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Feeling the Moment

Page 2

by Belden, P. J.

  “You know how we do the prelims for the paperwork before we send off to you?”

  “Yes,” I answered cautiously.

  “Well, there’s something that’s confusing Kass and I, but we aren’t as gifted with numbers as you are,” she tried to butter me up.

  “Oh, it must be bad if you’re sweet talking me.”

  “Well, there’s a little catch,” now sounding very nervous.

  “What’s that?”

  “It needs to be figured out before the end of business day.”

  “Oh Shay,” I almost whined. “You know I work third shift at the hospital this week.”

  “I know. I know. I’m so sorry too. How about we give you a vacation of your choosing for however long you choose, just not too long,” she added.

  “Fine,” I ground out. “I’ll get started on it now.”

  “Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

  “That vacation will be redeemed soon. Do you understand?”

  “Yes! Okay, I have to go. Thank you again Kim. We’d be sunk without you.”

  “I’ll be in contact once I have it completed.” I sighed, “You’re welcome.”

  Not even able to soak for ten minutes, I climbed out of the bath and let out the water. As I walked out of the room, I grabbed my robe and headed to my office. Quickly starting up my computer, I head back out to the kitchen to turn off the oven and mixed up my potatoes before putting them in the fridge. Once all that was done, I went back into my office. With my computer up and running, I opened my email and found three unread messages from her. Apparently, she failed to mention the other two that had to be dealt with this week as well.

  “Oh, she’s definitely giving me this vacation, paid,” I growled.

  After printing off the needed documents and reading through the email, I began to work on the issue. It was four by the time I’d finished. I’m dragging as I call her to tell her that the issue was resolved and should be in her email. Then headed out to my kitchen to warm up my supper and cook up some green beans. I ate quickly, hoping to catch at least a two hour nap before I have to go back to work.

  Practically just flopping on my bed, I fell asleep. It seemed I’d only closed my eyes when my alarm was going off to head back to work. Groaning, I pulled myself out of bed, into the shower, dressed and left for work.

  I was on the surgical floor again. The other cleaners must know that Felicia is here this week. Remember how I said she only messed with me? Well, it seemed that everyone enjoyed the torture she put me through. Or at least that’s the way it seemed. It’s okay though. I didn’t come here to make friends. It was a job, not social hour.

  The night dragged on. It seemed like an eternity before I finally got to my last room to clean. Quietly, I walked in and checked the garbage. When I started on the floors, that familiar voice came.

  “I wondered if you were going to be in tonight.”

  “It’s morning, but I’m here,” I said gruffly.

  “Have a rough night?” I could hear the smirk in his voice.

  I sighed, and then looked at him. “Sorry I’ve barely slept. Forgive my rudeness.”

  “Forgiven,” he smiled. “Will you talk to me for a little bit?”

  “I have a job, you know?”

  “I know, but I like talking to you,” he said sheepishly.

  “Right, you’ve talked to me once.”

  “Once is considered talking and you can really get a feel of a person in that time.”

  “What do you want to talk about?” I sighed as I stepped closer to the bed.

  “You, please. I’d love to talk about you.” His voice seemed to get deeper.

  “Ugh! My least favorite topic. Okay, here’s the deal. You ask the question and I’ll answer,” he started to smile. “Here’s the catch. Whatever question you ask, you have to answer as well.”

  “Fair enough. What’s your name?”

  “Kim,” I looked at him expectantly.

  “You don’t know my name?” He asked, shocked.

  “No, should I?”

  “Guess not. My name’s River.”

  “Hmm, a nature name. Let me guess, you don’t even like nature?”

  “Remember pins removed from my leg…” He said, pointing to the leg in the sling.

  He continued to ask me questions until I was finished cleaning his room. Honestly, it was the most I’ve revealed to anyone before. I was spraying the floor when I caught him trying to reach his leg.

  “Do you need help with something? I can call a nurse.”

  “No nurse, can you just massage my leg a bit. It’s throbbing and tingly.”

  I removed my gloves tossed them in the trash and walked toward him. “I’m not touching…”

  “No, I don’t want you to touch there either. I’m strong, but I think that’ll hurt. I just want you to massage the calf and right here above my knee. I can get the rest.”

  As soon as I started squeezing his calf he leaned his head back and moaned. After a few minutes I switched to above his knee. His moaning got louder.

  “A little more pressure please.”

  Massaging a little tighter, I started to notice the sheets moving. Before long there was an impressive tent in front of me.

  “I’m not massaging that,” I joked.

  He opened his eyes, turned bright red, “Damn,” he whispered.

  “It’s not a big deal. I was only joking.”

  “I thought I had the blankets shifted enough.”

  “If you weren’t so big it might have worked, but I don’t think a box would hide that thing,” I said before I realized it. Now it was my turn to blush.

  He laughed softly. “I’m glad you like what you see.”

  It wasn’t his ego talking there. It really sounded sincere, like he was glad I liked his erection. Hell, that was funny to say. I’ve known this man a total of two days.

  “Does it feel better?”

  “Yes,” he breathed.

  I went to walk away and knocked a few things over. So I bent down to pick them up and I heard a groan from behind me.

  “What? Are you okay?”

  “Just fine. You have a very nice ass,” he whispered hungrily.

  “Felicia will be in here soon. You can probably get help from her if you need it.”

  It was as if the air had been let out of a balloon, his erection started to deflate. This may be mean, but I was curious.

  “You like my ass, huh?” He nodded. “You should see my breasts.”

  I grab them with my hands, toss my head back and moan slightly. When I brought my head down, I bit my lower lip. His hand started working his full on erection under the sheet.

  “Yes, let me see your breasts,” his voice so deep I could feel the thickness in the air.

  “Oh, I’m sorry babe, Felicia will be here soon and that will be harder to cover up than your erection.”

  I kept talking about Felicia and soon his erection was gone, just in time too. I was collecting my things as Felicia walked in.

  “Ugh! Do I have to smell you every fu- morning? Room Seventy needs cleaned before you leave.” She turned and walked over to River. “Mr. Monroe, I missed you,” she smiled at him.

  Turning, I quickly left the room and went to room Seventy, so I could go home. I wanted to soak in my bath, but then I remembered the other two emails. Exhaustion already claimed me, even before these next two nights fully took me there.

  Chapter Two

  Somehow I managed to get both of the other emails completed after work the first night. I wasn’t sure how I managed it, but I did. Of course I get an email from Shawna telling me that she was so glad to have me on board with them. She also reminded me of my vacation to which I replied back that it would be paid. Shawna replied back that of course it would be.

  The next day at work was normal aside from the fact that I had to go in two hours early and work through the weekend because the weekend cleaner wouldn’t be able to make it in. By the time I arrived at Ri
ver’s room, I was in a foul mood. In no time at all, he had washed my mood away.

  “Come here.”

  I walked over to the bed, stopping my cleaning. “What?”

  He patted the bed, “Sit down, you look exhausted.”

  “Which is a nice way of telling me I look like shit,” I mumbled as I sat on the bed next to him.

  “No,” he reached up and brushed some stray hairs from my face. “You always look beautiful.”

  “Yeah, sure.” I felt uncomfortable with his compliment.

  He sat up further in the bed cupped my neck with his hands while he ran his thumbs on my cheeks. Nothing else was said. River pulled me to him and kissed me. At first it was a quick kiss, a mere meeting of our lips. He pulled slightly back, smiled at me, and then sealed his lips over mine again more fiercely.

  River nipped at my lips before I opened them, granting him entrance. His tongue pushed in my mouth eagerly devouring every inch of it. A moan slipped from my throat and was quickly followed by one from him. After a few minutes, we finally pulled apart.

  “I’ve wanted to do that from the first day I saw you.”

  “You’ve wanted to kiss me for three days?”

  “No, I’ve been in here for a month. I’ve watched you clean my room every day for a few weeks now. You had headphones on when you first came in here. I tried to get your attention, but you didn’t hear me.”

  “Huh, small world.” I got off the bed, holding my hand to my lips that were still tingling from his kiss.


  “Yeah?” I turned and answered.

  “Can I see you again?”

  “Tomorrow is my last night on this floor. I’m on emergency over the weekend then I’m off for a few weeks. I’m going on a vacation from all my jobs.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  My eyes widened. “You’re serious.”

  “Yes. I want to get to know you more. This can’t be goodbye. I won’t let it be.”

  “Can I think about it?” I said after a moment of stunned silence.

  “Of course. Will you be able to let me know tomorrow? I can have it all planned by the end of the weekend and we could leave on Monday.”

  “Wow, you’re really serious?”

  He laughed. “Yes, I’m serious. I was given advice by my grandfather before he died and I’ve taken it to heart.”

  “What was that? Maybe it will help me with my decision.”

  “He told me that life has no expiration date. We don’t know when our time will end so we need to live every second and feel every moment.”

  “That’s good advice.”

  “Can I have one more kiss before you leave me?”

  Looking at my watch, I hurried over to him and kissed him aggressively. He didn’t seem to mind because he returned it just the same. I was breathless by the time I broke away.

  “Make the plans. Somewhere peaceful, away from people and has some kind of water nearby for two weeks.”

  His smile was big. “Great. I’m being discharged on Friday or Saturday. Here’s my number, just in case I don’t get to see you tomorrow.”

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this.” I wrote my number down on a piece of paper towel and handed it to him.

  “Well, believe it and you can’t back out on me. You’d break my heart if you did.”

  “Yeah, right,” I laughed.

  “Hey now, are you calling me a liar?” He faked hurt.

  As the door opened, I was climbing off the bed and over to my things laughing. In walked hell on legs. My blood started to boil as she walked to River’s bed and touched his arm.

  “Good Morning, I had a dream about us,” she gushed.

  I frowned. Why would she be dreaming about him? River looked at me then, but I hurried out of the room. Today, I didn’t give the bitch a chance to tell me about another damn room that she staged. Clocked out in a matter of minutes and practically ran home.

  Why was I jealous? It wasn’t like we were dating. Well, then again, we are going on vacation together in a few days. The way he kissed me today didn’t feel like just a passerby kiss. I turned on the tub, put in my relaxing bubbles, went out started my supper, then climbed into the tub. My phone buzzed.

  River: You left before I could tell you goodbye.

  Me: You were busy and a nice relaxing bath was calling me.

  River: I’m not interested in Felicia. I’m interested in you. More important this bath you are in. ;)

  Me: You would be. It’s heavenly. Hot water surrounding me…it’s wonderful.

  River: Show me.

  Me: What?

  River: Take a picture of you in the tub.

  Me: Are you kidding me?

  River: Oh come on. I’m not asking to see you naked…unless you want to show me that LOL

  Looking at myself in the water, the bubbles covered everything well. What the hell, like it matters. Like he said, we’re going on vacation together. Bringing up my camera, I switched it to the front camera and held it out at arm’s length, snapped the picture and sent it to him before I could change my mind.

  River: Oh fuck! You are so damn sexy like that. I can’t wait for Monday.

  Me: Why?

  River: Because I hope to serve you some desserts with you just like that.

  Me: Goodnight, River. I’m heading to bed.

  River: Dream of me my sweets. I’ll be dreaming of you.

  I didn’t bother replying. Once I was finished with the bath, I ate my supper and climbed into my nice comfortable bed. Oddly enough, I did dream of River. They were some pretty hot sex scenes. So hot that I had woke with hopes to take care of myself, but to my horror the alarm hadn’t gone off and I was running behind.

  After a quick shower, no breakfast, I ran out the door. As I was walking to work, I noticed that my phone was blinking. Going through my messages, River had written several times. One text included a picture of his tented sheets, with a message that read:

  This is what thoughts of you (and that picture) do to me.

  I have to say it did make me feel good that I had that reaction on him. River was gorgeous. What he saw in a plain woman like me was beyond me. My hair was brown straight and long. I had blue eyes, but nothing like River’s eyes. They were bright and consuming. Still couldn’t wrap my head around the idea that I just agreed to go on vacation with this man that I just met, but the advice his grandpa had given him really spoke to me.

  Clocking in, I grabbed my cart, made sure all the items were there, refilled what was needed then headed up to the surgical floor. Each room took me a bit longer than normal to clean, I would say that Felicia had something to do with this, but that would be assuming even if my gut was screaming at me that it’s true.

  By the time, I got to the room that he was in I was exhausted and there was only twenty minutes before Felicia would get there. All night I kept telling myself that he wasn’t even there, but now that I’m standing outside the room I was nervous. Quietly I pushed open the door and entered. I tried to shut the door to a crack quietly but the damn thing creaked.

  “I was getting worried,” he said immediately.

  “You’re still here,” I breathed, startled by his voice.

  “Yes, I told them to release me today because of some minor problems. Are you okay? Normally you’re in here sooner.”

  The concern in his voice touched my heart. When has anyone ever been worried about me? I can’t even remember. That’s kind of sad.

  “The rooms were bad. They took me a little longer than normal to get them cleaned.”

  “Come here, please,” he said as he swung his legs over the side of the bed.

  “I really need to clean the room. I am working, you know?”

  “Please just come here a moment.”

  Sighing, I walked over next to him. “What, River? I really need to clean.”

  River pulled me over between his legs, and hugged me tightly to him. Because of the height of his bed and his own height m
y head was even with his shoulder. Resting my head on his shoulder, I wrapped my arms around him. No one has ever held me like this. Ever. Trust was a luxury I didn’t have, so I let no one close.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, his face in my neck.

  “I’m fine, honest. I’m just very tired. Which is usually the case when Felicia works.”

  “Why doesn’t she like you?”

  “I don’t know. Because I stick to myself, don’t take her shit, right now though,” I leaned back and looked into his eyes. “I think it’s because she thinks you like me.”

  I had no idea who he was, I mean really was, but when I looked into his eyes… it just didn’t matter.

  “I do like you,” he whispered as he pulled my lips down to his.

  The kiss was everything the last one was, but far too short. We pulled apart quickly when we heard voices outside the room.

  “Here help me to the bathroom. Quickly,” he urged.

  We were just about to the bathroom when Felicia breezed in. “Mr. Monr- What the hell do you think you’re doing, Rose,” she practically yelled.

  “I had to use the restroom, asked her to help me. Is there a problem with that?”

  “Yes, yes there is. She is not a nurse or doctor. She’s not supposed to be interacting with the patients.”

  “Well, I think she’s fully capable and I trust her. Last time I checked, I’m in control of who helps me or doesn’t.”

  “Rose, let him go now and get this room cleaned. It’s filthy.”

  “She will just as soon as she helps me to the bathroom,” he practically growled. “Please help me the rest of the way,” he said kindly to me.

  We walked the rest of the way to the bathroom, my arm around his waist and his around my shoulder. When we got inside and out of sight of the devil, he leaned down and kissed me again. It was quick, but still enjoyable.

  “I’m sorry if I get you in any trouble, babe. It wasn’t my intentions. This is the only time I can see you right now.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I better get back out there. Be careful when you go home,” I said suddenly concerned.

  “Oh you mean I can’t come to your place and have you take care of me until we leave Monday,” he grinned.


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