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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 13

by Jolynn Raymond

  “Does he harm her?”

  “I haven’t the heart to watch but he must cause her pain. His fangs are so sharp; his eyes hold the glow of hell. He simply becomes... evil. Never is he very sweet. That was an untruth. He is always fussy, never content truly, hissing and snarling instead of gurgling and cooing even when in human form, but when his belly is empty, a vampire is all he is.”

  “I’m frightened of him and frightened for Katia. Marishka told me things and I don’t know if they were said to drive a wedge between my family and me, or if she spoke the truth. She had visions, but she also was told things by the ‘voices.’ I can’t say if what she said is true or not. Tell me what you saw, Sabina.”

  “Within the two circles lay a heart cleaved by a dagger.”

  “The actions of one will harm or break the heart of the other. The dagger is evil, an enemy, danger, am I right? And a heart is one you love and hold dear.”

  “Yes, the babes who are joined will have hatred and pain between them and one will cut the heart of the other, either through flesh or through the pain of their actions.”

  “But he is just an infant.”

  “I told you Alliana, the cup held the leaves well below the rim. I am not speaking of something that will happen now. I speak of the future. I’m afraid your daughter will not be safe in the castle.”

  “That is what Marishka told me. She said Katia was but a human girl, worthless, and that her brother would hate her for he will never love. She said he was the one whom came out right, whom held the power of the vampire blood, and that he would hold no regard or caring for me or Katia because we are human.

  “Mikhal had the benefit of the curse to open his heart, he also had his past before he was turned where he held a store of memories and emotions, but little Mikhalen will have none of this. I don’t know if we can raise him to have human morals or if his demon instincts will win out. Right now he is but a babe, he has no control and that is natural, but given time and love, perhaps we can guide him.”

  “Or perhaps not. The leaves always tell the truth, Alliana. Your son means danger for your daughter.”

  “But Mikhal is certain our son can be taught to love, just as he was able to find love.”

  “As a father he would not think ill of his son, especially because the traits you fear are ones he holds and is able to keep in check.”

  “And as Mikhalen’s mother I should have the same faith in my son. It hurts me that my heart has rejected him, Sabina, but I fear him; I know my rejection has hurt my husband as well. He feels as though I am turning my back on a part of him.”

  “But that very part, the demon part, is the half that harmed you, sweet. You have every right to fear your son’s demon side and I do not think Katia should be raised in the castle. Tis too dangerous.”

  “Alliana’s brow creased as her eyebrows drew together, even as her mouth opened in shock, eyes drilling into her Godmother. “What are you saying, Sabina?”

  “Give her to me. Let her live among us.”

  “Are you mad? She is my daughter. Mikhal would never to agree to that.”

  “Alliana, calm down and listen to me. I have thought this out. There is wisdom in my words if you will just heed it.”

  “Very well, I came here for answers, but I shall not promise to do as you ask.”

  “What I am saying is for the future, not right now. I do not expect you to leave your newborn daughter here and simply walk away. Right now she is safe. Little Mikhalen is not capable of hurting her as long as she is out of reach. Do not place them in a cradle together, nor let them near each other if they are out of your sight and things will be fine. As you said, he is but an infant.”

  “That won’t always be the case though, and as soon as he has more control over his body, he will be able to harm her.”

  Alliana shook her head, not wanting to believe that Mikhalen could hurt his sister.

  “Alliana, he will be in a stage within a year or so where he will be able to cause harm without having had time to learn right from wrong. He will go with his base instincts, and you said yourself they are animalistic. What if he hungers and Katia is playing across the floor? Her scent would be that of warm human flesh and blood. Perhaps there will be brother/sister bond that ties them, perhaps not, the tea leaves suggest the latter.

  “Keep your babe, watch her, protect her, use your magick if needed, but when the babes get older and Mikhalen can move about on his own, then Katia should come and be here among her people.”

  Alliana was shaking her head. The thought of Mikhalen hurting Katia broke her heart but she knew it was possible, very possible. What if he had a tantrum and lashed out at her? She was so delicate and his talons so sharp. But how could she give up her daughter, and how could she convince her husband to do the same? An idea suddenly came to her, one that could solve all these worries.

  “My magick! Can you work a spell that transfers my magick to Katia? She is of my blood so she is still a child of Nicolae. If she held my powers she would be safe.”

  “Alliana a child of one or two cannot master skills such as those well enough to protect herself.”

  “But can it be done?”

  “Yes, but tis a fool’s notion.”

  “No, it’s not. I shall take my daughter home where she belongs, watch her round the clock, love my son as best as I can to try and instill a feeling of love deep inside him, but if and when there is a problem, I shall bring her back and you can give her my magick. You can do the spell and then she may remain here until she masters her talent and is able to protect herself.”

  “You would wait until the first blow is struck? What if he kills her in a fit of fury? It would only take a moment, Alliana.”

  “Sabina I have to try. I have to have a bit of faith in my son and in my husband’s ability to raise him and make him feel love. I cannot ask Mikhal to give up his daughter.”

  “A year, Alliana. Bring her to us in a year and I will give the magick of the mother to the daughter. She will then live with me, under my guidance until she reaches the age of fifteen.”

  “So many years! Why?”

  “Twill give young Mikhalen time to come into his own personality, time for Katia to become a woman, give you all time to see how things will be. I’m not saying there can’t be visits, Alliana, but Katia should be raised here, in her clan.”

  “She will never know her family.” Tears were streaming down Alliana’s cheeks because part of her knew Sabina was right. She knew if she truly loved her daughter she would be selfless and give her up for her own protection.

  “She will, child. I won’t ever let her forget you and as I said, there shall be visits, as often as you like. I simply do not think they should take place in the castle.”

  “Sabina, I must think on this and speak to Mikhal. My husband is very headstrong and this will wound his heart as well as his pride. When he looks at our son he does not see a monster, he sees only part of himself. Twill kill him if I tell him I have so little faith in him and our son that I am willing to give up Katia.”

  “Do what you must do to protect your child, Alliana. I see what I see. Pain and harm will come to her if she remains by her brother’s side.”

  “We shall speak of it later, Sabina. I must go. I... it... I must go.” Flustered, heartsick, terrified, Alliana picked up Katia and held her to her breast, kissing the downy crown of her head. She couldn’t give her daughter up, she simply couldn’t. ‘But can you watch her die?’ The little voice came from deep inside and Alliana let out a small sound of anguish as she fled the wagon of her Godmother and raced across the clearing to a copse of willow trees. Sitting, she rocked her babe, whispering her fears to the child in her arms, swearing she would protect her for always, as her tears flowed freely and her heart ached with indecision.


  Mikhal awoke, alone, about an hour later. He stretched, then smiled, remembering what had taken place between he and Alliana in the tiny bed, then frowned a
s he looked about and saw she wasn’t there.

  He rose, not worried, but missing his wife and daughter all the same, and pulled on his clothes. The glow coming through the tiny back window told him that the sun was low in the sky and that he would be able to open the door at the front of the wagon to at least look out, if not venture forth. Hopefully Alliana would be near.

  He peered through the thick curtain to make sure he’d been correct about the doorway being cloaked in shadows, and spied Alliana at once. She was across the clearing with Katia nestled in her arms, holding one of the leaves from the tree that shaded her over the babes head as Katia waved her fists in the air. They certainly were a sight for sore eyes, his little family. The only thing missing was baby Mikhalen. His son belonged with them as well, but of course the babe would not have been able to join his mother and his sister in the sunlight.

  Mikhal opened the door quietly, wanting to watch Alliana and Katia, the sight charmed him, warmed his heart, filled him with love, chasing away the pain of Alliana’s fear of her son.

  She looked beautiful as always sitting in the dappled sunlight that danced across her face as the late afternoon rays braided with the fronds of the willow tree. Katia suddenly caught the leaf her mother held, and Alliana laughed at her success, the musical sound reaching his ears, making him smile. She was so carefree here, so happy, a golden woman of the light, enjoying the day with her child.

  Alliana spied him then, and rose, determined for her heart to be carefree, if only for the moment, and skipped across the clearing under the bright yellow sun, twirling once on her toes, laughing once more, before coming to a stop before him.

  Mikhal stared down at her, filled with happiness at her antics, then sobered when their eyes met, for though her expression was one of happiness, the joy on her lips was not present in her eyes. Was she not happy to see him? She had been dancing and full of happiness moments ago. What had happened?

  “Alliana, what troubles you?”

  “I...” She was confused, hadn’t she greeted him with a smile? Hadn’t she danced and made as if she were carefree? Twas then she remember the mating bond, and realized she could feel it too. He was distressed, and his unhappiness stemmed from her.

  She took a deep breath and gave him a wan smile. “I cannot hide anything from you can I, Mikhal?”

  “And are there yet more secrets to be kept?” He didn’t like the idea of that, not at all.

  “No, no secrets husband. Just revelations. Disturbing ones, heartbreaking. Things that must be talked over and decided.”

  “I do not like the sound of this wife. What nonsense has that old witch filled your head with?”

  Alliana’s expression became thunderous and Mikhal knew at once he had made a grave mistake in using such a derogatory reference to his wife’s beloved Godmother. Now her hackles were up and who knew what she would tell him of her day’s activities and these revelations she had spoken of.

  “She isn’t an old witch! Enid was an old witch. Sabina is a wise woman, one who sees much using our time honored crafts. How dare you berate her? I...”

  “Easy, love. I did not mean to offend you or disparage her character. I simply... Alliana I am fearful of what you have been told that has made you so very solemn, especially since you sought to hide you worries behind the mask of your smile. We had agreed to no more secrets, yet I rise after a night of lovemaking to find you full of them.”

  “Tis not a secret unless it was intentionally kept. I did no such thing. I simply hadn’t the time to tell you. I...”

  “Alliana, please. Fighting is not the answer. You are clearly distressed and I do not believe I am the source of it so do not flay me with your sharp tongue, tell me what it is so we may find a way to ease your mind.”

  “If only it were so simple. Let’s go inside so we can talk.”

  Mikhal looked up and saw Natalya’s husband hovering nearby and scowled. Yes, they certainly did need to go inside. It was hard to find privacy in a camp so small, especially when there was a dog about doing his best to sniff out trouble. He extended his hand and led Alliana up the short steps, closing the door of the wagon firmly behind her and then taking Katia into his arms.

  He nuzzled her head, loving her scent, loving her, a string of nonsensical words rising forth from his lips in a voice that was very unlike that of a Master Vampire. Alliana couldn’t help but be warmed by his actions. His love for their daughter was quite apparent. That thought sobered her as well though, for she knew it would be a battle to get him to see anything reasonable about Sabina’s plan.

  After giving her husband sufficient time to bond with his baby girl, Alliana suggested that they sit. Knowing her mind was heavy, filled with words her Godmother had spoken, Mikhal readily agreed, still holding Katia in his big strong arms, the tiny girl almost engulfed by her father.

  “So tell me wife. What has your Godmother told you? Did you tell her of your fears? Of what Marishka told you?”

  “Yes, but even before that, she knew of troubles to come. It twas in the tea leaves.”

  Mikhal made a sound of disgust, his face turning dark and scornful, but Alliana held up her hand before he could speak.

  “Do not disregard Sabina’s magick. She is wise and powerful and there is truth to her readings. I know you have no respect for my people and their ways, but I spent my life growing up here, watching the things she said would happen come to pass. I believe in her and you should as well. You know magick exists. It has played a huge role in your life. It gave you children; it helped you to love. Don’t turn your back on it now because it may reveal something you do not wish to hear.”

  “Very well. Tell me what she saw.”

  And so she did. The whole thing came tumbling out, word after anguishing word without taking a breath. Alliana told of the danger and from whom it would come, of her son’s predisposition to violence and evil, of her wish to give Katia her own magick to make her stronger, safer, and lastly of Sabina’s insistence that Katia grow up here, among Alliana’s Gypsy family until she was fifteen and very able to protect herself.

  Mikhal acted as she had predicted he would, with fire. He rose, startling the babe in his arms, making her howl at the sudden jerking. He stopped then, pulled in his anger, crushed the demon that was raging inside at the thought of anyone trying to take his child from him, long enough to lay Katia down on the bed, then turned eyes glowing with amber upon his wife.

  Alliana looked up at him, eyes steely, unflinching. She held no fear of him, even like this, and understood his rage. She too had been torn up inside at the thought of what was to come to pass and the idea of having Katia ripped from their lives.

  “NEVER! It will never happen. I care not what shapes Sabina saw in the dredges of her teacup. Mikhalen is our son, blood of our blood. Alliana, he shared a womb with Katia. He wouldn’t harm her. I know it.”

  “How can you be so certain, Mikhal?” He has no human past with which to remember emotions, no Empathy curse, no...” She was about to say soul but stopped. Alliana had no way of knowing if her son had a soul or not and did it truly mater? Mikhal had none and yet he was a good man.

  “I don’t wish to lose her either. The thought breaks my heart, but tis her life, husband. Would you have her be in danger?”

  “I am fully capable of raising Mikhalen to know love and to know right from wrong.”

  “And you are willing to bet your daughter’s life on it? Think of Marishka’s madness. She couldn’t have been made to love. He... he holds her blood as well as ours, he is so much like her.”

  “He came from your womb! He is half human. What of your blood that runs in his veins?”

  “I’m not certain the children were created like that. Katia, she is so very human. Her heartbeat is strong, she breathes as I do, she can feel the sun without pain, and she needs no blood to fill her belly. Mikhal... He...”

  “He is of me. Is that so horrid, Alliana? Can you not even give him a chance or have you already turned your
back on him completely?”

  “No. Please Mikhal. My heart aches for him. I love him.”

  “But only in his human form. He is but a babe, he cannot control his inner self yet.”

  “And there lies the problem. I love him, I do, all of him, but he frightens me with the intensity of his rages. He has no control now, no reasoning, and because of it his demon has full reign. When he is older we will know for certain. When he has matured and has become a man, then we will know his true character and he will have control over himself.”

  “And until then you would abandon your daughter to this place?”

  “This place was my home, tis not a bad life! She would want for nothing, especially love. We could make it a good life for her, and Sabina and my parents would as well.”

  Mikhal said nothing, simply looked at his tiny daughter with his heart breaking. There was some justification in Alliana’s fears, and he knew better than to doubt the power of magick. Still, he was not about to simply agree to this insane plan.

  “I will speak of this no more. I must think on it. Katia will be safe with us and around little Mikhalen for a long while. If I am to give up my daughter it certainly won’t be happening today.”

  “Nor could I simply leave her here. We do have time, Mikhal. Perhaps our son will show us he is able to quiet his rages and our fears will subside, then all of this will be for naught.”

  “That is what I firmly believe, wife. You will see, Sabina is wrong. The future can be predicted, but it can also be directed. Now gather your things. I wish to leave here at nightfall.”

  “I... Mikhal please.”

  “Is your business here not done? Did you not speak to your Godmother and have a chance to visit with your mother and father?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Then we shall go home tonight.”

  “I had hoped for a bit more time, Mikhal.”

  “Must I be blunt, Alliana? I imagine your stomach does not growl with hunger as mine does. You have had a chance for a meal, I, have not. I imagine you would prefer I did not dine upon anyone here, am I correct?


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