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All Aboard! Romance on Route 66

Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Lilly and Slim walked around town window shopping. Lilly noticed a lot of western art in some tourist shops along with Indian hand made goods such as blankets and moccasins. Lilly had Slim’s arm, but it was hard to walk with someone so tall that took giant steps. If he tried to take smaller steps he was even more clumsy than normal. It was almost dark now and time for sleep as they headed back to the motel. The night was warm, not hot as the city was high in the mountains. Slim said as they approached the motel, “If you have never been to the Canyon then you are in for a breathtaking sight.”

  Lilly squeezed his arm and said, “I’m looking forward to it and do you have any idea what time we might go tomorrow.”

  “No, but it shouldn’t take me long to find a bus to take you guys up there. I left word with the desk at the motel and he was going to make some calls for me. I think we should stop there now and see what news might be waiting for us”

  They walked on, now hand in hand and walked into the motel desk. The night clerk had a message from his boss. He handed Slim a note saying a bus was found and would be ready at ten tomorrow morning here at the motel complete with driver. Slim smiled and showed Lilly the note as they left the office headed back to their respective rooms.

  Lilly’s room was next to his room and they stood staring at one another for a few seconds unable to say a word. They both knew how each other felt about the other one, but having no experience in these matters, said good night and went to bed a little frustrated unable to follow natures course.

  Lilly lay in bed unable to sleep. Diane was not home yet. She tossed and turned and then turned on the light next to the bed and started to read her novel. A soft knock on the door turned her attention thinking it was Diane coming home with no key to get in. She put on her bathrobe and opened the door to see Slim standing there shuffling from foot to foot. He stammered and finally got it right by saying, ‘I couldn’t sleep thinking about you. I’m no good at this, but if this funny feeling I have in my stomach and it is not from too much chicken and potatoes, I’m in love with you Lilly Fields.”

  Lilly’s mouth dropped open and rushed into his arms burying her face into his lower chest. His arms went around her and he held her tight. Lilly pushed him back and led him to his open door. She pulled him by the arm and once inside closed the door and locked it. His bedside light was on, but his bed was on the floor. He was too tall for a short bed so he took the covers off and pillow and slept on the floor. Lilly turned the light off and dropped her bathrobe on the bed. She then moved to him and unbuttoned his pajama tops. She had on pajamas too and when he was bare from the waist up, he tried to do the same to her, but his fingers could not make the buttons come loose. She started at the top of her pajama top and worked her was down. She took off her top and stood in front of him. Slim had never seen a woman naked before and he stared at her full breasts. Her nipples were hard and dark. He slowly raised his hands up and she had to take them and place his hands on her breasts. He cupped them and later he told her they were the softest things he had ever held in his life. Effortlessly he lifted her by the armpits and stood her on the bed. Now she was the same height as him. His lips fell on her and years later they laughed at each other for the way they kissed. Slim was totally embarrassed as inside his pajama bottoms had a full load of blood making it a little painful as it stuck out. Lilly reached down and slide his pants down and his member stuck out like a horizontal flag pole. He gasped when she grabbed it and from that point on nature took its course. They slept in each other’s arms all night long and in the morning woke up totally embarrassed.

  Slim said, “Lilly don’t be shy, I love you and I love you more each time I see you. Let’s go with the flow and enjoy each other for the rest of our lives. We are not kids and if you feel the way I do, why not enjoy ourselves.”

  Lilly laughed and said, “You are right Slim,” as she reached down and found him more than ready again.

  Chapter 4

  At ten the next morning they set off for the Grand Canyon. Slim sat with Lilly in the front next to the driver so his long legs could stretch out. There was no doubt that Slim and Lilly was a couple now. Right after breakfast they went shopping. She bought some new summer dresses and sandals and he could be seen decked out in new Lee blue jeans and a colorful cowboy shirt complete with snap buttons on both his pockets. The only thing missing were the boots as his feet were too big and even the jeans were a tad short. All in all they made a cute couple.

  Diane never came home last night and she and Rick were necking in the back of the bus. Sue and Al sat side by side with his arm around her and a perpetual smile on his face. Somehow the two of them connected and were now a couple; much to everyone’s happiness as his bad attitude took a remarkable change for the better. A happy group of people you would be hard pressed to find anywhere in the good ole USA.

  First stop was along a narrow road that ran along the rim. It was a bright sunny day and lots of tourists were parked here and there taking pictures for later memory. Slim took Lilly’s hand and she peeked over the rim looking down into the Colorado River. She put her hand to her throat and gasped at the sight so far down in the earth. It was breath taking and other than a few of them, none had been here before. Lilly had to sit down as she told Slim the deep canyon pulled her towards the edge.

  He laughed and said, “That happens to everyone. Don’t worry I will hold onto your hand.”

  They loaded back up and went from spot to spot looking at the canyon from different angles. Then they drove back and a large low slung restaurant on the side of the road in the short trees had many cars and buses parked around it. It was after two in the afternoon and most of the tourists had already eaten and were loading back into their cars and buses. As usual Slim ate his fair share of a menu. Tables for four were the set up in the place. Diane and Rick sat with Slim and Lilly. By now Diane felt better and her morning sickness was not so bad. She ate a cheeseburger and milkshake the same as Rick had. Lilly had a BLT and Slim had two burgers and two orders of fries along with two double chocolate malts.

  After lunch they headed back to Flagstaff and arrived back at a little after four. Lilly and Sue went to the beauty parlor and Lilly had a makeover. Her hair was cut short, but not so short to make her look like a little girl, but stylish for a mid-forties woman. She had her nails done, both feet and hands. After that they went to the store to buy her some make up. Along the way Lilly bought some Indian bracelets and gave one to Sue. Sue was thrilled and tears ran down her cheeks. She hugged Lilly and went back to the motel to teach her how to put make up on. Dinner was at seven in the lodge restaurant and she wanted to look nice for Slim who upon arriving in town, left for the tire store to check on his bus and an update on the tire situation.

  Later that evening, Lilly with her new look, sat waiting for Slim to come to the restaurant for dinner. Slim directly from the shower in his new duds ambled into the room. He came up short when he saw Lilly. He walked into the waitress who was serving salads spilling a salad into Bill Silver’s lap and also spilling his martini! Slim never took his eyes off her and moved around the mess and sat down banging his knees on the table spilling his water.

  Lilly was blushing up a storm and Slim sat opened mouth at her lovely face. Finally the old waitress that knew him for a long time punched him in the arm and told him to pay attention to what he was doing. She laughed at him and Slim, now embarrassed looked at the whole table of people grinning back at him. He cleared his throat and said, “Folks we will be on the road again in the morning at nine.”

  Then he scanned the table seeing what was for dinner. Then he turned to Lilly” You look beautiful and will you marry me?”

  Lilly turned beat red and Sue about fell out of her chair. Diane screamed and when the word passed, all stood up and clapped. Out of his shirt pocket Slim gave her a small jewelry box. He sat it down in front of her and she couldn’t take her eyes off it. Sue finally poked her in the ribs and whispered for her to open it right now. Lilly w
ith hands shaking undid the bow and lifted the small box out of the larger box. She turned up the lid and a beautiful diamond ring glistened in the light. She carefully lifted it out and put it on her ring finger. It was a perfect fit. Slim had an eye for mechanical things and guessed right about her ring size. Lilly stood up and gave him a hug and kiss to more applause around the table. From down the table someone said, “I haven’t heard her say yes yet.”

  Lilly, with her feet back on the ground said with a too loud voice: “YES.”

  Slim then asked, “What is for dinner? Asking a girl to marry him is making me hungry.”

  The table relaxed and soon dinner was served. Once more plates and bowls of too much food arrived. Rare and not so rare roast beef was thinly sliced and two large serving plates for both ends of the table were placed next to the baked potatoes. Fresh mixed veggies of various colors made it look like a king’s table.

  At the end of the dinner, Slim asked Jasper a question, “Jasper can you marry us in this state?”

  Jasper said, “I’m not sure but if we check with a local minister. I would guess they have a waiting period like most states except Nevada.”

  “Slim there is no hurry and maybe we should wait until Chicago.”

  He patted her hand, “Honey, sounds good to me. Now where is the desert tray?”

  Later that night after a walk around town they went to Slim’s room again. This time they were much better at love making and by the time they got to Chicago they were finding out the secret parts of each other.

  Next morning they headed out for New Mexico. Lilly now spent her time upstairs talking and really looking at the new territory she had never seen before. Next stop for lunch was Gallup, New Mexico. Lilly sat talking to Herm and his wife. She was curious about their immigration after the war to America. Herm answered her question by saying, “We came to New York in forty six. We couldn’t speak any English, but a nice army man helped us to find the train to Los Angeles where we had some distant relatives. We don’t remember much of the trip west, but were amazed at how big the United States was. We came from near Hamburg and after the war, found out how lucky we were to be the Allies Western part of Germany. After the Berlin blockade we left Germany by boat and once in Los Angeles I went to night school to learn English. I worked during the day as a handyman in our apartment building and after two years found a job as an appliance repairman for Hotpoint. Our two boys were young then and now both are grown up and married. One boy lives in Chicago and works for a meat packing company and our other boy is in college in Los Angeles. He works at night and goes to school during the day. He’s a good boy and works hard like most Germans.”

  Lilly asked him, “What did you do during the war?”

  “I was a factory worker making tanks and never had to fight as a soldier.”

  Herm’s wife said, “The first part of the war we never knew much different than before it started. People lived their lives much as they did before the war. I stayed home and took care of the babies and went shopping on the market as usual. Then when the Allies started bombing Germany and Hamburg, by nineteen forty five not much of Hamburg was left standing. We were lucky and made it through the bombing. Now we thank god we are here and made a new life for our family.”

  “Those must have been terrible times and I was just an everyday worker while the war was on. We never suffered much with rationing because there was just the two of us to feed. We didn’t drive so gasoline was not an issue and the only thing that was hard to get was silk stockings.”

  Lilly looked at Herm and his wife and could see with their eyes, that they thought it was not much of a sacrifice to not wear silk stockings and she wished she had never mentioned it.

  Norm looked like he needed a short nap so Lilly stared out the window and the bare desert countryside. Now and then in the distance, some of the mountains she could see had a forest of trees, but mostly red desert mile after mile. She dozed off for a while and woke up coming into Gallup.

  Lunch was at the famous El Rancho Hotel. Movie stars stayed here while filming westerns. Such stars as Allan Ladd, Katharine Hepburn, Jackie Cooper and Ronald Regan were just a few of the Rancho celebrities to stay there. Inside it was beautiful as Lilly stopped and stared looking around. She was standing on Navajo rugs and the wide open lobby with a winding staircase led to the upstairs. Walls had animal trophies staring down at you with glassy eyes; and on the walls were autographed pictures of the movie stars. It was made out of brick and large wooden beams and even on the hottest days, it felt cool inside.

  Slim came up to Lilly. “This is something else, isn’t it?” She nodded and continued looking at the warm comfortable place she was in. Slim led her to the restaurant where some tables were pushed together so the passengers could all eat together. This lunch was off the menu and so everyone chose what they wanted.

  Slim, as usual, had enough for three people for lunch. By now Lilly was used to it as she ordered a crab Louie with ice tea. Sue and Al shared a hamburger and fries and they never took notice if anyone was at the table or not.

  Lilly’s ears picked up on some loud conversation between Hugh the hardware man and the smooth talking Bill the car salesman. Lilly had the impression Hugh was a soft spoken guy with an even temper, but in this case, Ford against Chevrolet, the battle was on. Hugh said, “I’ve been driving Chevy cars all my life and never had an ounce of trouble with them.”

  Bill said, “Yea, well how come they didn’t make a V8 until fifty five?”

  Hugh came back with, “You are going to tell me the flathead V8 was a good motor? And when Ford found out in fifty five they couldn’t equal the performance of a Chevy engine and they spent too much money on new models. Who sells the most cars, Ford or Chevrolet?”

  Bill, now angry, stood up and threw his napkin on the table and walked out in a huff. Hugh smiled and knew he had won the day. The talk went back to normal and Lilly thought and hoped the argument would not carry over onto the bus ride to Albuquerque where they would spend the night. Slim was a little upset with the argument and when he didn’t eat any dessert, well, Lilly felt bad he was upset over the squabble. Lilly decided to talk to Bill as she felt something was bothering him and not just cars.

  After lunch back on the road again she sat with Bill as he stared out the window sulking. Lilly said, “A penny for your thoughts.”

  Bill turned and smiled at her. “You don’t want to know what I’m thinking.”

  “Try me,”

  “Ok, here goes, I left my wife for good. I worked six days a week to support her country club lunches and drinking. She plays bridge most days and loses money every time she goes to the club. We fight all the time and now that the kids are gone, we have nothing in common. I’m sixty years old and now it’s time for me to live my own life for a change. She can have the house and I took the stock and the bank account. I will pick up my new car and travel the States for however long I want to”

  Lilly’s mouth hung open and Bill smiled at her and said, “Well you asked for it”

  “Yes, I did,” she replied.

  “You know Bill, before I met Slim and you would have told me this story, I would have been shocked, but now being with all my new friends, I realized every one of us are the same but different. We all work to support our families and to have a better life, but each relationship is vastly different. I think one should be happy and enjoy life. If not, do something to change it. Why suffer when this great country has so much to offer. Look at Sue and Al for example, both were miserable before this trip now that they found each other, their lives are nothing but happy and wonderful. After talking to Norm and his wife, coming from war torn Germany, let’s be thankful the war didn’t ravage our country too. Sure a lot of our boys never came back, but fighting for what you believe in and for freedom costs a price.”

  Lilly sat back and closed her eyes and thought about the future with Slim. She had never met someone with a bigger heart. Like his driving, he was careful to never offen
d and was tender in all things: especially making love. She smiled inwardly about their inexperience at love making. The last time, she remembered, when all was said and done, he smiled at her and said, “Lilly my damn legs are so long, we need to find another position or give it up entirely!”

  She laughed at him and said, “Where there is a will there is a way.”

  Lilly was brought back to reality when the bus slowed down and stopped. She wondered what was the problem and the other passengers looked out the windows and saw nothing but desert. A few minutes later she heard voices down the stairs and up walked a cowboy with a saddle over his shoulder.

  Chapter 5

  All the passengers stared at him. The cowboy with a sweat stained cowboy hat on tossed his saddle into an empty seat and stood up tall and smiled at the passengers through buck teeth and said, “Howdy folks. My name is Poke Riddle. The nice bus driver stopped and gave me a ride after my old pickup truck died on me. I’m headed for Albuquerque for a rodeo and need to be there to sign up by tonight.”

  Lilly looked at this weather beaten cowboy who appeared about forty, but maybe he was older, hard to tell from his swarthy appearance. He was dressed in a button down shirt with swirls of sequins around the chest. Sweat stained his underarms turning the once bright blue shirt with a faded blue like on a hazy day. His blue jeans were new and they contrasted with his old worn out looking cowboy boots. The most striking thing about Poke was his dark blue eyes that were full of life and mischief. He took his hat off and out popped an unruly head of sandy colored hair. A long nose that he kept wiping suggesting an allergy gave him an aristocratic look were it not to his thick lips and bulge in his cheek of chewing tobacco.


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