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Tank: Ruthless Bastards (RBMC Book 2)

Page 14

by Chelsea Handcock

  Chapter 20

  Life was getting back to normal, well a new normal, anyway. She and Tank were doing good, they made it through his father’s funeral and dealt with his family, together. Reagan was completely healed, both casts removed, and there wasn’t a single sign left on her body from what had happened in the cabin. She and Tank were living together, and she was loving every minute of it.

  It had taken a couple of weeks, but Reagan had finally convinced Tank to let her work for the Club. Tuck had made her an offer she couldn’t refuse and didn’t want to. Tank was against it at first, not wanting her to be in any more danger, but with a few assurances from her that she would never go out on her own again, and a few from Tuck, he finally agreed. She and Talon were gathering as much information as they could, so that Worthington wouldn’t escape what he had coming to him. He was the only one left, well at least the only one they could identify. Someone else held the purse strings, and Reagan was determined to find out who that was.

  Other things had changed, too. She had gone and met with the Davidsons, the people who wanted to adopt Lexie and was seriously considering it. Her little sister was happy and acting as a four-year-old should, she didn’t want to take that away from her. It turned out that Lexie wasn’t as far away from her as she thought, only three towns over, making it possible to visit whenever she wanted. The Davidson’s seemed to welcome her with open arms every time she made a surprise visit or call, putting her more at ease. They knew about her family and what they had planned for Lexie, at least as much as Reagan did.

  Reagan was still on the fence, but she was leaning more and more toward letting Lexie have something she could never have given her; a family with a mother and a father who cared only for her. She and Tank could take her, giving her family, but she was Lexie’s sister, and it seemed like that was the way it should stay. They all agreed to give it time, but Reagan knew she would make her decision soon. Lexie needed this, and Reagan wasn’t going to stand in her way. This way, Lexie got the best of both worlds, a mom and a dad who doted on her and a sister that loved her with every part of her being.

  Walking out of the office at the Clubhouse, Reagan’s mind was still on other things. Tank had called and said to be ready in a half an hour, and she was pretty sure she was late. She knew he had something special planned for today, but her mind had been so focused, she had lost track of time. Frazzled, she dug in her purse for her phone, she needed to know what time it was.

  When she got to the end of the hall, she noticed Crash standing at the side and smiled at him. He was often on guard duty of some sort, but the way he was standing, arms crossed, legs apart, seemed odd; then she noticed Talon on the other side in the same stance.

  Stepping up to them, she noticed that more RBMC brothers were standing in a line leading to the door, and at the end stood Tank, smiling holding something in his hands. Stopping, she just stared; cocking her head, she wondered what was going on.

  “Reagan Amanda Lee,” Tuck's voice boomed out in the quiet room, shocking her out of her query. Whipping her head around, she found him standing next to Tank, a big old smile on his face. Reagan was standing stock still, she didn’t know what to do. “When a brother takes an Old Lady, they become a part of this club in a way that others will never be. Do you understand?” Reagan just nodded.

  What the hell? They had been together for a while now, but Tank had never said anything about her being his Old Lady. She figured it would come but didn’t dwell on it.

  “Brayden ‘Tank’ Taylor, you have requested that the Club accept Reagan as yours. Do you stand by those words now?”

  “Hell Yes,” Tank said, walking to Reagan, stopping right in front of her holding out a jacket. “Reagan, will you stand by my side, accept the Ruthless Brothers as your family, and ride at my back? Will you agree to be my Old Lady?”

  Reagan didn’t even take the bundle of leather he had in his hands; instead she threw herself into Tanks arms, wrapping her arms around his neck, her legs around his body and started to kiss every inch of his face.

  “Is that a yes, babe?” Tank laughed.

  Pulling back, Reagan smiled so wide her face hurt.

  “Hell yes, Babe!”

  Reagan vaguely remembered the sounds of feet stomping and whistles, too focused on the man she loved to pay much attention to what everyone else was doing around them. Cinny came up to them, practically pulling Reagan out of Tanks arms

  “Put it on!”

  Tank set her down, holding the jacket up. Reagan turned around and let him help her into it. Seeing his name, Property of Tank, on her back gave him a sense of pride he had never felt before. He couldn’t wait to get her alone naked in just that vest.

  Reagan turned around and smiled at him, but then took off like a bat out of hell, grinning ear-to-ear.

  “Babe, where the hell do you think you’re going?” Tank yelled. Reagan didn’t stop, just kept going, and he followed her, catching up to her halfway down the hall. Grabbing her elbow, he turned her around, kissing her breathless. “What are you doing babe?”

  “I want to see it,” Reagan said, trying to pull away again. “Tank,” she pleaded, “I want to see your name on my body, I want to see your claim.”

  Damn, he didn’t think he could be happier, but her words, the fact that she wanted to see the vest and his claim, the pride he felt floored him. Reagan was his everything, she was fucking perfect, and she was his. Tank followed her into the bathroom; she was spinning this way and that trying to get a good look at the vest. Stepping into her space, Tank lifted her until she was sitting on the counter. Reagan was smiling at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. I

  “I love you. I love this, now everyone will know I belong to you. I don’t think I will ever take it off.”

  “Babe,” Tank said stepping between her legs, pulling her hips closer to him. He had never been so thankful for a piece of clothing before, Reagan was wearing a skirt which meant he could take what he wanted, right fucking now. Bringing his hand between them he felt her heat, and pushing her panties to the side, he plunged his finger roughly into her, hell she was so wet. “I want you now, Babe. I want to feel your cunt around my cock.”

  He could feel her hands on the button of his jeans and the friction when she pulled the zipper down. She was just as much in need for him as he was for her. It took seconds for his jeans and underwear to fall to the floor, and he was inside her a moment later, plunging deep and hard. Reagan arched her back, moaning as she took every inch of him. Tank pulled her knees up further, spreading her wider, plunging in as far as he could go, keeping his thrusts deep and hard. Fuck, he needed to come, he needed her to come. “Fuck, babe, so good. Your cunt is so tight.”

  “Please, don’t stop,” Reagan pleaded, he could feel how close she was. “Shit, Brayden, I’m going to come, make me come.” Tank thrust harder deeper grinding his pelvic bone into her clit. “Faster,” Reagan begged, “please, God, Brayden, fuck me.”

  Tank gave her exactly what she wanted, slamming into her over and over, faster and harder until he could feel nothing but the glide of her cunt and the beat of his heart. When her pussy tightened around him, he growled, unable to hold back. He came in a rush, exploding so hard within in her, his knees started to buckle. Letting go of her body, he gripped the counter for support.

  Reagan was leaning back against the mirror with her eyes closed, a small smile on her face, breathing just as heavily as he was. Damn, he wished he could take her picture right now, it was fucking perfect; his name on her back and the smile on her face because of him. Nothing could be more perfect.

  The pounding on the door should have surprised him, but it didn’t.

  “Get out here, you two love birds,” Cinny’s screamed, “we let you have your fun, now it’s time to party.” Laughing, Reagan ran her fingers through his hair, pulling him close, kissing his forehead.

  “I think we should maybe go out there and party. What do you think?”

  Tank gr
oaned pulling himself from her body. Fuck, it didn’t matter how many times he fucked her, he always wanted more. Grabbing some paper towels, he helped Reagan clean up and then set her down on the floor. She laughed when her legs wobbled a little.

  “Damn, babe, you made me weak in the knees.” Tank had steadied her but then slapped her on the ass.

  “Just wait until later, I plan to make you incapable of walking for at least a week,” he said with a wink.

  “I look forward to it.”

  Tank followed Reagan out of the bathroom and laughed as they were greeted by most of the club. The guys were yelling catcalls and making Reagan blush. Tank just held his head high, accepting the slaps on the back as he walked past each member. He would never be ashamed of giving his woman exactly what she needed.

  A couple of hours later, Tank was standing at the bar nursing a beer, wondering exactly how long he and Reagan needed to stay at the party. He wanted to take her home and deliver on his earlier promise, and her dancing with Addy and Cinny wasn’t helping him change his mind any.

  He watched as Whiskey approached him; the two of them didn’t have a great relationship, but it was getting better. When the man raised his beer to him, Tank raised his back. He didn’t know if they would ever be considered friends, but he did respect the man now, so that was something.

  “Didn’t I tell you it would be worth it?”

  Tank smiled looking at Reagan having a good time, feeling things, he never thought he would.

  “Yeah, man, totally worth it.” Clinking his beer against Whiskey in agreement, they both watched their women dancing around having fun. This was what contentment felt like.

  A commotion at the door caused both Tank and Whiskey to turn. Crash was trying to block the way, but Tank could clearly see the Sheriff standing in front of him. He was too far away to hear what was being said, so he made his way closer.

  “You need to step away son,” he heard the Sheriff say, “this is police business.

  “What business do you have here Sheriff?” Tank asked.

  “What’s going on?” Tuck asked.

  “I have a warrant for Zander Frost. I know he’s here, so we can do this the easy way or the hard way. I have three cars and a wagon on standby, Tuck, it’s your call.”

  “What are you arresting Talon for, Sheriff?”

  “Attempted murder and rape, now get the fuck out of my way.”

  The End.

  Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed Tank & Reagan’s story. The RBMC will be back with Link’s story coming in October 2017.

  WAIT – there is more just turn the page.

  Author’s Note:

  Thank you for taking the time to read Tank and Reagan’s story. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I need to thank quite a few special people in my life who have made this dream of mine become a reality. I never thought in a million years that I would have or been able to write, let alone publish a book of my own. My family has been unbelievably supportive in this venture, and I cherish them for it.

  But there are a few of them that stand out; my husband, of course, and surprisingly enough, my sons. When I came up with this idea, the first person I told was my oldest son. He got behind it and never faltered. My youngest has helped with everything from book cover to contents. Their support and advice has helped me every step of the way.

  To my husband, I can’t say enough. You never once stopped pushing me and egging me on. Your faith in my ability to write these books has never swayed. The fact that you are and have always been proud of me makes all the times I doubted myself worth it. You are simply the best, and I look forward to all the years ahead of us with you by my side.

  Now for my sister, you have contributed to each and every one of my books, and I couldn’t be more grateful. You are always there to hear me out and bring me back from the brink. You are not only my sister but my best friend, thank you so much.

  Sandy Ebel, thank you for taking me on and pushing me to become a better writer. This journey has been amazing. I look forward to a long and fruitful relationship. I will always cherish the day I went on RRR and found you. You’re the best!!

  DeAnne, Beth, Rhonda and Rachele the four of you are the best Beta Readers and author could ask for, thank you so much for allowing my books to take up some of you time. Your critiques and suggestions have helped me so much. Your support and friendship mean the world to me.

  To the readers, don’t worry I haven’t forgotten about you. I thank you for giving a new author a chance, and I hope you will stick with me throughout this series, as well as my others. There are so many more worlds to explore. I hope you enjoy the journey. I am always open for suggestions feel free to email me at any time. Happy reading. I hope you enjoy the world of The Ruthless Bastards. And just because I can, and I appreciate you taking the time to read Tank: RBMC – Book 1 turn the page for a glimpse at Jackson: NAC & The Holly Group – Alpha Team Book 1.


  Declan “Senior” Quinn sat at his desk looking at his daughter, Ryleigh, standing in front of his corner window looking out into the New York City skyline like it held all the answers. She was chewing her thumbnail, a habit he hadn’t seen her do since she was a child. He regretted the choices of his past which made her feel so apprehensive today. Unfortunately, even if he had the choice, he wouldn’t change anything. Too much was at stake.

  She was his greatest treasure, pure at heart and strong. He could still see her face when she came to him several weeks ago, distrusting and confused. He had promised to never hurt her, and although he kept his promise to the best of his ability, he had still withheld crucial information, not entirely lying, yet not explaining everything. At least that was how he justified it to himself.

  Her distrust hurt the most, he never wanted to see that look on her face again. Declan hadn’t wanted to keep such important things from her but for the greater good he’d had to make a choice and that choice was to keep his daughter in the dark. Whether he liked it or not, there was more at stake than just his discomfort over his daughter’s feelings. An entire race depended upon keeping secrets. He never once thought his two worlds would collide the way they had such a short time ago.

  Help her forget the atrocities of the past and move on, that had been his first goal, and until today, he had thought he had done that. He wanted her to continue believing his motives for helping her as a child were altruistic and loving. However, in reality they weren’t. He was tasked with getting the child and keeping her creation under wraps. That didn’t change his feelings for her, but in the beginning, she was simply a job. The shame would haunt him until his dying days.

  All his hard work was for naught. In reality, her memories surfaced and she started to put the puzzle pieces together with the help of her team. It only took one little piece of information to undo years of work. Never before had Declan wished he hadn’t encouraged her to follow in his footsteps. If she had stayed with one of the many career fields that she had chosen over the years, then neither of them would be in the position that they were in today. But that wasn’t the case. He had to make some very hard decisions, revealing parts of himself and her past, while keeping his real motives of the past safely hidden away. He hoped his choices never backfired on him again.

  Finding Ryleigh 15 years ago, changed him and what he wanted out of life. Before that day, he was sure that he would spend the rest of his days serving his country until his last breath, following orders and working toward someone else’s greater good. Ryleigh gave him back his humanity, not to mention humility. That was something his military career had basically drained from his soul. Declan laughed to himself. Raising a child had a way of humbling a person. Ryleigh didn’t care who he was to the outside world or even who his teams knew him as. To her he was just a dad and at times he cherished that, but others times he hated it.

  He was still manipulating her and that wasn’t going to stop anytime soon. He didn’t have a choice because some things
needed to be hidden. He wanted to be a good parent to her, not someone to be feared or even someone to obey and follow like he was to the men that worked for him. His team might call him Senior, but Ryleigh called him Dad. That one word was enough to squeeze his battered heart. His work life or early career rarely interfered with his and Ryleigh’s relationship. However, they were now going to collide like two freight trains during the night. The explosion would either bring them together or tear them apart. He hoped for the former and feared the latter.

  Declan’s goal since finding Ryleigh all those years ago, was to maintain her safety and keep the ugliness of his world and everything else away from her. She had suffered greatly and he didn’t want her to endure a second of pain again, but he’d failed on both accounts. His girl was tenacious and dove right in where she needed to stay away. She now knew things weren’t as they seemed, and the nightmares that he had hoped were gone from her childhood were rearing their ugly heads once again. This time he couldn’t keep them away like he had done when she was a child. She was a grown woman, and although he was very proud, he had moments that he wished that she was one of those flighty entitled brats who his teams were consistently getting called in to save from their own stupidity. But that wasn’t his girl, not even close. She was smart, observant, vigilant, and had proved herself within his circles of the of the Security, Search, and Rescue community. Her own team had already made a name for themselves in a very short time and were quickly rivaling NAC for cases. All that didn’t matter now because everything was going to change. His daughter’s life would never be the same after this meeting.

  He could still imagine Ryleigh the day he found her. She was looking up at him from a tiny cage, battered but not broken. Bright green eyes that seemed to have a knowledge and maturity well above her age, full of hope, but also apprehension. Her body was skinny, malnourished, and mistreated. The assholes had left her with tattered clothes and no shoes. In the 10x10 cage, she had a bed intended for dogs and a single bowl filled with water. There weren’t even the core amenities provided for her. His heart went out of her, but she never asked for a thing. Not help, not to get her out of her confinement, no, not Ryleigh. She just watched and waited for what was to come, expecting the worst, but hoping for the best. She was chewing her little thumbnail like it would solve all her problems. That was his girl, and he only hoped her perseverance lasted through what was to come, now. Everything that she had learned threatened her life and future, and Declan didn’t like it.


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