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The Sweetest Love (Sons of Worthington Series)

Page 4

by Higgins, Marie

  He gave her a charming smile. “Miss Baldwin, I wish you’d cease looking at me as if I have grown two heads.”

  That seemed to break the spell because she blinked and chuckled, appearing more relaxed.

  “Forgive me, my lord. I didn’t mean to stare so openly. Pray, don’t think I am rude.”

  “I know you are not. But I’m curious to know why you act the way you do sometimes.”


  He chuckled. “Well, I must say you are a peculiar woman, but only in a good way, I assure you.”

  “Why do you think I’m peculiar?”

  “Because one moment you are shy and innocent, and the next moment your gaze devours me while you blow kisses my way.”

  She stumbled but quickly righted herself. Panic crossed her expression for a brief moment. “Pray, my lord, what are you referring to? I promise you I have never devoured you with my gaze or blown kisses to you.”

  “Indeed, you say? Then tell me what is this gesture?” He puckered his lips, demonstrating what she had been doing to him this afternoon. “While you were sitting by the tree earlier today, you were doing this to me. Is that not blowing kisses?”

  “Oh dear,” she mumbled and closed her eyes for a brief moment as the shade of her face went scarlet.

  “Tell me, Miss Baldwin, if I was mistaken.”

  She nodded and moisture gathered in her green eyes. “You are, my lord. I fear I wasn’t blowing kisses to you, but trying to blow away the bee buzzing around my head.”

  Embarrassment swept over him, yet he knew she felt the same—if not worse—for his mistake. “Forgive me, then. I honestly thought…” He paused, not really knowing the words to say. Yet the more he thought about what she’d really done, and what he’d thought she was doing, the funnier it became. Soon a chuckle bubbled in his throat, and within seconds, she laughed with him.

  “It is rather humorous, is it not?” she said. “In my attempt to make the bee go away without stinging me, I led you to believe I was being forward.”

  He threw back his head and laughed heartily, which eased the tension in their conversation considerably. When he looked back at her, she smiled with a gleam in her adorable eyes.

  Tristan enjoyed her looking at him in this way. As with other young ladies, she didn’t act as if she was trying to impress him, but instead, she was being herself.

  He let his gaze roam over her face; skin that looked so soft, a perfectly shaped nose that wouldn’t get in the way if he tried to steal a kiss, and lips so luscious he wanted to sample them. Why was he thinking about seducing her when he knew nothing about her? Quickly, he raised his eyes to hers and smiled. He wanted to know everything about this lovely creature who was more interesting than any woman he’d ever met.

  “Tell me truthfully, my lord, is this the reason you asked me to dance?”

  He shrugged. “Yes and no. When I first caught you flirting with me,” he paused and winked, “I knew I wanted to meet you. I have never known a woman who was so bold, yet the more I studied you during the meal tonight, the more I realized you were not what you seemed.” He took a quick glance around them at the other couples, then back to her. “I’m amazed your beauty hasn’t made you more popular this evening.”

  “My…beauty?” She laughed louder. “Indeed, you jest, my lord.”

  “I wasn’t trying to make you laugh. I’m being very serious.”

  “Serious?” She arched her brow. “I think not. I’m quite certain you would have heard about the Baldwin family by now. If so, there’s no way you could have made a comment like that and been serious.”

  Curiosity got the best of him, making him want to get to know her better. “The truth is I haven’t heard anything about your family. I have been in Scotland visiting relatives, so I’ve been out of the area for a few years.”

  Her eyes widened. “You have? Well, I’m relieved to hear it.”

  “So tell me, what am I supposed to have heard about the Baldwin family?”

  The dance ended, and he frowned. So did she, but then she had looked discouraged by his question, not that they had to stop dancing. He took her hand and led her away from the middle of the room, taking her back toward her mother. Miss Baldwin leaned closer to him and met his gaze.

  “Trust me, you will hear something about my family tonight, but know this now. It’s not true. At least I don’t believe it’s true. And…” She nibbled on her bottom lip. “I thank you for the refreshing dance. I enjoyed getting to know you.”

  Her words made him that much more curious, and he wished he didn’t have to leave her side. Yet dancing with her twice in a row would only start tongues wagging here in this den of gossipmongers. Neither of them needed that.

  He stopped beside her mother, then took Diana’s hand and bestowed a small kiss on her knuckles. “It was a pleasure, Miss Baldwin. I hope we can talk again very soon.”

  She graced him with a smile, but he could see it wasn’t genuine because her pretty green eyes didn’t light up. Did she think he was lying? Well, he’d just have to prove to her he wasn’t.

  Chapter Four

  Diana smiled. She couldn’t help it. Watching Lord Tristan and remembering every little second of their dance together did that to her. Since he’d left her by her mother’s side, Diana’s heart hadn’t stopped flipping and butterflies did their own ballet in her stomach. She had hoped he would ask her to dance again but so far he hadn’t. It surprised her to see he only danced three more times and they were with older or married women.

  The memory of his laugh sent tingles over her, and the way his blue eyes had darkened made her breathless. She should give up these foolish notions, but she couldn’t. He was the only man who had made her heart sing within a few minutes of meeting him.

  Throughout the rest of the evening, she’d kept her eyes on Lord Tristan as he moved from group to group conversing. Every so often, their gazes met. She should have looked away, but she couldn’t. Not when his smiles made her wonder if he was interested in her as she was in him.

  After a while, her mother struck up a conversation with a couple of older ladies. The topic they discussed was mundane—that or Diana couldn’t pay attention to them because she kept watching Lord Tristan. Either way, she refused to stand and listen.

  She touched her mother’s elbow to get her attention. “I’m going into the other room to get a glass of lemonade.”

  “That’s fine, dear.” Her mother turned back to the other women.

  Diana weaved through the crowded room, hoping not to run into Lady Jane or her friends. They had been talking about Diana this evening, she was certain. She may have not heard their words this time, but she could tell by the way they looked at her and snickered that she was their point of interest. Women like that sickened Diana. Was it any wonder she abhorred the ton? She preferred living in the country and not having to mingle with these haughty people.

  “Miss Baldwin. Please wait.”

  Diana spun toward the person calling her, and groaned. Could she be polite while talking with Lady Jane? Or would Diana say what was really on her mind? She faked a smile. “Good evening.”

  The other woman lifted her nose as she looked down on Diana. “Are you enjoying yourself?”

  Within seconds, Jane’s shadows caught up to her, each had a trace of malice in their eyes.

  Diana nodded. “Yes, I am. Are you?”

  “We are having a splendid time.” Lady Jane grinned haughtily. “The reason I stopped you is to inquire about your brother.”

  “Stephen?” Diana asked. “What is it that you’d like to know?”

  “Is he here with your family?” Lady Margaret Cummings asked quickly.

  Diana shook her head. “He could not make it. There were other things he had planned this weekend.”

  Both Lady Margaret and Miss Lilly frowned. Jane merely lifted a thin shoulder in a shrug. “How unfortunate. I was hoping to become better acquainted with him.”

  “I’m certain he w
ould have enjoyed that,” Diana lied through clenched teeth. Vicious women like these three would have upset her brother so much he wouldn’t have acted in a gentlemanly manner around them.

  “Yes, indeed,” Lady Jane said. “Well, I thank you for taking a moment to speak with us. I must be going now.”

  Jane and the other vipers sashayed back into the ballroom. Diana thanked her lucky stars she hadn’t said anything rude, because heaven knows she wanted to.

  She turned and hurried to the refreshment table, hoping to get a cool drink soon because she needed something to calm her heated disposition. She fisted her hands at her side. Why couldn’t she have made it through the evening without talking to those rude girls? And why was she the one being punished for something her father had supposedly done? She still didn’t dare ask her mother. Diana didn’t think she could bear bad news right now when this weekend had already started out badly.

  When she reached the table, she hoped the footman would pour her a cup since she didn’t have a gentleman friend to get her a drink. But before she could ask the footman, a masculine voice came from behind her.

  “Here, allow me.”

  She jumped and looked over her shoulder. Lord Tristan stood entirely too close as he reached around her and took the cup from the footman. Tristan then presented it to her as if it were made of gold.

  Her anger for Lady what’s-her-name and her hen witted friends quickly left Diana as her heartbeat hammered with excitement. She took the drink. “Lord Tristan. What a surprise.”

  He smiled in that knee-melting, charming way of his. “I’m glad you think it is, because I have to admit, I was hoping for another chance to talk with you.”

  Excitement pumped through her faster. “You were? Why, I wonder?”

  A corner of his mouth lifted higher than the other. “I’m completely bored at this party—to tears, in fact—and I want someone to cheer me up.”

  She laughed, and he joined her. “That shocks me, Lord Tristan, especially when I know how popular you are with the guests tonight.”

  “Still, it was all I could do to not fall asleep during each conversation.”

  “Oh, I highly doubt that, my lord.”

  “It’s true. Not when I could keep company with you and enjoy the rest of my evening.”

  Sipping her drink, she studied him over the rim of the cup. Humor tinted his eyes, making them sparkle, letting her know he was jesting with her. Yet, he stood by her side instead of with his friends in the other room so there must be a little truth to his statement.

  “So,” he continued and held out his elbow, “I had hoped to convince you to take a stroll with me outside and free us from the hum-drum of this room.”

  As much as she wanted to, she didn’t dare. Would it be proper? But of course it would. They wouldn’t be the only couple outside strolling around the dowager’s flower garden, Diana was certain.

  She placed the cup on the table. Smiling, she hooked her hand around his elbow. “Lead the way, my lord.”

  Diana walked beside him, feeling like the grandest woman in the room—whether her gown was outdated or not. Not once did Lord Tristan act as if he was embarrassed to be seen with her. Surprising, since she figured he’d heard the rumors by now.

  The moment they walked outside, she inhaled deeply, enjoying the fresh air. The moon was full tonight, and combined with the lanterns placed along the walkway, she was certain their stroll would give nobody reason to wonder if they were being proper or not.

  He slipped his palm over the top of her hand as it rested on his arm. Her heart leapt and she looked up into his smoldering eyes.

  “Are you feeling better, Miss Baldwin?”

  “Immensely so, I thank you for asking.”

  “So tell me why a lovely lady like yourself hasn’t been coerced into marriage yet.”

  She laughed. “It seems, my lord, that is a very interesting question—one I wish I knew how to answer.”

  “I would assume you would have a flock of men standing at your doorstep, waiting for the chance to woo you.”

  “You assume wrongly, then.”

  His gaze moved all over her. Tingles erupted inside her chest, creating sensitive bumps all over her skin. She wished he didn’t have the ability to make her react in such a way, yet in a way she cherished this newfound feeling.

  “Impossible.” He shook his head. “Tell me truthfully, my dear. Why am I the fortunate man who gets to escort you outside tonight?”

  She couldn’t believe how sincere his tone of voice was. Perhaps he hadn’t heard the rumors. No, that couldn’t be right. Knowing Lady Jane and her friends, Diana was certain the whole party knew by now. “You are flattering me, my lord. I assure you, I don’t deserve it.”

  They stopped by the tree where she’d been sitting when she first saw him earlier today. Even if they sat on the wooden bench, the lanterns surrounding the area would not make their time very private. Wasn’t that what she wanted? Yet, the more she gazed into his sultry eyes, the more she wanted him to herself for a little while without curious eyes watching.

  “Would you like to sit?” He pointed to the bench.

  She grinned. “I hesitate sitting here with you, my lord. I would hate to be bothered by a bee again and have you believe I’m blowing kisses at you.”

  He tilted back his head and laughed. It made her happy to think she could do this. As she studied his handsome face, dark eyes, dark hair, and especially his tempting mouth, she realized no other man had made her feel so comfortable. And for certain, no other man had made her insides jump with excitement.

  A movement from back by the house drew her attention when three women poked their heads out of the door. Diana groaned. Where those girls really trying to be her watchdogs?

  Lord Tristan frowned. “What’s amiss? You look upset.” He swung his head in the direction she’d been looking. “Oh, dear. Lady Jane and her entourage,” he mumbled.

  “Lord Tristan, do you mind if we go someplace else? I really don’t want to talk to them right now.” She looked back at Jane. The gossipmonger and her friends had stepped out of the house and were coming in their direction.

  “Your wish is my command, my sweet.”

  He took her hand in his and pulled her away from the lantern walk and in through the thicket of trees. He moved the branches away from her face and gown so she wouldn’t get snagged. When they walked by a large tree, Lord Tristan pulled her in the back of it, pinning her against the trunk with his body.

  “Shh…” He put his finger to her lips. He peeked around them toward the path they’d just left.

  Diana heard Lady Jane’s voice, but not her words—how could she when Lord Tristan’s muscular frame leaned against Diana’s so intimately. His finger still pressed against her mouth, and she dare not even breathe for fear she’d take in more of his intoxicating scent of leather and musk.

  He pulled his attention away from the other women as they passed by, and stared into Diana’s face. His gaze dropped to her mouth. Instead of moving his finger away, he tenderly slid it across her bottom lip. Her throat grew dry and her heart nearly beat right out of her chest. The sounds around them disappeared and all she could hear was her quick breaths—and his.

  Good grief, what was he doing to her? And pray, why did she like it so much?

  “I—I believe they are gone now,” she whispered with much difficulty since her mouth felt as if cotton had taken up residency in her throat.

  “Yes, I do believe they are.”

  He gave her a lop-sided grin that made her heart flip. Yet he didn’t move. And heaven help her, she didn’t want him to move, either. She enjoyed this so much…too much.

  Watching his gaze as it rested on her lips fascinated her, and gave her hope. Would he kiss her? It wouldn’t be proper, that was for certain. But they were out here alone, and one little kiss wouldn’t hurt.

  The rhythm of her heart beat frantically against her ribs and she dared to move her head forward in silent encour
agement. His blue eyes softened as his head tilted toward her.

  “Diana? Where are you?”

  Her mother’s shrill voice broke the spell quickly. Tristan jumped back just as Diana pulled away from the tree. She moistened her dry lips with her tongue and tried to meet Tristan’s eyes, but it was difficult.

  “Perhaps I should take you back to your mother now,” he said in a voice much deeper than she’d heard before.

  “Yes, perhaps you should.”

  As they walked toward her mother who stood just outside the double glass doors, not another word was spoken. The awkward silence pierced through the air, making her very uncomfortable. Each step she took closer to her mother, Diana’s heart sank. Could Tristan be regretting the almost kiss? His continued silence reaffirmed her worry.

  When they neared and her mother saw Diana, the worried lines around the older woman’s eyes and mouth disappeared. “Oh, there you are, my dear.”

  “Yes, Mother. I am here. Lord Tristan and I were just taking a small walk.”

  “Oh, how lovely.” Her mother smiled at Lord Tristan. “Please forgive my interference, but I would like to introduce my daughter to an old friend I just saw at the party.”

  “That is just fine, Baroness.” He bowed to her, then to Diana. “I shall take my leave now. Miss Baldwin, I hope to see you tomorrow during the morning ride my mother has planned.”

  “I shall be there, my lord.” Diana curtsied.

  With each step Tristan took away from her, loneliness grew inside her chest. What a wonderful man he was, and so willing to help her get away from Lady Jane. And even though Diana hadn’t been with him for very long, their time together was well spent, and she realized she wanted to see him again…and be alone with him, even as improper as it was.

  Tristan made her heart soar, and she enjoyed the elation shooting through her soul. The foreign feeling made her realize she wanted this always!


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