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Tank: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 2)

Page 13

by Chelsea Handcock

  Tank got up and left the room, leaving behind a man he didn’t even know; that person behind that desk wasn’t any father of his, he was a monster. Good thing Tank knew exactly how to deal with monsters. The shot rang out before he even made it down the hallway. Yeah, he knew how to deal with monsters.

  Getting through the door and onto the porch, Tank watched both Link and Tuck straighten from the door they had been guarding.

  “Where is Rosalee?”

  “In her room, I’m sure she’s either called the cops or is going to check on you dad.”

  “Yeah, figured as much. At least we don’t have to call it in. Less mess for the RBMC.”

  “Yeah, but hey we live to clean up messes.”

  “Yeah, right,” Tank laughed. “You two head out. I’m going to wait here for the cops to come, they're going to have questions.”

  “Don’t think so, brother, we’re in this together, and I might have called in a few favors. Tanner’s going to be handling your Dad’s case. Talon will forward him the video surveillance in about a half hour or so. They’re going to want to know what you two were talking about though. What are you going to tell them?”

  “The truth, I found out about his other family, and I was pissed, so I confronted his ass. Nothing else needs to be said; I didn’t do anything but talk to the man.”

  “You want me to call and talk with your mom and sister,” Tuck asked.

  “No, let them enjoy a few more hours of peace before I have to blow it all to hell, they deserve that much. But can you have Talon get Barbara Stanton’s information? Someone is going to have to call her, and it might as well be me.”

  “You’re pretty calm about all this. I don’t know if I would be the same way with all the shit you’ve found out about in that last couple of weeks.”

  “You know what? I don’t give a shit. I have my woman and my club. What else could I possibly need? This shit,” Tank said indicating the house, “is all and illusion, something created out of greed and arrogance. The shit that happened in there was easy; living with all the bullshit and guilt all these years instead of putting it where it belongs, that was the hard shit, man. I never wanted what he had planned for me, and right now, I can only think about one thing, getting back to my Old Lady.”

  “So, you’re finally going to do it, claim her in the right way?”

  “Damn right, I am. I’m never letting her go again. I fucked up once, hell more than once; I won’t do it again.”

  “It looks like the RBMC will be throwing one hell of a party here pretty soon Congratulations, brother,” Links said, slapping him on the back.

  “Thanks, man, feels good to finally have my head out of my ass. Just don’t tell Whiskey I said that shit because I will deny it.”

  “It’s about time, fucker.” Tuck and Link both laughed.

  Chapter 19

  Shit, it had been one hell of a long assed day, Tank thought, pulling up into his driveway. All he wanted to do was get in bed with Reagan, hold her, and let the past several hours fade the fuck away. Tomorrow would be another fucked up day with his mom and sister coming back into town; news of his dad’s suicide had already been plastered all over the news networks. If that wasn’t bad enough, he still had to tell them about his dad’s other family. Fuck.

  “What’s up?” Tank asked Crash, who was standing on the porch waiting for him

  “Reagan’s waiting for you, she saw the news and has been worried. She wouldn’t take her meds or eat anything, man. I know you have a lot going on, but Rea’s freaking out that you didn’t call. I had to promise that if you didn’t get back here within the hour, I would take her down to the station. I’m just glad you finally showed up.”

  “Shit, man, sorry. Go on home or whatever, I’ve got Reagan. I didn’t think this shit would last all damn day. Thanks for having my back.”

  “That’s what brothers are for. You two need anything, you know my number,” Crash said, slapping Tank on the back and heading to his own bike.

  Tank walked up the porch and into the house and the first thing he saw was Reagan. Damn, she was a sight for sore eyes. Opening his arms, Reagan didn’t leave him hanging, walking right to him, so he could hold her just like he wanted.

  “Are you okay? I saw. Damn, Tank, I’m so sorry.”

  “Nothing for you to be sorry about, babe.”

  “Are you okay?” she asked, looking up at him with those beautiful copper eyes. Damn, she took his breath away.

  “Fuck, babe, I can’t answer that right now, I don’t know. He did some much fucked up shit.”

  “But he was still you Dad, Brayden. I know this is hurting you.”

  “Rea, I just don’t know how to feel right now.”

  “I get it. Hell, when I found out about my parents… shit, it still hurt even knowing they were crappy people, even knowing what they were planning to do to Lexie. I caught myself thinking of the one and only time my Dad gave me a present for my birthday I had to have been about eight at the time, and I wanted this glitter Barbie,” Reagan laughed.

  “Glitter Barbie?” Tank raised his eyebrow.

  “Yeah, I know, but still, I was a little girl and that Barbie meant the world to me then. He walked into the house handed me the box and walked away. Nothing special, heck, the Barbie wasn’t even the one I wanted, but he took the time to get something for me and it made me feel special. My parents didn’t have any redeeming qualities, Tank, but that day, I can honestly say, he made me feel close to him on some level, and I cherished the memory.

  “You and your dad had more than one memory. You had a lifetime. It’s okay to mourn him. It’s okay to say that you loved him; it’s also okay to say that you're pissed as hell at him. The things he did were awful, and you will carry that for a long time. I just wish you would let me help you with that.”

  “Babe, I keep going back to the same thing; I should have known, I should have figured this out and did something.”


  “What do you mean, why?”

  “I mean why should you have known when no one else did? Why should you have done something? That’s the thing, I played that game too. Their crimes, their actions are on them. We need to leave it with them or it will drive us nuts.”

  “He didn’t pay for his crimes, Rea, and that’s because of me. I knew when I went there that he would end his life instead of owning up to what he has done. What kind of person does that make me?”

  “Did you put the gun in his hand? Did you tell him to shoot himself?”

  “Rea, I might not have put the gun in his hand or said the words, but he did it because of me.”

  “No, he did it because he was a coward, he did it because he didn’t want to face what was going to happen when his crimes came to light. He did it because he wasn’t strong enough to own up to his betrayal of his family and your mom. I could go on and on. None of that had anything to do with you.”

  Tank held her a little more closely, he wasn’t sure if he was able to forget or even, hell, forgive either himself or his dad just yet, but talking to her made him feel better. When he felt her wince, he knew she was in pain, and it was about time he started taking care of the one person in the world who meant the most to him.

  “Babe, how about I get your medicine and we can go to bed. It’s been a hell of a day and tomorrow is only going to get worse, but I would like it if you were by my side. Mom and Everly are going to have a lot of questions, and I don’t think I can get through it without you there.”

  “I wouldn’t be anywhere else,” Reagan kissed his chin, “but no medicine. I don’t like the way it makes me feel, the pain isn’t that bad anyway, just annoying.”

  “Babe, seriously, you don’t need to be pushing it, Doc said to take the medicine, so take it if you need it, I don’t like seeing you hurting.”

  “It’s nothing a hot bath and a warm man won’t fix. Any idea where I can find one of those?”

  Damn, Tank couldn’t resist leaning forward he
captured Reagan's lips in a heated kiss. He had been so careful with her lately, waiting for her to heal. But laying with her night after night unable to do anything but hold her, had his nuts about to burst and it seemed Reagan wasn’t in any better shape. He loved her sweet little moans and the way she was trying her best to climb his body.

  Tank picked her up by her ass and Reagan wrapped her legs around his waist; damn he could feel her heat through his jeans. Maneuvering her a little so that she laid her arms around his neck, he started walking. He knew exactly what they both needed right now.

  Reagan didn’t care where Tank was taking her, all she knew is that she wanted him, wanted him more than anything else. She had never regretted wearing clothes as much as she did right now, she wanted to feel him skin to skin with her. He was almost desperate for it, they had waited so long, and she didn’t want to wait a second longer to feel him inside her. The kiss turned frantic, teeth clashing, tongues fighting for ground, it was amazing. When Tank growled and pushed her hips away from his body, she couldn’t help the whimper that escaped her mouth; all she could think was, No!

  When her feet hit the cold ground of the deck, she looked to him, pleading with her eyes for him not to stop this.

  “Take your clothes off, babe,” Tank grumbled, “now.”

  Reagan looked around and realized they were standing next to the hot tub. She watched him as he removed the cover and started to take off his shirt. Damn, the man was a piece of art. Reagan giggled, thinking of the conversation she and Suzie had earlier; his arms weren’t the only thing that tripped her trigger. Tank walked back to her and pulled her close to his body letting her feel his aroused length.

  “Do you find something funny, Babe?” He had a scowl on his face, but the corners of his lips were curling. Bringing her hand up, she was instantly snapped back to reality. She wanted to cup his face, touch him, and feel him, but the damn casts were in the way.

  “None of that, Reagan.” Tank took her casted hand and kissed her fingertips. “I have seen far too many frowns on that gorgeous face of yours. Let me make you feel good, babe.”

  “I want that, but I can’t touch you, these damn things are in the way and as much as I want to jump into the hot tub with you I can’t,” Reagan said holding up her hands.

  “Babe,” Tank smiled, “as much as I want your hands all over me, that shit can wait. As for the casts, I have a plan, all you have to do is trust me. Damn, Rea, I want you so bad right now.”

  With her help, they removed her top. Tank couldn’t resist getting on his knees and worshipping the woman he loved. Cupping her breast, he latched his lips around her nipple and sucked hard. Her tiny nipples peaked, diamond hard in his mouth, making him smile. Adding more pressure, he continued his assault, adding lashing swipes of his tongue until Reagan was squirming in his arms. Cupping her sex, Tank used his fingers to rub circles around her clit. He felt the moisture as it dampened her pants.

  When he moved his hands away from her breast, and heated core, Reagan’s huff of disappointment made him laugh. Nuzzling her stomach with his cheek and lips, he brought both his hands to her hips; it took less than five seconds for him to free her of her pants. Licking her belly button, he put his hand behind her knee and lifted it up to his shoulder. He felt her hand on his shoulder; she didn’t need to worry, he would never let her fall.

  Tank ran his nose over the soft, dewy hairs that led to the promise land. Fuck, she smelled good. Grabbing her hips again, he pulled her closer to his mouth. The first taste of her exploded in his mouth, and he didn’t think there was anything sweeter. Once he felt the precious little nub on the tip of his tongue, he latched on and sucked hard. He didn’t want to draw this out that could come later. Right now, he wanted to hear her scream out his name and quake in his arms. Anchoring her with one arm, he brought his other hand to her cunt, placing a finger at the entrance, guiding it into her molten pussy. Tank was unable to hold back the groan.

  “Fuck, babe, so tight and wet for me. I can’t wait to feel you around my cock.” Tank could feel the tremors as her pussy started to constrict on his finger. Placing his lips around her clit once again, he started to lash it with his tongue, and it only took a few seconds for Reagan to explode. He pulled his finger out of her body, so that his mouth could get every bit of her sweet release. When Reagan started to slump in his arms, he reluctantly pulled back and stood up, helping Reagan until she was sitting on the steps of the hot tub.

  If he thought she was beautiful before, he was blown away now, flush from her orgasm, completely naked sitting in front of him, waiting for whatever he had planned. Damn, she was everything. Leaning forward, he kissed her long and deep.

  “Babe, can you move?” Tank laughed. She had a goofy, euphoric grin on her face like she had just been given the best gift. Tank had seen Reagan come many times, but this time was different, better. This time there were no barriers between them. “Come on, let me help you into the hot tub.” Once he got her situated, he told her, “Wait here for me, babe, I’ll be right back” Reagan looked puzzled but nodded. Her sigh of contentment as the hot water and bubbles surrounded her, made him happier than he had been in a very long time.

  Standing, he had to pop the button on his jeans. He was so damn hard it hurt, but he needed to make sure that Reagan was taken care of before they could go any further. Running into the house, he knew exactly what he needed. Grabbing it from the kitchen drawer, he ran out onto the deck, holding his prize up like it was an Oscar.

  “I got the protection, Babe!” Reagan laughed when she saw, and held her hands up. It didn’t take him long to wrap the Saran wrap around her cast and take off the soft cast. He stood back and finally rid himself of his jeans and boots; hell, releasing the zipper made him groan.

  Tank stood on the deck naked, stroking his cock and Reagan had to swallow the saliva that gathered in her mouth. Damn, she wanted him so bad it didn’t matter that less than five minutes ago she had had one of the most incredible orgasms of her life. She could feel another one building in her core, but there was something she wanted to do more, right at that moment.

  “See something you like, Babe?”

  “Why don’t you come over here and find out?” Reagan pushed herself to the edge of the hot tub and leaned over. When he came closer, his cock was right where she needed it. Sticking her tongue out, she licked the spongy, plum-shaped head, removing the bead of cum. Shit, she had been wanting to do this for so long now that she almost couldn’t decide what to do next. Using her tongue, she explored every inch of him, every vein and notch. She finally wrapped her lips around the head and sucked, Tank groaned and pushed himself further into her mouth.

  “Damn, Babe,” Tank pulled back abruptly causing Reagan to release him from her lips, “you’re going to make me come and I don’t want to come in that sweet little mouth. I have other plans, I want to mark you, fill you with my cum, so no other man ever comes near you again. Everyone will know you’re mine. Stay just the way you are, don’t move, he growled, and Reagan shivered.

  Shit, she loved it when he talked dirty to her and took charge. As much as she wanted to feel him explode in her mouth, she wanted to feel him other places more. Reagan watched as he got into the hot tub. He disappeared from her line of sight, and she felt his heat at her back, his body surrounded her. Reagan started moaning when he started kissing her back and neck. She knew what was going to happen next and held her breath; this was it, the moment the two of them became one. Grabbing Reagan's hips, Tank guided his cock into her soaking wet cunt, swallowing the groan as he did.

  “Fuck, baby. You're so fucking wet and tight for me. God, I have waited so long for this.”

  Reagan was beside herself in a cloud of ecstasy, feeling Tank in her body was amazing, he was so big and stretched her just right. Every time he moved, the sensitive nerves in her channel lit up like fourth of July fireworks, but he was going too slow, she needed more. Reagan pushed back into his thrust.

  “Please, oh god, T
ank, please fuck me.”

  “I’m not fucking you, Reagan.” Tank moved forward, rocking his hips harder into her body, thrusting harder. “I’m claiming you, every part of you. Can you feel it?” Reagan screamed yes at the same time she pushed back against him, lodging him deeper within her body.

  “That’s it, baby,” Tank said, his lips pressed to her ear, “come for me, let go and give us both what we want. Fuck, Reagan, you’re so hot, tight, and wet. I’ve been dreaming of this, but fuck, the reality is so much better.” Tank pulled back and then slammed back into her body. “Fuck, Babe, the way you're clamping down on me, pulling me deeper, shit,” he said slamming into her again, and again, punctuating his words. “So, fucking, good. I knew it would be like this, I knew that once I got inside you, I would never let you go.”

  Reagan whimpered, shit she couldn’t do anything else she was on the verge of a monumental orgasm, and his words only added to her experience.

  When Reagan leaned her head back and bit his ear lobe, Tank almost lost it. He moved one of his hands to her clit and rubbed. She was squeezing his dick so tightly now, he had to bite his own damn lip and focus on the pain to keep from coming.

  “That’s it, Baby, let go, let me fill your tight little cunt up with my cum.” When her body tensed, he knew he had her, and when she screamed his name, Brayden he was gone, joining her as they both careened right off the edge together. Tank fell back into the hot tub, pulling Reagan with him, still lodged deep within her, kissing her everywhere his lips could reach.

  “Love you, babe, never going to let you go.”

  Reagan had never heard more beautiful words.

  “I love you too Brayden, always have always will.”


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