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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 12

by Jolynn Raymond

  Mikhal curled his hand over hers, making her fingers circle his cock, and squeezing lightly to allow her to get a feel for him. Alliana slid her fingers about, touching, exploring, and marveling at the combination of silky skin and hard steel. She traced the veins running through the velvety rod and then touched the head, skimming her fingers over the top then along the underside, making him groan.

  Alliana paused once more but Mikhal bit his lip and shook his head, eyes pleading, then tightened his hand around hers once more and moved them as one up and down his straining shaft, increasing the pressure as they went, then moving her hand up over the head, gathering the drops of precum and sliding back down.

  Alliana watched his face in amazement, as she took up the rhythm, fascinated by his look of complete surrender and bliss. She was doing this to him, giving him pleasure and reducing him to nothing but a huge pool of need.

  Stroking faster, testing her touch, focusing on the head, rubbing her palm across it, over and over the slick knob then skimming her fingers under the rim, Alliana watched for every little expression that would teach her how to best pleasure her man.

  Mikhal let go of her hand, abandoning himself completely to her and wrapped his fingers in her hair even as his other arm held her tight. Alliana took her free hand and stroked his chest, his face, then his neck, fingers dancing over the spot where the mark of claim lay on her own neck, and to her surprise he jumped and moaned with pleasure.

  Encouraged by this new development, Alliana increased her movement with her hand, pumping, turning, gently twisting, teasing the head of his cock then pumping hard once more, and then moved in to trail her lips from his chest upwards to his neck.

  She sought out the point where her fingers had stimulated him before, where her own mark of claim graced her neck, lips moving gently, tongue lapping, until he let out yet another moan and thrust forward in her hand. Knowing it was the right place, Alliana simultaneously squeezed his cock as she pumped him faster and bit down hard on his neck causing her husband to roar.

  He jerked, hips moving in time with her hand as his orgasm ripped through him, and a milky white jet of cum exploded from his cock. Rather than be repulsed, Alliana kept up her movement, making her hand slick, sliding over his shaft, pumping and biting, pumping and biting as Mikhal snarled and thrashed on the bed. In his frenzy his demon came forth but Alliana saw none of this. Her face was still buried in his neck, but she soon knew when his fangs pierced her shoulder.

  Surprised, she nonetheless couldn’t stop the explosion in her own core that shot through her body like liquid gold making her own teeth clamp down harder on his neck, breaking the skin, as he drew in a deep mouthful of her blood, the sweet nectar flowing over his tongue even as he came again.

  They were one, mated, bound, bonded for life and Alliana followed his lead, lapping at the wound she’d caused ever so gently even as he did the same, both of their bodies quivering with aftershocks of pleasure, both dazed by the power of their lovemaking, holding, cradling, cooing, loving. There was nothing else in the world; they existed in and of themselves.

  Finally, after much cuddling and whispering of unending love in the tiny wagon, snuggled close, content and spent, they had fallen asleep. Husband and wife, never closer, never to be torn apart again.

  Now it was later, hours later by the slant of the filtered light, and Alliana’s aching breasts told her it was high time she fed her daughter. Slipping ever so quietly out of bed, she gathered her gown and pulled it over her head, lacing the ties in front, silencing a wince that threatened to spill from her lips at the touch of the rough fabric up her sensitive nipples. Glancing back at her husband, she pulled the bed curtain around him, effectively warding off any light that might pierce the gloom of the wagon upon her exit, and then slipped out the back door, thankful that he truly slept the sleep of the dead.

  As she made her way down the steps of the short ladder, straightening her skirts, she looked up, only to find Danior walking towards her, a look of utter disgust on his face.

  Alliana quickly went forward, her finger pressed to her lips. She was not about to let this man awaken her husband. It would surely put Mikhal in a foul mood, and Alliana wanted nothing to spoil the glorious lovemaking they had just shared.

  Ignoring her plea to be silent, knowing they were a good distance from the wagon anyway, Danior spat out his hateful words. “I heard you last night, the sounds of a beast snarling and a woman crying out with pleasure. It disgusts me. He has turned you into a whore.”

  “My husband is not a beast and what we do in our marriage bed is none of your concern. How dare you?”

  “I dare because I am worried for my own wife. Has she too been taken to be a slut for one who is evil?”

  Without thinking, Alliana slapped him hard. Stunned, Danior stepped back, hands fisted, every ounce of his being aching to deliver the beating this trollop before him deserved, but he knew how unwise that would be. She was the wife of that thing, that devil, and like it or not, he had to leave her be.

  “Do not ever strike me again or I shall find a way to punish you. You have a sweet babe.”

  Alliana wanted to fly at him, claws ready, but she held back. He wouldn’t harm Katia. No one here would allow it. Danior was simply a very unhappy man whose wife had been stolen from him. Perhaps it was his concern for her welfare that made him act in such a way, but Alliana doubted it. It was most likely that he resented his possession being taken and the thought that another man might be touching what was his property galled him.

  “You are a fool, Danior. Natalya is no whore. She is my companion and is happy. The virtue she left here with remains. It pains me that you would question her honor. She is your wife.”

  “I will never believe she has found happiness in the den of the devil. It is my intention to return to your husband’s castle with you when you leave. I will see my wife. She is mine. You’ve no use for her any longer. It is clear you are happy being the wife of that evil creature. There is no reason for Natalya to remain.”

  “Perhaps she will choose to stay.”

  “The choice is not hers. She is mine.”

  “The choice is my husband’s. Do not forget of whom you speak, Danior. It is not wise to anger him for he has his limits.”

  Before Danior could reply, Alliana saw her Godmother hurrying out of her wagon with Katia in her arms. She rushed over to them, beaming at the sight of her daughter, and pulled her to her breast with great joy.

  “Oh how I missed you, my angel. Did Sabina take care of my lamb?” Katia cooed and waved her fists then opened her mouth, turning her head to Alliana’s full breasts.

  “Tis time for someone to eat. My poor love needs a full belly.”

  “Tatiana fed her earlier, but it appears she hungers yet again. Tis a healthy babe you have, Alliana. We shall speak of her future after she is fed.”

  Alliana turned a worried gaze at her Godmother. Was there trouble? Had she seen something? “Did you do a reading for her Godmother with the tea leaves? Did you sense any magick in her?”

  “All in good time, Alliana. Tend to your daughter. There is nothing so urgent that the child should be denied a meal. Tell me, how long do you think you husband will sleep?”

  “I do not know. I imagine for quite a while. I awoke from my need to nurse. Twas painful. I am unused to being away from her.”

  “And so you shall tend to that need at once. When you have finish we shall talk.”

  “Cannot we do both? May we go to your wagon?”

  “Aye, t’would save time. I wish to speak with you before your husband awakes.”

  “I do not wish to keep secrets from him. That has caused too many troubles in the past.”

  “Not a secret, child, a chance to think over what I wish to share with you before telling him.”

  “I trust him, Sabina.”

  “I never suggested that you shouldn’t.” Though her lips said the words, her eyes held less conviction. Alliana knew it had to be
hard for everyone, especially her Godmother to accept Mikhal in their midst. He was evil, a Bengalo, a devil, and everything they had heard of him had been true, but it wasn’t any longer. Alliana hoped that in time she could make her Godmother understand. She knew she needed Sabina’s help and advice to guide her in what was right for Katia, for her daughter, even more than her husband, was what matter most in the end.

  “I trust him, Godmother and you will too. He isn’t evil any longer.”

  “I am glad you are happy, Alliana. That is a very good thing, but there are other things we must discuss. Come, I shall tell you what I know while you feed your babe, and for now, Lord Arcos won’t be the wiser. He must remain in the wagon until the sun sets, and that will give us plenty of time.”

  Alliana didn’t like the sound of her Godmother’s words. She wouldn’t plot against her husband. Would never use her powers to hurt Mikhal.

  “Sabina, I mean it when I say he is a good man. I know what he is, but he has changed. He feels, he has a heart that loves. I will do what I must to protect my daughter, but my husband and my son shan’t be hurt by my actions.”

  “Alliana, I would never ask you to do such a thing. They are your life, your family, but your precious girl babe is in danger, there are things you must be told of. Be silent now and follow me. We have much to discuss. Be assured that none of it is a plot to harm anyone you love.”

  Alliana nodded, somewhat assured but full of trepidation nonetheless, then dutifully followed her Godmother to the wagon where she had spent much of her childhood, wondering what secrets would be revealed there.

  Chapter Nine

  Alliana sat, Katia at her breast, around the small table opposite Sabina in her Godmother’s wagon. The teacup that had been used while Alliana slept to see the things of the future lay between them, something so inane, yet full of promise and trouble.

  Alliana herself had never been able to master the art of reading the leaves, at least not as well as Natalya had. To her they most often looked like clumps of wet tea, splattered about the thin china cup’s insides. Today was no different, and though her Godmother assured her there was something to be seen, and insisted that Alliana see for herself, try as she might, all she saw was bits of now dried tea.

  “I’m sorry Sabina, I see nothing. Please simply tell me. I have no art for this sort of thing. I never have and it certainly has not been bestowed upon me with the gift of my other magick.”

  “Those who refuse to see remain blind by choice.”

  Alliana, frustrated, heaved a sigh. “No, Godmother, truly, I am trying but... tis just a bit of flakes stuck to the inside of the cup.” Katia took that moment to smack her lips in satisfaction, indicating she was done with her meal, and Alliana took the opportunity to turn the conversation away from her lack of divination skills.

  She took the babe and smiled at her, cooing as she wiped her chin, then put Katia to her shoulder and began to pat her back ever so gently. When her daughter finally emitted a tiny burp, Alliana cradled her in her arms once more, smiling again, tickling her tiny belly, rocking her, focusing all her attention on her child and not on the woman who sat across from her.

  “Alliana, lay Katia on my bed. The child will sleep and we shall talk.”

  “Yes, Sabina.” Alliana dutifully did as she was told. The woman before her was her elder, her Godmother, one whom she held in high esteem. It was unthinkable to show disrespect. Besides, she loved Sabina dearly and did trust her wisdom; it was simply that she wasn’t certain she wanted to hear the words she feared might pass through her Godmother’s lips.

  Alliana put Katia down for a nap then returned to her place at the table, sitting tall, ready to hear what must be heard. “Tell me, Sabina, what does the future hold for my family?”

  “You appear happy now, Alliana, but I sense that you are troubled. Is all as well as you say it is? You spoke of a fine home with no troubles to your parents last night, yet here you are, in our camp, just weeks after giving birth. Tell me why you left, what of your son, Alliana? He is alone yet you do not seem troubled by the fact.”

  “I am happy. I care for my husband. He has become a good man.”

  “I am not questioning that, dear, only why you chose to come here.”

  Alliana became defensive though she didn’t truly wish to. It was hard to speak of her fears, but she knew inside she had to be honest with Sabina, it was the reason she had come after all, to receive advice from the wise woman she trusted.

  “All of what I said was true, how Mikhal’s sister had a vampire child steal Katia away and how I followed him right to the cave where Marishka lay in wait. I used my powers to destroy her and get my daughter back, but before I killed her, she told me things.”

  “And these things are the truth? Was she not demented?”

  “Yes, she was quite insane, but could be lucid as well and the words, at least some of them that she spoke were true to an extent. She told me of a curse that had been placed upon my husband; it was one that allowed him to feel the emotions of others. It aided him in his journey to become a man and opened his heart to love. Not false love, for the magick didn’t instill the love that filled his heart for me, but it allowed him to feel things he hadn’t experienced in years.

  “He felt my pain at his treatment, my hatred, even our children’s fear of him, and it made him want to be a good man. It changed him.”

  “Is he still under this spell?”

  “No he had Natalya remove it and nothing between us has changed. He still loves, now more than ever. We did have words over the fact that he kept his secret from me, but I too was deceitful in not revealing my powers. I... we are still building trust between us. So many things were done.”

  “We need not speak of that. You are happy now in your marriage and I shall tell the Kris just that. They are meeting tonight. There is talk of bargaining to keep you here. The elders wish you to stay and bring us the benefits of your magick.”

  “What? No! I would never leave Mikhal and he wouldn’t allow it. Oh Sabina, there would be bloodshed if they tried.”

  “All they shall do is discuss it, as old wise men do. They know they cannot force Lord Arcos to leave you here. T’would be a deal made and your husband loves you, so no agreement shall be struck.”

  “But Mikhal will become enraged at the suggestion. Can’t you tell them it is a foolish and dangerous quest?”

  “I am but a woman, Alliana. I am not allowed in the Kris meeting. Perhaps a word with your father would be in order. If Lord Arcos has his blessing then they might be swayed.”

  “Oh this magick is a curse. The elders only wish for me to be here because they think I can bring them riches. I don’t even have complete control of my powers and don’t know what I could do to better your lives here.”

  “That is not our concern right now, Alliana. Let me tell you of the leaves. They speak of other things, things more pressing.”

  It was why she came, to be given the wisdom of the old gypsy before her. “Go on, Sabina. Tell me what the future holds.”

  “Do you remember the symbols? What they mean?”

  “Some, but honestly...”

  “I know child. Your head was in the stars and your heart running wild with the wind. Always gone, always off in the woods instead of learning the craft.”

  “I was a young girl, Sabina.”

  “I know, Alliana, one who was free of the bonds of marriage and the work of being a wife entails. Your spirit is of a different sort. I am not casting blame, simply saying how it was. I imagine your captivity was hard for you, child.”

  “Yes, at first, very hard, and I still yearn to run and be free at times, but I have my family now and I am allowed to go where I wish, within reason.”

  “Your husband is a tolerant man?”

  “Yes, he is wonderful. He treats me well, Sabina, I told you that. Natalya too. She is happy.”

  “I told you I believed you and I do. I am simply confused by the leaves, they warn of tro
uble from someone you love, someone who holds your heart. As for Natalya, well Danior never saw what a treasure she was. I shan’t speak ill of him, but if Natalya is allowed the same freedom as you, I have no doubt she is happy. Her life is here though; she is bound to Danior. They are husband and wife.”

  “That is something Natalya will decide for herself. I shan’t make her return here and neither would Mikhal. Tell me of this trouble you see.”

  “Tis not a trouble that is an immediate threat, the leaves formed further down the cup. It is what the future holds, perhaps a year, maybe two, maybe a bit more. I know not. Two circles formed, connected dots, joined, I believe they symbolize your babes, the boy and the girl. Tell me about him, Alliana.”

  “He is a precious darling, a crown of dark locks and the blue eyes of his father.”

  “Dark locks?”

  “Tis a family trait on both our sides. My hair is unusual, surely you know that, and Mikhal’s sister has ebony hair as well.”

  “So he is sweet and precious, a good boy? Can he be taken into the sun as Katia can? Is he warm to the touch?”

  Alliana’s face clouded. She knew where Sabina was going with her questions.

  “No Sabina. He is of his father. True there is human in him, his heart beats, he breathes, but... I was not truthful, his temperament frightens me and he has a thirst for blood. My breast is not enough for him; my mother’s milk does not satisfy his needs. He... Oh Sabina, he becomes so enraged and turns from my darling boy into a demon with tiny fangs and talons, hissing and full of fury when he hungers. I... I haven’t the courage to nurse him; I am shamed to say a wet nurse has that unpleasant job. He takes a mix of blood and milk from the poor woman’s breast. Oh, Sabina, I reject my own son when he needs me.”


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