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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 7

by Jolynn Raymond

  “Yes something is amiss, Lucian. My wife and daughter are gone.” Mikhal turned and saw the servant woman was listening avidly and growled at her, causing her to jump and turn away, but still he went upwards to meet his trusted first in command out of the range of curious ears.

  “I felt Alliana cry out for me and went to her chamber only to find it empty. There was the scent of a male vampire there as well. I have no idea whom it is, some unknown minion. All I do know is that they are gone and I want them back safe.”

  Lucian knew he was treading on a very thin edge when he opened his mouth to ask the question burning inside of him. His Master would be focused only on his mate and his daughter, and would damn anyone who tried to divert his attention elsewhere, but Lucian could not help but try to appease the gnawing worry in his gut.

  “And Natalya, My Lord? Do we know if she is safe?”

  Mikhal’s eyes narrowed and his initial reaction was one of rage that Lucian would even show concern for another when the Lady of the castle was in such peril, but then he pushed his anger aside and realized instead for the first time that Lucian truly did care for Natalya. Vampire or not, the man was bewitched if he had risked his neck to ask after the lady’s safety.

  “It is my belief that she is in the village. She should be returning shortly for it twill be dark soon.” Even as Mikhal said the words the sound of hoof beats could be heard in the courtyard. Both men went down the stairs, Mikhal carefully with Mikhalen in his arms, Lucian two at a time. Lucian reached the door and peered out, hoping the horse carried the woman he feared for, and felt a huge surge of relief when he did indeed see the fiery red head.

  “Tis Natalya and the servant. She must have left the cart and returned at once.”

  By that time Mikhal was by his side, Natalya was rushing towards the castle, calling out to them in fear. “What happened? The servant could tell me nothing. Only that I was summoned home.”

  “Alliana and Katia are gone. There was someone, a vampire, in her rooms, and now she and my daughter have disappeared. I know she didn’t go willingly because she cried out for me. I am sick with worry. Natalya do you have any idea who could have done this? Why wouldn’t Alliana fight? Why didn’t she scream if she was awake and able to call for me?”

  “Perhaps the vampire had Katia and she was afraid to do anything that would cause him to harm her.”

  At her words Mikhal’s skin, which was already alabaster white, paled even more as the borrowed blood that flowed through him left his face and dread filled him. Of course, the vampire must have been able to get to Katia. Perhaps Alliana was sleeping and he’d gone and snatched her from her cradle. Alliana would have done anything the vampire told her if only he’d kept his fangs away from the tiny girl’s neck.

  He looked up at the sky, and deduced there were only perhaps ten minutes before the sun would truly begin it’s decent, and knew he couldn’t wait any longer. “I have to go for them. Now.”

  “Sire you can’t.”

  Mikhal snarled and reached out, grasping Lucian’s arms and shaking the man then thrusting him away so he stumbled back, all his pent up terror and rage overflowing. “Don’t tell me what I can’t do. My wife and daughter are out there. I have been a cowardly fool to have waited this long. If the one who took them braved the light so can I. You are to gather a variable army of minions and search the catacombs below until you are certain they are not down there. Let all beware though, if my wife and daughter are spotted, no one is to make a move that would cause this unknown evil to harm them. Understood?”

  “Yes, M’Lord, at once.” Satisfied, Mikhal moved to prepare himself.

  “Sire please, you will be no good if you are dead.” Natalya knew her words were bold, knew they were dangerous to utter. Lord Arcos was in a near mindless rage, but she wanted him to see reason.

  “I shall be dead if my wife and daughter die while I sit here waiting for it to be safe for me to venture out. Two thick cloaks should do the trick, one fastened at my waist to protect my legs, the other my body and head.”

  Lucian and Natalya both thought it was a mad idea for him to rush out before dark, but they both understood as well.

  “Lucian, once you gather the men and give them my orders, you are to stay here and guard Mikhalen with your life. If there was one minion in league with Marishka there could be another just waiting for us to go rushing off into the night and leave him vulnerable. Natalya, the wet nurse will accompany you to your chambers. Have a servant bring Katia’s cradle from Alliana’s rooms for him. Bar the door until Lucian arrives.”

  “Yes, My Lord.”

  “I must be off.” Mikhal turned towards the stairs, ready to fetch his cloaks and then head off into the waning daylight in search of his wife and child, but Natalya’s hand on his arm stopped him.

  “Be careful, Lord Arcos, and bring them home safely.”

  “I will Natalya. Nothing on this earth will keep me from my family.” That said, Mikhal rushed upstairs to procure the cloaks and was back in a few moments. He secured them about his body and then rushed out of the castle into the killing light, running at first until he reached the gates of the castle walls then slowing so he could peer out at the ground, searching for any sign of them, and turning his senses outward to feel for Alliana calling.

  Finally, as he went forward, and as he was entering the woods near panic set in as he caught the first whiff of Alliana’s blood where a drop was splattered upon the dirt. He thought of going back, of telling Lucian there was no need to search in the caverns, but then decided there was no time. Blood meant trouble, especially when a strange vampire was involved. Knowing that time was of the essence he began to run, maintaining a pace that both allowed him to track her yet satisfied the urgent screams inside that demanded he get to his mate’s side.


  As Mikhal began his quest, Alliana was holding Katia close while trying her best to ignore the cramps that were ripping through her middle. She had run at first when she left the place where Marishka’s ashes were scattering in the wind, a harsh jog that had sent agony into her very depths, then slowed to a walk, and finally stopped altogether. It wasn’t that she didn’t have the will to move, she did, but she also had the common sense to know that she needed a plan. Running around the woods without knowing where one was going could be dangerous indeed. There were predators about; both of the human and animal variety, and a disheveled woman clutching a babe, her skirt red with blood would be an enticing bit of prey indeed. The scent of the blood could very well attract the wild cats and wolves that roamed the woods as well, so Alliana knew she needed to be extra careful.

  It would be best for her to find a stream to wash in as well as shelter for a bit, so she could rest until the pain went away. The question was, did she have time? Mikhal had most certainly found her and Katia gone by now, and she knew he’d be searching frantically for them.

  Part of her ached because she knew she was causing him pain by running, but another part of her was so furious and uncertain because of the curse. And then there was Katia’s safety to consider. Could her daughter ever truly be safe in the castle? Look at what had happened today. Did it matter that Marishka was gone? The other minions would hold no love for the human babe even if she were Mikhal the Merciless’s child. What if her daughter simply disappeared one night? She couldn’t watch her twenty-four hours a day, and there was the question of little Mikhalen as well. Was he capable of hurting his sister? Would he want to? Alliana didn’t want to believe Marishka’s hateful words, but part of them held some truth. Her son held a beast inside and until he had the ability and desire to control that demon, he could hurt Katia. But would he, would he truly?

  So many questions and none had answers. The worries filling her were staggering. She knew she needed to face her husband and have a serious talk with him, but it would be on her home ground, not his. Away from the evil surrounding the castle, away from everything that had pressed down upon her for so very long.
Yes Mikhal would be crazed with worry, yes he would be hurting, but she couldn’t stay her course. It would be best to be home, among her clan when they came face to face again. Besides, Sabina was wise and would be able to give her advice. She had always trusted her Godmother and felt in her heart that turning to her now was the right thing to do.

  Alliana stood, swaying slightly, and listened to her surrounding, then glanced up nervously and was surprised to discover how late it had become. It would be completely dark soon and that only added to her need for shelter. The darkness increased the number of those dangerous creatures in the woods tenfold, and Alliana knew she had to get Katia to safety.

  She walked slowly, eyes searching for a path that might lead to shelter or a place to hide, ears listening for the sound of a stream, and for a long while finding neither. Finally, she saw a darker shadow amid the now deep indigo shadows surrounding them, and went forward pushing past the branches that tore at her hair and dress, cuddling her very silent daughter close. Alliana said a quiet prayer that Katia was such a content baby, knowing the sound of her wails would have surely attracted unwanted attention.

  Her eyes focused in the darkness as she drew nearer to the shadow marring the darkness, and she realized it was a cave of sorts. Not a true one, not at all, but a crevice in the side of a stony hill. It was about the level of her shoulders, tall enough for her to sit in, and looked deep enough so that she could put little Katia behind her and sit on lookout for anything dangerous that came their way. If she were to doze off, well it was also deep enough that she could move far enough from the edge to keep from rolling off in her sleep.

  A sudden thought hit her, as she was about to lay her daughter inside the deep crevice. What if some animal had already made the place home? It was perfect for one of the wildcats that roamed the woods.

  Alliana lay Katia down gently on the ground and picked up a small branch, then stared at the thing in dismay. She knew she could make near dead coals in a fire stir, but she doubted controlling the elements included making fire where none was to start. What was she to do? She needed light to inspect the crevice for possible danger.

  Another cramp gripped her and Alliana let out a whoosh of air and felt a wave of dizziness roll through her. She needed to get them to safety and she needed to do it now. Katia would be vulnerable to anything that came along if she lost consciousness.

  Looking at the sky once more, Alliana held the medallion tightly then waved her hand upward. She could see the clouds churn in the near darkness, feel the wind begin to blow, and tightened her hand into a fist in response, calling out for lightening.

  At first nothing happened and Alliana began to worry that she was too weak to use her powers, but after she tried again, a small bolt came out of the sky, striking the ground a bit too close for Alliana’s comfort. She jumped and cried out, thankful her lack of control hadn’t hurt either of them, and vowing that she would spend every moment possible practicing her skills to hone them whenever she could. She then went to the area where the lightening had struck and waved her hand once more, stirring the sparks there until there were tiny flames that ignited the branch. Then using it as a torch, she went to the crevice and stood on her toes, peering inside to make sure all was well, hoping an angry bobcat didn’t leap out at her for disturbing its rest.

  All was well so she put out the fire with another wave of her hand, wishing she could keep it’s warmth but knowing it would attract anyone who passed near, and that there wasn’t room in the crevice for a fire anyway. She then picked up Katia, laying her inside before attempting to climb in herself.

  Alliana strained, her hands placed upon the rock ledge as she tried to push down to raise herself up, but her arms shook and her head swam. She stopped, rested a moment, told herself it had to be done, and tried again to no avail. Weeping, she slumped to her knees, feeling the trickle of blood begin to flow down her thighs once more because of her exertions, feeling helpless, out of control, and suddenly doubting the wisdom of her decision.

  As she knelt there, feeling hopeless, knowing she would probably get them both killed, wishing for her husband, Katia’s cry pierced the now completely dark sky, and the sound went to her mother’s heart. Alliana rose once more and put her hands to the ledge, pushing down with all her might, her body fueled by the adrenaline pumping through her from her need to comfort her babe, and at last was able to get herself high enough to find purchase with her knees. Leaving a bloody trail upon the side of the rocky hill, she boosted herself up and in, and finally crawled forward into the dark recesses of the hole.

  She went to Katia and pulled her close, opening her gown as she did so and offered the tiny girl her breast. Katia latched on at once, her needs met, her little fists waving happily, and began to suckle as her mother wrapped her cloak around them both.

  Alliana scooted back so her back was to the wall and held her daughter tightly, closing her eyes and humming softly, knowing it was dangerous to sleep, but also knowing she needed to. As she drifted off she again called out for her husband. It was true they had their differences, and she would still insist that they wait to talk until they were amidst her clan, but right now, all she wanted were Mikhal’s strong arms.


  Mikhal had tracked the scent of his wife and the strange vampire deep into the woods, fretting about the smell of Alliana’s blood that continued to assault his nostrils. At any other time, his mate’s blood was like ambrosia to him, but not now. Now it meant one thing; she was hurt. Either the unknown vampire had inflicted a wound upon her, or something inside her, something that had been ravaged during the arduous and almost fatal childbirth, and once again begun to bleed.

  He had gone as slowly as his frantic mind allowed at first, running then pausing then running again, but as the bleeding increased, so did the scent, and it became easy to track her. The path of scents left by Alliana and the minion did not mingle, leaving Mikhal to believe that they were not together, and the scent of his daughter he caught hardly at all for her tiny feet never touched the ground and thankfully her blood did not mingle with her mother’s. This suggested though that the vampire and not his wife were carrying Katia. This idea struck terror into his heart and confirmed Natalya’s suspicions.

  There were times when he would follow Alliana’s scent one way for a short time only to have her change course and double back. He assumed this was because she had lost sight of her quarry briefly and had to adjust her course. He deduced that the vampire was leading her somewhere, to someone, most likely Marishka, and was being certain that Alliana could follow but not catch him. That was why she at times began off in the wrong direction but then righted herself. It was a terrifying game of hide and seek his wife was being forced to play, and Mikhal’s demon craved pain and revenge for what all of them were being put through.

  He had seen the odd bolts of lightning that came out of the sky off in the distance, but didn’t give them much thought until he came upon the clearing with the cave at one side, and saw the scorched ground where the lightening had struck in the dim glow of the waning fire that was within the cave. This in itself wouldn’t have given him pause if it weren’t for the new scent that assaulted him. Marishka.

  When he had smelt his demented sister, Mikhal frantically searched the cave for any sign of Alliana and Katia, only to be left heartbroken that they were not there. Calming himself, he went back outside, realizing that their scent didn’t even permeate the cave at all.

  He searched the clearing, going to the outer reaches first and intending to work his way in, in a circular fashion, kneeling, crawling even like a hound to track each being that had been present, and to try and determine the direction they had gone, and had found the soft mossy area where Katia had lain first. He ran is hand over the moss then lifted it to his face, inhaling deeply of the scent of his little girl.

  Looking about, and then crawling, Mikhal found the area that smelt the most of Alliana. She had stood in the clearing, but not too near
the cave. Curious. He then moved about and picked up the scent of the mystery vampire. Following it, Mikhal found the place where the ground was oddly smooth. He ran his hand over it, wondering why this area was so very unblemished and solid, almost rock like, and then became even more curious as to why the scent of the vampire seemed to stop right at that spot. There was no trail leading away, only the one that came. Footsteps back wouldn’t follow the exact same path, even if they took the same direction.

  Shaking his head, not knowing what to make of it, Mikhal crouched and lifted his face, sniffing, scenting for Marishka. The essence of her was strongest near the cave so that was where he went. Knowing she wasn’t inside, he knew he had to track her and find the direction in which she had gone. Though he didn’t think she had been near Katia because there was no scent of her where the babe had lain, he had to be certain. He had to find her.

  On his knees once more, Mikhal found himself again where the scorched patches marked the lightning strikes. He lowered his head, the ground was permeated with Marishka’s stink, and it was then that he realized that what he thought had been ashes from burnt sticks and grass were actually those of his sister.

  Mikhal scooped up a handful and looked at them in wonder. There was no doubt. Even in dust, they smelt of her. His sister was dead, but by who’s hand? Had Alliana managed to kill Marishka or had a freak bolt of lightning done the job, and where were Alliana and Katia now?

  Mikhal didn’t know, but he was damn well going to find out. It was clear that Marishka hadn’t taken Alliana away, and the other vampire seemed to have simply vanished, so it would be best to go back and see if he could track his wife.

  Spending no time mourning the loss of his once loved but now despised sister, Mikhal returned to the spot that smelt the strongest of his wife, and lifted his head, sniffing for the scent that was her, knowing in his heart that he needed to find her soon.


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