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17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17)

Page 7

by B. A. Stretke

  “You told me you loved me,” Karam stated while holding Lucas’ gaze. “I didn’t answer you at the time because you happened to be rocking my world and speech was not something I had access to. I will answer you now, I love you too. This Fated bonding stuff is just as powerful as the writings portrayed and just as wonderful as rumor promised, if not more so. I don’t need to date you for months or learn about your likes and dislikes over hours of discussion to know that you’re it for me. I want no one else. It’s you and me Lucas, forever. What do you say?” Karam smiled so confidently and sure.

  “I say I’m in.” Lucas returned the smile. “All I ever wanted was to find my chosen and know that I had that person beside me that would always love me, always be faithful and honest. That person I could turn to on the darkest of days and receive respite.” They kissed long and hard both expressing through that kiss what they were feeling and what they wanted to give.


  The sun was rising as they began to make their way back to the main house. Lucas was awash with hope and happiness that had eluded him for a long time. It was a happiness that reaches down to the darkest corners and blasted light and beauty and that light was Karam. He was so blessed to have this man in his life, and he would do everything in his power to keep him safe, well and satisfied for the rest of their lives.

  “You said that you’d convinced yourself that I was going to leave you,” Karam asked out of hand and Lucas nodded. “Did you convince yourself, did it come from within or was it outside your consciousness? Are you sure you were talking to yourself or was something talking to you?” Lucas paused and turned to regard him directly as he thought about that voice that was always with him tearing him down.

  “I thought it was my subconscious talking but as hard as I fought it wouldn’t back off or stop.” He tried to describe what it felt like.

  “That sounds like an external source,” Karam commented. Karam’s heart was aching for Lucas trapped and alone for so long and then expected to just pick up and get on with his life. Karam was so glad Lucas had shared this with him. They’d figure this out and Karam was beginning to have an idea of what was happening.

  “Were you alone in the darkness?”

  “Not always, there were things there that harassed and tormented. They were vague nebulous beings and half the time I wasn’t totally convinced they were real.” Lucas looked towards the main house with a faraway look. “I dreamed and prayed for the day to come that I made it home again. But the torture of it all was the constant barrage of negativity telling me I was never going home, never seeing my friends again and never escaping the darkness.”

  “That negativity followed you home?” Karam said and Lucas nodded.

  “Not as bad as when I was in the abyss.” He clarified and then looked confused as he watched Karam smile and grab him by the arm. “What is it?”

  “I figured it out Lucas, I know who is bothering you.” Karam pulled Lucas along as he hurried back towards the house. “Do you have my car and the equipment inside?”

  “Your car is in the mechanic’s garage, but it’s a total loss. That thing fried portions of it including your equipment. I think it targeted the equipment. Paperwork in the glove compartment was untouched yet the seats were toast.” Karam slowed to a trot not sure how he was going to get a trace on this thing without his tracker.

  “Let’s head back to my place, we can get cleaned up and then go and explain all of this to Cullen,” Lucas suggested and although it wasn’t something Karam was looking forward to, he knew it was protocol.

  “Okay, but let’s be fast.”

  “We’ll be fast.” Lucas smiled as he swung Karam up into his arms and ran for the main house.

  When Karam finished showering and getting dressed, he met Lucas in the living room where he handed him a glass of orange juice and a cup of coffee. “You said you didn’t want breakfast, but I want you to have something fortifying in your system.” Karam thanked him and downed the orange juice quickly and took his time with the coffee.

  “I put in a call to Cullen.” He said. “He’ll stop by soon.” Karam nodded and took a seat on the sofa and Lucas sat next to him placing his hand on Karam’s knee as if it were natural. Karam accepted that they’d fallen into one another’s comfort zone rather quickly. It was nice having someone who would love and support him against all others. He’d felt alone for so many years. This bond was amazing and loved how Lucas continued to kiss him sporadically for no reason.

  “I can’t help myself, Karam. When you’re close, I need to have my lips on you.” He laughed and the sound was heartwarming.

  “I’m not complaining,” Karam stated and kissed Lucas on the cheek.

  Karam thought about his brother Simeon and what was to happen when his deceit became known. He should call Simeon and explain himself, if he didn’t check in soon someone would be showing up. But for now, he had enough to contend with, he would worry about Simeon and the Brotherhood after Lucas was safe.

  “I know what you’re thinking.” Lucas offered as they sat drinking their coffee and waiting for Cullen’s call. “You think this thing that’s tormenting me is the same thing you’ve been tracking.”

  “Yes, it makes sense. I first noticed it four months ago as it passed through dimensions. You returned four months ago. I proceeded to follow spikes from Pennsylvania to Virginia all within your radius.” Karam knew he was on the right track.

  “If it is the same thing, we can be fairly certain that it juiced up last night on my heightened emotions. What does that mean for us? Are you in danger?” Lucas instinctively pulled Karam closer.

  “I don’t know, but I do know it’s dangerous and unpredictable and we need to be prepared if it does come back. We also must come up with a plan on how to get it off of you. I think it came back with you and now it is connected in some way almost symbiotic in nature.” Karam theorized.

  “But I’m getting nothing from the relationship except grief.”

  “True.” Just then there was a knock followed by Cullen walking into the room and over to where they sat. Both stood immediately upon seeing him. He didn’t say a word just waited for them to speak.

  Karam with Lucas’ support explained to him what he’d done and how he’d mishandled the situation with the entity. He confessed to everything including deceiving his brother and the Doyen. Karam had expected a dressing down or at the very least a derisive look, but Cullen just looked deep in thought like a man taking it all in before speaking.

  Lucas was up next and told him of the theory they had regarding the entity. They both explained the evidence pointing to an outside influence acting upon Lucas and the timing of his return and the appearance of the entity.

  Lucas was not having an easy time telling his boss that he was having nightmares and difficulty controlling his own thoughts and mind, but he had to tell it all for the pieces to make sense. If Cullen decided to send him into treatment, then so be it. To his surprise, Cullen had a deep understanding of it all than he’d assumed.

  “I was in that dimension for less than a few minutes,” Cullen told him. “In those few minutes, I was plunged into overwhelming insecurity. I felt lost and distraught. How you survived under those conditions for as long as you did is a testament to your strength and your will. All we ever wanted for you Lucas was for you to get back your health and happiness.”

  “I appreciate you telling me that, sir and I apologize for not being for forthright,” Lucas responded thoughtfully.

  “Let’s go talk to Lucian. He brought you back so he would know if something came back with you. It was a startling time and just having you back was such a gift that no one looked to deep. Maybe there was more there than we noticed.” Cullen arranged for everyone to meet with Lucian in his workshop, sorcerers had workshops, not offices. When Karam and Lucas arrived, they noticed that Master Stone was also in attendance.

  “Lucas, Karam congratulations on your bond.” Master Stone stepped forward and took
Lucas’ hand holding it as he held his gaze. “I’m sorry you were gone so long and I’m sorry we didn’t do more to help you when you returned.”

  Lucas was knocked back by the sincerity and concern that the Master was showing him. “No one knew what was going on with me not even Talbot or Raul. I thought I could handle it on my own.”

  “I’m just glad you’re back and no more secrets.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “I believe you’re right in thinking something came back with you.” Lucian cut in and all attention was on him. “When I brought you and Dr. Culpepper and the others back, I was hit with a force that knocked me over, but I thought it was related to the fact I didn’t know you were there. Now I think it was the entity hitting this reality and getting away before I noticed it.” Lucian walked up to Lucas and probed his aura and his mind. Lucas did not resist but he did hold tight to Karam’s hand.

  “It’s a hitchhiker,” Lucian announced. “They latch onto a being and travel with them usually not through dimensions but this one decided it would give it a go. It has been feeding off your energy for a long time Lucas and didn’t want to let you go.”

  “What can we expect?” Cullen asked.

  “It’s getting stronger, the longer it stays in this dimension and continues to feed on Lucas, and I suspect it has found other sources. There are many emotionally charged individuals out there. It probably thinks it hit a smorgasbord. The entity will not go willingly, that’s for sure and trapping it may be problematic.” Lucian went back to his worktable full of bottles and books and things, lots of things. Karam was amazed at the man and his insight. He’d never met a sorcerer and Lucian was not what he’d expected.

  Lucian suddenly turned and centered his attention on Karam making him squirm just a little. He walked over to him and Karam couldn’t help taking a small step back. Lucas let go of his hand and wrapped his arm around Karam’s waist. “It attacked you once,” Lucian stated. “There was no reason for it to attack you. It was in no danger from you. It felt your connection to Lucas. It didn’t want you interfering and making Lucas happy and well adjusted. It doesn’t feed off happiness. It wanted to take you out before you damaged its food supply.”

  “Wow.” Was all Karam could say. It made sense in a scary otherworldly sort of way and he found himself snuggling into Lucas’ side.

  “Don’t worry baby, it’s not getting anywhere near you again.” Lucas pledged.

  “Not so fast.” Lucian implored. “Karam might be our method to trapping this thing. I can try to track it much like Karam had been doing but I can’t kill it so where does that leave us?”

  “Why can’t you kill it?” Master Stone asked.

  “It’s not from my realm, my power will not destroy it,” Lucian responded and then added. “But I can fortify a space that will contain it until we find a way to kill it.”

  “You’re suggesting we use Karam as bait to lure it into this fortified space?” Cullen interjected.

  Lucas exploded. “No way in hell you’re using Karam as bait in a trap. It nearly killed him the last time. I forbid it, Karam has gone through hell once he will not be forced to do it again. No, no, absolutely not.”

  Karam understood Lucian’s plan and he understood Lucas’ anger but a part of him was ready to give it a try. He tracked this thing for months and to have the opportunity to finish the job was hard to refuse. “It might work, Lucas. Maybe we should try.” Lucas turned on him like he suddenly sprouted a second head.

  “Not going to happen, baby. Lucian already said he has no power against this thing so what will happen if it lets loose on you again, who will stop it?” He stated emphatically.

  “That’s not an option, Lucian. Find another way.” Master Stone stated. “We don’t use chosen bonds as bait.”

  “We don’t have a lot of time, sir. That thing fed on Lucas and is roaming the area. No telling what it might decide to do. Everyone here, in town, and hell maybe in the state are in danger.” Lucian pressed his point.

  “An Akkadian Knight has the power to kill it.” Karam declared. “It’s what they do, they’re experts in the uncanny and the impossible. Nothing escapes or survives the pursuit of an Akkadian Knight, nothing.” All eyes were on him now and he didn’t like the scrutiny, but he knew he had it coming. This entire mess was his fault. Lucas’ prolonged torment was his fault, so it was time he manned up and faced the music and called home.

  He held out his hand to Lucas. “May I use your phone?” Lucas reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone handing it over to Karam. “Thanks.” He said with a smile he wasn’t feeling. He would call Simeon and admit to his folly and hope he didn’t exile him from the family along with the Brotherhood.

  Karam was surprised when both Cullen and Master Stone came to stand next to him in what appeared to be a protective stance as if defending him along with Lucas. It was appreciated but unnecessary Simeon wouldn’t hurt him not physically anyway. The call was quick by bypassing the Doyen and going straight to Simeon he set the Akkadian Knight on a path to the Crimson Coven.

  “He’ll be here shortly,” Karam announced and then explained. “They don’t travel by conventional means.”

  “What will happen to you?” Master Stone asked. Karam shrugged his shoulders and didn’t meet the Master’s gaze but rather glanced at the floor and then the wall.

  “Doesn’t matter. Whatever it is, I deserve it. Besides we have more urgent matters to attend to.” He brushed it off hoping no one picked up on his dread, but going by the expressions in the room, everyone had.

  “No one is going to touch you, Karam.” Lucas declared.

  Suddenly the atmosphere tensed, and Master Stone turned towards the door and began running at lightning speed. “It’s Quinn.” He shouted to Cullen who was on his heels. Lucian took off after them as did Lucas and Karam.

  Quinn was in the music room with Fergus waiting for his tutor when the entity attacked. It went for Quinn knocking him to the floor and raking its claws across his chest tearing his clothes and opening a deep wound. This was the panic that engulfed the Master and sent him racing to the aid of his chosen and son.

  Karam wasn’t sure who Quinn was, but the relationship was clear once they entered the room. Master Stone stood in front of his chosen defending him against further attack from the invisible entity while his son Fergus held the thing in check with an energy shield no one knew he was capable of releasing based on the shocked looks in the room. The room was filled with the same electricity Karam had felt in the field.

  “Can you make it move while still holding it?” Lucian asked Fergus who just shrugged his shoulders. “Give it a try. Move it to the Great Hall, I’ve secured that room. It won’t be able to escape once we have it inside.” Everyone watched with bated breath as Fergus attempted to move the entity while holding it within the shield.

  Things were going just fine until they weren’t. The entity slipped free and went after Karam. Lucas sensed the energy of the thing rushed at them and he instantly jumped in front of Karam and swung hitting it and knocking it backward. Stunned the thing was easily recaptured by Fergus who deposited the beast in the Great Hall before letting go.

  “Got it,” Lucian announced. “It’s trapped. Thanks Fergus.” He shot the little boy a wide grin and the boy gave him the thumbs up. Karam was transfixed by the adorable little boy who took on the entity and won. Lucas recognized his confusion.

  “Fergus is the son of Master Stone and Quinn Ravenscroft a dragon shifter.” Okay, everything made sense now.

  “I’ve heard of Ferguson Stone.” Karam looked at the boy in awe. “The Brotherhood was very interested, impressed actually and called him a soon to be Supreme Paranormal Leader. No wonder the entity wanted him. Power like his only comes along once every few thousand years. The last one to own that power was an Egyptian Pharaoh, Ramesses II.” Karam watched as Master Stone carried his injured chosen from the room with Fergus following.

  It wasn’t until they all
stood there silent for a moment that the fact hit Karam and he turned to Lucas with tight-knit brows and a question on his lips.

  “What’s wrong?” Lucas asked.

  “You punched it. You knocked it away from me. How did you do that?” Karam declared and everyone suddenly remembered.

  “You can touch it,” Lucian said with eyes wide. “You’re from its realm, so to speak, you can affect it physically.”

  “I can kill it?” Lucas asked abruptly and Lucian nodded. “Give me a weapon.” He asked and Cullen left the room and returned with a broad sword.

  “Old world, silver, and iron, it will take it down if you can connect,” Cullen stated with one raised eyebrow.

  “I’ll connect.” He said and it wasn’t a boast. That thing had tormented him for years and tried to kill his chosen, he wanted it dead in the worst way possible.

  Karam grabbed him by the upper arm as he was leaving the room. “No, just wait for Simeon he’ll be here soon and he’ll destroy that thing. Don’t risk yourself over this.” He pleaded. Neither Cullen nor Lucian commented. This decision belonged to Lucas.

  “It has to be me, baby. Please understand I have to be the one to kill it or I’ll never feel whole again. I will be the one to destroy my enemy. It has to be this way.” Karam was torn wanting to protect Lucas but also knowing he had to let him go. Lucas pulled him up tight to his chest and kissed him hard. It possessed the same demand and promise as before. “I’ll be back, wait for me here.” With that, he released Karam and headed for the door.

  “I’ll get you inside,” Lucian said and followed Lucas from the room.

  Karam watched him leave understanding why he had to go but afraid the entity may be too strong. What would he do if he lost Lucas? He only just found him and to go on with his life without him now left him feeling shallow and void. He raised his hand and idly touched the claiming scar on his neck.

  “He’s one of our best, Karam.” Cullen came up to stand beside him. “Lucas can handle himself, don’t worry.”


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