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Perfectly Star Crossed

Page 7

by Victoria Rose

  I took my fourth test for that day and waited. As I suspected a big 'yes,' came up on the screen. I grabbed it and took it out of the bathroom with me. Isaiah was waiting outside the door, one hip leaning on the wall. I gave it to him. I watched his expression closely. At first there was nothing and then, very slowly a smile appeared and quickly disappeared. He looked up at me, and I saw fear. "This child is going to have a screwed up life Delilah. You know that right?"

  "Maybe, but it will be loved. We can do the best we're able to do," I said. I wanted to pull him to me, to hug him tight, to just feel him against me, but I knew I had to wait until he came to me because I didn't want to be rejected. He sighed, threw the pregnancy test down and came to me, doing to me what I wanted to do to him. He held me tight and stroked my hair. Before I could latch onto him though, he pulled away. His eyes were still cold. I sighed.

  "I do love you Isaiah, that's one thing I never lied about," I said quietly. He sighed and put his hand on my face.

  "We'll work this out," his voice was soft. "I love you Princess, but I'm still extremely pissed and hurt right now, that's going to take awhile to get over," he said quietly. I nodded.

  "I understand," I put my hand over his before he pulled it away.

  "Come on, let's just drive, I don't know what we're going to do right now, but as long as we get away from here, we'll be good for awhile," he said. I nodded and followed him to the car. He opened my door for me and when we were both settled we took off, not knowing where we were going to go.

  Chapter Seventeen- The Truth

  After we left the store Isaiah let me turn the radio on. He went to reach for my hand a couple times but pulled back once he was half way there. I knew it was too much to ask for him to do it, but I wanted his hand in mine so bad. After another half hour in the car his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and swore. He looked at me, "Don't say a word," he told me seriously. I nodded. "Hello," he answered. "Yeah boss it's done. I'm sorry I didn't call you," he sighed at something the man was saying. "I need a break boss, the girl had been playing me," he paused. "Yeah, she's the one I had been seeing for months, good thing we got to them before she got to me right?" He laughed humorlessly at the other man's words. "I'll be gone for awhile. I don't know where I'm going, but I just needed to get out of that town, ya know?" He nodded even though the guy couldn't see him. "Don't expect to hear from me for awhile," he paused again. "Yes sir, I hid the body. I buried it in a place no one will look," he nodded again. "Yes sir, I will. You take care of yourself too. Call me if you need anything, but I won't be coming back for quite some time," his voice was choked up throughout the whole conversation. I'm sure he really didn't have to fake the broken heartedness that I heard and I hung my head in shame.

  He hung up shortly after and looked at me quickly before turning his gaze back to the road. "That takes care of my boss for awhile. Never answer my phone if I'm not around," he ordered. I nodded. "What are you going to do about your boss?" He asked me.

  "Wait until he calls me, give him false updates and see how long that lasts. I'll tell him we are going on a vacation. He doesn't think I've gotten anywhere with you yet, because I just couldn't bear letting you go so soon. He doesn't understand why this mission is taking so long. My other one's only lasted weeks, a month at the most. I couldn't stand the other guys. Some of them were downright nasty," I told him.

  "How did you get yourself into this mess Delilah? What's your real story?" He asked and I sighed.

  "I had abusive parents, physically, sexually and emotionally. They were extremely shady, I mean they sold me for their living. They obviously got involved with the wrong people and pissed them off. So, one night they bust into our house and shoot my parents. The guy was about to shoot me, but changed his mind seeing 'potential' in me is how he put it. So they took me with them. The boss got a soft spot for me, taught me all he knew and set me in the position I'm in," I explained.

  "And you had no qualms about it?"

  "Isaiah, my parents were bitches. I get sucked into this life, where I am getting anything my little seven year old heart desires, with people who aren't molesting me. I felt like I was living the high life. Sure, Derek always gave me the creeps, but that's because he's supposedly 'in love' with me. But that was the worst part about the job. When they told me what I was supposed to do I smiled. I felt like if I hurt all of these people, it would make up for the way my parents had hurt me. It was perfect," I tried to get him to understand.

  "Derek is the boss now, yes?" He asked. I nodded. "He's also in love with you?"

  "He thinks he is," I scoffed. "That's the only reason I get away with back mouthing him. If anyone else said even a quarter of the shit I say to him, their families and then they would be dead before they knew it. It's the way he works. He's not use to being told no which is why I make it my sole purpose in his life to tell him no. He needs to learn a lesson. He can't always have what he wants," I said bitterly. Isaiah nodded absent mindedly.

  "What changed?" He finally asked. "What changed when you got to me?" The question caught me off guard. What had changed. I'm not sure I even really knew. But he was patient in letting me think it over.

  "You didn't try to get me in bed the first time I came onto you. That was the first thing, I think. You had a completely different personality from the rest of the mob guys or whatever the hell we even are. You shunned everybody, even Emily to a certain extent but I could tell you cared for her. The rest of them flaunted their money and their power to get what they desired.

  "And you warned me about the danger of being with you. You were willing not to be with me because of my safety. You're selfless and you're funny and caring, and a bonus of all that stuff is that you're extremely sexy," I saw the corner of his mouth twitch when I said that. "You're just different and I wanted to figure you out to know why you're so different. You had a wall bigger than mine and I wanted to bring it down," I stopped and just looked at him. I hoped that was enough for him because I've never been good at describing my feelings to anybody. He ran a hand through his hair, a sure sign he was frustrated.

  He didn't say anything, and we drove for a couple more hours before coming to a pretty nice hotel. He grabbed my bag for me after parking and we checked in. It was a nice room that we got, I took it as a good sign that he got a room with only one bed. When we got into the room I sat on the edge of said bed, not sure what to do. I wanted everything to be good again.

  I felt the bed sink behind me and then Isaiah's hands were on my shoulders kneading my muscles. My head rolled forward and I sighed, he definitely had a magic touch. I felt myself relax and his hands worked down my arms and he set his chin on my neck. He wrapped his arms around me and set his hands on my stomach and rubbed it. There were no physical signs yet that I was pregnant, no little bump or anything. It was just so hard to believe that a person was growing inside of me. I felt him trembling and I turned to look at him.

  "Are you okay?" I asked. He gulped and looked down at my stomach.

  "Princess, we're having a kid," he laughed shortly, shaking his head. "I never thought I'd be able to have a kid because of my job. I just had one night stands, no real relationships. It's scary. Am I going to be the father that helpless child deserves? I just can't help but think I'm going to fuck it up somehow. Then there's the fact that we're always going to be in danger. We'll never really be safe Delilah. Do you really want that for our kid?"

  "Well, it isn't the ideal life I would plan out of course. But I'll tell you now, I won't get an abortion," I told him seriously.

  "No! No I wasn't implying that. There are other things, like adoption," he scratched the back of his neck. "But I wasn't lying when I told you I was in foster homes. I don't want that for any kid, especially not my own," he sighed.

  "Well then there's really only one option. We keep him or her. I want to keep it," I said, my hands moving to my stomach. "It's a part of you, and I want to keep anything that's a part of you," I said looking into his eyes.
His mouth was suddenly on mine, hard and hot. I returned it with as much passion as I could put into it. I wanted him to feel how sorry I was. I wanted him to know I loved him, honestly. If he didn't believe my words, maybe he'd believe my mouth. He pulled away but kept his forehead on mine.

  "Can we have make up sex now?" He asked. I laughed.

  "We should have had it hours ago," I kissed him again. I had never had make up sex before, but I had heard rumors that it was the best kind of sex there was. All sex was good with Isaiah, but I can now fully agree that I like make up sex. He was still angry and he took it out on me in the most pleasurable ways. He was rough with me, but gentle around my stomach and I was just overwhelmed with the love I felt for him.

  And when it was over and we laid on top of the covers, panting and sweaty I smiled. "Can we fight more often please?" I asked and he laughed.

  "So long as it's nothing as serious as this fight was. We can fight every day if we get that grand finale," he breathed before kissing my forehead. And not being able to stay awake anymore we fell asleep.

  Chapter Eighteen- Girls With Guns

  There comes a time when good things must end. I know it's totally cliché and overused, but it's true. Isaiah and I had been on the run for a month. Derek called me more frequently and sounded more and more angry and agitated every time he called.

  I was starting to show, I had a bump in my belly that I just couldn't stop touching most of the time. I was so in awe that there was life growing in me. Isaiah was so amazing when it came to our child. He would talk to my stomach and touch it and kiss it. I was almost jealous that he loved the kid more than me. Almost. But really, I would probably love it more than him as well, so I fought back the stupid, insanely placed feeling.

  He took me to the doctor's to make sure that everything was okay. It was. I was healthy and so was the baby. It was really cute how fiercely protective he was of both of us. It was hard to even convince him to leave the hotel room to do anything and leave me there. But I did. And it was one of those trips, when he was gone that I received a visitor.

  I heard a knocking on my door and dread filled me. It's like I knew who it was without even seeing him. I looked through the peep hole and sure enough it was Derek. I should have known he would track my progress through my use of my credit card when I ran out of cash. I sighed and opened the door, knowing it was a mistake.

  The look on his face was complete anger. His dark eyes looked me over and stopped on my stomach. It wasn't extremely evident that I was pregnant, but I had been around him for years and he knew my body because every time he saw me he'd stare at me like the pervert he is. I had never been fat, so the bulge in my stomach was like a mountain to him. His eyes were fierce as they locked onto mine.

  "He knocked you up," he stated. I rolled my eyes.

  "Thank you, Captain Obvious. Would you care to enlighten me with some more well known facts please," I said sarcastically. His hand went up to my throat and he pushed me into the hotel room, shutting the door behind him. He pushed me against the wall.

  "Don't get a smart mouth with me right now Delilah, I am extremely pissed off at you," he warned. I sighed.

  "Will you let go of my neck now please? I'm sure you don't want to kill me," my voice was light and uncaring, but I wasn't so sure of myself inside. He ripped his hand away from my throat and pulled on his tie, trying to loosen it, he turned away from me.

  "Is this why you ran away? I know you said you were going on a vacation with him, but a month long vacation is a bit much isn't it?" He turned back around with his hands on his hips.

  "Yeah, that's why I ran away, he asked me to, so I went," I said plainly and he huffed.

  "Do you love him?" He asked. I knew to say yes would be the end of both Isaiah and myself. But I realized how hard it was for me to say no. I waited the appropriate amount of time so he wouldn't think I was answering too quickly or too slowly.

  "No Derek. You jealous? I don't love anybody. You know that better than anyone," I told him.

  "Then why run away with him Delilah? What is your excuse?"

  "I'm carrying his fucking child Derek. He'd think something was up if I said no," I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

  "You should have called me. We could have taken care of him," he said.

  "It's too late now, so what are you going to do?" I asked.

  "I'm going to kill him, and take you home. You can marry me and I'll say the child is mine, so no one will know about your lack of intelligence," he said and my breathing stopped. Kill him? I knew that's what he was going to do anyway, but I just couldn't let that happen. I needed Isaiah. I completely and desperately needed him. I had to come up with a plan fast.

  "How about this: we take him home, you keep him in holding until I'm a few months pregnant, I'll get engaged to you and we can flaunt it in front of him, so he'll be hurt even worse, and then I will kill him, to make the blow even harsher," I said calmly. I knew that if he agreed, I would have a few months to figure out something to get Isaiah and I out of this mess. Derek pondered my idea for awhile.

  "I like it. You're more of a bitch than I thought Delilah, you must really hate this guy," he said with a smirk on his face.

  "He got me with child, I never planned on being a mother," I said and the words cut sharp. They physically hurt me to say. Suddenly a flashback of my continuing dream came to me. My eyes widened as I remembered. If it came down to it, I would kill Isaiah. I just didn't understand why.

  "Well you're going to have two kids actually," he said. I raised my eyebrow. "I have a four year old. His name is Decklin, you would know that if you would give me the time of day," he told me. Then it hit me, he had a kid which was why I wouldn't kill him. I was so overprotective of my child when it hadn't even been fully formed, I couldn't imagine taking a parent away from their kid. At least my child didn't know his true father yet, and Derek could pretend. Eventually though, the kid would find out when it realized there was no resemblance at all between Derek and my kid.

  Isaiah chose that exact moment to walk through the door. He had a smile on his face that instantly died when he saw Derek with me. I knew this was going to hurt. How much pain did I have to cause this guy? Honestly I just wished that Isaiah would kill Derek right then. Who really cared if he had a child? No kid could have a good life when their father was what Derek was. No, that didn't matter once I really thought about it.

  Nobody even liked Derek. He was dirty and didn't play fair. He treated everyone like shit, and I was pretty sure that no one would really care if he died. That decided, I rearranged my whole game plan. I would help Isaiah kill the son of a bitch if I had to. There was two of us and one of him. He really shouldn't have come on his own.

  I saw Derek moving and reacted quickly, jumping out of the way. He had a knife and I knew he'd use me as leverage to get Isaiah. He looked at me confused as I moved wondering why I wasn't going with the plan we just came up with. I took his moment of confusion to punch him in the throat. He gasped and it came out as a wheeze. Isaiah ran over to him, grabbing the knife and holding it to his throat. I knew he was going to slice it but I put a hand out to stop him.

  "Not in here Isaiah, you don't want to get blood all over, we need to take him somewhere," I told him. I went into my duffle bag and pulled out a scarf and tied Derek's hands behind his back tightly. "Derek, you're going to walk out with us and not make a scene, or I won't make your death quick and painless, got it?" I asked, my voice low. He gulped and nodded.

  Luckily Isaiah had parked right outside of our room's door. I popped the trunk and Isaiah pushed Derek in it, slamming it. Isaiah got in the driver's side and pulled out of the parking lot. "I have a friend in this town, we'll go to him," he said quietly. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel. I rubbed his shoulder, trying to be soothing. "What if I hadn't shown up in time Delilah?" He asked, voice hoarse.

  "I had it under control," I told him. I went on to explain what had happened since Derek h
ad been there and the continuous dream I had been having and my realization at the end of all of it. He breathed in deeply.

  "You really are good at your job aren't you?" He asked with a humorless laugh. "That would have broken me so bad. Why did you offer to kill me?" He said, sparing a glance my way.

  "I know all the places to shoot that will be an automatic kill. You would barely have felt it. If Derek would have done it, he would have shot you in at least six different places that aren't immediately fatal and left you to bleed to death slowly," I explained.

  "He is a sick fuck. Honestly who does that? Even I always shoot to kill. Sadistic bastard," he said venomously. I nodded in agreement. We pulled up to a decent sized house and Isaiah got out and ran to the door, knocking on it vigorously. A man answered the door. He was the total opposite of Isaiah. He was short, blonde with pale skin and light blue eyes and built like a brick. Isaiah was talking fast, using his hands a lot. The little blonde was nodding a lot and walked back in the house, coming out holding a gun loosely in his hand.


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