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All Aboard! Romance on Route 66

Page 3

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Lilly liked that idea, “Maybe we have something to share with each other.”

  Slim was speechless and Lilly chastised herself for saying something like that so soon after they had only met that morning.

  She said, “I didn’t mean it like it sounded, but I just thought it a good idea we could meet once in a while and I could get some story ideas from you.”

  Slim recovered and as it was getting dark, all she could see way up there was his white teeth and a moon beginning to rise out of the east and he said, “Lilly, I would like nothing better than spending some time with you.”

  They had turned and walked back to the cabins when he took her small hand and it was swallowed up in his giant hand. With Lilly it felt warm and comfortable and a small charge of electricity ran down her back. They arrived at her cabin and made a date for breakfast at seven am. She said good night and he walked away looking like an escaped scarecrow from a corn field.

  Chapter 3

  The next morning at seven, Lilly after a nice bath, left Diane sleeping and walked to the restaurant to meet Slim. He was already there and she quickly told him not to get up as she slid into the booth.

  “Good morning and I promise not to spill anything today.”

  Lilly smiled at him and said, “Don’t make rash promises Slim.”

  Bonnie is doing back to back shifts because the morning girl was sick brought a fresh cup of coffee for Lilly. Lilly looked at the menu and decided on poached eggs and white toast. Slim, on the other hand had his usual: ham and eggs, extra ham and three extra eggs; and a short stack of buttermilk pancakes with bacon on the side. Lilly’s eyes opened wide and then smiled at him. Bonnie trotted off and they sat there looking at each other drinking coffee.

  Lilly was thinking about last night and so was Slim. Lilly broke the silence by saying, “I’ve never had a boyfriend in my life. During high school I was an ugly duckling and no one paid me the slightest attention. By the time I hit thirty, I thought it was too late and when forty rolled around, I knew I would most likely spend the rest of my life as a spinster old lady.”

  She saw pity in his eyes and she hadn’t meant it to come out that way. He said, “Lilly, I’ve never kissed a girl in my life. I was tall from the time I was in primary school. I tried to play basketball, but you know by now my coordination is far from being graceful. Everyone made fun of me and I drew back into myself and learned how to do other things. I studied all things mechanical and besides being a good driver, I can fix most anything even with my big hands.”

  Breakfast came and the talk was all over for Slim. He dug in like he hadn’t eaten for a week. She sat and watched him while she put some strawberry jam on her toast. First he ate the bacon while he spread the butter and syrup on his pancakes. Next he placed the eggs on top of the pancakes and devoured the plate of pancakes. After that he made short work of the ham and eggs with a ton of ketchup on the hash browns. He washed it all down with a tall glass of orange juice and coffee. Lilly has just about eaten when he leaned back and smiled at her. For dessert he loaded up his toast with jam and licked his lips looking at her plate to see if anything was left to munch on. She laughed and he loved her smile and laughed with her. She took her napkin and motioned him to lean over the table, which he did. She wiped some strawberry jam off his chin and his face turned red once again. Bonnie came over and filled their cups up as by then most of the other passengers had come in for their breakfast.

  Slim excused himself and got up just as Diane came in and sat with Lilly. Rick who had been lurking somewhere appeared out of nowhere and moved in beside Diane. A bus boy came by and cleaned up the many dishes from Slim and Lilly. Bonnie came by and took their orders. Lilly said, “Diane, how are you feeling today?”

  “Not so good,” “I have morning sickness every day now.”

  Lilly said, “Try some poached eggs and toast.”

  Diane smiled, “Good idea.”

  Rick ordered the same thing and Lilly could tell he was deeply in love with her and it appeared she liked him too.

  Just before Lilly left she heard Al complaining to the waitress his coffee was cold and the eggs were not sunny side up like he ordered. Lilly thought, what is this guy’s problem? I sure hope he doesn’t spoil our trip. I feel something unpleasant is going to happen soon.

  Lilly left the two of them to walk a little before riding all day on the bus. She paid her bill and walked out into the morning sun already above eighty degrees and getting warmer by the minute. She went back to the cabin and packed her bag. Slim had told her to leave it in front of the office and he would load all the bags from there with the help of a kid from the motel.

  Lilly found herself talking to Sue Sweet while they waited for the bus to load. Sue said, “Lilly, I know I don’t look like much with my hair all bleached and heavy makeup on, but it’s been a hard life for me. I’m complaining but I really tried my best to make it as a show girl and make some real money. At first I did well until I met my playboy husband who spent every nickel I saved and more. I’m too trusting with men and fall for their lines every time. I have one more chance and that is in Nashville as a singer. I’ve been taking singing lessons for five years now and a friend has offered me a tryout in Nashville.”

  Lilly smiled and said, “You know Sue, I think you will make it this time. I look forward to reading about the new singing sensation from Nashville soon.”

  “Thank you Lilly, I know we just met, but if it is ok with you, I would like to talk more with you as the trip goes on”

  Lilly smiled and said she would love to hear some stories about her days in Vegas as she had led a sheltered life and now wanted to know more of the world. They hugged each other and a friendship was born that day.

  Al was pacing around chain smoking and grumbling. Herm the German was watching him with pity in his eyes. Herm was thinking what a sad man Al was and wondered what really bothered him. Herm would like to talk to him, but Al never gave anyone a chance. Last night having dinner Al was sitting at the counter by the cash register when he and Viola paid for their dinner when Herm said to him, “Al, this place has good food and are you enjoying the trip so far?”

  Al looked at him and with a mouth full of cheese sandwich said, “Na pops, I’m just waiting for when we hit Chicago and I can sink my teeth into the latest motors that are coming out these days. I’m not happy unless I’m under the hood of a car getting my hands greasy.”

  At that he turned back to his cheese sandwich and gulped down a Lone Star beer. Norm and Viola walked out telling each other what a sad boy he was.

  Slim pulled up in the bus and after the bags were loaded and a head count taken, Slim pulled around the block and off they went into Arizona. Lunch was scheduled for Flagstaff and Slim was still worried about the front tire. It was getting a little bigger the bubble on the side of the tire and he kept the speed at forty-five. The temperature at the motel when they left to read over ninety five and climbing by the end of the day to over a hundred and ten. Slim was hopping the mountains going into Flagstaff would keep the tires cooler. In Flagstaff he would have it looked at and call into Greyhound to see if he could change the two front tires to new ones.

  Lilly was upstairs sitting across from Jasper and his wife. He was a quiet man, but once he started taking his brown eyes sparkled with joy. No doubt he was a devout Christian. Lilly had told him she took care of her mother when she was sick and then Jasper told her since he was a young man in his twenties he took care of his mother up until the day she died at age eight two.

  “Not long after she passed away I married Frieda, a longtime friend from church.”

  “What a story and when you weren’t at church what did you do?”

  Jasper chuckled and said, “I’m a carpenter by trade as all my brothers were.” He showed her some missing fingers giving proof of his trade. “Mostly I remodeled houses and worked at the school in our small town.”

  Lilly asked them about the area they lived in as she had never bee
n to Oregon or anywhere else for that matter. Frieda told her, “We live on a river in a very small town in the Cascade Mountains. Some snow in the winter time, but hot in the summer. We have grapes growing and a large garden with some fruit trees. Very peaceful and everyone knows everybody else. We do a lot of church things and help the less fortunate with clothes and school supplies at our benefits or bazaars. Jasper completely remodeled our church and made it one of the nicest places on the river. We have over two hundred in our congregation and it is standing room only on a Sunday.”

  Jasper sat there beaming and Lilly said, “So this trip is your honeymoon?”

  “Yes, ’ they both said at the same time. We are pretty much stay at home people and have only been out of state a couple times in our lives. Someday if you are in the area Lilly we would love to have you stay and enjoy our hospitality.”

  Lilly smiled and thanked them and thought, why not go visit this out in the country place someday. Jasper closed his eyes for a morning nap as the bus gently rocked back and forth.

  Slim was concentrating on his driving as after crossing the flat desert they started up the long passes to Flagstaff. Truck and bus pullouts let traffic pass were ever so often and it was at one of these that the right front tire blew scaring the heck out of the passengers. Slim was prepared and pulled off in a wide spot for passing. Those who had been sleeping were now awake and wondering what the loud sound was. Slim got on the mike and told them the bus had a flat tire and not to worry as he had a spare and it wouldn’t take long to change it. In the meantime he suggested they get out and stretch their legs if so desired. Slim set the emergency brake and stumbled out the door to open up the side compartment for the emergency signs and spare tire.

  Slim set out the emergency triangles at the proper distance according to law and set the chocks behind the wheels just in case the emergency brake failed; and took out the lug wrench. By now he was sweating and he took off his shirt and grabbing the hydraulic jack walked to the front of the bus where most of the passengers were standing around staring at the flat tire. Some, such as the car salesman was talking a mile a minute about how many flats he had in his lifetime. Nobody was paying him any attention and as Slim approached the flat tire with the jack, Al said, “Give me the jack and I will help you. I need some exercise and would love to get my hands dirty once again.”

  Slim smiled and handed him the jack. Al crawled under the bus and set the jack under the front axle. The ground was solid here and no wood was necessary to place under the jack. He cranked it up so it was snug against the axle and crawled out to take the lug wrench away from Slim and soon sweat was pouring off him like a river. Slim was impressed with his efficiency and kept thanking him for his help. Slim went back and got the spare and rolled it forward.

  Most of the passengers were bored now and walked to the side of the pull-out and enjoyed the view through the pine trees looking at the mountains to the side and ahead. Lilly was talking to Hardware Hugh about the beautiful country around Flagstaff. Gloria Slick said, “We passed through her one time only it was at night and we missed this nice country. I wished we had time to see the Grand Canyon as it is not so far from here.”

  “Yes, I would love to see it too, ’ Lilly said.

  Lilly noticed Diane and Rick are standing side by side holding hands looking at the view. Sue walked up and said, “Breath that fresh air Lilly. I’ve passed through here many times and I’m always pleased at the nice country around here. My former husband and I spent three days here looking at the Grand Canyon and just sightseeing.”

  Lilly noticed a watering of the eyes in Sue as she walked away with her arms folded across her middle deep in thoughts of good times past. Lilly felt sorry for her, but nothing was going to get her down, no sir; she had sights on Slim and so many strange emotions were flowing through her she felt dizzy. She looked back at Slim and Al as Al was jacking up the bus to change the tire. Al said while jacking, “Hey Slim the other front tire has a bulge on the inside too. It doesn’t look good and let’s hope we can limp into Flagstaff without it blowing.”

  Now Slim had a concerned look on his face. He guesses they were thirty miles out of Flagstaff and if he took it easy, say twenty miles an hour, they could be in Flagstaff by six. Lilly walked up to him as Al was spinning the lug wrench taking the loose lugs off the big wheel.

  “Don’t worry Slim, we will make it alright. I know we will and the tire will hold until we get to a tire shop,” Lilly assured him.

  Slim continued to watch Al and then turned and smiled at Lilly saying, “With you I’m sure we will be fine. You are my lucky piece and one should never doubt his luck.”

  Tire on and passengers back on board after Al washed up from a water jug Slim had stashed in the emergency pocket for breakdowns, they slowly pulled out on the highway. The passengers were a little tense, but soon they relaxed as it would appear they were going to make it to Flagstaff. Slim kept the speed at twenty as that was about all the bus would do going uphill anyway.

  Lilly was right as they pulled into a truck tire shop in Flagstaff. Slim made arrangements for the Triple A motel to pick up the passengers and take them to their rooms. Meanwhile he called Greyhound’s breakdown department and gave them the news about the tires. Slim listened and hung up the phone and went to talk to the service manager. The service manager was a nice man and shook Slim’s hands. Slim told him he needed two new front tires for his bus and the manager frowned and went to his books to look up what he had in stock. Slim leaned on the counter waiting to hear what the guy said.

  Finally the manager said, “Well bad news I’m afraid, the only tires we have in stock are the same brand you have now and they have been recalled by the company. We can order some from Phoenix but they won’t be here until late tomorrow night.”

  Slim with a worried look went to use the phone again in the shop. He told the Greyhound manager on the other line his problem and the Greyhound manager said to compensate the passengers and see if he could rent a bus or a something and take the passengers to see the Grand Canyon. Slim smiled and told him he would see to it and after the tires arrived he would let him know what the future schedule would be. The manager told him he would contact the motels down the line telling them to push back a day for the passengers reservations.

  Slim got a ride from the tire manager and arrived at the motel after all the passengers were safely tucked away in their rooms. Slim had the desk call and tell each one that dinner at eight would be on Greyhound at the restaurant across the street. Slim hurried to his room and took a shower and put on clean clothes left by him on previous trips. Periodically he would leave clothes to be washed and cleaned in motels from coast to coast. Slim had it figured out and no other driver would want to wear a uniform ten sizes too big for them!

  At eight on the nose he walked across the street into the Log House Restaurant. Slim had called the place telling them to set up the banquet room for his passengers and all was ready when he walked or stooped through the door. This was one of Slim’s favorite places to eat. Their specials were known throughout Arizona. From liver and onions to pot roast to pork chops smothered in mushroom gravy with homemade mashed potatoes could make a grown man cry. Slim waved at the waitresses as he passed into the banquet room. The whole restaurant was made from pine logs. Heavy tables and chairs out of pine gleamed from the many butts that occupied them for so many years. The table cloths were real cotton in the usual checker board motif. Deer heads smiled back at you from the walls along with heavy wood frames of famous people who had stopped by for the good food.

  Slim found the passengers in a lively conversation drinking coffee, or in Al’s case, a cold beer rested not too long in front of him. Bill Silver had a martini with two green olives not far away from his hand as if someone would take it from him. Slim walked up to the front of the long dining table and the conversation stopped. Slim smiled and said, “Well we are going to be here awhile as the tires will not arrive until late tomorrow night; so Greyho
und has told me to find some transportation to the Grand Canyon, all, including lunch tomorrow is on Greyhound.”

  A round of applause greeted him and he sat down to fill up his hollow leg. Lilly was to his right and across the table sat the two love birds: Diane and Rick holding hands under the table. Jasper and wife were sipping cokes through a straw and Sue sat with Al. Lilly was quietly proud as Al had a smile on his face. Sue had little or no makeup on and looked good with a conservative dress on. Herm and Hugh were talking about the new appliances coming out and it looked like Hugh was winning the conversation about Maytag having it all over Hotpoint. Gloria Slick sat there sipping an ice tea just content to be in the group. Bill Silver stood up and offered a toast to Slim and Al for bringing them through unscathed to this wonderful restaurant that hands down made the best martinis he had every drank. Every one clapped as two waitresses brought in on carts mounds of fried chicken and mashed potatoes. A salad stacked high with cold lettuce and thinly sliced veggies were served as starters. Steaming bowls of string beans with cut up bacon sat with the potatoes. Giant napkins, also checker board suggested use of the hands for eating the chicken. Slim dug in like there was no tomorrow and all followed his lead. Lilly loved the cold salad with French dressing. Lilly sat looking at the passengers all enjoying themselves as they were talking back and forth about how wonderful the dinner was.

  If Lilly thought Slim ate a lot for breakfast, she was mistaken as he piled on the mashed potatoes and soon a stack of meatless bones dwarfed his plate as tall as his untouched salad bowl. The gravy bowl sat next to him most of the time as he continued to wolf down the mashed potatoes sopping up the area with homemade rolls. Lilly never said a word just watched him enjoy himself with eating. She had a breast and some veggies and gave up after that. Two guys were still eating when the desert tray came in. Herm and Slim were just finishing up when you had a choice of blackberry pie, carrot cake or ice cream. Slim had all three as did Herm. Lilly had some pie and ice cream and it was simply wonderful. After dinner everyone went their separate ways.


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