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Betrothed to the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 8)

Page 16

by Hayley Faiman

  “Be good to your ma, Misha. Do not give her any trouble, yeah?” I ask the baby boy in my arms. He smiles up at me and gurgles. I take that as his agreement to be a good boy for my sister.

  “Weird that he won’t be stepping out of that door to glare at me ever again,” Oksana says as she lifts her chin to the house behind me, our father’s house.

  Knitting my eyebrows together, I ask her if she’s upset with me, if she misses him, and she only smiles and shakes her head. “I miss the man I thought he was, Timofei. Nothing else.” I kiss my nephew’s soft hair and hand him back to my sister. She leans over and gives me a gentle hug. “Take care of your bride. I have a feeling she needs taking care of. Don’t be a stranger.”

  Without another word, she walks over to the car and begins to strap the baby in. “You need me, I’m just a phone call and a plane ride away,” Mika states, walking up to me.

  “Thanks,” I sigh.

  “Sell the house; the memories will do nothing but haunt you,” he mutters before he turns and walks away from me.

  I turn toward the house after their car has left, taking them to their waiting airplane that is set to deliver them safely to their home in Denver. Part of me wishes I were going with them, away from all of this—from the pressures I’ve just added to my already weighted shoulders.

  “What do you know about this missing shipment?” I ask Konstantin as soon as I walk into my father’s old office.

  “The crew in Canada claims to have sent it via rail. It was supposed to arrive around three in the morning. The crew receiving waited over an hour for their contact from the railroad to let them into the shipping container. When nobody showed, they went to the train car that was supposed to contain the merchandise, and they found it completely empty,” he explains.

  “So it was possibly intercepted on the way, or was never even loaded?” I ask, more thinking aloud than actually wanting an answer. “Fuck, what a goddamn mess,” I shout.

  Staring at my father’s computer, I wonder what in the actual fuck is happening, and how I figure it out. I look up at the bookshelves across from me and see pictures in their frames, pictures of our family, ones my mother framed and set on those shelves. That’s when I know that Mika is right. I need to get rid of this place. The memories will surely haunt the fuck out of me if I stay here.

  “We need security footage. Is there any of them loading the merch, or of the train’s route along the way? If the train stopped, then someone could have gotten our shit off,” I murmur.

  Konstantin’s phone rings and he holds up his finger as a look of confusion crosses his face. “What the fuck?” he whispers. “Okay, we’ll be there as soon as we can,” he grunts before ending the call. “It was located. In New Jersey,” he announces, “Cape May.”

  “Cape May?” I ask, frowning.

  “Yeah,” he nods.

  Tapping my fingers on the desk, I look at the computer and then Konstantin. “That’s over two hours away by car. Do we have men there?” I ask.

  “They’re already waiting. They won’t do anything without our go ahead.”

  I stand with a nod. “Then let’s get the fuck out there.”

  Konstantin drives while I call in for backup. I decide to put in a call to Yakov and Dominik, hoping that they aren’t too busy today and will be able to join me. My first day on the job, and it’s already a fucking disaster.

  “We’ll meet you there, not a problem,” Yakov murmurs. “I’m just leaving the hospital. Sergei is doing well. Should be released tomorrow.”

  I grunt, making a mental note to go and see him before he’s released, as he’ll probably catch the first flight back to Russia to get back to his Raisa. She’s probably beside herself with worry for her master.

  I spend the ride toward Cape May checking in with my new Brigadiers, who all seem eager to work with me, and none showing any hostility, which is nice.

  Then I decide to check in with Abram, who replies that he is sticking close to Devyn while she shops with Ashley and Inessa. The thought of the three women being together, becoming friends, it makes me smile.

  “How is your Devyn?” Konstantin asks with a smirk.

  “Shopping. And who is your intended?” I ask with my own smirk. He frowns and shrugs.

  “I’m not going to pick a wife. I don’t want to have an arranged marriage.”

  I grin and notice his jaw clenches. “If you want a pretty Bratva girl from a good family, you better fucking pick one, Konny. Otherwise, it’s slim pickings out there. Unless you want to marry for love and it doesn’t matter if she’s Russian or part of the organization?” I ask.

  “Truth be told?” he says, waiting a beat before he finishes. “I don’t care if she’s Russian. It would be nice, but it doesn’t matter. I just want a girl who wants me for me. Not because her papa is forcing it, not for power or position, and not just because it’s time.”

  “We’re different, you and me,” I announce.


  “I never wanted to marry at all. Devyn was thrust upon me by my father. My ma wanted me to marry for love, and Oksana, too. She wanted different for us. We were never meant to have contracts, but we waited too long and didn’t date enough,” I murmur. “Honest to fuck, though? I wouldn’t change it a bit. Devyn was always meant to be mine. And Mika was always meant to be Sana’s.”

  Konstantin and I don’t say anything else as he drives us toward Cape May. I don’t mind the scenic drive, my mind too consumed with Devyn, with the Bratva, with my father’s body—which is in the bottom of the river—and with whoever fucked with our shipment.

  Once we arrive at the train, there are rail workers lurking around and a few Bratva as well. My eyebrows knit together as I step out of the car and slam the door behind me. Konstantin sidles up to my side, and we make our way toward the men.

  “Hey, boss,” one of them calls out. “The workers are just as confused as we are,” he states as I walk closer. I lift my chin and urge him to continue. “Apparently, their routes are all computer generated and there was a glitch. This train switched with the one that was supposed to stop in Brighton Beach.”

  My eyes widen. “Just some kind of glitch, huh?” I mutter.

  “Apparently,” he grunts. “I don’t buy it, not for a second.”

  “Same here. These guys paid off?” I ask, looking over at the railroad workers.

  “Yeah. They know there’s a sensitive shipment and its ours. We’re offering it to them to split. They’re pleased as can fucking be about it, too; but we only have an hour to get the shit unloaded before they have to reroute the train.”

  “Better get busy then,” I state. He nods before turning to the rest of the men.

  Yakov and Dominik pull up just as the men begin to unload the rail car. I fill them in on what happened and they both look as skeptical as I feel about the whole situation. Yakov rubs his chin before he turns to me. “That story is bullshit, you know that, right? No way does a train glitch like that,” he states.

  “No fucking way, especially one that goes back and forth all day every day. Something isn’t right,” I agree.

  “Your men are looking up footage and everything, yeah?”

  “Yeah,” I nod.

  “Good. Once it’s gathered, we’ll look at it together. If this happened to you, no telling what could happen on my end of the organization,” he states.

  Yakov and Dominik stay with Konstantin and me while the men continue to unload the train car. We talk about what the game plan is for a smooth takeover. Yakov liked my show of faith for my new men, giving them a break from paying tribute while I get my shit together. He also agrees that my father’s shit and his house needs to fucking go.

  “I have to go see Sergei before he’s released,” I murmur.

  “Tell the old fuck to get his ass better,” Yakov chuckles.

  “We’ll meet at my father’s home, his office, tomorrow morning, yeah?”

  Yakov lifts his chin. “Yeah,” he murmurs b
efore he and Dominik leave.

  Konstantin and I wait until the shipment is finished being loaded and then we follow it back to Brighton Beach, to the warehouse where it’s locked up tight.

  Once we’re sure that it won’t be disturbed until it can be distributed in the morning, we decide to call it a night. It’s late, well after nine in the evening, though it feels like midnight.

  I chance calling Sergei’s cell phone on my way home. I want to make sure he’s up for a visit from me. He surprises me by answering, and even more when he says he’s at a hotel, and not still in the hospital. I turn around, heading the opposite way from my home to visit with my Uncle.

  My already long night seems endless, but I need to see Sergei. I need to know that he is indeed all right. Even if he’s already been released from the hospital, I have to see him with my own eyes.

  “You look like shit,” I announce as I walk through Sergei’s hotel room door.

  “You look like a pencil dicked spoiled prince,” he states with a glare.

  I grin widely at his words and give him a hug, gently clapping his back. “I’m glad you’re alive and looking much better.”

  “Much better is a little ambitious. I feel better,” he grunts.

  “You leave tomorrow to head back to Raisa?” I ask with a smirk.

  He frowns and I see just how concerned he truly is over his slave woman. “I’ve had updates on her. She’s not doing well. Plane is set to leave at six in the morning,” he says.

  Letting out an exhale, I speak gently. “But uncle, can you leave?”

  He shakes his head before his eyes lift to mine. “I checked myself out of the hospital against the doctor’s orders. I’m not supposed to be here, let alone fly. I also don’t give a fuck what these doctors say. If your Devyn was in another country and needed you, truly needed you, would you stay away from her? Would you give a fuck about doctor’s orders?” he spits as his worried gaze meets mine.

  “Go home to your Raisa, uncle. Call me when you land, yeah? Peace of mind and shit,” I grin, rubbing the back of my neck.

  This stubborn old fuck. There is no way that I can talk him out of leaving for Russia. “Maybe you take a doctor with you on the flight?” I ask hopefully.

  “Maybe,” he lies. “You’re a good boy, you know?”

  I shake my head, not believing a word of what he says. I killed my own father, killed him. I am not good, not a single part of me is good. Yet, I’m a Pakhan, and I have a woman whom I adore. A sweet woman who is at my side and will always be there.

  “You did the right thing. If he would have lived, Misha, Oksana, and Mika would continue to be in danger, and no telling what he would have done with his men and their families. I have a feeling there is so much more to the whole story. Slowly, it will all unravel, and you’ll know for certain that you did the right thing.”

  “Be safe on your flight, yeah?” I say, ignoring his sentiments. He places his hand on mine and gives it a gentle squeeze before he grins.

  “Tell your Devyn we’ll meet someday soon. Maybe in Russia, when you bring her for a visit?”

  “Will do,” I grin.

  Turning around, I leave my uncle alone. I think about his Raisa that he’s so anxious to get back to. I have a feeling that she is much more than just a slave. He’ll never tell, but I think that she’s his in every way. She owns his cold heart. Something I never thought was possible when it came to Sergei.

  Now, I’m ready to go home, ready to see my wife. More than ready to fuck my wife.

  I’VE UNPACKED, EATEN, SHOWERED, and now I’m in bed reading a new book. Ashley, Inessa, and I went to a book store after we ate lunch, and I grabbed some new reads. A girl can only watch so much television, and Abram doesn’t seem like the type of man to hang out and play board games. I needed something to entertain myself while still under house arrest.

  What I should do is decorate this boring apartment, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to or not. Timofei hasn’t really told me to make this place my own, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable changing anything without talking to him first. Although, I’d actually have to see him to talk to him.

  I hear the front door open and close, low male murmurings, and then it opens and closes again. He’s home. I wait, my eyes focused on the closed bedroom door, knowing that he’ll be opening it any second. It seems like a lifetime goes by and the door doesn’t open at all. Then, finally, it does.

  “You didn’t see Pavlov today,” he announces as his greeting.

  “I needed clothes, and Abram called Ashley and Inessa to help me. There wasn’t time. Abram said Dr. Pavlov has an opening for first thing in the morning,” I quickly explain, not wishing Timofei to be angry with me.

  He smiles, and it’s so beautiful that it completely takes my breath away. His beard isn’t as neatly trimmed as it was the day we were married. It’s a little scraggly, but he still looks sexy as hell. I find my fingers are itching to feel his jaw.

  “They helped you with clothes, and they were nice?” he asks as he slowly starts to strip off his suit.

  I hum my answer, as I nod. My eyes taking in every single move he makes as he takes his jacket off. I watch as he unbuttons his shirt before slipping it down his arms. My breath hitches when he takes his undershirt off, leaving his chest bare and gorgeous for me. “Take your clothes off, devochka,” he rasps.

  Setting my book down gently on the ground, I turn back to him and slowly pull my sleep tank over my head, dropping it on the floor next to me. Turning back around, Timofei’s eyes heat as he takes in my bare breasts, but he makes no move to remove his pants. I shimmy out of my shorts and panties, closing my legs and bending my knees slightly to hide myself from his intense gaze.

  “Spread your legs and touch yourself for me,” he murmurs.

  “Fei,” I breathe.

  He tilts his head and waits. I hesitate as I slide my fingers down the center of my chest, my stomach, and then down my slit. “Inside, devochka,” he rasps. “Are you wet for me?”

  Dipping two fingers inside of my core, I moan. I am wet for him, so wet and warm. I hear the clinking sound of his belt as my eyes flutter closed, and I continue to pump my fingers in and out of my center. My breathing becomes heavier as I climb closer toward my release, my shyness completely obliterated as I just feel.

  My hand is halted and my eyes open when Timofei wraps his fingers around my wrist and gently pulls my fingers from inside of me. He’s on the bed, between my legs, and his cool blue eyes look hungry as he brings my fingers to his mouth. I whimper as he sucks on them, tasting my pussy and swirling his tongue to get every single drop of my arousal from my skin.

  “Devochka, you taste so good. Want to know what you taste like?” he asks as he presses the head of his cock against my opening.

  I sink my teeth into my lower lip as his hands travel up my back and hold me sitting up, our faces only inches away from each other.

  “What, Fei?” I exhale as his lips brush my own.

  “You taste like mine,” he grunts as he fills me with one quick thrust.

  I wrap my arms around his lower back and hold onto him as his tongue slips inside of my mouth.

  One of his hands moves down my back to my hip and he shifts my body, using me to fuck his dick the way he wants it. His thighs flex as he lifts his hips, thrusting hard and fast inside of me. I let my head fall back and just enjoy what he gives me, knowing that Fei will always take care of me.

  His lips wrap around my nipple and he sucks hard, causing me to gasp. When he bites down on my already sensitive flesh, my hips buck at the pleasured pain that rolls through me. “Fuck,” he murmurs against my skin as he moves to my other breast, repeating his wonderful assault.

  “Fei, you feel…” I trail off as I climb higher, my legs shaky and my nails digging into his flesh.

  “I feel?” he asks as his lips travel up my chest to my neck.

  “Perfect,” I breathe.

  He chuckles and his breath washes over my ski
n. “Perfect for you, maybe, but not perfect,” he mutters. “Come all over me, Devvy. Make that pussy squeeze me,” he whispers.

  “Oh, god,” I cry as I do exactly that.

  I come, my pussy clenching around him and trying to hold him inside of me. He doesn’t comply, his hips thrusting and his hands bringing me against him, to impale me on his cock, until he throws back his head and stills with his own climax.

  We clean up in silence, and then make our way back to his bed, his mattresses on the floor. Timofei pulls me against his chest, and I press the entire front of my naked body against half of his. I practically purr when he starts playing with my hair.

  “Would it be okay if I actually did some decorating to this place, like maybe bought a bed?” I whisper as my eyes start to flutter closed.

  “Fuck no,” he grunts. I lift my head in surprise. Timofei cups my cheek and runs his thumb along my bottom lip before he speaks again. “You’re going to call Inessa and get listings. You’re going to find your dream house and I’ll buy it for you. That’s what you’re going to do. Fuck this apartment.”

  “Fei,” I whisper.

  “We can’t raise a baby here, devochka. And besides that, this is not fitting for my queen,” he murmurs as his lips touch mine in a gentle kiss.

  The words I love you, are on the tip of my tongue, but I hold them back. I don’t want him to think that the way I feel for him is because he’s buying me a house. I feel this way because he’s Fei, and he wants to give me things that he thinks I deserve. What he doesn’t realize is that he already has given me everything I need.

  Every time he looks at me, every time he smiles at me and tenderly touches me, as though I may disappear right in front of his eyes, that is why I love him. Along with the fact that I’ve never felt more beautiful or more cherished than I do in his arms.

  “Call Inessa after you visit with Dr. Pavlov tomorrow, Devvy,” he murmurs and begins to stroke my hair again. I lay my head against his chest.


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