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All Aboard! Romance on Route 66

Page 6

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  For those of you who don’t remember, it was here in Albuquerque that Poke rode the once never rode wild bull Pepper. Well Pepper is retired now, but his son is in the lineup tonight and guesses who drew the bull Pepper Jr.? Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Poke Riddle will try and ride the never rode Pepper Jr. By the way, Poke tells us this is his last event and plans to retire after tonight’s ride.”

  Lilly’s heart was in her throat. Poke was not young anymore and he could get hurt very easily. All the bus passengers were talking in low voices about their new friend Poke. The first nine bull riders had their turn and now it was Poke’s final ride. The announcer played for all it was worth building the suspense that really didn’t need building.

  The crowd went silent as they saw the pink shirt climb onto the snarling bull. The bull went a little wild banging the sides of the heavy wooden chute. Poke climbed off and let the bull settle down. The crowd once again quieted down as he settled onto the back of the bull. Finally he was ready and screamed, “Let’r buck.” The gate swung open and out came Pepper Jr. with Poke hanging on for dear life. First the bull did a three sixty and then jumped into the air going down to his knees. Poke somehow hung on and up came the bull bucking and at one point, cleared the ground with all four feet as the horn sounded just as Poke flew off the wild bull. Poke hit the ground stunned and the clowns were on the bull in seconds distracting the bull away from the rider. The crowd went wild and screamed: “Poke, Poke, Poke,” over and over again.

  Poke got up and waved to the crowd and staggered back to the fence. The announcer said, “Ladies and gentlemen, please be patient as there is some discussion as to whether Poke made the eight seconds or not.”

  Silence greeted the announcement. A full five minutes came and went and still no announcement. Finally the announcer came on and said, “By a vote of four to two, Poke Riddle is the new bull riding champion of this year’s event. Congratulations Poke.”

  Lilly and the other passengers jumped up and down clapping and yelling his name. The crowd went wild and stomped the floor of the stands. While the crowd was clapping and shouting his name, a tall man in a western suit walked out to the middle of the arena dragging a stand up mike to make some announcements. The rodeo announcer told the audience his name was Tim ‘Tex’ Williams of the National Rodeo Association. He had a special announcement to make.

  Tex sat his stand down and tested the sound. He said, “Can you hear me?”

  The crowd yelled back at him, “Yes.”

  He then read from a list of event champions and each champion came out to receive his winning check. Poke was the last one called and the other champions stood back and let him have his glory. Poke slowly walked out amid cheers from the crowd. He waved his hat and shook hands with Tex.

  Tex said, “Congratulations Poke, you did it again. The stock provider is really unhappy with you for the second time you rode one of them never rode bulls.”

  The crowd again went wild and Poke took a bow. Lilly had her hand to her mouth and tears were flowing down her face. She looked around and all the passengers were wiping their noses or eyes.

  Tex went on to say, “Poke, we know this is your last rodeo and even before your last ride today the NRA has an offer for you to think about.”

  Out of the gate came a brand new red Chevrolet pickup truck.

  “Poke,” Tex said, “The NRA wants you to have this truck for the many years of dedication to our sport.”

  Poke wiped his eyes and spit a wad of tobacco onto the ground and waved his hat to the crowd once again.

  “In addition, Poke we want to offer you a job with the NRA as our stock manager. You will travel around selecting stock for the circuit. It is a full time job and hope you will think about it.”

  Tex handed the mike to Poke and through an emotional voice Poke said, “Yes, but you didn’t say what the job paid!”

  The crowd went wild and Tex smiled, “Sorry Poke, but we will double your best year on the circuit and throw in all expenses.”

  Poke laughed and told Tex he was their man and would love to have the job.

  Later after the people left the rodeo grounds, Poke took the passengers back to their motel and wished them well. He shook hands with each of them and hugged the ladies. The last time they saw him was driving the tractor back to the rodeo grounds.

  Chapter 7

  Lilly woke up the next morning with a hangover. She felt more tired than when she went to bed. A gloom had set in and she was feeling a little depressed. The excitement had waned after watching Poke ride off into the sunset on his John Deere tractor instead of a white horse. The light was just peeking through the drapes and Slim lay there dead to the world. All night he had been up and down with stomach problems from the dozen or more hot dogs from the rodeo.

  Lilly dragged herself to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. She looked and felt both old and out of shape. She turned the water on and took a long hot shower. At the end of the shower, she turned the cold on and the hot off and yelped at the cold water running across her white body. Slim came running in and asked what the matter was.

  She said, “Don’t worry I just wanted to wake up and turned the cold on full blast.”

  Slim smiled and replaced her in the shower. Thirty minutes later they were sitting in a restaurant ordering breakfast. Slim had called the shop and they told him the bus would be ready at noon.

  Sipping their coffee Slim said, “Lilly I had some much fun yesterday and from the day this trip began I have been so happy and content with you and all the passengers.”

  Lilly replied, “Slim, I know what you mean. I’m sorry if I’m a little down this morning as all the streets are empty and nothing remains but the trash and the lonely banners hanging as limp as I feel.”

  Slim took her hand in his, “Look, we have every day of our lives ahead of us and let’s take them one by one and enjoy them while we can.”

  Lilly smiled at him and replied, “Yes, indeed, from this second on I will thank god and my mother for giving me this opportunity to fall in love with a special guy.”

  Their conversation was interrupted when their breakfast arrived. Slim as usual had plates sat all over the table. The restaurant was noted for its sausage gravy and biscuits. Slim had a double order and bacon on the side. A pile of wheat toast kept the gravy from washing over the side of his plate with one hand while the other hand was busy attacking the biscuits.

  Lilly sat eating oatmeal and dry toast. While they were eating most of the passengers came in and told them what a fun time they had yesterday and when would they leave. Slim answered each one and told them to be ready at one pm from the motel.

  After breakfast Slim went to the garage and Lilly lay on the bed reading her book. A knock on the door produced Herm and his wife. Lilly thought it a little strange, but invited them in. Herm looked a little nervous and Lilly waited for him to speak. She had come to know them fairly well and for the most part they always seemed happy.

  Herm said, “Lilly we don’t mean to tell you our troubles, but we need some advice if you would be so kind to share your thoughts with us.”

  Lilly waited for him to continue as she nodded to him and Herm went on, “We called home and talked to our son. It seems the IRS has chosen us to be audited and our son has no idea what to do. I told him the name of our bookkeeper and he called him, but no answer at his business or house. The IRS guy said he would give us forty eight hours to provide him with our books and now I don’t know what to do.”

  Lilly sat there and digested what he was telling her. How come I was chosen for them to share their troubles with, she asked herself. Well, that is what friends are for she scolded herself.

  “Norm if it was me, I would call Utah and speak with an IRS agent and tell them you need more time. I’m sure they will work with you. It sounds like this guy who intimidated your son needs to be reported to his superiors.”

  Norm perked up and smiled, “By golly why didn’t I think of that. It’s Monday an
d there is no holiday so I will go back to our room and make the call.”

  Both stood up and Gloria gave Lilly a hug and both thanked her ten times going out the door.

  Lilly felt better now and decided to go for a walk before a long bus ride this afternoon. She left the motel into a cloudless sky with a slight wind blowing her short hair. She walked aimlessly and soon discovered she was on the rodeo grounds. A few camping trailers dotted the parking lot and other than that, the place was deserted. Lilly walked into the arena and tried to imagine Poke on a giant bull bent upon throwing the unwanted rider off and goring him with his horns.

  A shiver went down her spine and she heard a voice behind her saying, “Miss is there something you’re looking for?”

  Lilly turned around and looked into the brown eyes of an old Indian. He stood maybe twenty feet away and Lilly wondered if this was the same Indian friend of Pokes.

  She said to him, “No I was just out walking and found myself back here where we watched the rodeo yesterday.”

  The Indian stared at her and said, “You’re a friend of Pokes?”

  Lilly smiled, “Yes, he was kind enough to give us tickets yesterday.”

  Lilly wondered what this was all about and just as she decided to walk off he said, “I’ve been looking for you and knew you would come here

  today so I waited for you. I wanted to tell you that Poke died last night of a heart attack and his last words were to tell the Greyhound people good bye and he would see them on the other side.”

  With that the old Indian walked away leaving Lilly to digest his message. Tears ran down her face as she walked back to the hotel. She thought of Poke that he had so much to live for and now he was gone forever. Her thoughts drifted to his wife and kids wondering what they would do now. She wiped the tears from her face and held her head up high and with some purpose walked quickly back to the motel. Life is fickle and why do such nice people die so early? Her mother was not that old and now someone close to her just passed on. She didn’t know him long, but it was long enough to realize what a good human being he was. It was then she realized she must take care of her man and he needed to stop eating like a horse.

  She opened her motel room door and not twenty seconds later Norm and Gloria came to report good news.

  He said, “We called the IRS and they graciously gave us an extension and to notify them when their books were ready for inspection. They wanted to know the agents name and I gave them our phone number and told them to talk to our son. They were not happy to hear about the rude agent and said they would take care of his attitude very soon.”

  Lilly said, “Good news and let’s celebrate with a nice lunch before we go.”

  All agreed and off they went to the restaurant jabbering away about the rodeo yesterday. Lilly decided it would be of no use to tell them about Poke.

  After lunch, Lilly in the motel room waiting for Slim, thought about the meeting with the Indian. There was something really strange about the encounter in the rodeo arena and she wished Slim would come so she could tell him the story. At the same time she was wishing Slim would come, a soft knock on the door produced her tall man. She opened the door and pulled him in wrapping her arms around his middle and burying her face into his chest.

  “Slim said, “Lilly whatever is the matter?”

  Lilly pulled back and looked up into his concerned face and through tears she said, “I had the strangest experience this morning and I must tell you about it.”

  Slim moved to an uncomfortable motel chair and Lilly sat on the bed and told her story.

  “While you were with your bus I decided to take a walk. I was deep in thought while walking and the next thing I knew I was on the rodeo grounds. I was a little shocked when I realized I was standing in the middle of the arena that still smelled like horses and cattle. The next thing I heard was a voice behind me and the old Indian Poke talked about was standing a little ways away. I will try to remember his exact words so you can make heads or tails of it. He first said to me “I’ve been waiting for you. I knew you would come. Poke was dead from a heart attack last night.”

  “I was in shock and then he went on to say,”

  “His spirit is strong and he wanted me to tell you not to worry. He would be always watching out for you. Later in your new home one day an eagle will circle your house and the eagle will keep watch and protect you and your family.”

  “I remember lowering my head and started walking towards the old Indian and then I looked up and he was gone!”

  Slim with his mouth hanging open, said, “You mean one minute he was there and the next minute he disappeared?”

  “Yes, that is what I’m telling you and it scares the daylights out of me.”

  Slim stood up and hugged his future wife and said into her fresh smelling hair, “Not to worry as many legends exist that tell of strange things about Native American religious beliefs. I’m sure it is not a bad sign, but a good sign and let’s have some good memories of Poke and his Indian friend.”

  “Now my dear, the bus is ready to roll and let’s have some lunch.

  “Sorry I have already eaten with Hugh and Gloria but I will go with you as I don’t want to be alone.”

  Sitting down in the restaurant, Slim managed to not spill or knock his knees against the table sat reading the menu.

  The waitress came and said, “Welcome back. Is there something I can get you to drink?”

  Lilly smiled, “Some ice tea would be nice.”

  Slim looked up and said, “I’ll have two chicken salad sandwiches and a double order of French fries.”

  Lilly interjected before the waitress could write it down and said, “The chicken sandwiches are fine, but forget the fries.”

  Slim looked at her shocked and with a quizzical look on his face started to say something when Lilly said, “Slim too much deep fried foods are not good for you and I want you around for a long time.”

  Slim smiled and said to the waitress, “Forget the fries, but bring me a large chocolate shake please.”

  After the waitress left they talked about the trip ahead and then Slim said, “We have two new passengers that will go with us the rest of the way to Chicago. My boss said they would be ready and waiting at the motel at one p.m.”

  “I always like some new company and hope they fit into our little family of passengers.”

  Slim nodded and began devouring his just arrived lunch.

  All the passengers were ready waiting by their bags for Slim to come with the bus. The two new passengers stood off by themselves and Lilly’s first impression was he was an arrogant man and his wife appeared too condescending for her likes.

  He was short and his body had gone to seed many years ago. He looked in his sixties and her about the same. From his frumpy suit and too tight dress shirt with a tie that looked like it was strangling him, his round red face and small eyes made him look like a shyster rather than the president and owner of the local bank?

  He was grumbling and pacing around in circles waiting for the bus. He kept looking at his watch on his fat wrist and glancing down the street looking for the bus. Not much conversation was going on except Diane and Rick who were playing a game of poke you and run. Jasper stared at the couple and had a bit of a frown on his face as Slim pulled up in the bus.

  Lilly overheard the banker say, “It’s about time and time is money.”

  Slim almost did a replay of falling out of the bus, but caught him at the last minute. His long legs carried him down to the baggage compartments and open them up for loading. A grounds keeper man from the motel helped Slim load the bags and the banker was in Slim’s ear most of the time. Slim, with years of experience with unruly or obnoxious passengers handled him well. The regular passengers hurried onto the bus and the new passengers were the last to board. Rick and Diane sat downstairs as usual and Lilly and the rest of them made their way to the upper level. The banker was still muttering to no one in particular and his wife smiled at the other p
assengers while taking a seat next to a window. Lilly noticed the banker had a giant briefcase and he struggled to put on the floor between his fat legs. Lilly smiled inwardly and felt some pity for the banker’s wife. The bus pulled out on the main highway through town and because of the engine noise, Lilly couldn’t hear what the new passengers were talking about.

  Albuquerque left behind they motored east. Lilly closed her eyes and all she could see was the image of the old Indian. She opened her eyes and turned to her seat mate Bill and started a conversation about the rodeo yesterday. Bill didn’t appear to be in a talkative mood so Lilly once again closed her eyes and took a nap.

  Lilly woke up when the bus pulled over and stopped. Slim’s voice over the intercom said, “Folks we are stopping in Tucumcari for a coffee and pie break. We’re about four hours out of Amarillo which is our stop for the night. I know it will be a little late getting into Amarillo but the food and motel is excellent.”

  Slim had pulled into a truck stop and as he circled around and parked, he waited for the dust to settle before opening the door. Lilly was behind the banker and his wife listening to him complain about stopping when he should be making for Amarillo so he could make some phone calls.

  His wife said to him, “Carl, be quiet and be pleasant. You are making a spectacle of yourself.”

  Carl just grunted and made his way down the stairs very carefully with his bulk and short legs having a difficult time with the stairs all the way to the ground. Safely in the parking lot, he strode off looking like a duck headed to a pond.

  His wife hung back a little and introduced herself to Lilly. “I must apologize for my husband. He’s not good and by the year gets grumpy. So much pressure these days as times are good and more and more people want to borrow money. On top of that his vice-president resigned a month ago and now is starting up a new bank across the street from ours.”


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