Book Read Free

Crossed Off

Page 15

by Lacey Silks

  “Mom, we moved out,” Scar replied.

  “It doesn’t matter. This will always be your home.”

  After quick introductions of Jules to the rest of the family, Beth guided us to the backyard where Mr. Wagner was sitting in a chair at the head of a table, reading a paper.

  “Dinner will be ready in half an hour,” Beth informed.

  “Do you need any help?” both Jules and I asked at the same time. For me, I was certain that I’d be much more comfortable with Beth in the kitchen than sitting with my ex-boss in the back. And looking at the way Jules stepped from one foot to another, she must have had the same idea.

  “Sure, girls, come on in.” Beth laughed as if she completely understood that we were both trying to get away from Mr. Wagner.

  “Cash, do you have a minute?” I heard Scar ask before we left.

  The kitchen was as grand as they got. We each got a different apron, and while I grated some parmesan, Jules chopped the Caesar salad.

  “You two have no idea how happy it makes me to have all the boys in one house. And Grace should be here soon as well.”

  Before I could reply, I saw a darker shadow standing in the kitchen door.

  “Ms. Waters, may I have a word with you?”

  “Frank, this is a family day. No business,” Beth scolded.

  “It will not take long, I promise.”

  He kissed his wife on her cheek, causing her to blush. If I were to bet, I’d say that was a move he was planning so that she’d let me go.

  “Yes, of course.”

  I removed my apron and followed Mr. Wagner to his office. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Cash throwing a football in the backyard with Scar and Axel. As soon as the door closed behind me, the feel of dread passed over my entire body. While the mahogany shelves and dark decor reminded me a lot of Cash’s office in his condo, I couldn’t find the warmth and care that I had there.

  “Have a seat, Ms. Waters. This shouldn’t take long.”

  “Is Cash coming in?” I asked. Why did I need him here? Why did I feel like whatever Mr. Wagner was about to say would ruin my day, maybe even a week?

  “No, this is between you and me. I have an offer for you, Ms. Waters. A job, per say, that will pay you triple what you were supposed to earn in Vegas.”

  “Ahm, I don’t think....”

  “Let me be clear, Ms. Waters. I don’t think you have a choice but to take my offer.” He sat down in the leather chair behind his desk. While the seat would probably swallow me whole, it only made Mr. Wagner appear that much grander. He motioned for me to sit in front of his desk. “It has come to my attention that you and my son are working together.”

  Was he aware that Cash was about to take down the last of his business dealings?

  “Ms. Waters, I’m going to make this an offer you cannot refuse. Stop Cash in the Bahamas, and I will pay you triple what you were supposed to get for the job in Vegas.”

  What? How did he know about the Bahamas?

  “My son has connections, but so do I, Ms. Waters. Refuse to do the job with him or simply sabotage the operation in the Bahamas, and you’ll never need to worry about money again. I can ensure you’ll get a salary for the rest of your life without having to lift a finger.”

  I knew the dread that followed me into this room had done so on purpose. “I’m not a lazy girl, Mr. Wagner. I’m not afraid of work. How do you know about the Bahamas?”

  “Everyone is afraid of something, Ms. Waters.” He looked at me from underneath his thick lashes as if he knew my deepest secrets. How could a man who raised Cash be so different than his own son? Huntz raised two sons, and their personalities were identical to their father’s. How did Cash escape from under his father’s claws? “You don’t need to know how I came to the information about the Bahamas. This operation Cash is trying to clean up is too important to me.”

  “But all Cash wants is to have his family. He just wants to be a lawyer.”

  “That’s what he thinks he wants. He doesn’t know any better. Not yet.”

  I shook my head. “No, he definitely knows. All he ever wanted was for you and for his brothers to do... clean work. He doesn’t want you to take any risks that could put you in jail. He doesn’t want to lose any of you. How can you ask me to do this?”

  Mr. Wagner laughed. It reminded me of Jabba the Hutt’s heavy chuckle. I was beginning to wonder when the floor would open up beneath me. I ignored his inconsiderate demeanor and continued. “If I do this, I take away the only thing Cash has ever wanted. And that’s to have a normal family.”

  “He does have a normal family, goddamn it!” Mr. Wagner slammed his fist on his desk. It made me jump a little. A couple of pens fell to the ground.

  “You don’t know what you’re asking,” I said. “And no amount of money in the world would entice me to betray Cash that way.”

  Even if I didn’t have the back up of my family’s fortune. I could never double-cross Cash. I thought.

  “Ah, Ms. Waters. Everyone has a price, and I’m pretty sure you have yours as well. You simply don’t know what you’re risking if you don’t do this, so let me make it clear. Cash would not have to know about this. You’d be doing him a favor. You’d remove his connection to the organization. He would remain a lawyer doing his clean business.”

  I got up from my seat and started heading toward the door. “I think we’re done here.”

  “You do this, Ms. Waters, and I will make Mateo Menzos disappear.”

  I froze and turned back toward him. My whole life had just come into focus when he spoke Mateo’s name. Wagner had that cunning look on his face. Anyone seeing him would know that they’re being played. They would know that he was the one with all the good cards—he was the house and house always won.

  He leaned back against his chair saying, “I told you everyone has their price and it looks like I just hit the jackpot.”

  “I would rather die a thousand deaths than to betray the man I love.”

  What I’d said made him pause for a brief moment, but it passed so fast that I had no chance to hold on to the half second of emotion displayed on his face.

  “And I’m pretty sure you’ll dream about your death tonight. And you will call me tomorrow morning and tell me how right I am. It’s all in your hands, Ms. Waters. Your future and my son’s future. It’s up to you.”

  With my hand on the doorknob, I said, “I can guarantee you, Mr. Wagner, that I will not change my mind.”

  I opened the door, but before I left, Mr. Wagner of course had to have his last say.

  “By the way, if you say a word about our conversation to Cash, I will make sure that Mr. Menzos is reunited with his sister much quicker than you expect.”

  Chills ran up my spine. For the rest of the day, I played the part of Cash’s girlfriend to perfection. If Cash had noticed my stiff jaw and me pretending to be happy, he didn’t say anything. He did, however, make sure that night that I knew exactly how much he loved me. Cradled in his arms, I wondered how much longer my bliss would last. And from my conversation with Mr. Wagner, I knew that my luck would soon run out.


  I never called Mr. Wagner but couldn’t shake the feeling of someone watching me for the next three days. And finally, we left New York. I was thousands of miles away from not one, but now two problems. The half-brother who was most likely hunting me, and my boyfriend’s father who promised me doom if I didn’t listen to his commands, were both far away. Inside I felt a constant tug of war. I wasn’t sure whom I should fear more. I wanted to tell Cash about my conversation with his father, but couldn’t. And sabotaging our Bahamas stunt was completely out of the question. I wouldn’t be the reason Cash failed this takedown.

  Now, I lounged at one of the most beautiful resorts in the world, sipping on what Cash said was a margarita filled with potent fruit. While the last thing I needed around him was more aphrodisiacs that would drive me crazy, his need to please me all the time and to make me happ
y was very cute and caring.

  On the way here, we even joined the mile-high club right on Emma’s private plane. If she ever found out about our little adventure, she’d kill me.

  Knowing that Mateo was in a different country, enjoying this island became much easier. My guard hadn’t been this down since Blake’s death. For the first time in two years, I somewhat experienced freedom. I couldn’t wait to pull off this deal for Cash. Despite Mr. Wagner’s threat, I still believed we were doing him a favor. If we were successful, he would be out of the feds’ reach, and Cash could also have his family the way he always wanted and needed. And while it wasn’t Mr. Wagner’s wish, it was what Cash wanted, and that’s all that mattered to me. The consequences could rain down on me like fireballs from hell, so long as Cash was happy.

  Despite the fact that Cash was about to take down the last crooked business his father was involved with, he appeared relaxed. And it didn’t seem like Mr. Wagner would be interfering in this transaction because we haven’t heard from him since the dinner three days ago. Was he bluffing back in New York? Was he trying to stop the inevitable through me? Was I his last chance? I knew that Cash and Emma had been working on this case for a long time. From the way they talked, it seemed like it was all in the bag. But was it?

  We’d practiced the phone switch countless times. We’d gone over scenarios that could be fatal and came up with nearly fifty signs and gestures meaning different things. By this point, I could communicate with Cash without having to speak at all.

  We’d been sitting underneath the private cabana by the pool since early morning. While I read a book, Cash scrolled through his tablet and chatted with Emma in the adjacent cabana. At least he’d stopped snapping the pictures of me lounging in every position since the moment we arrived. Sweat beaded down my body as the humid air condensed on my skin. Whoever thought going to the Bahamas in July was a good idea didn’t know what it felt like to roast out here in the middle of the summer. That pool was really beginning to look more inviting with every passing moment—even if all I’d do was dip my toes.

  Someone screamed by the water and I lifted my lazy gaze. A couple were chasing each other in the deep end of the pool, splashing and frolicking around. I felt goose bumps cover my arms and shifted my focus toward the kids in the shallow end enjoying the water. Their parents bumped a beach ball back and forth toward them. This particular pool was a wave pool, and the machine propelling the water had just stopped. It would go back on in about fifteen minutes.

  “One day, I could see you like that.” Cash pointed to a couple with two kids, interrupting my thoughts. I heard a click of the camera and didn’t even notice when Cash picked it up to take a picture of my profile.

  “I don’t know. I haven’t had a chance to think about it,” I said. After the loss of my baby, having a family like that hadn’t crossed my mind too often. When it had, all I felt was pain and regret, so I chose not to think about it.

  “Which is quite normal after what you’ve been through, Sky.”

  “What about you, Cash?” I asked. “Are kids in your future?”

  “I hope so. Who else is going to adore all the pictures I take?” he said.

  For a moment, I wasn’t sure whether he meant pictures of only me or in general, because of course young children adore anything their parents are passionate about. Over the past few weeks, it felt like I’d become his muse and the only one he wanted to photograph.

  “So, do you feel like taking a dip?” he asked.

  I chuckled. “No way. You know I can’t swim.”

  “Ah, come on, Sky. I’ll be with you the entire time. I promise I won’t let go and we won’t go deep.”

  “You don’t understand. It’s not just that I can’t swim. I’m scared shitless of going into water.” Just the thought that Cash was being serious about this tensed all my muscles.

  “So maybe it’s time to face your fears. Look at how much the kids enjoy the pool. And I promise in this heat it will feel like you just stepped into heaven. Do it for me, please?”

  That look in his eyes was adorable. How could I say no to the pouty lips and puppy eyes that would have shamed the cutest dog breeds? Emma looked over from the side and rolled her eyes before she lowered her sunglasses and stretched her legs. And even if I could imagine how good that water would feel in this heat, I was sure it was way better than my mind was able to conjure.

  I regarded the little boy who sat at the pool entrance and wiggled his toes as the last manmade waves lapped against the shore, touching his feet. The toddler seemed to be enjoying the remaining few as they approached.

  “Maybe I can dip my feet.” Still not fully convinced of my decision, I left the safe confines of our cabana.

  “’Atta girl. Come on.” Cash reached out and I took his hand. From the smile stretching his face, I was afraid that he had just heard me agree to go scuba diving.

  “Are you coming?” I asked Emma.

  “No, I have an upset stomach. I think I’ll take a nap.”

  “Okay.” She did look pale. And I hadn’t seen Emma this quiet in a while. When she didn’t talk business, she’d usually chitchat about anything and everything, and she’d really been down since we arrived.

  At first I ventured ankle-deep into the water and watched as Cash dove into the pool in front of me to cool down. I waited for him to return to the shore, watching him swim as if he’d at least been born in the water. Cash came back and took my hand. “Please trust me. We’ll only go waist-deep.”

  “And you won’t let go?”

  “Absolutely not. I promise.”


  Side by side, I shuffled my feet forward, feeling as stiff as if I was walking on stilts—ones that were sky-high. Thankfully, the pool entrance had a gentle slope, and I was brave enough to submerge my knees.

  “Where did you learn how to swim so well?” I asked. Which really was an awkward question since I’d been to his house and had seen the pools there.

  “I don’t remember where, but I’m sure it had something to do with having an indoor and an outdoor pool when growing up.”


  “Don’t be nervous, Sky. This isn’t the ocean.”

  “Close enough,” I mumbled but continued forward.

  The water began cooling my body from my feet up, and I had to agree with Cash, it was definitely a relief. I sort of regretted, but not too much, being so hot in the cabana the entire day when I could have done this earlier. As we continued deeper, the apprehension seemed to take over with each inch the level rose. I was afraid that Cash would lose the feeling in his fingers from the way I squeezed his hand. Soon enough, my bellybutton disappeared underwater, and as promised, we stopped.

  “How do you feel?” he asked.

  “Afraid,” I said. “I keep picturing myself drowning.”

  “Your body has natural buoyancy. If you relax, you can lie down on it just like this.” Still holding my hand, he lowered himself shoulder-deep and lay back. As he floated, Cash truly did look like he was supported from underneath.


  “You just need not to be afraid.”

  “Well, we can cross that one off the list, then.” My voice vibrated with nerves.

  “Sky, it’s easier than you think.”

  “Wait, you’re not thinking of making me do this, are you?”

  “I’m not going to make you do anything, but I am hoping that you’re willing to try.”

  “No way.”

  “Think of it as an assignment for a job.”

  I stood there for a moment, imagining myself working for Wagner again, but as soon as the thought of having that much of my body under the surface crossed my mind, I chickened out.

  “It’s not helping.” I started heading to the shallow end, but of course Cash never let go of my hand and gently yanked it back before I could escape.

  “Skyler, please wait. You said you trust me, right?”

  “Yes, but this is way d

  “No, it’s not. I really think overcoming this fear will help you move on. Besides, if you trust me, you’ll listen. Okay, turn around.”

  This time, he didn’t wait for me to reply. It was as if he knew that given the extra time to think, I would have rejected his request over and over again—which of course I would have. Cash placed his hands on my shoulders and said, “I will hold you and I won’t let go. Bend your knees until you’re neck-deep.”

  Despite the shivers of fear cruising through my body I wanted to show him that I trusted him. Cash shifted to the side and lowered one of his hands to just underneath my shoulders and the other one around my waist.

  “My hands are underneath you. Lie down on your back, right on my arms. I will hold you and I won’t let go. Stretch your legs forward. That’s good. Now try to relax a bit more. It will help you float. Tensing your muscles turns them into rocks, and you know what happens to rocks when they’re thrown in water, right? Your muscles need to soften, breathe, expand. Think of them as balloons.”

  I listened to his instructions as if my life depended on it. Actually, it did. My life was literally in his hands. As I leaned backward, the lower hand slid underneath my ass. Okay, so it’d be a lie if I said that I didn’t enjoy this part. He smirked from above as if reading my mind and squeezed my buttock with a wink. Soon enough, I was floating, looking up into Cash’s gorgeous smile and the bright blue sky above us.

  “How does it feel?”

  “Ahm, cool and free. But it’s easier when you’re close.”

  “That’s all right. One step at a time.”

  “I’m beginning to understand why they have pools by hotels.” I swayed my arms back and forth through the water as if I knew what I was doing.

  “I’m so proud of you. Look at you, you’re a natural.”

  “Please don’t let go.”

  “I won’t. You’re doing great.”

  “Thank you, but I think I’m still far away from swimming on my own.”

  “Yeah, but if you stretched your arms out and relaxed, you could float like this forever. You’re in that exact position I showed you. Just take a breath in, I won’t let go, and feel how the air in your chest is lifting your upper body to the surface.”


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