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Perfectly Star Crossed

Page 8

by Victoria Rose

  I took that time to get out of the car and the blonde flashed a smile at me. I nodded in return. Isaiah opened the trunk with the key this time and the blonde held the gun out in front of him. As the trunk came up, Derek found himself looking into the barrel of a gun. I watched his eyes go wide in fear. Isaiah pulled him out of the trunk and into the house quickly. I followed them in, closing the door behind all of us. They took Derek downstairs to the basement where he was thrown into a corner.

  "Do you want to do it Delilah?" Isaiah asked me quietly. I sighed.

  "I don't think you want to see me kill anyone Isaiah. I don't get shaky and I don't feel bad like you do when you kill. I don't want you to think I'm heartless," I told him. He came over and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

  "I won't think you're heartless Princess. This guy's fucked up your life in so many ways, I wouldn't blame you for feeling no remorse," he said, giving me a squeeze. I nodded.

  "Alright," I said, and the blonde guy gave me the gun. I lifted and aimed. "If you don't move Derek, you'll die quicker," I told him.

  "Don't do this Delilah," he pleaded. "I've given you everything you ever wanted, I've provided for you, took care of you. I was willing to marry you. I wasn't even willing to marry the mother of my child. Think about my child Delilah! You're going to have one of your own, how would you feel if he didn't have a father?"

  "No kid deserves a father like you, I'm saving him from corruption," I pulled the trigger when I was finished with my sentence. The bullet went right through his head and he immediately slumped to the ground. I carelessly handed the gun back to the blonde. "Now he's taken care of, we just have to worry about all his goons," I said. Before I knew what was happening I was being pushed to the wall roughly and Isaiah's lips were on mine, hard and demanding. I was surprised but soon kissed him back just as roughly, pulling him closer by his hair. He lifted my legs to wrap around his waist and his hands were all over me. He pulled away breathing hard.

  "You might think I'm some sort of freak Princess, but a girl with a gun, who actually knows how to use it, is one of the biggest turn-ons ever," he said breathlessly. I laughed.

  "We're giving your friend a show," I said, looking over Isaiah's shoulder. The blonde boy was smiling at us, trying not to laugh. "Hey Blondie, I'm Delilah," I said casually. He did laugh at that.

  "My name's Brian, nice to meet you. I'm going upstairs, and I'll give you guys, oh let's say twenty minutes before you two should come upstairs and we'll figure out what the next step is," he flashed us another smile and disappeared up the stairs. I laughed again before being sidetracked by Isaiah's mouth.

  Chapter Nineteen- Family

  So the relation between Isaiah and Brian is this: they're "blood brothers." Meaning, they made a pact to always look out for one another and never turn the other one in, cut their palms and shook. They met in Isaiah's last foster home, which belonged to the mob, and hit it off well. The people Isaiah belongs to, from what I've gathered, are actually really decent people. Once they took these kids in, they showed them what life would be like living with them. Of course, they didn't tell them details of exactly what they did because they got the choice to stay or leave. And the kids who chose to leave, if they knew too much could definitely be a hindrance to the business.

  Isaiah chose to stay, telling them that he didn't have anywhere better to go. But Brian, still wanting to see what else was out there, chose to leave. But he kept in contact with Isaiah and the family. When he turned eighteen and could no longer be in foster care, he went back to them and was trained for the family business, even though he wasn't technically family. So he was part of the mob, without the paper work. And without the paper work, the only thing really binding him to them was loyalty, so he wasn't tied down by missions and such.

  And since he wasn't obligated, he was free to live a normal life. He had a wife, Adrian and a baby who was actually named after Isaiah. Adrian was extremely short, I guess it was a good thing because Brian wasn't exactly tall. She was the cutest thing though. She had the biggest and brightest blue eyes I had ever seen, they took up half of her face but it didn't look bad on her. Her hair went down to her butt and was as blonde as Brian's. It made her look even shorter, and she informed me that was the point. She liked people thinking she was a short, tiny little thing that could do no harm, because if anyone messed with her, the look on their faces when she kicked their ass, was priceless.

  Little Isaiah was so adorable. What can get more cute than a toe head with bright blue eyes and dimples? Nothing, that's what. I sincerely hoped that when our child was born, she or he'd be as cute as little Isaiah. Of course, he wouldn't have blonde hair and blue eyes I imagined. Both Isaiah and I were dark haired people and neither of us had blue eyes- well mine were at times- who really knew about our parents though? Adrian was nice enough to let me bounce little Isaiah on my knee and coo at him while the four adults sat around the table, trying to make plans.

  "I think you should go to George, he would totally understand," Brian said for about the fifth time in the past half hour. They were talking in circles now, and if I hadn't have been so distracted by little Isaiah, I would have been getting pissed off. I knew Isaiah's argument before he even said it.

  "He would not understand or tolerate me lying to him B, I don't think that's an option," he said, running an angry hand through his hair. I took my attention away from little Isaiah for a minute to rub my Isaiah's neck with one hand. He forced himself to smile at me, then looked down at the baby in my lap and gave a real smile, for little Isaiah's sake. His attention was away from Brian for a minute and he brought a hand up to my face. "You're going to be such a good mom Delilah," he said sincerely. I smiled at him.

  "I hope so, I've never really had any mothering of my own, so all I have to rely on is instinct," I said doubtfully.

  "If you guys stay around here, I will be honored to help you out!" Adrian said cheerfully. I gave her an appreciative smile.

  "That'd be great, but first we have to figure out what we're going to do. It seems our two 'families' differ from one another greatly. Derek's people aren't exactly loyal to him. The only reason they do what he says is because he wrote the checks and threatened their family's well being. So, that being said, I'm honestly not sure if they'll care that he's dead. But I was also kind of secluded from them, I talked with Derek mostly, and before then just his father. The only person I really talked to besides them was Freddie," I turned to Isaiah. "He was the first person you got rid of since I've known you and you were around me," I told him.

  "I'm sorry," he said and I could tell he honestly was.

  "Don't be. That guy was a pervert," I said carelessly. Isaiah and Brian both looked at me like they couldn't believe what was coming out of my mouth.

  "See, that's the difference. Nobody in our group cares what happens to the other person. We aren't a family in any sort of way like that. Hence why I held no remorse killing Derek, and none when Isaiah killed Freddie."

  "I would have hated to live your life," Brian said solemnly.

  "I had no qualms about it until Isaiah showed up," I said, looking over at him. He looked unbelievably saddened. "Why are you looking like that?" I asked. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

  "It's just that, I'm your chance to have a life that you've never known, with people who care and people who love you, and I'm not sure that I'm going to be able to do that," he said tiredly. I smiled at him.

  "I believe in you. We'll make this work somehow," I assured him. Brian coughed, trying to get our attention.

  "You've seen George with Lucy, he loves her and would do anything for her. He'd lie, steal, cheat and murder for that woman. He will understand Izzy," I laughed at the nickname. Isaiah glared at me.

  "Don't get any ideas, princess," he warned. I just smiled at him, I would totally use that against him someday. He turned his attention back towards Brian. "I'll go see him, I'll talk to him but I want Delilah to stay here. I don't want to put her i
n any danger," I raised my eyebrow, not liking how he was talking about me as if I wasn't in the room.

  "She can stay with us while you go, I'm sure the baby will keep her occupied, she can practice for when your little one is in the world," Adrian offered.

  "It's settled then," Brian said with finality. "She'll stay here and will be protected," he stood up and Isaiah followed suit. I rolled my eyes.

  "I'm fully capable of protecting myself. You guys forget that I was trained just as well as you two," I told them.

  "You're also carrying another life in you, and I don't want to see anything happen to it, and I'm sure Isaiah will agree," Brian said. Isaiah nodded.

  "Do you have any ideas how to handle your side of things Princess?" Isaiah asked. I contemplated that for a moment. Who did I know? Suddenly it clicked.

  "Yeah actually, Derek's uncle, from what I know is still kicking. He and I were- close, I guess, when I was younger. I'm pretty sure I can talk to him without putting anyone in danger," I told them. Isaiah looked skeptical. "Look, I'm smart Izzy," he rolled his eyes at that, "I know not to give away where I am or any information about the people I'm with. I can handle it, I'm not like most girls, in case you haven't figured that out," I glared at him. He sighed and took little Isaiah from me, handing him to his father. He grabbed my hands and pulled me to him.

  "I know Delilah," he whispered in my ear, holding me tightly. "But I love you and want to do everything I can to protect you. I know full well that you can take care of yourself, but my manly pride won't let me let you do that," he sighed into my hair. "I trust you, and if you think this guy can help, then get a hold of him," he kissed my head. "I'll be back in a couple days, and I'll call you to let you know I'm alright, I know you worry," he said. I scoffed.

  "I don't worry," I denied, though it was truth. I felt him laugh as he pulled away.

  "Keep telling yourself that Princess," he said before kissing me. He went to pull away but I wrapped my arm around his neck and held him in place, going for a deeper kiss. I didn't know how things would turn out with his boss, which I now knew was more than just his boss but his father in a way, and I wanted to make sure we had a proper kiss if I never saw him again. He returned my kiss with as much gusto as me, obviously we were thinking along the same lines. He pulled away slightly, leaning his forehead on mine. I wondered if I would ever look into his brown eyes again.

  "I love you," I whispered. He kissed me lightly.

  "I love you too Princess, I'll be back," he said and pulled away from me. Brian walked him out after handing little Isaiah to Adrian. She was quiet for a moment before saying,

  "Well obviously you two don't care about public displays of affection," and that broke all the tenseness.

  Chapter Twenty- Good News

  I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the conversation I was about to have. I hoped his number hadn't changed. I went to my contacts and found his name, Donovan. I was pleased to find that it rang, not giving me the voice of an operator. A deep raspy voice answered, worn down from years of endless cigars.

  "Delilah? What did I do to deserve a beauty like you calling me, child?" I smiled. He was a sweet old man.

  "Donovan, how are you doing?" I decided to start casually, slowly working my way up to the blow.

  "Oh, this old man has seen better days. I'm on this stupid machine now for my breathing, the wife always told me I was killing myself with those damn cigars," he said with a hint of humor in his voice. "Now, don't try to butter me up, there has to be a reason for your calling, I haven't talked to you in years girly," he knew me too well.

  "Donny, how do you think everybody would react if their leader suddenly, let's say, kicked the bucket?" I winced in reflex before even hearing his answer.

  "Did you finally put that nephew of mine in his place?" He didn't sound angry, I supposed that was a bonus.

  "Well, my finger might have accidentally slipped on the trigger as I held a gun to his head," I said slowly. His wheezing laugh turned into a cough and I waited patiently for the fit to be over.

  "I always knew it would be you. When he became infatuated with you, I knew it would only be a matter of time before you got him. Oh, Delilah, what am I going to do with you?" His tone was affectionate and it made me feel slightly better.

  "How will the others react?" I asked, masking my nervousness. Derek's father had taught me early on to hide any sort of fear, because to show it was a sign of weakness.

  "Let me make a few calls. I'm sure that Frances will be happy. He's next in line. I'm pretty sure he was planning to assassinate Derek himself. You made his job a hell of a lot easier. Can I call you back, beautiful?"

  "That would be great. Thank you Donovan," I said, smiling with affection towards him.

  "You're welcome, I will call you back as soon as I can," I nodded and hung up. Well, that went surprisingly well. I turned to Brian and Adrian who were looking at me expectantly.

  "He's going to make some calls. Considering he's a blood relative to Derek and he wasn't upset, I'm assuming that the rest of them will have the same reaction, but you can never be too sure," I informed them. I sat down in a chair and held my stomach. I couldn't wait until the baby started kicking and showing it was there.

  Brian, Adrian and I chatted for awhile before my phone rang. I looked down and a smile came to my face. It was Isaiah. He had been gone for four hours and I already missed him. I was rather disgusted with myself actually. How could I depend on him so much, honestly, I had never missed anyone in my life.

  "Hey," I answered.

  "Hello love," it was so good to hear his voice. "I'm just getting to George's house and I wanted to call and see how you were doing before I went inside."

  "I'm doing alright. I'm pretty upset with you though," I said and the two people in the room looked at me, bewildered.

  "Why are you upset with me?" His voice was deceptively calm. I groaned.

  "I have never missed anyone, ever Isaiah. And you're gone for a couple measly hours and I'm practically dying," I pouted. I saw Brian smirk at Adrian. I rolled my eyes. I heard Isaiah's deep chuckle from the other end of the line.

  "Oh Princess, you know how to warm a guy's heart. If it makes you feel any better, I'm upset with you for turning me into a sap," I could picture his scowl as he said it and laughed. "It's not funny. When it concerns you, it's like my manliness goes straight out the window," I snorted unattractively.

  "Not in the bedroom, or recently, the basement" I said with a devilish grin.

  "Damn good thing or I'd be pissed," he said in a growl. I leaned my head back against the chair I was sitting in, closing my eyes and picturing him. I sighed.

  "I hope all goes well with you Isaiah, I want you back here with me," I admitted.

  "It will Princess, I will see you soon. I love you," he said softly.

  "I love you too," I said before hanging up slowly. I turned my attention to the other two. "He's just getting there. I know I probably shouldn't be, but I'm worried, honestly," I frowned, feeling a burning behind my eyes. Oh no, I would not cry in front of them. Isaiah was the only person and would be the only person to ever see me cry. I washed away all thoughts of negativity and was glad when I was distracted by my phone ringing again. It was Donovan.

  "I hope you're a bearer of good news old man," I tried to sound cheerful.

  "Oh, I am young one. Frances is pleased with you, and if the boss is pleased with you, everyone else has no choice but to be pleased. I told a little fib, well, actually I don't know if it was a fib because I don't know the whole story. I told them Derek tried to rape you and you got a hold of his gun and shot him in self defense. You know how well the guys handle rape, they were furious. I think you should call Frances though," he added.

  "You are a life saver," now that I think about it, it was ironic that I chose that phrase because of how true it really was. "I owe you big time Donny," the gratitude was evident in my voice. I could feel his smile through the phone.

ust visit this old geezer before he kicks the bucket and that will be good enough for me," I smiled.

  "I'll try Donny, but I don't know when I'm coming home. Do you think you can make it, oh let's say nine months?"

  "Oh beauty, are you pregnant?" His voice sounded excited.

  "Yes and the baby has a wonderful father," I told him smiling.

  "Who is it?"

  "I'm not at liberty to give you his name just yet Donny, I apologize," I was truly sorry I couldn't tell him.

  "I understand. When you visit me though, you definitely have to tell me the whole story. For you, I can wait nine months. But I have to go now, it's time to take my pills," he said.

  "Thank you again Donovan, I truly appreciate it."

  "No problem kiddo, keep in touch," he said before hanging up. I smiled at the other two in the room.


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