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17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17)

Page 8

by B. A. Stretke

  Karam looked up at the man and wondered how he could possibly not worry. Lucas was in danger and there was nothing he could do about it. If Simeon arrived soon, he could help but it was unlikely he would arrive in time to make a difference. Cullen walked over to the large desk on the right side of the room.

  “Would it help if you could watch the battle?” He asked.

  “Yes, it would. Can we go there?” Karam was anxiously walking towards the door.

  “No need.” Cullen hit a button on the desk and a screen emerged from behind the wood paneling on the opposite wall and soon there was the Great Hall. They could see the entire room on the CCTV cameras. “Would you like to sit?” Cullen offered but Karam shook his head no he had to be on his feet ready to assist in case Lucas needed him.

  Cullen came up and stood beside him as they observed Lucas entering the room sword in hand and scanning the area. Karam was on his last nerve waiting for the thing to attack. Unfortunately, he didn’t have to wait long. It came at Lucas from the left corner of the Hall and struck but Lucas fought back sending it scurrying away. Just to hit him again from another direction.

  “I wish he could see it,” Karam mumbled.

  “Yes, that would definitely help,” Cullen responded.


  Lucas was having no luck just defending each attack as it happened. He had to figure out how to locate the beast. He stopped and centered his mind and his breathing coming in tune with the room and the sounds within. He waited and the next attack he was ready.

  The thing rushed him, and Lucas struck, this time hitting flesh or whatever the thing was made of. He felt the sword connect and the thing recoil. Suddenly he was awash in uncertainty a feeling that did not belong to him. His mind went to Karam and his worry and the pain he was causing him by facing this thing. Guilt followed the uncertainty as he stumbled backward and scrambled for clarity.

  It came for him then hitting hard and throwing him against the doors knocking the air from his lungs and leaving him gasping and bloody.


  Karam stiffened and held his breath watching Lucas take a blow that would have surely killed lesser men. He moved towards the screen and reached out with his mind. He needed to do something, he needed to let Lucas know he was there and give him all the strength he had to give.

  “You can beat this bastard, Lucas. Do it for me, finish it.” He said and kept his eyes laser-focused on his vampire lover, his amazing chosen as he pushed his calm and energy out to him.


  Lucas felt Karam touching his mind and his thoughts and the despair cleared just as that thing attacked in earnest, but Lucas blocked with his sword and sent it scrambling. He got back to his feet and once again centered himself. Karam’s strength was truth and he held fast to it.

  The negativity did not belong to him it was the entity’s influence and he would not be defeated by a ghost. He forcefully pushed the thing from his mind and with a tearing and a screech it was separated from him and now he could see it. It was either weak or stunned but it had lost its ability hide. He had to kill it before it had a chance to fade from view once again.

  It was no longer living in his head feeding off his emotions, the entity was there in front of him waiting to be killed. Lucas took a stand holding the sword to his right and aloft and moved towards the creature.

  It stood tall and narrow with a head of fibrous tissue and dark veins and a body that resembled a distorted human form. He saw the wound in its side where he’d made contact with the sword and it was already healing. He would have to kill it thoroughly through the heart and behead for it to not regenerate. The only weapons it appeared to possess were its claws, razor-sharp three-inch-long claws on its hands and feet.


  Karam didn’t notice but several others had entered the room and stood behind him. Cullen used the names Talbot and Raul and he remembered that these men were Lucas’ closest friends. Master Stone was also present. It was good they were here. “It’s taken form,” Karam stated but never took his eyes off the screen. He recognized it as the same beast that had attacked him.

  “It didn’t take form, Lucas forced it to take form and now he can end it.” Master Stone stated with pure hatred in his tone. Karam empathized with Master Stone and he wanted to ask after the Master’s chosen and son, but Karam couldn’t think of anything other than Lucas and the terrible battle at hand.

  “Lucas is purely masterful with that broad sword.” One of them commented and the others agreed.

  Karam blocked out the discussion and focused on his chosen. The beast was stalking him back and forth looking for an opening to attack. The tension was excruciating and just when he thought he’d lose it, a hand landed on his shoulder and his mind calmed. It was Master Stone. As Karam looked up the large man glanced down at him.

  “He’s got this Karam. No one can match Lucas with a broad sword.” He affirmed.


  Lucas watched as it moved side to side looking for an opening. He followed its movements in sync with the energy as it shifted and prepared. It was preparing to strike, and Lucas took the opportunity to strike first. He lunged at it and sliced through the left arm leaving it hanging by a string of tissue. The entity started to vibrate, and the arm began to regrow, so Lucas moved in a flash and lopped it completely off once again and didn’t step back this time but went in for the kill.

  It was obvious the thing was weakened by its attempt to regenerate and Lucas was going to use it to his advantage. He leapt into the air and plunged the sword through what he hoped was its heart dragging the thing to the floor and ran it completely through. The entity struggled blindly but could not get free. Lucas twisted the sword cutting further as he held it to the floor with his booted foot and the broad sword.

  Something entered the room, something large and prevailing. He felt it before he heard it moving towards him. Lucas kept his eyes on the entity watching the energy fade from the surface of its face for its eyes were dead, to begin with. He could not look away, whatever was there with him did not seem antagonistic. It was not interfering, it was waiting and watching.


  “Oh my God, what is that?” Talbot’s shocked expression was mirrored by all except Karam and the Master.

  “That is an Akkadian Knight.” Master Stone announced with a touch of awe.

  “That’s my brother, Simeon,” Karam told them with less awe and more trepidation.

  “Where did he come from? Who let him it?” Talbot asked concerned the front gate was just letting anyone in.

  “Akkadian Knights don’t need invitations…or doors for that matter. They aren’t something you keep out.” Master Stone clarified.

  “He doesn’t have to kill the entity; Lucas has already taken care of it,” Cullen added with pride.

  Karam was proud as well, more relieved actually and eager to hold Lucas in his arms. The entity squirmed and slowly became still where it lay. “Can we go to him now?” Karam needed to see Lucas in the flesh.

  “Yes.” Cullen and Master Stone led them from the music room to the Great Hall. Lucian dropped the shield and they entered.


  Lucas kept the pressure on and continued to twist the blade until the thing lay motionless. In one sweeping move, he pulled the sword free and turning swung and chopped off its head, clearly and cleanly separating its head from its bodily form. Somewhere in his awareness, he knew that it would not regenerate without its head.

  “Well done.” Came a voice he did not recognize and a tone that could cut through rock. He turned to see what he assumed to be an Akkadian Knight. He was more than Lucas had even expected and he’d expected him to impressive. The Knight came closer watching Lucas as if weighing and measuring him.

  “There are few that could do what you have just done.” He pointed to the thing on the floor. Lucas just stared at the man trying to take it all in. Karam hadn’t mentioned that Akkadian Knights had wings, a full spread that reached halfway across
the Great Hall. He looked like a fiercely dark warrior angel; not what Lucas had expected at all. He was also a good six inches or more taller than Lucas who stood six foot four. The energy the Knight gave off was vibrating the air it was so intense.

  Just then the large door at the end of the Hall opened and Master Stone accompanied by Cullen and Karam walked in. Karam smiled and Lucas beamed with the love that it conveyed. His chosen was safe and his tormentor was dead, life was good.

  “You are Lucas?” The Knight asked and drew Lucas’ attention.


  “I am Simeon, brother of Karam. You have bonded with my brother.” It was more a statement than a question, but Lucas answered

  “Yes, Karam is my chosen and we have bonded.” He stated, proud to claim such an amazing man as Karam Nour.

  Lucas noticed Karam running towards him, but Simeon held up his hand and everyone in the room became still. Lucas looked at Simeon and then Karam and the others, but he didn’t sense danger. Karam wasn’t afraid. Whatever was going on was supposed to happen.

  “He is the one, Karam,” Simeon spoke to his brother. “He will receive my endowment.”

  “Lucas?” Karam asked.

  “It is destiny that he found you and that I found him,” Simeon answered and turned his sole attention to Lucas. “I give my endowment, my gift of one to you Lucas Reid.” He stated and Lucas instinctively knew what he was saying. Akkadian Knights are chosen by Akkadian Knights each one has one endowment that they pass to a worthy recipient.

  “Do you accept the mantle of the Akkadian Brotherhood and the prominence of an Akkadian Knight?” He asked in a tone that brought the very air around them to a fine point. This was important, life-changing, and Lucas reached out to Karam who stood with the others.

  “This is your time, Lucas, this is your destiny. I will be the chosen of an Akkadian Knight.” Karam finished with a smile and a wink and all things were set right in Lucas’ mind.

  “I accept.” He answered and the next few minutes were an absolute light show of energy and power transference. This was the ascension that Karam had spoken of. It changed a person on the cellular level. He could feel every enhancement and supremacy that was bestowed upon him. He was still a vampire, but he was also now a powerful winged warrior with the ability to travel on light and air and the capability to vanquish all enemies.

  When it was over, he stood eye to eye with Simeon with the clear knowledge that they were equals. The wings sprung forth last and spread across the room. They were amazing and by the expressions in the room, he wasn’t the only one who thought so.

  “Welcome, Lucas.” Simeon took his hand and held it. “You are my brother in family and in arms.”

  “Thank you, Simeon.” Lucas cast his eyes upon his chosen and all he wanted at that moment was to hold him. So much had happened, and he needed Karam.

  “Go to him. Set your affairs in order and I will meet you and Karam back at the Grand Palace in Brussels where you will begin your training.” He turned away from Lucas and trained his gaze on his brother.

  “You broke all manner of protocol, Karam.” He said. “But considering the outcome, you are forgiven. I will see you back home and don’t get into any more trouble on the way.” He smiled and then he was gone, not flew away, not walked away, just gone and the entity disappeared as well.

  “Lucas.” Karam breathed the name rather than spoke it. “You are magnificent.”

  “This is so not what I was expecting today.” Lucas laughed along with the others in the room. He gathered Karam into his arms as he successfully pulled his wings into this body. “That felt so natural.” He marveled.

  “Congratulations Lucas, I knew you were destined for greatness.” Master Stone pronounced. “No one comes back from the dead just to continue their guard duties. We’re very proud of you Lucas.” He added and Cullen agreed.

  “Thank you, sir.” Master Stone and Cullen left the room and closed the door behind them. Lucas held tight to Karam as he spread his wings and then tucked them back in again fascinated by how easy it was and how completely they disappeared.

  “You were made for this, Lucas. All things will come to you easily and naturally. That’s how it is with those that are destined to be Knights.” Karam hugged him around the waist and rested his head on Lucas’ chest. “You’re so tall.”

  “Too tall for you, baby.” Lucas teased.

  “Never.” Karam pulled him down for a kiss that was part pent up panic from the battle and part excited anticipation for their future.

  “You okay with me being the Knight in the relationship?” Lucas wanted to make sure there were no bad feelings hanging about.

  “Totally okay, I get all the perks and none of the danger being bonded to an Akkadian Knight. It’s the perfect arrangement as far as I’m concerned.” He ran his hand over Lucas’ hard-muscled abdomen. “I think we need to take this enhanced body of yours for a test drive. What do you say?”

  Lucas pulled Karam off his feet and into his arms and like a rush of wind was instantly in his apartment. Karam blinked several times never having traveled like that before. He’d begged Simeon on many occasions, but he always refused saying he had no time to play.

  “That was so cool.” Karam declared.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet,” Lucas promised as he gently tossed Karam onto the bed. “Strip baby, I need you so bad right now.”

  “I need you too, Lucas. We watch the battle from where we were. There are several cameras in the Great Hall. I was so scared for you.” Karam’s previous lightheartedness became somber as the possibilities came back to him. “I was so scared.” He repeated.

  Lucas went to him instantly and gathered him back into his arms. “I know and I felt you reach out to me. Your strength made the difference for me, Karam. That thing was trying to influence me as it had in the past, but you helped me resist it. I love you, baby.” He finished and pulled him uptight for a deep explorative kiss. When he pulled back, he saw that fear had dissipated and desire was in its place.

  “I love you too Lucas,” Karam spoke from the heart. Lucas could not resist and took Karam’s lips in another hot kiss that turned slightly wild as they both struggled to get out of their clothes. “I love how you touch me.”

  “I love touching you.” Lucas helped Karam with the last of his clothes and lay him out beneath him. “Your body fits mine so perfectly.” He rubbed his hard cock against Karam’s answering hardness and adored the soft satisfying moan Karam gave him in response.

  Karam spread his legs and allowed Lucas to settle in between. Lucas began a flurry of kisses and nuzzles as he prepared Karam. The sensations were just as intense as before although expectation had gone up a notch. Karam knew Lucas was his and their future was set so there was no holding back or playing it coy. This was the beginning of many days and nights of glorious lovemaking.

  Lucas moved up onto his elbows so he could look down into Karam’s eyes. “I’m going to claim you again, Karam. I want to be secure in the fact that you are mine completely body and soul. My vampire instinct demands it.”

  “I think it’s a wonderful idea.” Karam smiled and jutted his hips up to grind against Lucas. Lucas countered by pressing down and doubling their pleasure. “Oh, yes, that’s what I want.” Karam moaned out his desire. Lucas bore down once again and rode it out for a few thrusts before throwing Karam’s legs over his forearms and plunging inside in one forceful thrust.

  “I know what you want, baby and I’m here to give it to you.” With that, he began a rapid rhythm of pounding thrust stretching and filling Karam’s channel. Lucas needed this as much as Karam. The events of the last few hours demanded he mark and claim his chosen again proving that they were both alive and well.

  He slammed inside over and over relishing the sensitivity of his lover as Karam’s body arched and he cried out so beautifully. Lucas went deep and came hard within Karam’s warm embrace. He dropped to wrap his arms around Karam and hold him as he sunk
his teeth once again into the tender scar at the base of his neck. The sweet taste was intoxicating and filled him with a longing and anticipation of their life to come.

  Karam came the moment Lucas bit him spilling his seed between them and to the blanket below. He would never get enough of this man if he lived to be a thousand. Each scandalous taste demanded another and another. Lucas removed his teeth and licked the wound closed sealing the scar and sensitizing the flesh.

  They stayed like that for a few minutes before Lucas shifted to grab a few tissues for a tentative cleanup. They would shower together later but for now, they would bask in the love they shared and the future that was full of promise and adventure.

  “I’m so glad I wandered into Crimson looking for trouble.” Karam breathed softly against Lucas’ chest where he lay his head.

  “I’m so glad you found me instead.” Lucas kissed the top of Karam’s head and cuddled him close.


  Lucas and Karam packed and prepared to head off to Brussels with the promise of never forgetting Crimson and always being just a phone call away. “If you need me, ever, just call,” Lucas told the Master after he’d said his tentative goodbyes to his friends. Although he would reside in the Grand Palace in Brussels, Crimson would always be his home.

  “Are we going the old-fashioned way or are you going to spirit us to Brussels?” Karam asked as he waited for Lucas at the door of their apartment.

  “I need the practice so spirit it is, baby.” Lucas gathered Karam into his arms knowing that his lover enjoyed the perks of Knight flying.

  “It never gets old, Lucas.” Karam smiled and held on as they headed to their new life.


  Master Stone met with Cullen in the Great Hall to enjoy some hot tea on a chilly afternoon. “Can you even fathom the advantages we possess by having a loved and trusted friend a part of the Akkadian Brotherhood?” Master Stone smiled as he thought of the benefits.

  “It secures our position and power for many years to come,” Cullen replied.


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