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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 8

by Jolynn Raymond

  Another freak bolt of lightning streaked across the sky in the not too far distance, and it was then that Mikhal noted that it hadn’t been followed by the natural sound of thunder. What magick was afoot here and did it have anything to do with Alliana and Katia?

  He scented her easily and found that the trail was leading him, not surprisingly in the direction of the lightening, and he started off at a brisk pace, night had fallen and his family was out there alone. His tiny daughter and his bleeding wife, and he had to get to them. He didn’t know why Alliana had gone in the direction she had, away from the castle and the safety of him, but it didn’t matter, he needed to bring them both home safe.

  Before he’d traveled far, he was hit with the cry for help once more. An outpouring of hurt and desperation, a plea to be saved, coming from his mate, and Mikhal’s run turned into a frantic sprint.

  “Papa will find you soon, Katia. I’m coming, Alliana. Hold on, love. I’m on my way.”

  Chapter Six

  Mikhal followed the twisting maze Alliana had taken through the dense forest, tracking both her scent and her cries. His steps were swift and sure, the darkness holding no fears or dangers for him, his eyes seeing almost as if it were day. He was the predator here, not the wolves or even the wild cats that called these woods home. None would dare to challenge him. He was one of the night, and all those who resided in the woods sensed it immediately and gave him a wide berth. Knowing that they wouldn’t do the same for Alliana and his daughter though drove him ever faster.

  He finally came to the clearing where Alliana had sought shelter and paused, feeling that they were very near, her scent as well as Katia’s filled his nostrils. He looked about, eyes seeking, until he spotted the darker shadow of the shallow cave in the rock wall. Spying it, he rushed forward, knowing he had finally found them. The question of why she had come here instead of seeking out the safety of her home fleeing for the moment as his relief filled him.

  He stood before the rock wall for just an instant, gathering himself as the nagging question filled him once more. What had driven Alliana to flee through the dark woods, bleeding, distressed, with Katia in tow? What could possibly have made her run under such conditions? Was she fearful of his reaction about Marishka’s death? She certainly needn’t be. Thinking of the death of his sister he of course wondered exactly how had that come about, but he cared nothing that she was gone.

  Shaking his head to rid himself of the questions, knowing now wasn’t the time; Mikhal pressed his palms down on the ledge of the cave and easily boosted himself up and in.

  His eyes saw them immediately, the darkness being no hindrance. Alliana was asleep with Katia curled up to her breast. The babe was covered almost completely by his wife’s cloak. Katia was awake; one fist waving out from beneath the heavy cape as if to welcome her father, Alliana on the other hand had dozed off. Was it from fatigue or loss of blood?

  Mikhal crept forward silently until he was beside his wife, and then reached out a hand to stroke her cheek ever so softly. “Alliana love, I’m here.”

  His words penetrated the veil of exhaustion that had forced her to slip into a restless sleep, and her eyes opened immediately. He had come for them, just like she had known he would. Mikhal was here and now they were safe, but as her eyes met his, the question of the curse and Marishka’s hateful words came back to her, making her stiffen.

  Mikhal saw her draw back almost imperceptibly, and his own gaze filled with concern. What had happened? Why had she fled? Why was she once more leery of him? Alliana shivered then and once again the questions were pushed to the back of his mind. Alliana and Katia needed care, and to get that properly he needed to get them back home. Once his wife and babe were tucked in their beds, and Natalya had seen to Alliana’s medical needs, then he could ask her all the questions he wished, but not now.

  “It’s time to go home. Can you move?”

  “I... Yes, there was some pain and some bleeding as well, but I am able to walk.”

  “You shall not be walking, wife. I was simply asking if you were able to make your way down from here. I will climb down and then you shall hand Katia to me. I will then assist you. I fully intend to carry you both. We will be home in an hour or two.”

  “No. I do not wish to go home. I will not go home.”

  So she hadn’t become lost in the woods at all. That answered one of his questions, but it caused a multitude of others. Mikhal did his best to remain calm but his demon was fighting tooth and nail to be heard. The fact that his mate and his child were injured and that she was defying him as to what was best for her went against every instinct he had. In his world he was the dominant male and she his mate, and she was to do what he commanded without question. Unfortunately, Alliana didn’t see things that way and so Mikhal knew he had to maintain control or risk losing her.

  Mikhal raised his eyebrows even as he clenched his teeth but Alliana saw little of his expression in the darkness. She did keenly feel the displeasure of her mate though and it caused her to turn away. The pull of him was oh so strong, the need to do as she was told filled her, but she fought it. Not now, not until she had answers.

  Mikhal saw her struggle, and knew he could have subdued her with a growl and a nip at the mark upon her neck, but he made himself be rational and act like a man.

  “And what pray tell is it you wish to do?” Though he was giving her the chance to voice her wishes, he couldn’t keep all of the sarcasm out of his voice, and they both heard it loud and clear. Alliana’s head snapped back around, her eyes narrowed, immediately put on the defensive.

  Mikhal, seeing her reaction, chastised himself. He needed to get a better hold on his emotions. “Tell me what it is you want. Where do you wish to go?”

  “I wish to go back to my clan.”

  This time Mikhal couldn’t contain the growl that came from deep within him. Why would she want to leave him now? How could she even consider it? She had just given birth to their children! He opened his mouth to speak but she held up her hand to silence him.

  “Hear me out.”

  “Very well. To say you have piqued my curiosity would be an understatement.”

  “I don’t know where to begin. There is so much to tell. So much has happened.” Alliana had come to the realization that it was time to tell Mikhal of her powers. There was no sense in hiding them any longer, and what had taken place earlier with Marishka needed an explanation as well, one that required revealing the truth.

  The fact that she had been hiding something monumental just as he had been hadn’t been lost on her, but Alliana still felt that his secrecy about the curse and what it meant about his love for her was a far more sinister secret than the one of her magick. Her powers hadn’t affected their relationship like his conjured up love did.

  “Alliana, would it be possible for us to move to warmer quarters? I am not saying we must go home, only that I do not think it is beneficial to the health of you and Katia to stay in this cave while we talk. Would you agree to us finding an inn? I swear I will hear you out and take you to visit your family.”

  That she could stay with them he would not say or even give thought to. She was his wife and would remain at his side with their children. Whatever had happened to cause her to doubt him once more would be worked through, preferably in the warmth of a room at an inn.

  “I am agreeable to that husband, but hear me now. I am going to find my clan so I may speak to my Godmother.”

  “I am well aware of how tenacious you are, sweet and wouldn’t think of denying you. I was simply making certain that you knew it would be only for a visit. You shall not reside there permanently.”

  “Nor do I wish to.”

  Mikhal allowed himself a small smile at her words. He felt a bit of relief now that he knew she wasn’t thinking of leaving him. Yes she was leery, yes she had misgivings yet again, but her heart hadn’t been turned.

  At that moment the cry of a wolf echoed through the night and Mikhal saw Allian
a’s eyes grow wide. He knew the pack had most likely caught the scent of blood and would follow it here, and while there was nothing for her to fear, the sight of a pack of wolves mulling around them in the bushes would be disquieting indeed. Perhaps it would be best if she simply clung to the babe and he gathered them both in his arms. They would be off that much quicker then.

  “Let us be off. They wouldn’t dare to challenge me but I know you will be more comfortable if you do not have to face them. I shall climb down and then help you down. Hold Katia close.”

  Mikhal did as he said while Alliana gathered the cloak tightly about herself and their babe and scooted to the edge of the cave. She slid gratefully down into his arms, loving the strong feel of them and the safety they provided, pushing the thoughts of the curse from her mind. All that mattered now was getting Katia to safety.

  Mikhal set her down quickly, her cloak furling open as he did so, and he grimaced as he spied the bloodstain on the front of her skirt.

  “I’m hardly presentable for an inn.”

  “As my wife you shall be welcomed anywhere. My rank and my silver will open any door. Your clothes are those of a lady and your cloak shall hide the stain. None will turn us away.” That said, Mikhal scooped his wife and child up in his arms, stood for a moment to get his bearing from the stars, and headed in the direction of the nearest village. It was a ways to be sure, but at least they were moving towards a better place. There would be time to talk after Alliana had rested and been seen to by a midwife.


  Mikhal sat before the blazing hearth, eyes fixed on the sleeping figures of his wife and child. They had come to the village after trekking through the forest for over an hour, Alliana and Katia sleeping most of the way. He could sense her disquiet, but he could also tell that she was utterly exhausted form her ordeal. Exhaustion had won out easily in the end, and she’d slept peacefully in his arms. That she was able to relax completely in her dreams showed him that whatever was on her mind had sparked just a tiny ember of doubt and not a roaring blaze.

  The bleeding had ceased altogether and for that he was grateful. Perhaps there was nothing truly wrong inside her. Perhaps the strain of her flight had simply opened almost mended wounds from the arduous birth. If she had still been showing signs of hemorrhaging he would have sprinted through the woods in a mad flight, but now he was hardly worried. True Alliana needed to be seen to, but Mikhal knew the former loss of blood wasn’t life threatening.

  He’d gone to the inn, still holding them both, refusing to put them from him, and simply kicked upon the door to wake the innkeeper. The man had of course become much more obliging once he saw whom his guests were, and had set them up in a room no questions asked. Oh Mikhal was well aware of the man’s curiosity, his lack of a mount fueled many questions, as did the sleeping woman in his arms, but though his eyes were inquisitive, the innkeeper’s tongue remained silent. One did not question the gentry.

  Mikhal gave orders for a carriage to be found for their journey the following night, paid the man handsomely telling him to send up a bountiful meal and a bath, and then finished his instructions by stating that after that they were to be strictly left alone unless summoned. They would be staying until nightfall of the following day and he didn’t wish to have noise or an unwanted intrusion bother his wife and daughter. After seeing how much color had returned to Alliana’s cheeks after the short bit of rest she’d obtained on their way to the inn, Mikhal had even forgone summoning a midwife. Alliana would be uncomfortable with a stranger, and unless she was in pain when she awoke, he deemed she could wait to be seen until they arrived at the camp.

  The innkeeper had followed his orders to the letter and now here he sat in the silent room. Alliana and Katia had both been fed and bathed and had been sleeping for the past seven hours, his wife only waking once to put Katia to her breast. He knew not how much longer she would sleep and it mattered little. All that he cared about was that they were safe. The bleeding had not resumed and the pains had stopped completely, and she’d slipped back into the much-needed state of deep sleep and there she would remain.

  Mikhal heard the rattle of pots and pans from the kitchen below and knew that day had risen. It was time for him to rest as well, and he knew they were safe, but it was hard to take his eyes off his family. His thoughts had strayed to Mikhalen as well, many times in fact, but he trusted Natalya and Lucian to care for the child. Neither would let anything happen to the boy no matter how long they were gone.

  Sighing, knowing he had to give in to his need for sleep. Mikhal walked over to the bed, stripping off his shirt, and then sitting down to pull off his boots. When he was done he turned, intent on drawing back the blankets, and saw the beautiful blue eyes of his daughter staring up at him. She opened her mouth in a little yawn and Mikhal put his finger to his lips in a motion of quiet even as a smile lit up his face.

  He slipped under the heavy woolen blankets and then reached for the child, pulling her close, hoping not to wake his wife, but unable to help himself. Katia was so very tiny and perfect, her sweet baby scent filled his nostrils and he simply had to nuzzle her head.

  “You’re my perfect little angel aren’t you? So beautiful, you’re going to be as lovely as your mother. The lads will come courting but they won’t stand a chance, dear heart. Your Papa will never allow it.”

  The child gurgled in response and Mikhal laughed softly. “Oh you think I shall let a husband carry my angel away from me? Not you my sweet.”

  He stroked Katia’s cheek then looked over at Alliana, feeling her eyes upon him. Their gazes met, hers was troubled. Could she possibly be bothered by his words? He knew that some men simply wanted to marry their female offspring off as soon as possible, but not him. Katia was a rare gem to be cherished, not a trinket to be sold to the highest bidder. No old lord or young rake was going to get his hands on his angel.

  “What troubles you Alliana? It can’t possibly be my devotion to my child.”

  “No, it warms my heart that you have accepted your girl babe as much as you have welcomed your son.”

  “Then what has chased the joy from your eyes, sweet?”

  “Tell me of Mikhalen. I know he is fine or you would have spoken of him. Surely you left him in the care of Natalya and Lucian, but I miss my little boy. Katia is my angel to be sure, but he, he is my baby boy.”

  Mikhal’s heart warmed at hearing her words. He was thrilled that she missed Mikhalen, that she was showing her obvious love for the boy even though he frightened her.

  “Your son is fine, Alliana. Lucian and Natalya will defend him with their lives. You and Katia were the ones in danger and now that enemy is gone.” Once more thoughts of Marishka and her odd death filled him, and Mikhal could see his words made Alliana troubled as well.

  Alliana knew it was time they put things out in the open. “We must talk.”

  “Yes, it’s what I wish as well. Let me help you get comfortable.”

  Mikhal sat up and as he did Alliana noticed the lines of weariness on his face. She reached out without thinking and caressed his cheek, then pulled back self-consciously. “Are you tired husband? This can wait.”

  “No, Alliana, this cannot. I have hours to sleep after I find out what it is that has made your heart so cautious once more.” He helped her up into a sitting position, piling pillows behind her, and handing her Katia who had begun to fuss. The babe, realizing everyone was staying awake, decided it was time for a full belly, and her tiny face was scrunched up, ready to let loose a cry of displeasure.

  Alliana cooed at her daughter as she unfastened the nightshift the innkeeper had procured for her, and then guided her daughter’s hungry mouth to her breast. She then looked back at Mikhal, and the look of pure love and wonder on his face gave her both joy and sadness. How much of his emotions were real, and how much were conjured?

  “I love you, Alliana. You have given me a gift I shall cherish for the rest of my days.”

  The look on he
r face told of her pain as she listened to his vow, and Mikhal’s joy was instantly dampened as well.

  “Tell me what is wrong, Alliana.”

  Alliana sighed, drawing in a deep breath, not knowing where to start, hoping he would see reason as she told of all that had happened and all she had learned.

  “Do you promise to keep silent and listen to me until I am through?”

  Though it pained him to make such a promise Mikhal nodded.

  “Thank you. I guess I should begin by telling you that I had my eighteenth birthday on the night the babes were born.”

  Mikhal immediately opened his mouth, his eyes huge with surprise, even while the anger of her secrecy filled him as well. It wasn’t that he had forgotten about the prophecy, it was that it had become far less important to him as his love for Alliana grew along with her belly. Long ago he had come to want her for her and not for what she could mean to him when she came into her magick, but still, why had she stayed silent? It was akin to deceiving him.

  “I now have been bestowed with the magick that the tales of old claimed I would be, and it is in part to this.” Alliana held up the medallion that was nestled between her breasts.

  “You actually pulled it off my neck and tossed it to the ground on the eve you took me, but fate found a way to bring it back to me. It was found by a small girl who lives in the village, and Natalya was able to procure it in time.”

  “Can you tell me what you are now capable of? The prophecy states...”

  “You promised me silence, husband. I shall hold you to your word.”

  “Forgive me. I am simply astounded by your revelation.”

  “There is more and I cannot be rushed. I will tell you all of it, but I have some questions for you as well. I am not the only one here who kept a secret.”

  Mikhal’s face again showed great surprise. Had Natalya gone back on her word? He couldn’t believe she had. Then it hit him, Marishka.

  “I can see by your expression that you have many questions and have come to some conclusions as well. Let me tell my tale now, and when I am done, you will tell me yours.


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