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All Aboard! Romance on Route 66

Page 5

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Nobody said a word and Lilly stood up and walked up to him holding out her hand and introducing herself to him. Poke shook her hand and said, “Mighty glad to meet you madam. I’m not here to bother you folks, but need to get to town and register for the rodeo.”

  He was still shaking her hand and Lilly had to pull it away. He said, “Sorry I just get so flustered when I meet a pretty woman.”

  Up close Lilly could see the hard road of life look on his face and his hands were much callused and rough. “Welcome to our little group of travelers and we would love to hear some of your stories. I for one have never been to a rodeo and know next to nothing about what goes on. I heard they have fast horses and big cattle and some clowns to protect the riders, is that right? ’”

  Poke said, “You got it right Lilly, I’m a bull rider and calf roper. Right now I’m out of a horse, but will ride the bulls tomorrow.”

  He looked up at the rest of the passengers, “We riders get lots of free tickets to the rodeo and I’m inviting all of you to be my guests tomorrow.”

  Lilly answered, “I’m afraid we have a schedule and will miss it”

  “I’ll talk to the bus driver and see if he can change his schedule.”

  Meanwhile, the bus rolled on with Poke entertaining the passengers with cowboy and rodeo stories. He told them it was hard for him to sit down as his hind end was always sore from riding the bucking bulls.

  Bill stood up and asked him, “Hey Poke, my name is Bill and if you don’t mind, tell us how you got the name Poke?”

  Poke laughed and said, “That is a not a short story, but seeing we have lots of time…. well, it started when I was a kid in El Paso. We lived in a one horse town and it had only one school. I wasn’t much on learnin and my ma always made me go to school. We lived on a small ranch about a mile out of town and I walked to school every day. When I was walking I started daydreaming of being a rodeo star. I would stop and pretend to rope a calf and think of other things, like riding a bucking bronco while the crowd cheered my name. By the time I got to school, it was almost recess and the kids started calling me Poke for beings so slow both in the head and walking. The name stuck and to tell you the truth, I can’t remember my real name.”

  The passengers laughed and as gross as it sounds, Poke spit in an empty coke bottle. By now he had them going and he kept it up with another story about an Indian friend of his who, as Poke told the story, “When I was flush my Indian friend would take care of my horse and we would travel from rodeo to rodeo. One day just outside of Amarillo he asked me to pull over and stop. I looked around and saw nothing but desert and sagebrush. He told me to go on and he would see me later in town. Now, it is impossible for you to ask an Indian where he is going because he will not tell you. I noticed he walked into the desert as I pulled back onto the highway. That night I’m parked in the lot brushing my horse down when he walks up with a young Indian girl about eighteen. He tells me this is his niece and she doesn’t have anywhere to live. He then told me she was mine and to take care of her. At the time I was around twenty five and not married. I stood there with my mouth open and this Indian girl walked up to me and took the horse brush and started brushing my horse. Now, I had very little money and slept in the pickup truck. The old Indian disappeared and I didn’t see him again until after the rodeo. The Indian girl slept in the horse trailer and I ask you folks now, what would you do if you were me?”

  The group of passengers just stared at him and Al stood up and said, “I know what you did.”

  Poke with a serious look said, “what did I do young feller? ’

  Al smiled, “You married her.”

  “Give that man a cupid doll. He is right. I married her and now we have three kids and we live in Amarillo.”

  Clapping was heard and Poke took a bow.

  Someone said, “More, I want to hear more stories.”

  Poke scratched his three day growth of white mixed with red stubble and thought for a minute and then with a smile, “Let me tell you about the time a friend of mine, a clown at a rodeo in San Antonio who saved my life at the expense of his broken leg. I had a bad draw on a Brahma bull named Pepper. Someone named him right as he was hot as a Mexican red pepper. This was back in my hay day and I was up for the challenge. I spent all morning and into the afternoon talking to myself. Nobody had ever ridden him before. You know we are a family on the rodeo circuit and all my friends said to me, ‘you can do it Poke’ and I believed them. At three o’clock the call for bull riders and we went out and all of us got ready. I had on a new pink shirt and new Lee jeans and boots from Justin. On top of my head a new white hat and a red kerchief around my neck. I was the last one up and when it came my turn, the announcer gave off his spiel telling the crowd about how Pepper had never been ridden and a new star of bull riding, Poke Riddle, was going to show the folks how a bull is rode for eight seconds. Now, folks if you think eight seconds are not very long, then jump on an angry bull that weights more than a ton whose skin moves six inches any direction he wants it to, then be my guest. Well, I climbed the fence and slowly took my place on his twitching back. He snorted his disapproval and I very slowly tied my hand to my gut strap which goes around the belly of the bull. Anyway, my grip is good and I used my other hand to pull down my hat so I can barely see and give the gate opener the let it go scream. What I remember is the bull hitting the front fence breaking a board or two and then backing out into the arena. Eight seconds of twisting and turning my hat flying off and my left arm reaching for the sky to God for help, when the horn went off and so did I. I went off his high side and my hand was caught in the strap. Pepper was still bucking away and knew I was still attached somehow so he headed for the arena wall to brush me off. This is where the clowns come and save the rider. I hit the side wall and my friend the clown jumps in front of the bull and the bull hesitates a moment and I come loose. The bull lowers his head and plows into the clown sending him over the back of the bull onto the arena floor breaking his leg. The other clown manages to attract the bull’s attention and men on horseback herd him into the exit gate. I’m dazed but only a few ribs are cracked. My friend healed up and still today is one of the circuits leading clowns. As for me, I took the first prize of fifty dollars and the pride of knowing I was the first one and only one to ever ride Pepper.”

  Lilly and others grinned and gave him a round of applause. Poke grinned and spit into his coke bottle.

  Just then the bus slowed down and stopped. Minutes before Slim had noticed the engine temp slowly rising and falling back down. He knew something was not right and found a pull off and stopped. Once parked, he left the motor running and walked to the back of the bus and lifted the panel to look at the motor; and Al joined him looking at some water dripping on the ground.

  Slim said, “I think the water pump is defective. I sure hope we can make it to town.”

  “I think you are right Slim, and how far is it to town from here?”

  “Not far about thirty miles and I know a good shop that works on trucks and buses.”

  “Let’s hurry and get there before we run out of water.”

  Slim agreed with him and they moved quickly to make it to town before they had to stop so as not to burn up the motor.

  Al filled the passengers in on the problem and said they would be spending the night and probably the next day in Albuquerque waiting for the bus to get fixed.

  Poke said, “Hey you guys can come to the rodeo after all.”

  The passengers all clapped their approval and for the next thirty miles sang 99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.

  Pulling into the repair shop, Slim went down to see the service manager and to call once again Greyhound breakdown. Slim found out the repair shop didn’t have the water pump in stock and would have to order it from the factory. They would put it on a bus from Detroit and it would be there in two days. Once again Greyhound picked up the tab on the hotel and extra food. The passengers were all happy and excited to go see a rodeo and watch th
e famous Poke ride the bull.

  Chapter 6

  Albuquerque was decked out like a Fourth of July. Red, white and blue banner advertising the rodeo hung across every street corner. The streets were filled with tourists eating cotton candy and packing balloons. Lilly was excited and so were the others. Slim had given Poke his motel room and stayed with Lilly. Poke told them the rodeo would start around noon with a show of local Indians making music and showing off their riding ability. In addition, stage coach races delighted the crowd. Of course barrel racing was always high on the list of events in any rodeo. He went on to tell them a parade would start at nine am and it was well worth watching as floats and many horse clubs displaying their prize horses. That was the last they saw of Poke as he headed to the fairgrounds to sign up and visit with friends.

  Slim and Lilly had a nice barbeque dinner and walked around town window shopping and people watching. Standing on a corner they watched an old fire truck rattling down the street with a hundred kids hanging off it throwing candy. Every now and then a cowboy or cowgirl would ride through town waving and throwing candy at the kids. Lilly was so happy and her smile never left her face. Slim held on to her like a calf roper in the heat of a rodeo.

  “Slim bent over and said to her, “Honey let’s find some ice cream.”

  Lilly looked up and nodded her head. They continued walking and not far they heard the sound of an ice cream wagon. A line of kids waiting for their turn as Slim walked up to take his place in line. Lilly thought I need a camera about now as she observed the tall Slim in line with what looked like a bunch of midgets. When it came to his turn, Slim had to bend way down to talk to the ice cream man under an umbrella. Lilly felt a little sorry for him, but he had a big smile on his face coming back with two cones. Lilly’s cone was a two scooper and he had four scoops of various flavors balanced delicately on top of each other. They moved out of the way and the ever cautious Slim licked and in the end, never lost a scoop to the sidewalk. Lilly couldn’t finish hers so she gave Slim what was left. Just like a kid, she thought. Lilly pulled his arm and Slim bent down as she whispered into his ear. A big smile crossed his face and they turned for the motel and a long night love affair with sleep to match.

  The parade started at around nine after a hungry man’s breakfast for Slim, they hurried to a good location as the sounds of a faraway band were heard. Streets were closed off and the sidewalks were packed with people. Slim had brought a wooden kitchen chair for Lilly and with his height; both had a bird’s eye view of the coming parade. First the high school band with the girl’s baton team came to lead the way. After that new convertible car came with the cities dignitaries sitting on the back waving at the crowd with politician smiles. Right behind them the clowns and the local clubs in old antique cars with other members walking alongside them led the first of the floats. Lilly was so excited and caught up in the fun of things that Slim had to hold on to her tight so she wouldn’t fall off the chair. Following the floats the cowboys from the rodeo and the local riding clubs slowly passed by dropping occasionally a road apple or two. The last float brought the queen and her court decked out on a truck full of flowers and in the cowboy motif of the event coming up later in the day.

  Lilly climbed down with Slim’s help and gave him a big hug. “What was that for?” He asked.

  “That’s for a lucky thing for us your bus broke down,” she said with a sly look on her face.

  They hurried back to the motel and a rest before going to the rodeo.

  Poke showed up at the motel to take them to the rodeo grounds. Everyone was excited as they made ready to go. Out front Poke had a new John Deere tractor with a trailer for the passengers to ride on. Bales of hay provided seats and with everyone aboard, slowly drove off to the rodeo grounds. Poke had outdone himself with box seats for his Greyhound friends. Their box sat on the fifty yard line and was totally covered from the hot sun.

  Lilly thought he looked terrific. He was clean shaven and wore new clothes so stiff it looked like he was having trouble walking. Lilly wondered if he was on a nostalgia trip with his pink shirt and Lee jeans and low and behold new cowboy boots on. A red handkerchief around his neck and a big bulge in his cheek made him look the real part of a cowboy. He told them he could hang around awhile as the bull riding was the last on the event list for the day.

  First out were the Indians showing off their dancing and singing in the old ways. While that was going on next came the expert Indian riders showing off their stuff by riding standing up at a full gallop and riding backwards to the delight of the crowd. While the Indians made their way out of the arena, the stage coaches made their way into the arena. Eight of them made up two teams for racing. The two winners of the heats would face off for ten laps of racing.

  Inside the box the group of passengers was going crazy with happiness. Even Herm and Viola were enjoying themselves. Poke wanted to make a wager on the coach races and Slim took him up on it. Slim won the first race and Poke the second. Now it was down to the two finalists. Both of them stayed with their respective winners and when the shot sounded for takeoff, both Slim and Poke stood up and cheered their coaches on. Coming into the final lap it was neck and neck with Slim’s them on the inside. Rounding the last corner coming to the finish line they were dead even as they crossed the finish line. Lilly thought Slim would have a heart attack he was so excited. The entire crowd was on their feet as they waited for the announcer to tell them who won. Finally the announcer said, “Folks we have a dead heat and a flip of the coin will decide the winner.”

  The rodeo queen met the two drivers in the center of the arena and tossed the coin in the air. It came down and Slim’s team was the winner. Poke grinned and gave Slim the nickel bet they agreed on.

  Still standing and in between events, Slim heard a voice saying, “Hot dogs, get your hot dogs here: Five cent hot dogs.”

  Slim was hungry as usual and as he turned around to get the hot dog man’s attention he tripped over his chair and fell into Herm and Viola’s laps. Lilly turned to help as did Poke and Bill who were sitting next to Herm.

  All were helping them up when Slim said, “Damn long legs” and noticed a stern look from Jasper.

  “Sorry Jasper, I lost my head for a minute.”

  Slim picked himself up and apologized to Herm and Viola.

  Both said to Slim, “No worry we are fine.”

  By now the hot dog man was standing at the back of the box laughing at Slim. Slim straightened up and said in a too loud voice, “Sonny how many dogs you got in your box?”

  The pimple faced kid looked at the roof and said, “Twenty nine. I just sold one and my box comes with thirty and all the mustard you want.”

  “I want them all and find the pop man and bring me a case of orange soda.”

  The hot dog man took off his hot dog box and sat it on the stairs to the box seats and took off for another box and to find the pop guy and tell him a crazy tall man had a fist full of money.

  Everybody sat down and waited for the next event. Lilly said none too quietly to Slim, “Slim! Behave yourself.”

  Slim turned red, “I’m sorry Lilly but the hot dog guy laughed at me.”

  “You act like a little spoiled kid.”

  Slim hung his head and then Lilly patted his leg. He snapped to with a big smile and dug into the box of hot dogs passing them out to all that wanted one or two. The pop guy came and drinks went around as the calf roping started.

  Poke told them it was a timed event and once the calf was roped the cowboy had to take down the calf and tie its legs up. This was done for branding and is still in practice today. Lilly was confused and after the first two or three calf ropers, she caught on and became involved with the event. Poke leaned over with a mouth full of tobacco and said, “This next guy is the World’s Champion calf roper. His time will be in the low seven seconds; just you watch how good he is.”

  Lilly on the edge of her seat watched the calf break out of the chute and the roper hot on
its tail. His hat flew off and the rope found its mark. The cowboy was off his horse and running down the rope as his quarter horse backed up as he was trained to do. The cowboy took out of his back pocket his short tie up rope, quickly tied up three legs and at the time Poke mentioned it was all over.

  Lilly was holding her breath and let out a big sigh saying, “My god that was fabulous; such teamwork between horse and man.”

  Slim nodded with a mouth full of hot dogs and washed it down with some orange pop.

  Poke told them he had to leave now and get ready for his event coming up after the bronco riding. Everyone wished him well and turned back to the next event. This event pitted the horse and cowboy against a running steer mostly grown to full weight. The cowboy once alongside the racing animal, would slide off and wrap his arms around the neck and head of the steer and put it to the ground. Once the animal was on the ground, a flag would drop and a time recorded. This event stirred the crowd and especially the bus passengers.

  After it was all over, Lilly said, “I can’t take much more of this. I’m worn out and there is more yet to come?”

  Slim smiled and polished off the last hot dog. The hot dog guy came back and picked up his box and shook his head. Never had he seen one man eat so many hot dogs in his life. Slim stood up and rubbed his belly and gave off a big belch. Lilly gave him a stern look and Slim’s face turned red again. He apologized to everyone and most just smiled at the big guy.

  Diane and Rick were having the most fun betting on each rider or animal. Bill was getting a little too happy with all the beer he was drinking along with Al. When Lilly looked around at the bus passengers all were enjoying the rodeo to the fullest.

  The announcer said, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the event you have been waiting for. All of our events are dangerous, but the bull riding is the most dangerous. Please welcome our clowns who serve to protect our boys from angry bulls. Their jobs are the hardest in any rodeo. We have today two veterans with more than thirty years’ experience between them. We have ten bull riders today and we are pleased to say we have our old friend and past champion Poke Riddle from Amarillo, Texas.


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