lies, told in order to save face. He belonged to her at this moment and she was determined to enjoy this afternoon and his company.


  “Up you go!” Stephen said, holding out a hand to assist her. Desiree hesitated a moment, unsure of her ability to even stay astride Sampson, the spirited Roan stallion that pranced and fidgeted, eager to be off.

  “Stand!” Stephen commanded and the horse obeyed immediately, stilling while giving Stephen his full attention.

  Desiree glanced about the grounds, to ensure their privacy, and then parted her skirts, pulling the back between her thighs and raised her left foot to Stephen. He grasped her leg just above the ankle and hoisted her upward until she straddled the steed. He handed her the basket which she held before her, and then he swung himself up behind her with ease. He wrapped his arms about her waist and took the reins loosely in his hands. With a slight encouragement, the stallion pranced off under his measured control and they headed out the drive heading for the opposite side of the island.

  With Stephen at the reins the horse flew along the beach and Desiree leaned back, relishing the feel of Stephen’s body pressed close to her and encircled by his arms and both in unison with the spirited animal beneath them. A spray of water pelted their feet as the horse raced along the water’s edge and Stephen pressed a light kiss to her cheek, talking idly as they moved along.

  Stephen slowed the animal although the beach continued on ending at the point of the island and he turned the horse toward the dense tree line, where Desiree could see an opening and a path that led upward. The horse moved willingly up the path and seemed to know the way and after a gradual climb that ended near the point of the island, ahead she could see sunlight and heard the sound of rushing water.

  They rose to a small grassy meadow bathed in sunlight and at the far side, near the edge of a cliff a waterfall emptied into good sized pool. The water rushed over the lip of the pool and down a rocky cliff where it then continued on, along a streamlet.

  Stephen dismounted, took the basket from Desiree’s hands and then helped her down. He led the horse some distance out into the open meadow and dropped the reins, leaving the steed ground tied to graze at will upon the sweet grasses.

  “What do you think?” he grinned, outstretching his arms.

  “It’s lovely. Very private. Do you come here often?” She was wondering if he had entertained others here but tried to push the thoughts from her mind.

  “I have always enjoyed this place. To be alone—to think. The water only occurs every so often after a heavy rain and until it all runs out of the hills. This will be all dried up in a short time—until the next big rainfall.”

  He removed a blanket from the top of the basket, spreading it upon the grass near the trees in an area of filtered sunlight and taking a seat, patted a place beside him, “Join me sweet. Are you hungry?”

  He rummaged through the contents of the basket, producing a plate of fried chicken and offered her first choice. Desiree accepted gladly as Stephen set out the rest of the contents including fresh fruit, bread, cheese and a bottle of water.

  The conversation was rather one-sided as they enjoyed their picnic. Desiree was lacking her usual flair for the give and take of their talks, while Stephen tried gallantly to fill the awkward and uncomfortable pauses and bring her out of her obvious melancholy. She was having difficulty with her resolve to enjoy this afternoon.

  “Earlier today, before I came to your room Bessie was saying it was high time to have a ball or party of some sort. We usually have a get together at least a couple times during the fall season. It will be planned for two weeks from now when my parents return from England. We do have a shop here in town if you would like to have a gown made especially for the event.”

  “Oui I was at that shop this morning.” Desiree managed with sudden unease.

  “The party will be a good opportunity for you to meet some of the people from the isle.” Stephen said pausing to gauge her reaction.

  “It shall be lovely. I can’t recall the last time I was at a true gala—quite some time ago.” Desiree said without conviction but Stephen did not seem to notice.

ither have I. It shall be a welcome change.”

  He reclined upon one elbow, stretching his legs out before him as he finished the last slice of papaya, watching her thoughtfully, “Are you sure that you are well sweet? You really are not acting yourself today for some reason. I usually don’t get a word in edgewise. Why are you so quiet? Have I done something or said something that has upset you?”

  “No Stephen,” Desiree fibbed, “I think all these changes in residence are catching up with me is all. I am feeling a touch homesick. I see you with Tim and Bessie and I realize how much I miss France.”

  She was amazed at how easily the lie flowed from her lips. Any such feelings had only come about this day. She was feeling like an outsider in his life again and she didn’t much care for the feeling.

  “I have no family of course but I left several friends in France that were every bit as dear to me as family and I miss them. They were always my confidants when I needed someone to talk to.” She sighed, thinking of Rene’ and the others.

  If she were home she could go to them and tell them of Stephen and all that had occurred and would feel secure with their advice. Even though they had never approved of anyone for her yet, she knew that if they were aware of the seriousness of this situation, they would advise her without malice toward Stephen.

  “I would like you to think of us as family Desiree. You may feel free to take as much of my time as you wish.” He grinned and pulled her to him for a brief kiss. “So—would you like to confide in me?”

  Desiree smiled weakly, shaking her head, “I am fine really Stephen. No need for you to worry.”

  “Then how about we go for a swim?” he asked, sitting up and looking to the inviting water.

  “In these heavy clothes? I will drown.”

  “No I thought we could take our clothes off.” He chuckled.

  She made no remark but he watched her look around at the edges of the clearing and the dense trees beyond.

  “No one will see us here. I am sure of it.”

  After removing his boots and stockings, he stood and began stripping off his clothes while Desiree watched without moving to join him. She had never disrobed out of doors and modesty held her back. Stephen on the other hand, shed his clothes in a flash, loosened her laces for her and then sauntered off toward the water with an easy stride.

  “Come on!” he yelled standing waist deep in the pool and then pushed off, floating toward the waterfall.

  Desiree rose and undressed with her wary attention on the trees, expecting to find someone staring back. She left her clothes next to Stephen’s on the blanket and dashed for the pool with her hands held before her for modesty’s sake.

  She cleaved the water, coming up and found herself within Stephen’s arms and was greeted by a flaming kiss. Her hair floated in the water about her and he lifted it, smoothing it down her back so his view and his hands were unobstructed. He lifted her effortlessly into his arms and then bobbed across the pool, bringing her with him toward the waterfall and his lips seared her with a lingering kiss as they moved beneath the gently gurgling spray.


  Desiree drifted across the pool, allowing the current to draw her toward the lip and looking at it from eye level it created an illusion as though the pool continued on and merged with the ocean beyond. She pulled some leaves from the shrubs that crowded in around the pool and let them drift to the edge and over. That they appeared to be heading out to sea was an interesting illusion and both she and Stephen spent some time at that. They romped in the water that was cool, clear and felt wonderful Desiree admitted without clothes to impede her.

  After some time enjoying their play, things became more heated and their passions flared with every contact and soon Stephen lifted her into his arms and carried her to the blanket, where they made love in the sunny glade in broad daylight. Desiree didn’t think once of the trees or of whether anyone might be watching. Her only thought was of Stephen pouring his passion out to her and sweeping her along with him.

  The remainder of the afternoon was spent talking and playing in the water as Desiree fought with the insecurities and doubts. She wanted him and that was all that mattered she tried to convince herself and for now, he wanted her. He simply could not be so loving and open with her and be acting the part. His care had to be genuine because no one could be so cruel as to toy with another’s affections so completely.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The lonely call of night birds and the hum of insects were a symphony all their own. The sky was velvety black, dotted with shimmering stars and a gentle breeze caressed Desiree as she reclined in a chair upon her balcony, enjoying a peaceful moment before retiring. She was exhausted from her afternoon swimming with Stephen and tormented by the conversation she had overheard between Vanessa and the unknown woman earlier this day. She had gone from hurt, to angry, to sad and insecure throughout the day. She did not want to care. She wanted to be mature and enjoy him for as long as he enjoyed her but her childish emotions kept getting in the way.

  She was brought from her thoughts by a scraping sound and she leaned forward, peeking within her chambers and then peered through the dark to the far side of the balcony but was unable to decide what the noise could have been or what direction it had come from. She dismissed it, leaning back once more and looking to the sky. Then she very definitely heard the sound of tearing leaves and breaking twigs coming distinctly from beside the balcony, near the house. She rose, moving warily to the railing and peered over.

  “Stephen!” She gasped. “You frightened me nearly to death! What on earth are you doing?”

  Stephen paused in his ascent and laughed, “I am trying to sneak up a beautiful woman’s balcony and these blasted vines—are doing their best to discourage me! Here.” He handed her two glasses and then grasping the top of the rail; he yanked his foot loose of a sprig of clinging ivy and pulled himself up, leaping over the rail.

  “I am getting too old for this sort of foolery. A young Romeo I am not!” he assured with a grunt, leaning over to retrieve a bottle of wine from the ledge where he had placed it.

  Desiree giggled, “Oh please! You are hardly getting too old! You have more energy than I by far!”

  Stephen turned back to her and chuckled—then he placed a light kiss upon her mouth, “Did you enjoy yourself this afternoon?”

  Soft lamplight spilling out of her chamber illuminated a gentle smile as she turned away, “Very much.” She nodded, taking a seat again and patting the chair beside her own.

  Stephen joined her, opening the wine and Desiree held the glasses while he filled them and then set the bottle beneath his chair. “To us.” He said briefly.

  “To us.” Desiree nodded, clicking her glass with his and sipping daintily at her drink. She leaned back then, admiring the night sky once more. She was at a loss for words and was unable to think of a subject to talk about. She had much on her mind but nothing she could voice to Stephen. Since she could not think of anything nice to say, she said nothing.

  Stephen drained his glass and set it aside upon the stone rail, “Desiree we have been sitting here for nearly two full minutes and you have yet to utter a word.” He leaned across and touched her thigh possessively.

  “Neither have you sir and rarely are you lacking in that area.”

  “Perhaps we have run out of topics for conversation.” He sighed, “Perhaps you are growing tired of me.”

  Desiree shot him a look of surprise, “What prompted you to say that?” she snapped hotly. Her mind raced back over the words, she had overheard this morning, “He shall soon tire of the game and we shall continue as always.” Her stomach fluttered with sickening dread. Perhaps his true meaning was that he was growing tired of her.

  “You are quiet—yet you say nothing is troubling you! But your disposition has changed dramatically, at least where I am concerned…” he shook his head, “Never mind.” He sighed in exasperation—completely baffled.

  Desiree stood from her
chair and set her glass upon a small table as she entered her bedroom. She paced across the floor with tears threatening and her emotions raging when only a few unnerving words had been exchanged. She turned to see Stephen leaning against the door jam, watching her.

  “Are you all right sweet?” he asked with concern.

  “I am fine…fine!” she stammered, trying to assure him but her voice sounded harsh and strained in her own ears. She wrapped her arms about her middle, resuming her pacing. “Stephen I am very tired. I am not the best company tonight, perhaps you should leave.”

  “If you are tired, I shall not prevent you from retiring. Come here.” He beckoned as he crossed to turn down the bed. Taking a seat upon its edge he patted a spot at his side. He pulled off his boots and stockings, as he spoke. “I do not want to leave.” He stated happily. “So you had better come here before I come and get you.”

  “You will not!” Desiree said with conviction, “I am too tired to entertain you tonight Stephen. So you had best forget any plans you have for me.” She turned away sharply as her anger flared at him, that he should be so sure she would fall into his arms. She was so subservient, always at his beckon call and it pricked her pride that he was so very confident.

  She turned back to him and he grinned while tossing his shirt into a chair. Her eyes roamed over his hard rippling torso, before lifting to his lean sun darkened face once more. He was so very handsome that it was almost mystical. She knew that there was not a woman alive who could resist him.

  He stood and then left his breeches on the floor as he slipped into her bed, turning upon his side to face her. Raised on one elbow he draped the sheet across his waist and looked like a dark bronze statue against the white of the bedding. He lifted the sheet invitingly and waited.

  “No entertainment. Just come to bed. I want to hold you Desiree—nothing more.” He cajoled.


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