Democratic Republic of Congo, CC in, 482
Denmark, CC in, 440
Depression, CC Company and, 164–165
Designing Healthy Communities (documentary), 475
Deverna (Deutsch Vertriebs GmbH für Naturgetränke), 202, 206
Diamond, Jared, 459
Dickey, James, 144, 247n
Dickson, Fred, 263, 268, 275
Dictators, CC Company and, 230, 481
Diet Coke (beverage), 263, 315–316, 360, 379–380, 419, 439, 447, 467, 468
advertising for, 409, 418, 422, 423
market share/success of, 2, 322–324, 326, 355–356, 468
Diet Coke Case, 351
Diet Coke Plus (beverage), 448, 457
Diet Pepsi (beverage), 263, 315, 390
Diet Rite Cola (beverage), 263, 275
Dimson, Ibrahim “Dirk,” 443–444
Disney, CC affiliation with, 241, 356–357
Dobbs, Sam, 50, 61, 64, 67, 70, 72, 85, 87, 96, 99–100, 103, 106–109, 157, 164
bottlers’ contracts and, 120, 128, 129–132
Woodruff and, 122, 123, 124, 133
Doe, David, 26, 30
Dominican Republic, CC in, 159
Dope (CC imitation beverage), 116, 134
“Double-bottoming,” 352
Douglas, J. Alexander “Sandy,” 446
Downey, Morton, 192, 233, 242, 246, 256
Downey, Morton, Jr., 246
Downing, George, 184–185, 197–198, 212
Dozier, Margaret C., 36, 37, 41–42, 116
Driscoll, Mark “Dill,” 385, 386, 387, 390
Dr Pepper (beverage), 14, 113, 237, 268, 287, 298, 345, 390, 401
Drummers, 50, 61–62
Duhaney, Edmund, 444
Duncan, Charles, Jr., 268, 285, 286, 293
Duncan Foods, 268, 292, 499
Dunn, Jeff, 431, 432
Dusenberry, Phil, 325, 355
Duttera, Maurice, 196
Dyson, Brian, 299, 300, 313, 314, 315, 321, 349, 422
bottler consolidation and, 314–315, 317–318
bottler Get-Together and, 326–327
Daft and, 421–422
Diet Coke and, 315–316, 323
New Coke and, 329, 338, 342, 343
Eastern Europe, CC in, 368–369
East Germany, CC in, 367–368
Ecgonine, 149–150
Eckert, Robert, 433
Edge, Walter, 173
Efes Beverage Group, 439
Egypt, CC and Pepsi in, 221, 227, 232, 270, 293, 294
Eisenhower, Dwight, 141, 188, 199, 211, 230, 248, 250, 256
Woodruff and, 235–236, 497
Elations (beverage), 419
Electric Bitters (Candler), 48, 49
El Salvador, 442, 461
Emerson, Faye, 239
Emory College/University, CC philanthropy and, 92, 114, 144–145, 234, 331
Employees, inspiring awe in, 498–499
Energy drinks, 455, 457
Enrico, Roger, 332, 388, 389, 402, 403
Enviga (beverage), 443, 449
Environmental issues, CC
Company and, 279–280, 351, 458–459
Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), 474
Equal Opportunity Fund (EOF), 350
Eritrea, CC in, 369, 408
Erwin, Sam, 66
Ethiopia, CC in, 369
E-Town Case, 351–352
Europe, CC in, 157, 189, 222–228, 243. See also individual countries
European Union, investigation of CC antitrust practices, 407, 420, 436, 437
Evans, Lettie Pate Whitehead, 94, 171n
Evans, R.R, 491
Ewing, Henry, 73, 75
Exercise programs for children, CC-sponsored, 440–441, 442
Experiential event marketing, 385
Exploding bottles cases, 95
Extract of Stillingia (Pemberton), 18, 41
Facebook, CC pages on, 457–458
Factoring, 346
Fanta (beverage), 209–210, 261, 263, 287, 347n, 408, 418, 467, 468, 482
in post-WWII Germany, 211, 212
in U.S., 244, 257, 423
Fanta Orange (beverage), 244, 294, 347n
Fanta Pineapple (beverage), 449
Farley, James A. “Jim,” 175–176, 186, 198–199, 213, 224, 228, 230, 235n, 252, 256, 269–271
as CC representative, 219, 220
on spread of CC bottling overseas, 221–222
Farnan, Joseph J., Jr., 364
Farouk (king), 230, 231
Fast, Howard, 190
Fast-food industry
CC and, 250, 269, 342, 354, 366, 436
Pepsi and, 296n, 402
Fattig, Perry Wilbur, 155
Fayard, Gary, 458
FBI, investigation of CC channel-stuffing, 429, 430–431
Federal Trade Commission (FTC), lawsuits against Coke, 117, 120, 280–283, 287–288, 314
Feinberg, Abraham, 270
FEMSA, 383, 426
Ferris, Kelly, 465
Films, CC advertising and, 86, 165–166, 242, 322, 357, 478
Finan, Irial, 436, 438.
Fisher, Eddie, 242, 252
5-Hour Energy (beverage), 455
Fizzion, 419
Fleming, Mary, 297
FLOW (documentary), 426, 461
Foley, Paul, 473
Food, Drug and Insecticide Administration, 149–150
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), criticism of CC, 176–177
Food and drug safety, demand for, 101–102, 103
Foote, Cone & Belding, 422
Ford, Gerald, 289
Ford, Henry, 206
Foreign ingredient lawsuits, 95, 155
Foreign languages, translating CC slogans into, 159
Foreign trademark protection, 175
Forio, Ed, 186, 193, 243
Fountain business, 312, 354
Coke vs. Pepsi share of, 240, 326–327, 402
workplace and, 354–355
Fountain operators, bottlers vs., 77
Fountain Training School, 155–156
CC in, 157, 223–225, 228, 348, 361–362, 406, 420
Mecca Cola in, 427–428
Franchise system, FTC lawsuit against, 281–283, 287–288
Franco, Francisco, 230, 385
Frappuccino (beverage), 419, 455
Freeman, A.B., 94
Freeman, Dick, 252
Freestyle vending machines, 456, 469
French Wine Coca (Pemberton beverage), 21, 22–23, 25–26, 30, 41, 51n, 490
Frenette, Charles, 408–409, 422
Fresca (beverage), 268, 275, 287, 376, 379
Friedman, Thomas, 480
Friendly Hand (newsletter), 135
Frito-Lay, 268, 296n, 403
Fruit, Chuck, 436, 438n
Fruitopia (beverage), 377, 378–379
Full Throttle (beverage), 439, 455
Fuze Beverage, 448
Gacek, Stan, 462
Gager, Curt, 245, 246, 253, 254
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 248
Gallin, Don, 314
Gandhi, Rajiv, 470
Garcia, Romeo Lucas, 297
Garfield, Bob, 373, 374, 379, 423, 443
Gartland, Dorothy, 297
Gary, Willie, 416, 417
Gatorade (beverage), 377, 418, 422, 457
Gcabashe, Tandi, 350, 370
Geertz, Clifford, 472
Geffen, Tobias, 207n
Generals, fondness for CC, 187–188
George, Walter, 173, 252, 497
Georgia Coffee (beverage), 291, 362
Germany, CC in, 174, 201–213, 227, 348–349, 401
in Nazi Germany and Nazi-occupied countries, 201–211
Ghostbusters (film), CC tie-ins, 326
Gianturco, Mauricio, 315, 328, 329
Gil, Isidro, 425, 432
Gilbert, Price, 43, 186n
Gilliatt, Neal, 254
p; Gingerine (Pemberton beverage), 19, 490
Giordano, Henry, 260
Glaceau (beverage company), 448, 450
Glascock Brothers, 155
Glass, Ira, 491–492
Gleick, Peter, 463
Glenn, Tom, 144
Global Center for Water Excellence, 441–442
Global economic crisis, CC Company and, 400–401
Globalization, CC Company and, 480
Globe Flower Cough Syrup (Pemberton), 18, 41
God Is My Co-Pilot (Scott), 195
Goebbels, Joseph, 205
Goizueta, Roberto, 310, 315, 325, 327, 330, 340–341, 345–346, 350, 372, 375–376, 380, 391–392, 409, 481, 499
acquisition and sale of Columbia Pictures, 321–322, 363–364, 393, 498
Atlanta Olympic Games and, 385, 388
belief in CC, 472, 494
bottom line and, 317, 363, 498
CC advertising and, 320–321, 372, 374
on CC as global brand, 479
compensation of, 370–371
creation of alternative drinks and, 376–377
Diet Coke and, 315–316
on downsizing, 391–392
education and early career of, 310–311
first steps as president, 311–312
illness and death of, 392–393
legacy of, 393–394
on morality of corporation, 480
New Coke and, 1–2, 307, 328–338 passim, 343, 355, 371, 382, 498, 500
obsession with success of CC, 382, 389, 391–392
overseas markets and, 346–348, 355, 360, 367–368, 384, 388–389
on reputed bad health effects of CC, 477
on rivalry with Pepsi, 496
7X formula and, 289–290
strategy statements, 317, 366
Goldman, Emanuel, 325, 420
Goldman, Seth, 467
Goodman, Julian, 277–278
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 360
Göring, Hermann, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209
Government regulations, overseas markets and, 159
Grady, Henry, 12
Graham, Eve, 365
Grant, Ulysses, 21
Great Britain, CC in, 89, 158, 226, 348, 362, 431
Greece, CC and Pepsi in, 403, 408
Greene, Bob, 334
Greene, “Mean” Joe, 300–301, 315, 455
Greising, David, 373, 394
Grenelle, Oscar, 96
Gresham, Mary, 251, 274, 286
Grizzard, Lewis, 319
Grobe, Fritz, 448
Gromyko, Andrei, 220
Groves, Wallace, 179n
Guatemala, CC in, 159, 297–298, 302, 313–314, 370, 461–463
Gupta, Pretti, 482
Gupta, Sunil, 427
Guth, Charles, 177–179, 180
Gwatkin, F.A.S., 207
Haiti, 159, 227
Halle, Claus, 291–292
Hallman, Marcellus, 47
Halo effect, CC Company and, 276, 280, 442, 458, 468, 482, 500
“Happiness Ambassadors,” 464–466, 500–501
“Happiness Factory” ad, 447
Happiness Factory Theater, 449
Hare, Hobart A., 111
Harford, Jim, 353
Harper, Marion, Jr., 246
Harriman, Averell, 269
Harris, Joel Chandler, 167n
Harrison, DeSales, 245, 287
Harrold, Frank, 230–231
Harry Potter films, CC marketing and, 420–421
Hartsfield, William B. “Bill,” 224, 234, 252, 497
Hayes, Ralph, 170, 174, 175, 176, 237, 238, 253, 260
Hays, Constance, 413, 415
Health, CC and, 250–251, 405–407, 473–478
Heath, W. P., 150, 159, 289
Heck, William, 73
“Helios” ad, 373
Herbert, Ike, 273, 288, 329, 331, 339, 344–345, 355–356, 372, 473
Herman, Alexis, 437n, 500
Heyer, Steve, 421, 422–423, 428, 431, 432–433, 436
Hi-C (beverage), 268, 281
The Hidden Persuaders (Packard), 247–248
Hi-Fi Clubs, 254–255
High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS sweetener), in CC, 312–313, 351–352, 467, 476–477
Hillman, Murray, 246, 247, 250, 261
“Hilltop” commercial, 283, 365
Hinkey, Carol, 286
Hires, Charles, 13
Hirsch, Harold, 119n, 127, 133, 150, 172, 208
Barrels and Kegs case and, 111n, 114–115
bottlers’s contract and, 120, 128–130, 131
CC trademark protection and, 96–98, 134, 179, 497
Koke Case and, 116–117
Hiss, Alger, 220
Hitler, Adolf, 141, 201, 202n, 203n, 205, 209, 211, 213
H2NO, 420
Hobbleskirt bottle, 98
Hobbs, Bill, 233, 234n, 242–243
Hochron, Shelly, 373, 388n
Hodgson, Morton, 157n, 229, 236, 290–291
Hodgson, Nell, 145
Hoffman, William, 361, 362n
Hogan, Ken, 196
Holland, CC in, 360, 382
Holland, Ed, 26, 34
Hollingsworth, Harry and Leta, 111
Hollywood, CC and, 165–166
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 134, 148, 181
Honduras, CC in, 159
Honest Tea (beverage), 451, 467
Honeycutt, Edith, 330
Hong Kong, CC in, 231, 369
Hoover, J. Edgar, 267n
Horsey, Hamilton, 158, 202
Howard, George J., 46–47
Howard, Lucy, 47
Howell, Foster, 50, 51
Hudson, Dawn, 403
Hughes, Charles Evans, 114–115, 116, 134n
Humphreys, Mary Gay, 13, 14–15
Hungary, CC in, 368
Hunter, Floyd, 234–235
Hunter, George, 120, 126–127, 128, 129–130, 172, 245
Hunter, John, 375, 376
Hussein, Saddam, 369
Hutchinson stopper, 69–70
I’d Like the World to Buy a Coke (Greising), 394
“I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing” ad, 283, 365
iFountain program, 428–429
Illustrated Guide to the Collectibles of Coca-Cola (Munsey), 284
illy Issimo (beverage), 455, 467
INCASA (Industria de Café S.A.), 461, 462–463
India, CC in, 230–231, 294, 369, 421, 470
pesticides in Coke products, 444, 459–460, 461
water issues and, 426–427, 431, 432, 441, 442, 459–460, 461
India, Pepsi in, 403
Indian Ocean tsunami, CC Company response to, 442n
Indian Queen Hair Dye (Pemberton), 19, 41, 490
Indonesia, CC in, 348, 360–361, 368, 400, 401, 418, 456–457, 481
Industrial espionage, 443–444
Inside the Outbreaks (Pendergrast), 474–475, 483
Interactive marketing, 390
International Labor Organization, 442, 460
International Labor Rights Fund, 421, 441, 444
CC advertising on, 448
individualism and, 480
Iran, CC in, 296
Iraq, CC and invasion of, 427–428
Ireland, CC in, 228
IRS, cocaine in CC and, 84
Isdell, Neville, 399, 435–450 passim, 456, 482, 498–500
CC overseas and, 318, 348–349, 499
confronting criticism of Company, 440–443
do-good initiatives and, 442, 449–450
Kent as heir apparent to, 443, 446, 450
management appointments, 436, 438–439
offer of Company presidency, 397, 433–434
Israel, CC and, 269–270
Italy, CC in, 226, 285, 440
IUF, Coke boycott and, 313–314
Ivester, Doug, 346, 349–350, 375–376, 379, 380–382, 385, 388, 415, 470, 474, 499
as chairman and CEO, 399
–401, 404–412 passim
creation of alternative drinks and, 376, 377
overseas markets and, 367, 383–384, 388–389, 404, 405, 408
pervasive penetration strategy, 382–383
Iwamura, Masaomi, 290
Jackson, Jesse, 319–320, 325–326, 416, 432
Jackson, Maynard, 319
Jackson, Richard, 475
Jacobs, Joseph “Joe,” 36, 37–38, 40, 52, 53, 54n
Jacobson, Max, 242
Jacobson, Michael, 386, 420–421, 446, 474, 476, 477
Jacob’s Pharmacy, 26, 29, 35, 36
James, William, 11
Japan, CC in, 199n, 227, 261–262, 275, 290–291, 362–363, 383, 401, 408, 457
Japanese tsunami, CC philanthropy following, 468, 484
Jewish boycott of CC, 269–270
Jews, Nazis and kosher CC, 207–208
Jihad vs. McWorld (Barber), 479
Johnson, Cliff, 212
Johnson, Crawford, 132, 134
Johnson, Lyndon, 266–269, 270, 271
Johnston, Summefield “Skey,” Jr., 411
Joint ventures, 360–361, 368, 378, 379, 419, 443, 499–500
Jones, Bobby, Jr., 148, 168, 229
Jones, Boisfeuillet, 256, 269
Jones, Harrison, 135–137, 147–148, 159, 164, 173, 176–178, 182, 186, 211, 366, 483, 487, 495
Jones, Joseph W. “Joe,” 233, 238, 253, 264, 289, 310, 330–331
Jones, Larry, 415, 416
Jones, Sam (Reverend), 25
Jones, Samuel, 330
Jones, Steve, 414, 432
Jones, Turner, 153, 165, 166, 170
Joroberts Corporation, 229, 235–236
Kahn, E.J., Jr., 477n
Kahn, James, 190
Kamel, Mostafa, 270
Kebler, Lyman F., 81, 107–108, 109–110, 111
Keith, Max, German CC production and, 201–213, 291
Kelly, Eugene “Gene,” 150, 158, 203
Kendall, Don, 255, 261, 268, 281
Kendrix, Moss, 252
Kennedy, Jackie, 263
Kennedy, John F., 255, 256–257, 260, 263–265
Kent, Alan Bradley, 181
Kent, Benjamin, 56
Kent, Muhtar, 448, 451–453, 465–466, 473, 479–480, 482, 494, 499
bottlers and, 454, 500
CC overseas and, 438–439, 468–469, 481
do-good initiatives and, 459, 484
emphasis on efficiency and economy, 453–455
on healthfulness of CC products, 474, 475, 477
as heir apparent to Isdell, 443, 446, 450
North American market and, 447, 456, 466–467
2020 vision and, 456–458
Kent, Necdet, 451–452
Kentucky Fried Chicken, 354, 402
Kenya, CC in, 458, 459, 482–483
Keough, Don, 292, 298, 302, 310, 322, 364, 375, 411–413, 421, 480–481, 499
bottlers and, 298–299, 315
CC advertising and, 356, 372, 374
Diet Coke and, 315–316
Goizueta and, 311, 392, 394
Jesse Jackson and, 319–320
New Coke and, 329, 332–333, 334, 338, 339–340
For God, Country, and Coca-Cola Page 86