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Margaret Thatcher: Power and Personality

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by Aitken, Jonathan

  San Carlos Bay landing 355, 359–60

  settlement, pressure for 350–1

  Sheffield, HMS, sinking of 349–51, 354, 363

  Sidewinder missiles 339–40, 361

  South Georgia landing/recapture 325, 346–7

  negotiations and resolutions 325, 335–6, 355, 366

  uniting of House of Commons in relation to 329–31

  US public opinion 339–40

  victory 367–70, 501

  war cabinet (ODSA) 344–5, 355, 369, 370

  Fieldhouse, Sir John 327, 346, 361

  Financial Times 311, 543–4, 585

  Finchley, London 81, 102–3, 112, 555

  Conservative Association 80, 83–4, 103

  Jewish population 80, 83, 102–3, 187

  MT’s adoption as candidate (1958) 79–82, 85

  as safe Conservative seat 79–80, 83

  Finkin Street Church, Grantham 22–3, 33, 127, 495

  first term in office (1979–83) 324

  bridge building 266–9

  Budgets of 1979 and 1981, 5, 251, 308–12

  cabinet 249–50, 252–5, 300–3, 306, 315–19, 380–1

  civil service, challenging 255–9, 262, 265

  economy 300–20, 376–7, 312–15

  Falklands War (1982) see Falklands War (1982)

  foreign policy 283–99

  monopolies and mergers, bending of rules on 275–6

  National Health Service (NHS) 378–80

  privatisation, policies regarding 380–2

  security matters, interest in 272–5

  trade unions, policy towards 377–8, 389

  ‘voices’ 266, 269–72, 308

  vulnerability of MT 312–15

  see also under Thatcher, Margaret Hilda (Baroness)

  Fisher, Sir Nigel 163–5, 168

  FitzGerald, Garret 416–19, 468

  Foot, Michael 226, 232, 329–30, 382–3, 388, 622

  Fowler, Norman (later Baron Fowler) 318, 379, 526, 534

  France, Mirage aircraft, supply by Dassault to Saudi Arabia 427–9

  Fraser, (Sir) Hugh 4, 138, 149, 162, 170, 205, 556

  free-market economics 118–19, 161, 208, 322

  Friedman, Milton 205, 207–8, 250

  G7 summits 286, 296, 469

  Gaddafi, Muammar (Colonel) 451, 470–3

  Galtieri, Leopoldo (General) 335–6, 365, 443, 599

  Garel-Jones, Tristan (later Baron Garel-Jones) 590–1, 615, 636–7

  Gatehouse, Stella M. 50, 115, 171

  GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) 272–4

  general elections 3–4, 48–9, 63–5, 69–70, 83–5, 107, 110–12, 114, 123, 632

  of 1974 (February) 4, 138–40, 142, 440

  of 1974 (October) 147–9, 199

  of 1979, 233, 237–44, 246–7, 441

  campaigning 233–7

  preparation/waiting 229–33

  victory 5, 243–6

  of 1983 26, 386–8, 391, 443, 501

  of 1987 500, 521–9

  strategy group (‘A-Team’) 521–3

  ‘Wobbly Thursday’ 525–8


  MT’s views on and fears about reunification 27–8, 49, 460, 555, 592–4, 599, 671

  Nazi period 27–8, 298, 314

  see also Second World War

  Gillies, Dorothy 35–8

  Gilmour, Sir Ian (later Baron Gilmour of Craigmillar) 177, 182, 184, 203, 249–50, 295, 305, 314, 335, 589

  as Wet 301, 311, 317

  Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry 220, 292–4, 298–9

  GKN (Birmingham), Kuwaiti export order car crisis 672–5

  Goodrich, Margaret (later Wickstead) 12, 31–2, 36–7, 41, 51

  Goose Green, Falklands 363, 375, 387

  Gorbachev, Mikhail 299, 476, 478, 491, 592, 628

  relationship with MT 8, 480–7, 493, 495–8, 631, 641

  see also Soviet Union (USSR)

  Gorbacheva, Raisa Maximovna 480–1, 495

  Gow, Ian (Parliamentary Private Secretary) 5, 152, 250, 262, 270, 279, 291, 302, 385–6, 419, 563, 590, 595, 614–15

  assassination and funeral (1990) 419–20, 595, 601

  character 266–8, 517

  Falklands War 323–4, 326, 334, 341, 346, 354, 356

  grammar schools 121, 129, 251

  Grand Hotel, Brighton: bombing of (1984) 53, 410–15, 453

  Grantham, Lincolnshire 16, 28–9

  Finkin Street Church 22–3, 25, 33, 127, 495

  first political speech of MT (1945) 48–9

  North Parade as MT’s birthplace/childhood home see North Parade, Grantham (birthplace and early childhood home)

  Alfred Roberts’s grocery shops 9–11, 14

  in Second World War 27–31, 296, 460–1

  see also Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School (KGGS)

  Grenada invasion (1983) 466–8

  Griffiths, Brian (later Lord Griffiths of Fforestfach) 308, 541, 543, 585, 679, 681

  Gummer, John Selwyn (later Baron Deben) 411–12, 637, 640

  Haig, Alexander 336–9, 365–6

  ‘Haig Two’ document 338–40, 353

  Hailsham, Quintin Hogg (Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone) 48, 79, 162–3, 305, 314, 378, 530

  as Lord Chancellor 249–50, 254

  Hamilton, Archie (Baron Hamilton of Epsom) 517–18, 535, 660

  Hampson, Keith 589, 622, 635

  ‘handbagging’ 294, 517, 562, 665

  Harris, Ralph (later Baron Harris of High Cross) 118, 152, 207

  Hart, David 5, 103, 448–52, 449, 549

  Haughey, Charles 415–16

  Havers, Sir Michael (later Baron Havers) 77, 348, 511

  Hayek, Friedrich von 152, 205, 207–8

  The Constitution of Liberty 207

  Road to Serfdom 52, 207

  Healey, Denis (later Baron Healey) 156, 200, 209, 233, 467, 618

  exchanges with MT 18, 157, 170–1, 199, 201, 212

  Heath, Sir Edward 4, 111, 117, 123, 150, 164, 194, 240, 263

  appointing of MT to various posts 113–15, 121, 156, 231

  character/personality 124–5, 141, 148, 178–9, 194

  compared to Enoch Powell 116–18

  compared to MT 124–5, 137, 144, 219, 252

  election campaign of 1979 238–9

  following MT’s election as Prime Minister 245, 248–9

  general election of February 1974 138–40, 142, 440

  general election of October 1974 147–9, 199

  hostility to in Conservative Party 142–4, 149

  leadership elections 4, 109–10, 142, 148, 158, 174

  MT, relationship with and opinions of each other 63, 66, 83, 109–10, 112, 116, 124, 134–7, 140, 143, 179, 239, 263, 667

  and phoney war in Conservative Party (1974) 148–51

  policies 116–17

  Henderson, Robert 62–3, 67–8

  Henderson, Sir Nicholas 339, 355–6, 364–5, 464

  Hermes, HMS 324, 327, 334, 373

  Heseltine, Michael (later Baron Heseltine) 7, 203, 305, 313, 399, 505–6, 589–90

  character 138, 622–3

  clash with MT 505–9

  Defence Secretary 384, 427, 466–7, 506–9

  on Europe 507, 568

  as possible successor to MT 613, 621, 638–9, 645–6

  leadership election challenge 621–3, 650

  ‘Tarzan’ nickname 505, 622, 633

  Westland crisis (1986) 307, 470, 507–18, 613

  Hitler, Adolf 27–8, 242

  Hong Kong 286, 321–2, 420–5

  Hornsby-Smith, Patricia (later Baroness Hornsby-Smith) 56, 88, 95, 97

  Hoskyns, (Sir) John 204, 262, 265, 282, 315–16, 441

  and Budget of 1981 309–10, 312

  Stepping Stones (1977) 440–2

  House of Commons 87, 93

  final months of MT as Member 660–3

  maiden speeches in 88, 91–2, 94

  Private Members’ Bills 87–9, 93, 97

Speakership, misjudgement by MT 391–3, 395

  Howe, Elspeth (later Baroness Howe of Idlicote) 309, 411–12, 563–4

  Howe, Sir Geoffrey (later Baron Howe of Averavon) 6, 77, 138, 152, 176–7, 179, 204, 329, 344, 385, 411–12, 515, 521, 550, 576–9

  Budget of 1981 310–11

  Chancellor of the Exchequer 248, 250, 401, 415, 504, 539

  Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) dispute 540–1, 550–3

  exit from government (October 1990) 608–14

  Foreign Secretary 398, 401, 424–5, 466, 476, 482, 489–90, 504, 530, 540, 564

  as possible successor to MT 563–4, 610

  relationship with MT/MT’s views on 6, 182, 251, 299, 254–5, 550–2, 561–5, 609–11, 650

  resignation letter 610–12, 614

  resignation speech (November 1990) 7, 394–5, 617–21, 643

  broken bats analogy 619–20

  purpose of destroying MT 618, 620

  reactions to 619–20, 650

  and Soviet relationship with the West 476, 482, 489–90

  Howell, David 249–50, 253, 318, 396, 442

  Huntingtower Road Council School 17–19

  Hurd, Douglas (later Baron Hurd of Westwell) 521, 553, 601, 604, 606, 625, 628–31, 635–7, 641, 645

  Hussein, Saddam 598–600, 632

  Illustrious, HMS 361–2, 373

  immigration policies 117, 200–1

  inflation 116, 138, 146–7, 209–300, 376, 584

  Ingham, (Sir) Bernard 136, 266, 268–9, 276, 306–7, 480, 504, 548, 567, 613, 615, 628

  Westland crisis (1986) 510, 514–15, 517

  Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) 118, 207–8

  interest rates 318, 547–8, 584, 605

  interventionist policies 117, 137, 203, 313

  Invincible, HMS 324, 327, 329, 334

  IRA (Irish National Liberation Army)

  assassination of Gow 419, 595

  assassination of Neave 164, 229–30, 407

  terrorist attacks by 272, 407, 409–10, 425

  Ireland, Republic of, Anglo-Irish Agreement (1985) 415–20, 595

  Irish National Liberation Army, assassination of Neave (1979) 164, 229–30

  ‘Iron Lady’ sobriquet 24, 184, 188, 240, 290, 330, 475, 563

  origination of 202

  Jakobovits, Immanuel (Chief Rabbi) 475, 679

  Jenkin, Patrick (Baron Jenkin of Roding) 77, 250, 254–5, 318, 350, 381, 403–4

  Environment Secretary 400, 503

  Jewish people

  as cabinet ministers 103

  in Finchley 80, 83, 102–3, 187

  MT’s affection and affinity for 27–8, 83, 102–3

  Mühlbauer, Edith 27–8

  persecution by Hitler 27–8

  Soviet, wishing to emigrate to Israel 482

  Johnson, Paul 205, 234, 270

  Jopling, Michael (later Baron Jopling), Chief Whip 328, 331, 335, 385, 391, 491, 625

  Joseph, Sir Keith (later Baron Joseph) 52, 83, 121, 149, 151–4, 157, 162, 168, 184, 207, 253, 378

  and Brighton bomb 411–12

  Edgbaston (eugenics) speech (October 1974) 153, 155–6

  Industry Secretary 250, 377–8

  Jewish background 103, 151

  MT, views on/relationship with 95, 109–10, 144–5, 152–3, 502–3, 687

  Kaufman, Gerald 131, 135–6, 396

  Keays, Sara 390–1, 405

  Kent miners 382, 443–4

  Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School (KGGS) 31–8

  Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven, MT becoming 39, 665, 668

  headmistresses, arguments with 34–6

  ‘Operation Double Shift’ during war years 33, 39

  relationship of MT with contemporaries 31–2, 39

  return visit of MT as Prime Minister in 1982 37

  scholarship to 18–19

  war years 28–9

  Kimball, Marcus Richard (later Baron Kimball of Easton) 149, 159, 335

  King, Tom (later Baron King of Bridgewater) 398–9, 418–19, 615, 638

  and Kuwait invasion (1990) 599–600

  Kinnock, Neil (Baron Kinnock) 387, 455–7, 516, 524, 531, 550, 603, 605, 609, 614, 632

  Kirkpatrick, Jeane 336, 355, 365–6

  Kissinger, Henry 137, 197–8, 337

  Kitson, (Sir) Timothy 145, 170, 173, 179

  Kohl, Helmut 197, 298–9, 384, 591–4, 606, 631, 671

  Kuwait invasion (1990), MT’s contribution to Western reaction 598–601

  Kuwaiti export order car crisis 672–5

  Labour Party 84, 131, 215

  economic performance in 1940s 59–60

  Falklands War, problems following 382–6

  Lib-Lab pact (1977) 199, 209, 223

  no confidence debate (March 1979) 224–7, 228–9

  and ‘winter of discontent’ see ‘winter of discontent’ (1978–79)

  see also specific politicians

  Lamb, (Sir) Larry 220–1, 247

  Lamont, Norman (later Baron Lamont of Lerwick) 4, 161, 173, 253, 553, 637, 645, 648, 686

  Lawson, Nigel (later Baron Lawson of Blaby) 103, 161, 250, 318, 381, 400–4, 442, 472, 506, 521, 530, 538–54, 584

  Deutschmark, shadowing 542–6

  Exchange Rate Mechanism, clashes with MT over 540–2, 553, 588

  Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 301–2, 401, 539

  personality clashes with MT 271, 538–40, 547–9

  resignation (October 1989) 395, 586–8

  Alan Walters, resentment of 549, 584–5

  leaking, practice of 269, 307, 393–4, 443

  and Westland crisis 509–11, 513–16

  Lennox-Boyd, Sir Mark 517–18, 585

  Lever, Harold (Baron Lever of Manchester) 157, 232

  Lewin, Sir Terence 326, 345, 347–9, 359, 362

  Liberal Party/Liberal Democrats 60, 79, 83–4, 140, 226

  Lib-Lab pact (1977) 199, 209, 223

  Libya bombing (1986) 470–3

  Lincolnshire, as ‘Bomber County’ 29–30

  see also Grantham, Lincolnshire

  Lloyd, Selwyn (later Baron Selwyn-Lloyd) 96–8, 101, 111, 240–1, 333

  local education authorities (LEAs), education policy 121–2, 127, 129

  London 16, 410

  abolition of GLC and Inner London Education Authority 399, 531

  ‘Big Bang,’ City of London 404

  see also Downing Street (No. 10); Finchley, London

  Maastricht Treaty (1992) 662, 664–5

  MacGregor, John (Baron MacGregor of Pulham Market) 530, 613, 633, 637, 640

  MacGregor, Sir Ian 444–6, 448, 453–4

  Macleod, Iain 83, 112–15, 128, 156

  Macmillan, Harold (later 1st Earl of Stockton) 84–5, 151, 200, 240, 303, 344, 439, 528

  and early policies of MT 89, 97, 103, 108

  and leadership contest of 1975 162–3

  Macmillan, Maurice (later Viscount Macmillan of Ovenden) 127–8, 159–60

  Madrid, European Council Summit Meeting (1989) 551, 573–6

  Major, (Sir) John 425, 437, 530, 535, 553, 611, 625, 628, 632, 662

  attacks by MT following her retirement 663–8

  and Exchange Rate Mechanism 604–5, 607

  as successor to MT 583, 645–9

  male chauvinism/sex discrimination 36, 52, 87

  in Conservative Party 70, 77–8, 81, 86, 88, 124

  manifestos, Conservative Party 84, 90, 110, 126, 128, 144, 233, 387, 404

  man-management shortcomings of MT

  argumentativeness 126–7, 129–30, 236, 264, 278, 501

  bullying and aggressive tendencies 3, 6, 25–6, 130, 144, 241, 253–4, 284, 356, 502, 561, 609

  confrontational nature 26, 181, 212, 238, 501

  not detracting from strength as a great leader 616

  as possible contributions to downfall 7, 516–19, 538, 554, 587, 591, 596, 650

  reluctance to apologise 218, 232, 241, 502

  rudeness and offensiveness traits 26, 37
, 93, 254, 257, 260, 278–9, 285, 291–2, 298, 317, 502, 533, 538, 609, 618

  see also under Thatcher, Margaret Hilda (Baroness)

  Margadale, John Morrison, 1st Baron 158–9, 280

  Maudling, Reginald (Reggie) 105, 109–10, 121, 137

  as Shadow Foreign Secretary 179, 202–3

  Mayhew, Patrick (later Baron Mayhew of Twysden) 304, 509–10

  media, MT’s relations with 90–4, 185, 268, 375, 387, 394

  Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 301–2, 401, 539

  memoirs of MT 16, 24–5, 50, 84, 352, 426, 655

  The Downing Street Years 653, 659

  The Path to Power 659

  A Provincial Childhood 25


  Finkin Street Church, Grantham 22–3, 33

  and MT’s upbringing 15, 21–2, 679

  of Alfred Roberts 21–4, 28, 680

  Wesleyan 22

  Meyer, Sir Anthony 589–91, 615, 625

  MI5 272–3, 518

  Millar, (Sir) Ronald 196–7, 208, 217, 221, 242, 315, 515, 647

  and Brighton bomb 411, 413

  and election campaign of 1979 230–1, 236, 244–5

  as ‘laughing boy’ 211, 213–14, 216, 222

  and miners’ dispute 450–1

  miners’ strike (1984–85) 382, 439, 443–5, 447, 483

  collapse 5, 454–5

  see also Scargill, Arthur; trade unions

  Ministry of Defence (MoD) 427–8

  Heseltine’s statement to regarding Westland crisis 512–13

  Ministry of Pensions and National Insurance (MPNI), later Ministry of Social Security and then Department of Heatlh and Social Security 99–100, 155

  Mirage aircraft, supply by Dassault to Saudi Arabia 427–9

  Mitterrand, François 298, 469, 591–3, 606, 630–1

  monetarism 116–18, 146, 152, 161, 301, 378

  and Milton Friedman 208, 250

  monopolies and mergers 275–6, 403

  Montgomery, (Sir) Fergus 139–40, 190

  Moore, Charles (biographer) 12, 29, 76, 81, 326, 659, 671

  Moore, John (later Baron Moore of Lower Marsh) 45, 161, 185–6, 404, 503, 530, 535, 633

  Morley, Betty (later Langan) 12–13, 15, 31, 33

  Morrison, (Sir) Peter 160–1, 166, 185, 256, 279–80, 625–8, 633, 636, 654, 660

  and leadership contest of 1975 158–9

  private income 517–18

  and ‘toffs for Thatcher’ splinter group 4, 160

  mortgage policy 144, 147, 251

  Mount, Sir Ferdinand 385–6, 451

  Mountbatten of Burma, Earl 407

  Murdoch, Rupert 244, 275–7

  Murray, Tricia (biographer) 16, 41, 64

  music, MT’s love for 15–16, 43

  Nally, Dermot 415–18, 425

  National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers (NACODS), crisis involving 452–4


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