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Beneath the Shadows of Evil... Treasured

Page 14

by Jolynn Raymond

  Alliana blanched at his words. She knew he fed, but it was something she kept pushed far back in the recesses of her mind.

  “I’m sorry, sweet. I didn’t wish to distress you. Our talk and the thought of losing my daughter seem to have stolen my manners. Please know that I do not kill any longer. My victims are left very much alive, frightened and weak, but alive. That may not be much, but I hope it dispels some of your revulsion.”

  “I... tis fine, Mikhal. I knew... I mean.”

  “Let us not discuss it. Can you be ready in an hour’s time? Pack Katia’s things and say your goodbyes so we may be on our way?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  Alliana began to do just that, gathering up the bright patched quilt her mother had given her for Katia and a few of the other little things given to them by members of the clan to celebrate the birth of their first child. During their talk, the sun had slipped below the horizon, making it safe for Mikhal to move about more freely.

  “I need to stretch my legs and see to the horses and wagon. I’ll be back. If you aren’t here I shall assume you are with your parents.”

  Alliana nodded but remained silent, the image of his feeding on some poor helpless soul burned into her mind. Seeing how tense her shoulders were and how she wouldn’t look at him, Mikhal knew he had to make things right. He reached in front of her, arms around her sides, and stilled her hands where the fluttered over the baby things, then tightened his arms to hold her as he put his mouth to her ear.”

  “I love you, wife. Never doubt that. You have changed me, made me honorable. I swear that my feeding is done as gently as possible. Don’t hate me for what I am, Alliana, for I couldn’t bear it if your heart turned cold again. Please. I love you.”

  She nodded, biting her lip, forcing the images out of her mind. He wasn’t a brutal beast any longer. She knew that. He was gentle and kind and loving, and though he still needed blood, it was clear he took no great satisfaction in the act any longer.

  Turning in his arms, her eyes met his and she gave him just a ghost of a smile. “Tis fine, Mikhal. I love you as well, all of you. I swear I do.” She kissed him then, letting all her love come pouring forth, arms wrapping around his neck, body pressed to his, then moved her lips to his cheek, his jaw line, his neck, nipping softly and making him jump, before moving back up to his ear, lips soft upon the delicate shell. “I love you.”

  Mikhal nearly crushed her with his embrace, so glad was he that she was accepting all of him, even the part that was still a monster. Thoughts of making love to her filled his mind but were quickly distinguished by a wail from the bed. Katia was feeling left out.

  Both of them chuckled and broke their embrace; Mikhal picking his daughter up ever so gently. “You’re to be a sassy one then aren’t you, poppet? Don’t you like it when I give your mum affection? Well, sweet, you had better get used to it. But don’t worry. There is plenty of that to go around.”

  He put his face on the babe’s belly and blew a multitude of little kisses, making Katia shriek and Alliana laugh at the sight of them both. Some girl children were thought to be a waste, useless and worthless, but not hers. Katia was cherished by her father; unfortunately, that would make it all the more difficult to send her away if the need arose.

  When he was done kissing his baby girl, Mikhal reluctantly handed her to Alliana. “I’ll be back soon. Finish up so you can say your goodbyes and we can be off.”

  “I’ll be ready.”

  “Thank you, sweet for understanding, for everything.”

  “You are quite welcome, husband. Now go, I wish to return home so I may see little Mikhalen.” The words were true and they lightened both of their hearts. Alliana did miss her little boy, she truly did. She simply wished he could control his rages.

  Mikhal left the wagon and began to head for the makeshift corral where the horses were kept but Danior stopped him in his tracks, stepping boldly out in front of him, a hard determined look on his face.

  “Tis best if you and I avoid trouble. Alliana and I are leaving within the hour. Move out of my way.”

  “You are the very definition of trouble, evil as well. If you are leaving that is good for my clan, but know one thing, I shall be coming with you. My wife doesn’t belong at your castle, she belongs here with me and I fully intend to bring her home. Natalya is mine and you shan’t be holding her any longer.”

  Chapter Ten

  Mikhal did his best not to show the disgust he was feeling for the man before him, but it was of little use. A sneer curled his lip and his eyes filled with loathing. How dare this man, this fool whom he had already come so very close to killing, tell him how things were to be?

  “Natalya was paid for. You were well compensated for your loss. Her life is at the castle now. Do not be so foolish as to think you can dictate what will be done about her.”

  “You paid me, tis true, but she was mine by law and you’d no right to come here and deprive me of a wife. You said she was needed to cheer Alliana. To tend to her when she was ill. Well she is healthy now, the picture of happiness it seems, and therefore my wife’s services are no longer needed.”

  Mikhal grit his teeth, fighting back his rage at the man’s audacity. Who was he to question a Lord? He was a bigger fool than Mikhal had even imagined. That the man would risk his well-being to regain Natalya was astounding. It was clear he didn’t truly care for her. The word love had never passed his lips; he’d never claimed to miss her, simply said she was his, that she belonged to him. Twas mere pride that made him bold and pride that would get him killed.

  “I will tell you once more that Natalya shall stay at the castle. I wish her to live there, as does my wife. They are friends and to be honest man, your dear wife seems not to miss you at all. Truth be told, she appears quite content to be out from under your thumb.”

  Danior’s face contorted in fury, his hands balling into fists by his side, ready to take on this beast, this evil thing that had torn their clan apart. As he was making ready to charge to his certain death, Alliana stepped from the wagon taking in the scene before her in an instant, knowing at once that her husband would slay the foolish man who was challenging him.

  “Mikhal, no! Please don’t. We can leave. I won’t say my goodbyes.”

  “Tis not your dealings, wife. Take yourself and Katia to your parent’s wagon. I shall be there shortly.”

  “Mikhal, please.”

  “I don’t need you to beg for me. Silence your tongue and do as you’re told. Tis between me and your husband.”

  “Danior, he shall kill you in but a moment. You have no chance. Why must you do this? We shall leave with no blood being spilt.”

  “He has something that belongs to me and I want it back.”

  Alliana looked confused for a moment, not thinking of Natalya in terms of a thing. “Mikhal?”

  “He speaks of Natalya. As her husband he has rights, but I bought those rights from him on the night I took her. This was settled then but he refuses to see.”

  “Natalya is not a mere thing, and I won’t allow her to be bartered for.”

  “Alliana, tis not your concern.”

  “Your wife speaks freely, Lord Arcos.” The disdain in Danior’s voice almost pushed Mikhal over the edge. He let out a low, warning growl, his pride wounded, anger at both the man before him and at his wife boiling inside.

  “My husband does not treat me as a thing, Danior. Perhaps if you had viewed Natalya as something to be cherished, she wouldn’t be so happy at the castle.”

  “Alliana...” Mikhal gave another warning growl. Although he didn’t disparage her words, it was simply that Mikhal didn’t need her to speak for him nor fight his battles. This was men’s dealings, not the time for a woman to speak.

  “I’m sorry, Mikhal but I will not hold my tongue. Tis the truth, Natalya is content in our home.”

  “I cannot believe my wife would freely live in a place of darkness. She cannot be there by choice.”

our wife is not held against her will. When we return, I shall tell her she is free to return here, to you and this life, twill be her choice.” Mikhal said the words with finality but Danior refused to back down.

  “I shall go to her and see with my own eyes if what you speak is true.”

  “My husband speaks the truth.”

  Danior spat upon the ground. “He who has no soul does not know the truth. I have no faith in his words. I am coming to the castle.”

  Alliana had moved to Mikhal’s side during the confrontation and she now placed a hand on his arm. He looked down at her touch, steely blue eyes meeting soft green ones, her expression saying everything. Alliana wanted him to allow this ingrate to come to their home.

  The demon inside him was screaming for retribution. The man had called him a liar, had shown scorn and had dared to defy him. His death would be just, was warranted for such behavior, but... Alliana. If he tore Danior’s throat out, as was his wish, Alliana’s sweet pleading eyes would turn cold as stone.

  “Very well. You shall have safe passage there and back, but I advise you not to utter another word to me. Your insolence has known no bounds and were it not for the gentle heart of my wife, you would be but a bloody heap in the dirt.”

  Danior’s eyes blazed with fury. He needed no woman to come to his aid, but he wisely held his tongue, twas not the time. The great and mighty Lord had acceded to his wishes. Revenge could be sought later, after he had Natalya in hand.

  “We leave in a half hour’s time. Say your farewells, wife. Things will not bode well if I am forced to stay here any longer.”

  Alliana did as he asked while Mikhal readied the wagon and Danior gathered up his horse. Before long, they were pulling away from the Gypsy camp, Alliana and Katia settled in the back amid a heap of straw and quilts, waving goodbye to her family as a dour faced Danior follow behind. He hadn’t said a word since Mikhal had agreed to his joining them, but daggers flew from his gaze.


  As Mikhal, Alliana, Katia, and Danior were finishing the last leg of an uneventful journey, Lucian was returning once more to Natalya’s chamber. He had left earlier, confused and annoyed, after listening to her sing to the child in secret and retired to his quarters, only to find no peace there either. She haunted him, filled his thoughts, made his body fill with fire at the slightest touch, and now it seemed, drew him to her time and again as well.

  He knew she had magick inside her, knew she could read people, but twas as if she’d bewitched him. Put him under a spell which stole his will, and he didn‘t like it one bit. He’d always prided himself on his aloof manner with women. He’d pleasure them and find pleasure in return, but as for thoughts of them afterwards, there were none. Why should there be when it was a simple joining of flesh for mutual pleasure. The lasses went away smiling and he was fulfilled as well. True some hearts had been broken as time or two, but he did his best to avoid that unpleasant happening by rarely dallying with the same woman twice.

  No, he enjoyed variety, enjoyed the different feels and scents of all the women who had graced his bed year after year, but had no trouble forgetting them as soon as they were gone. None had taken hold of him like the red headed Gypsy wench who would hardly give him the time of day.

  Oh she had softened to be sure, and twas a fact that she enjoyed his kisses, but she was more often than not as likely to slap him afterwards, as she was to melt in his arms. She was a mystery to be sure as was his continued desire to be near her, and it aggravated him to no end that he couldn’t simply leave her be.

  Tonight, when he’d seen her with the babe and had such ludicrous thoughts of having a wife and child should have been the final straw that sent him fleeing from her company, but try as he might, Lucian couldn’t leave her be. He always came back, ready to banter, ready to tease, and ready to steal a kiss if he had the chance. He was no better than a bumbling schoolboy and it galled him, but he did it just the same.

  Now he was back, at the very place he’d left in such a rage not more than two hours hence. Lucian approached the door on silent feet, not wanting to disturb Natalya and the babe. It sounded as if the child had fallen asleep, and that was something he didn’t wish to alter. The young Lord had a vile temper for one so young, and there was no sense in agitating the boy.

  Lucian swung the door open, not certain if he would come eye to angry eye with the woman who haunted him, but instead found her sleeping. No words of reprimand would be flung at him tonight, at least for a time, for not even Natalya could flay him with her sharp tongue while she slept.

  She had dozed off in a chair next to the cradle of little Mikhalen, one hand still gripping the side, though her movements to put the cradle to rocking had ceased. She was curled up, knees drawn, feet off the floor, sitting sideways in the big chair; head tilted back, one arm curled around her knees, mouth open slightly as she dreamed.

  He took every bit of her in, pleased to have this unexpected opportunity to feast his eyes upon her without her berating him, and noted for the first time that the dark fringe of lashes that fell upon her cheeks lay against dark circles that attested to her weariness.

  The babe had been fitful to be certain, and mothering him while the Master and the Mistress had been away had taken its toll. He thought perhaps that she was filled with worry as well over the welfare of her friend and the girl child, but he couldn’t be certain. He himself was not. True they hadn’t heard from Lord Arcos, but Lucian knew he would feel a sense of loss if the man he so respected had perished. Sire or no, he was of Mikhal’s clan, and no indication of his death had been given by any of those who had blood ties with Lord Arcos.

  Marishka on the other hand, was a different matter. A ripple had gone through the minions who had been sired by her upon her demise; they had felt their mistress’s death, though none had seemed to grieve. Their loyalty was to Lord Arcos, not his demented sister, whether she had made them or not.

  No, something else had taken them away from the castle, something that did not put them in danger. Lucian was certain of Mikhal’s abilities to protect himself and his wife, so there was no need for concern.

  Shaking off thoughts of his Master, Lucian refocused instead on the woman before him, once again feeling a wave of pleasure over the simple act of being able to look at her when her guard was down.

  Her hair was loose. She’d unpinned it causing it to tumble down around her shoulders, her cheeks held a tint of pink giving a bit of color to her ivory skin. The tips of her toes peeked out from under the hem of her gown perched as they were on the edge of the chair, and as he watched her, a small sigh escaped her oh so kissable lips as she brought the hand that had been holding the cradle up under her chin.

  She looked so soft, so vulnerable, so... innocent, and he felt the familiar hardening of his loins at just the sight of her. Her head lolled a bit, exposing her long neck, and Lucian had to stifle a groan. It wasn’t that he wished to tear and feed, oh no, he wanted to drink as his cock exploded deep inside her, filling them both with wave after wave of exquisite pleasure, but it was not to be. Not yet. Still, he knew that if this woman was to remain at the castle, and she damn well was going to, for life, that he would have to ask his Lordship for permission to make her his.

  The thought didn’t shock him, nor did it distress him as much as it would have at one time. Maybe twas the blood bond, maybe was simply because she was special. He didn’t know, and for now he was tired of trying to make sense of it. The attraction was there and it was undeniable. It was fierce and compelling and he was helpless to resist it. She would be his. She had to be.

  After making this declaration to himself, Lucian felt freer than he had for a long time. He’d been so intent on fighting what drew him to Natalya. So intent on denying it, resisting it, that he had made himself miserable. Well he wouldn’t any longer. When his Master returned he would seek permission and woo her relentlessly until Mistress Natalya admitted her own desires and came to him of her own free will.
  It shouldn’t be hard to make her see things his way; all he had to do was silence her protests and show her what felt right. T’would be done and that was that.

  Having come to this conclusion, Lucian smiled and walked to where Natalya slept. The need to care for her growing ever stronger now that he had decided unequivocally to make her his. He reached out a hand and pushed a fallen strand of copper hair back behind her ear, then stroked her cheek ever so gently. What he truly wished for was to put her to bed so she could rest without waking her or the babe, but he knew it simply wasn’t possible. All he could hope for was that she would allow it because of her deep exhaustion and the need to be silent so as not to wake the babe.

  He placed one finger over her lips, cautioning silence, and then cupped her under the chin, hand brushing against the hand tucked there. Natalya’s eye flew open, but they were clouded by sleep, she stared at him, confused, opening her mouth to speak, but he tilted his head in the direction of the cradle.

  She blinked, and then sighed, her breasts rising and falling as she did so, and then she stifled a yawn. Her head tilted back and she licked her lips, wetting them so they looked even more kissable as her eyes threatening to close once more. He smiled, had he known she was so very docile when she just woke up he would have spent more time with her in the morn.

  He moved to gather her into his arms so he could carry her to bed, and to his shock, she didn’t resist. Half asleep, she hadn’t the will, and she trusted the man who wished to hold her. Natalya knew Lucian wouldn’t harm her, and at the moment, she was far too sleepy to resist him.

  Cradling her close, loving the feel of her warm body soft against his, relishing the fact that she wasn’t stiff with resistance, he tightened his embrace, lifting her up, head dipping to take in her scent, lips brushing her forehead, and then headed for the bed across the chamber, wishing it were miles away.


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