overseas markets and, 332, 347, 348–349, 360–361
on position of the Company, 345–346, 366
search committee for Daft replacement and, 431, 433–434
Khan, Aamir, 426, 444
Khrushchev, Nikita, 255, 261
Kielland, Richard Kirby, 425n
Killer Coke campaign, 424, 432, 441, 442–443, 444–445, 456, 460, 482
King, Coretta Scott, 272, 319, 370
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 264–265, 266–267, 271
King, Monroe, 43
Kingsley, Luke, 477–478
Kipling, Rudyard, 147–148
Kirbo, Charles, 293
Kirby, Richard, 421, 425
Kiva.org, 482
Knauss, Don, 438, 446
Knipp, Joe, 204, 210
Koke (beverage), 40, 59
Koke Case, 116–117, 121–122, 133, 134, 181
Kola nut, 22, 115, 489
Koller, Carl, 20, 56n
Korea, CC in, 440
Kosher CC bottle cap, 207–208
Kostelanetz, André, 169
Kosygin, Alexei, 282, 294
Kovalik, Dan, 421n, 460
Kroc, Ray, 250, 381
Kuat, 419
Kurtz, Wilbur, 7, 284, 331
Kuwait, CC in, 366
Lades, Stephen P., 175, 211, 225
Lamelas, Javier Sanchez, 444
Lance, Bert, 293
Lapsley, N.A., 168
Latin America, CC in, 175, 229–230, 347, 348, 369–370, 383, 401. See also individual countries
Lauck, Dan, 334, 339
Law, Tom, 263
bottlers, 85, 95, 130–132, 155, 323–324, 340–341, 351
against Coke for false advertising, 404
Dr Pepper restraint of trade case, 237
foreign ingredient, 95, 155
FTC, 120, 280–283, 287–288, 314
Koke Case, 116–117, 121–122, 133, 134, 181
over CC and overseas labor violence, 424, 461–462
over CC mislabeling, 457
over definition of CC, 323–324, 340–341, 351
over high-fructose corn syrup, 351–352
over price-fixing, 353
over racial discrimination, 405, 415, 416–417
Pepsi vs. Coke, 178, 179, 180–181, 402
RC antitrust suit, 420
The United States vs. Forty Barrels and Twenty Kegs of Coca-Cola, 81, 110–115
Leahy, Patrick, 383, 410
Lee, Archie, 137–138, 148, 151, 165, 166, 170, 193n, 246, 248, 495
Leide, Lucy Candler Owens, 126
Lemon & Orange Elixir (Pemberton beverage), 19, 31, 38
Leonard Part 6 (film), 357
Lesko, Paul, 212, 213
Lifestyle advertising, 259
Lintas, 323, 326, 334, 342, 373, 380
Liquid Candy (Jacobson), 474
Little, Mae, 125
“Live Positively” initiatives, 458
Livingston, Sterling, 280
Llewellyn, James Bruce, 321
Lobelia, 16, 17
Loewy, Raymond, 98
Loft candy stores, Pepsi and, 177–179, 181
Louis, Joe, 205, 213n
Lowe Lintas, 422
Lowery, Joseph, 350
Lowndes, George, 32, 33, 35–36, 54n
Lubis, Mochtar, 248
Luce, Henry, 221
Lunceford, Jimmy, 169
Lupton, Jack, 349
Lupton, J.T., 71–72, 86
Lustig, Robert, 475
Luthuli, Albert, 350
Lynch, J.J., 109–110, 111
Mack, Walter, 179–182, 193–194, 236, 239
MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, 338
Mad River Traders, 419
Magazine advertising, CC, 92–94, 151
Major League Baseball, Pepsi and, 402
Makinsky, Alexander, 223–224, 225, 235, 235n, 269, 270
Malaysia, CC in, 383
Mandela, Nelson, 370, 481
Mann, Henry, 206
Mao Tse-tung, 220, 222, 294
Maponya, Richard, 370n
Marcus, Bernard, 392
Mariani, Angelo, 20, 54n
Market research, 153–154, 247–248, 258
Marquez, Israel, 297, 298
Marshall, George C., 188, 222
Marshall Plan, 222–223, 229
Martin, Tony, 465
Martinez, Jose, 424, 445
Massengale, St. Elmo, 99
Massengale Advertising Agency, 92, 94
Mathlouthi, Tawfik, 427
May, Orville, 251, 289, 290
Mayfield, Diva, 38, 54n, 59
Mayfield, J.C., 23, 37, 38, 41, 54n, 59, 73
Koke Case and, 116–117, 121–122, 134
Mays, Benjamin, 235
Maywood Chemical Works, 150, 174n
McCague, Cynthia, 436
McCay, Clive M., 251
McDonald’s, CC and, 250, 269, 343, 354, 366, 436
McGill, Ralph, 148, 219, 234, 256
McGuire Sisters, 247, 251, 254
McKaig, Diane, 286
McKinley, William, 102
Mecca Cola (beverage), 427–428
Medicine, 19th-century, 9, 16–17
Megargel, Roy, 177, 178
Mehri, Cyrus, 405, 415, 416
Mellett, Ed, 342, 355
Mello Yello (beverage), 296, 318, 371, 390, 423
Mendez, Roberto, 314
Mendoza, William, 424–425
Merchandize No. 5, export of, 173–174
Mercury, in CC, 476–477
Merman, Ethel, 194
4-Methylimidazole, 477
Mexico, CC and Pepsi in, 89, 159, 174–175, 232, 369–370, 429, 457, 479
Meyers, Jesse, 353, 355
The Mickey Mouse Club (television program), 241, 357
Migrant (documentary), 277–278
Milla, Roger, 466
Millard, Charles, 323
Minnick, Mary, 438, 439, 446
Minute Maid, 257, 268, 351, 402, 404, 418, 422, 436, 440, 456, 468
migrant workers and, 277–279
Mislabeling lawsuits against CC, 457
Mondale, Walter, 278, 325
Monserrate, Hiram, 432
Montgomery, Arthur, 75
Monti, Mario, 437, 500
Mooney, Phil, 492
Moore, Tom, 244–245, 428
Moreira, Marcio, 331–332, 358–359
Morgan, Ray, 379, 404
Morocco, 226
Morphine addiction, Pemberton and, 23–24
Morris, Betsy, 403, 404, 433
Morris, Hugh, 132, 133, 180
Mosconi, Roger, 355, 356
Motivational research, 247–248
Mountain Dew (beverage), 268, 296, 390, 439
Mr. Pibb (beverage), 287
Mukora, Charles, 385
Multiplier effect, CC employment and, 484
Munsey, Cecil, 284
Murphey, A.O., 23, 37, 38, 40–41, 54n
Muslim Up (beverage), 428
Musselman, Bill, 189
Myanmar, CC in, 470
MyCokeRewards.com, 443
NAACP, 252, 319
Nader, Ralph, 274, 278–279, 280
Nanni, Tony, 353
NASCAR sponsorship, 408–409
National Standard Dispensary, 111
Nazi Germany, CC in, 197, 201–211
Neary, Linda, 365
Neff, John, 377, 382
Nehi (beverage), 179
Neighbors, Troy, 253
Nepal, 421
Nestea (beverage), 445, 455
Nestle, joint venture with Coca-Cola, 378, 379, 419, 443
Neurasthenia, 8–9, 22
Neverfail Springwater (beverage), 423
New Coke (beverage), 328–343, 371, 498, 500
advertising for, 331–332, 334–335, 341–342, 355, 356
bottlers and, 338, 340–341
Coca-Cola Classic and, 338–340, 341–342
zueta and, 1–2, 307, 328–340 passim, 342–343, 355, 371, 382, 498, 500
public response to, 333–338
Woodruff and, 1–2, 330
New Guide to Health . . . (Thomson), 16
Newman, Elberta, 42–43
Newman, Lewis, 19, 26, 27, 31
Newman, Mary, 43
Newman, Wilson, 43
Newspaper advertising, patent medicines and, 10, 11
New York World’s Fair, CC at, 183
New Zealand, CC in, 368
Nicaragua, CC in, 296, 370
Nichol, Dave, 371–372
Nicholson, Burke, Jr., 226, 243
Nixon, Richard, 220, 230, 255, 261, 272, 281–282, 288, 289
Nordica, Lillian, 284
Nordic Mist (beverage), 376
North American market, 371–372, 446–447, 466–467
Norway, 360, 403
Novelties, 10, 57, 408
Nutmeg, in CC formula, 488, 489, 492
NutraSweet (sweetener), 324
NutriJuice (beverage), 459
Obama, Barack, 483
Obesity epidemic, CC and, 429–430, 436, 440–441, 474–476
Odwalla (beverage), 419
Oehlert, Ben, 175, 176, 185, 186, 192, 256, 260, 268, 270
Oken, Tommy, 301
OK Soda (beverage), 377, 378
Oliver, Thomas, 340, 341
Olympic Games, CC sponsorship of, 359–360
Atlanta, 384–388
Beijing, 452–453, 481
Berlin, 205–207
Helsinki, 229
Lillehammer, 379
London, 479
Los Angeles, 325
Melbourne, 229
Moscow, 294, 302
Tokyo, 262
Olympic torch relay, Coke and, 385–388, 452–453
Oppenhoff, Walter, 204–212 passim, 227
Orangina (beverage), 361, 400, 402, 407–408
The Other Guy Blinked: How Pepsi Won the Cola Wars (Enrico), 389
Ott, Harry, 441
Ovitz, Mike, 373, 374, 379, 388n
Owens, Jesse, 205, 252
Pacific Rim, CC in, 189, 347, 360–361, 400
Packard, Vance, 247–248
Paez, Edgar, 460
Palacios, José Armando, 461–462
Palumbo, Dan, 432
Pam, Max, 119, 120
Panamco, 383, 389n, 407
Panamerican Beverages, 420, 426
Papua New Guinea, CC in, 368
Parent bottlers, 71, 75, 126–132, 134–135, 171–172
Partners in Plunder (Matthews & Shallcross), 176
Passiflora Koko-Kolo (beverage), 96
Patent medicines, 8–12, 18–19
Asa Candler and, 47, 48, 49
attacks on claims/safety of, 101–102
Patrick, Deval, 417, 426, 429, 431–432
Patriotism, CC and, 192, 197–198
Patton, George, 147n, 187
Payne, Billy, 384, 385
Peacock, Allen, 353
Peale, Norman Vincent Peale, 250
Pease, Donald, 298
Pemberton, Charles Ney “Charley,” 17, 40–41, 54n, 116
CC business and, 30–31, 37, 38–39, 40, 42, 43
Pemberton, Cliff, 54n, 91
Pemberton, John Stith, 16–20 passim, 38, 46–47, 54n, 344, 363, 449, 487
coca and, 20, 27–28
creation of Coca-Cola, 5–6, 7–8, 15, 26–27, 28, 31, 494
French Wine Coca and, 21, 22–23, 25–26, 30, 41
morphine addiction, 6, 23–24, 41, 116
proprietary items, 18, 19, 38, 41
sale of CC rights/business, 32–33, 36–37
temperance movements/Prohibition and, 25–26, 29–30
Pemberton Chemical Company, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 38
Pemberton Medicine Company, 38
Pendergrast, J.B., 117
Pepsi (beverage), 258–259, 267, 273, 293, 332, 372, 402, 444
consumer preference for taste of, 1, 246–247. See also “Take the Pepsi” Challenge
image of, 239–240
in overseas markets, 232, 261, 282, 318, 347, 368, 388–389, 389, 403
price of, 236–237
U.S. military during World War II and, 193–194
Pepsi advertising/marketing, 181–183, 239–240, 373
celebrity campaigns, 355, 356, 365
“Take the Pepsi Challenge,” 294–295, 315, 321, 329, 333, 355, 419
Pepsi and Pete, 182
Pepsi bottlers, 181, 240, 287, 403, 454
Pepsi-Cola Company/PepsiCo, 177–182, 239–240, 268, 287, 454, 457
acquisitions, 268, 296n, 354, 419
bottle size, 178, 244
domestic market and, 289, 294, 295
FTC suit re: franchise system and, 281–282
industrial espionage and, 443–444
litigation with CC Company, 178, 179, 180–181, 402
market share, 268, 341, 345, 355, 467
resurgence of, 402–403, 419–420
rivalry with CC, 246, 254–255, 467–469, 496
Pepsi Free (beverage), 324
Pepsi One (beverage), 402, 419
Pernod Ricard, 225, 361
Peru, 173, 175, 358
Pesticides, in Indian soft drinks, 427, 444, 459–460
Philip Morris, 322, 324, 377
Philippines, CC and Pepsi in, 221, 227, 232, 243, 318, 358–359, 366, 441, 499
Phosphoric acid, in CC, 207, 223, 226, 251, 476
Pidgeon, “Uncle Jim,” 135, 252
Pinochet, Augusto, 481
Pitofsky, Robert, 280–281
Pizza Hut, 296n, 354, 402
P.J. Bean Company, 419
Plachimada (India), CC and water issues in, 431, 462–427
Planet Java, 419, 455
PlantBottles, 458, 465
Polamalu, Troy, 455
Poland, CC in, 368, 484
Polar bear ads, 374, 379, 410, 468n
Polar (soft drink company), 403
Politics, CC Company and, 219, 481–483
Pollan, Michael, 467
Portugal, CC in, 293, 294
Pottasch, Alan, 403
Potter, Ed, 442, 444, 460, 462–463
Powerade (beverage), 377, 418, 422, 436, 439, 457, 468
Powers, Ray Rivington, 202, 206, 207, 208–209
Pratt, Arthur, 73–74, 95, 172
Pratt, Julia, 95
Pratt, Russell, 73, 95
Pre-mix CC, 244–245
Prescott, F.W., 55
Presearch, 377
Preston, Prince, 224
Pretti, Giovanni, 220
Price-fixing case, 353
of CC, 236–238, 247, 353
of Pepsi, 236–237
Priestly, Joseph, 13
Private-label colas/soft drinks, 179–180, 296, 371–372, 376, 381–382
Product placement, CC and, 86, 165–166, 242, 322, 357, 478
Prohibition, 25–26, 29–30, 123, 163
Project Alakea, 260
Project Alpha, 263
Project Arden, 273
Project David, 315
Project Diesel, 445
Project Harvard, 315–316
Project Infinity, 403
Project Jumpstart, 368
Project Kansas, 328
Project Manhattan, 356
Project Mordecai, 295
Promotion from within, 499
Propel Fitness Water (beverage), 439
Proprietary Association of America, 101
Proprietary medicine, 9n. See also Patent medicines
Publicity, taking advantage of all, 499
Public monitoring, of Coke’s corporate behavior, 482
Puerto Rico, CC in, 159, 483–484
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906), 101, 103, 104–105, 109–116
Putnam, Todd, 475
Pütter, Klaus, 203, 210–211
Puttnam, David, 363
Quaker Oats, 382, 391, 418�
Quevedo, Pedro, 297, 313–314
Racial discrimination, Coca-Cola Company and, 405, 415, 416–417, 482
Racism, CC drinking among blacks and, 83
Radio programs, CC-sponsored, 168–169, 192
Rainwater, Charles Veazey, 71, 77, 128–134 passim, 156, 163
Rainwater, Veazey, Jr., 238
Rani (beverage), 469
Read, J. Parker, 165–166
Reagan, Ronald, 319, 325–326, 335n, 338
RecycleMania, 458–459
Recycling of CC bottles, 279, 484
Redington, Ginny, 320, 358
Refreshment Through the Years (film), 183
Refrigerator, CC and, 166
Regain (beverage), 362–363
Relentless (beverage), 467
Religion, CC as substitute modern, 471–473, 481–482
Rensburg, Deryck van, 467
Reynolds, Willy, 278
Rice, Grantland, 168
Richey, Matt, 419
Right Execution Daily (RED) form, 467
Roberts, Cliff, 229, 235, 236
Roberts, Hal, 262, 290
Robinson, Bill, 245–246, 251, 254
Robinson, C.A., 33
Robinson, Frank, 26, 28, 40, 50, 55, 60–61, 87, 99–100
Asa Candler and, 37–38, 125
CC advertising and, 28–29, 30, 52–53, 64, 75, 85, 92
CC formula and, 54–55, 490–491
Pemberton’s sale of formula and, 33–35
Robinson, Frank II, 490
Rockwell, Norman, 151, 152, 246
Rogers, Ray, 424, 424n, 425–426, 432, 441, 442–443, 456, 482
Romania, CC in, 269, 368, 484
Romero, Rodrigo, 462
Romulo, Carlos, 187–188
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 175, 236
Roosevelt, Theodore, 102
Root Glass Company, 98
Rosalta (beverage), 212
Rose, Charlie, 424
Rowden, Ian, 409
Royal Crown, 263, 275, 324, 353
Royal Crown Cola (beverage), 179–180, 372, 420
Royalty, CC as beverage of, 230–231
Royalty, parent bottler, 75
Rusby, Henry H., 111, 113
Russell, Harvey, 265, 265n
Russia, CC and Pepsi in, 227, 368, 382–383, 389, 391, 401–402, 403, 408, 457
Sabin, Charles, 123
Saccharin (sweetener), 76, 103, 121, 275, 295–296, 324
Saci (beverage), 274–275
Sadat, Anwar, 294
SafeWater System, CC and, 483
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira, 230
Salesmen, Coca-Cola, 50, 61–62, 87–88
Salter, Charles, 491–492
Samaranch, Juan Antonio, 385
Sampling campaigns, 29, 57, 208, 227, 381, 410
Sanders, Carl, 292
Sanford, Terry, 111, 112
Santa Claus, CC and image of, 167–168
Santiago, Antonio, 465
Saudi Arabia, CC in, 366, 369, 408, 469
Save the Children, 464
Schanck, Charles, 96
Schifilliti, Charlie, 352
Schmeling, Max, 205, 213
Schmidt, Bill, 299, 313, 323–324, 340, 351, 352, 364
For God, Country, and Coca-Cola Page 87