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Betrothed to the Badman (Russian Bratva Book 8)

Page 17

by Hayley Faiman

  “Okay, Fei,” I whisper as a smile plays on my lips.

  I fall asleep pressed against his warm body, feeling that finally, finally I’m happy. The hope I hoped, then scolded myself for, then hoped again, it’s all come to fruition. I’ve fallen in love with my husband. I didn’t think it was possible, but I have.

  Leaving Devyn with a list of needs in a new home, I decide to head out for the day. I need to check on the shipment and make sure the correct crews get their merchandise. Until I can trust everyone, I need to micromanage every aspect of my father’s old operation. I also have to go through his personal belongings and toss out what I don’t want or need. Then the house has to go.

  “You doing okay there, boss?” one of the men asks, taking me out of my thoughts. I nod.

  It takes most of the day to ensure that each crew gets their allotted amount of guns and dope. Some take more of one than the other, depending on their ability to quickly push each item.

  When the truck is empty, I close the warehouse, and am surprised to see one of the Brigadier’s holding back, waiting for me. Its unusual for him to even be here, as he’s the Brigadier for our stable of whores.

  “Moriz? Is there a problem?”

  “It’s the Irish,” he says. My eyes widen before I knit my eyebrows in confusion. “I know that their princess is your wife, but I can’t keep letting them fuck the girls for free. Some of them are rough, and then the girls can’t work for a few days. I can’t make money, they can’t make money, and you won’t make any money,” he explains.

  “Wait a minute. What do you mean they fuck our girls for free?” I ask, holding my hand up.

  It’s his turn to look at me with confusion. “Pasha, he said whatever they wanted, whenever they wanted. The high-ranking Irish have first dibs on my girls,” he murmurs.

  “The fuck they do,” I growl. “Goddamn Pasha and his fucking bullshit.”

  “No more, Moriz. I’m taking care of this right now,” I announce as I lift my chin to Konstantin. He is standing a few feet away and on his phone.

  “Boss?” Moriz calls out. I pause and turn to face him. “I knew it wasn’t right, even our men pay for the girls. They’re whores, but they’re not slaves. I didn’t agree with Pasha, but he was the boss,” he shrugs.

  “Thanks for letting me know. Anything else like that, I want to know about. You can spread that around, yeah?”

  He nods with wide eyes, “Yeah, boss.”

  I whistle to Konstantin; whose head snaps up as I jut my chin toward the car. Without delay, he starts making his way toward me. I don’t bother asking him to drive. I’m going to explain everything on the way, but I don’t want to stop to tell him where to go. He looks at me with even more confusion as I slide into the driver’s seat of the car.

  Once he’s inside, I start the engine and take off before I explain to him what Moriz told me. His eyes sharpen and he turns to me with a look of disgust on his face. “You have got to be kidding?” he murmurs. “I had no clue, Timofei.”

  “I figured you didn’t, or you’d tell me. We’ve all sampled the whores, this has nothing to do with the fact that they want to fuck. But to fuck for free and abuse our girls? I don’t think so,” I grind out.

  “Pasha gave permission for this?” Konstantin asks, still a little confused about the whole situation.

  “Apparently. We’re about to find out for sure,” I growl as I pick up my phone and call Yakov. I don’t trust my own men yet, so I’m wary about calling them as back up. Yakov, I trust.

  “Your wife and Inessa have dragged Ashley house hunting. I’m sure I’ll be looking for homes again soon,” Yakov laughs.

  “Pasha gave permission to the higher-ranking Irish to fuck our whores for free. Moriz just informed me. Says they’ve been abusing the women and putting them out of work, sometimes for days,” I announce, ignoring his greeting concerning our women.

  “You’re kidding, right? Pasha was the one who always told me never to give it away for free unless it was a bonus for an associate, never regularly,” he mutters. I hear rustling.

  “Meet me at Patrick O’Neil’s home. We’re going to find out the goddamn truth, right fucking now,” I growl.

  “Dominik and I will be there in a few minutes,” he announces.

  It doesn’t take us long to arrive in front of Patrick O’Neil’s home. The gate keeps us from entering, but I’m not about to ring the call box until Dominik and Yakov are at my back. Once I see the black car in my rearview, I pull up to the gate and hit the call button.

  “Timofei Vetrov for Patrick O’Neil,” I state. The gate opens immediately.

  Yakov and Dominik follow closely behind me and slip in before the gate closes. Konstantin and I exit the vehicle after I park and wait for the other men. The four of us walk up the stairs to the O’Neil home. The front door opens and Patrick himself is standing on the other side with a shit eating grin.

  “There’s my new son-in-law, the Pakhan of Brighton Beach,” he announces, his voice booming through the home.

  “May we talk in your office?” I ask, not returning his jovial attitude.

  He lifts his chin and walks toward his office, four men walking behind him. Three look a lot like my Devyn, dark hair and light eyes, their builds taller than she is, but not as tall as me. The fourth man has light brown hair and dark eyes. He’s also looking at me as though he wants to kill me. Interesting. I wonder if he’s the boy Devyn lost her virginity to.

  “What’s crawled up your ass now, Vetrov? Here to make another deal?” Patrick grins.

  He doesn’t know that I only renegotiated Devyn’s contract to get his help. To use him. I had zero intention of allowing his fucking stupid as shit terms to come to fruition. He’s about to find out, though.

  Clearing my throat, I stand in front of his desk, placing my hands on the edge and leaning over it slightly. “I am not my father,” I state. He jerks his head. “I will not allow you to abuse our whores, you or your men. Nobody fucks for free, O’Neil. Whatever under the table, good ‘ol boy handshake deals you had with Pasha are now null and void. If your men want a whore, they’ll pay for one like everybody else.”

  Patrick’s eyes widen and he masks his surprise quickly as he leans back in his chair.

  “You hear that boys? No more whores,” Patrick states, his eyes never leaving mine. “Anything else?” he smirks. I open my mouth to say something, but the light brown haired guy speaks before me.

  “Patrick, when are you going to get Devyn back? This is enough. He has some rank now, but he’s not good enough for an O’Neil,” he murmurs.

  “Good enough?” I ask with a wink. “I’m not good enough. Let me guess, you are?” I ask.

  “Damn right, I am,” he barks.

  “You’re the one who took her virginity then?” I ask. I hear my men grumble beneath their breaths behind me. The man has the good sense to look surprised that I know such a thing. “Did you think I wouldn’t know my wife wasn’t pure?” I ask, tipping my head to the side, moving my eyes to Patrick who also has the good sense to look angry.

  “My Devyn would never,” he grates as he slams his hands down on his desk in anger.

  “She would, and she did. With your man, here. Prom night, if I’m not mistaken,” I grin. The man chokes and coughs as he tries to take a step back.

  One of Devyn’s brothers reaches an arm out and grabs the light-haired man by the shirt before he reaches back and punches him in the face. “You fucked my sister? You knew she was promised to someone else and you fucked her anyway? You piece of shit,” he screams as he starts to pummel the guy.

  “Take it out of my office,” Patrick waves off. The two men fight their way out of the office, and I turn back to Patrick.

  “According to the contract, it’s now null and void, is it not?” I ask with a grin.

  I hear Konstantin growl behind me, assuredly not liking my words or where he thinks my mind is going.

  “What do you want? Bring her back today and
she’s out of your hair. We’ll get the marriage annulled through the church and everything. Contract will be torn up,” he grunts.

  “Oh, the contract will be torn up, but I’m not giving up Devyn. She’s my wife. Pure or not, I’m keeping her,” I announce. I hear Yakov laugh softly behind me. “Your three-month pregnancy stipulation is through. There is no more contract.”

  “Fine,” O’Neil grunts. “Keep the whore.”

  “See you at dinner tonight, then,” I laugh as I turn to walk out of the door.

  “I don’t want that filthy whore in my home,” Patrick calls out.

  Turning around, I face the angry piece of shit. “I’d rather fuck Konstantin over here than step foot in your home again. But the fact is, Devyn misses her siblings, and to a degree, I’m sure she misses you. We’re also still very much connected and allies. We will see you for dinner.”

  I leave Patrick with his mouth opening and closing like a fucking fish searching for air, and make my way out of his home, my men at my back. I ignore the fight that is still in progress as I walk outside and toward my car.

  “All that shit true? She was supposed to be a virgin?” Yakov asks.

  “Yeah, she was. I never gave a fuck. That was all her father and mine that drew that shitty contract,” I say.

  Yakov looks from Dominik to Konstantin and back to me. “You would have married her with no contract, Timofei. The second you saw her all grown up, you would have leapt down that aisle,” he states. “Just like Dominik and me would have done the same if our women were contracted to us.”

  “Fuck yeah, I would,” I grunt.

  Yakov smiles widely. “I’m glad you found who you needed, Vetrov. Ashley says she’s lovely and sweet. She also says that she’s vulnerable and needs tender care,” he murmurs, as though saying such gentle words is tough for him. I know he’s an absolute pussy for his Ashley.

  “She does,” I nod in agreement.

  “Glad you already see it. Dinner Tuesday night? I want to hear about this dinner,” he grins as he slaps me on the back. “The Oleandr, seven.”

  “Sounds good,” I state.

  The four of us return to our cars. This time, I allow Konstantin to drive, and we head back to work. Our day isn’t over yet. We’re going to make the rounds and randomly check up on each of the crews. I plan on being much more hands-on than my father was.

  I’m the king, yeah, the Pakhan, but I’m not above getting my hands dirty and getting to know my own men. Somewhere along the way, my father lost sight of all of that part of the job. I don’t ever plan on being like him—not even a goddamn ounce.

  “IT LOOKS LIKE A castle inside,” I whisper as I look at the wrought iron staircase and chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

  Inessa walks us through the house, and I’m in complete awe. The kitchen is all white cabinets and granite counters with a black island in the center. It’s stunning. I don’t know if Timofei will like it or not, but so far, I think it’s perfect.

  I stop dead in my tracks when we enter the office. The bookcase is dark cherry wood, and I can picture a huge desk in the center of the room. I envision Fei sitting behind it, working on his computer, the bookshelves full of hardback books.

  “It’s beautiful,” I state.

  “It has everything Timofei requested, plus it’s in Brighton Beach and in a good neighborhood. There is twenty-four-hour security for the community, as well,” Inessa informs. Ashley walks away to look out the window, but I’m still mesmerized by the bookcase.

  “I think this would be a great family home,” Ashley says as she turns to face me. “A safe family home,” she clarifies.

  Inessa nods before she speaks. “I agree. Timofei doesn’t want to be on the outskirts, and this is one of the best options I have for the actual beach area. Would you like me to contact him and tell him you like it? I think if you want it, we need to jump on it,” she explains.

  Nodding, I agree, and she turns away from me with her phone to her ear.

  “What are you thinking?” Ashley asks as Inessa walks away, her voice echoing in the distance.

  “I don’t know,” I murmur as I turn away from the bookcase.

  “Is everything okay? I’m here as a friend if you ever need to talk,” she offers.

  “I saw Dr. Pavlov today,” I admit. For the first time in the past hour, I think about what he told me.

  I didn’t want to believe it, that my father would do what he did. I tried to ignore it, but I can’t. It’s all too real, and it keeps creeping into my mind. “You know my father negotiated with Timofei to only give him three months before I had to be pregnant, or Fei has to give me back.”

  “Which is the weirdest thing I have ever heard,” Ashley states. I nod in agreement.

  “Apparently, I’m on the birth control shot, which lasts three months. I didn’t know,” I whisper. “My father sent me to the doctor the week I got married for a checkup, and the doctor told me that I needed some shots. I didn’t ask questions, and nothing was explained.” My lips tremble before tears start falling from my eyes.

  I only have a few weeks left before I’ll surely go back to my father. Even if Timofei doesn’t want to send me back to him, he will. He’s a man who stands by his word, no matter what he’s promised me. He gave that word to my father, and he will execute it.

  “Why would he do that?” Ashley asks on a gasp. All I can do is shake my head.

  I don’t know. I don’t know why he would do it. Not when I thought he wanted to bridge the gap between the Irish and Russians; not when I thought that he wanted the Bratva’s muscle and alliance.

  Unless he wanted it all without actually having to give anything in return. This is a way to keep them on friendly terms and not have to really give them anything.

  It was all a game, it was all fake, and my father used me just as much as he’s using the Bratva.

  “Timofei just approved an offer. I’m going to write it up and send it to the sellers right now,” Inessa practically squeals as she walks into the room. She then freezes and looks from me to Ashley. “What happened?”

  “It’s all bullshit. My father played me, and he played the Bratva,” I whisper as tears fill my eyes.

  I don’t want to go back. I don’t know what my father is planning on doing with me, but I don’t want to leave Fei. I love him.

  “What?” Inessa asks as her eyebrows knot together in bewilderment.

  Ashley explains the situation, and Inessa’s mouth drops before it eventually curls into a smile. “He won’t let that happen, Devyn. Don’t you worry about a thing. Timofei will not allow any of this to happen. He’s buying you this monstrous house. No way is he going to buy this just to give you up in a couple months,” she states with a wink.

  I don’t feel reassured at all. Timofei may not want me to go back in a couple months, but the truth of the matter is that I certainly will. The fact that he still married me proves that. He didn’t have to, not when his father was the one who initiated the contract in the first place. He knew he was going to take over his father’s position and he could have renegotiated or simply not gone through with it all together, but he did, and he did so without complaint.

  Inessa and Ashley try to keep a positive and upbeat attitude the rest of the afternoon. I fake the same. Inside, I’m completely devastated and have pretty much given up on staying with Fei.

  It doesn’t matter how I feel about him. In a couple months, I won’t be pregnant and I’ll be back at my father’s. I know that it’s just another reason he didn’t bother having my clothes and things sent to Timofei’s.

  A few hours later, they drop me off at the apartment, walking me up to the door. They each look equally worried and sad as they say goodbye, their guards following behind them. I glance to the side and see that my guard is sitting across the street, his eyes directed on me. He lifts his chin toward me as I make my way inside.

  Now I’m all alone, inside of my apartment, for the first time in what seems like a life
time. I decide to make my way toward the bathroom and have a long, hot shower before my father’s Sunday dinner party tonight. I don’t really feel like seeing my siblings, or my father, but I know that I’ll have to put on my happy face as best as I can and fake everything.

  As the hot water beats down on my back, I decide that I won’t tell Timofei anything. I want to live this dream with him for as long as I can. If he knows the truth, he might try to give me back as soon as this evening, and I want to keep him for as long as I can.

  Maybe it’s stupid of me. I know it’s definitely selfish, but I want to live this lie. I have no idea what will come next, and being with Fei is the happiest I’ve ever been.

  A warm hand slides around my waist, and I look down to the familiar tattooed hand of my husband as he lowers it to my center. “Timofei,” I moan as his fingers swirl around my clit.

  He hums behind me, his lips touching my shoulder. Then two fingers fill me, and I can’t stop the gasp from escaping my lips.

  “You found us a house,” he murmurs. I nod, unable to speak as his fingers gently pump in and out of me. “Are you going to come for me, devochka?” he groans as his fingers curl and rub.

  Timofei doesn’t say anything else before he removes his hand from between my legs and spins me around to face him. The hot water beats against his back, blocking it from my face, and his blue eyes look into mine. He looks hungry, starved, and he gives me a grin before he leans down and picks me up by the backs of my thighs. I wrap my legs around his waist as he presses my back against the warm tile of the shower wall and fills me with one smooth thrust of his hips.

  “Now you can come, with my cock inside of your tight pussy. I want to feel you, Devvy,” he rasps against my lips, his hips moving as he stretches me. Wrapping one hand around the back of his neck, I hold onto him by the soft strands of his hair.

  “Fei,” I whimper. He growls before his tongue fills my mouth.

  The tile wall is hard against my back. Timofei continues to push me against it as he fucks me until I rip my lips from his. My release consumes me. I come trying to pull him closer against me—grasping at his shoulders, riding it out, and searching for more.


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