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Terraformed Skies

Page 60

by Anna Lewis

  “I…I’m Lori.” Stuff the coyness, Lori needed to be strong. Her weakness had gotten her into a mess before, and she didn’t want that again. That was the sole reason that she’d escaped! She held her chin up high and forced her eyes to meet his in a defiant stare. “And I’m new to the city, so I haven’t got anything to compare it to.”

  “And what do you think?” Still he was holding her hand. Why hadn’t he let her go yet?

  “It’s okay.” She shrugged and acted blasé. “Maybe a drink would help…”

  “At your service.”

  As Andrew raced off to the bar, Lori took a seat with a giant grin spread across her cheeks. New York was the right place to come, she could be whoever she wanted to be here and it seemed that she’d started off on the right foot. She was in the VIP section of a club with a man who made her feel all funny on the inside. He owned the place but he was at the bar getting her a drink.

  It didn’t get much better than that!


  “So, Lori.” The way that her name rolled off his tongue instantly made her think of sex. Her cheeks flamed and she squeezed her thighs tighter together wondering what the hell was wrong with her. “Tell me more about yourself.”

  Urgh, that question…it was the one that she wasn’t prepared to answer. She didn’t want to lie, she wasn’t any good at being untruthful, so maybe it was easier to say nothing. Be vague.

  “What do you need to know? I’m here in New York, starting over.” She sipped her drink pointedly. “That’s all that matters.”

  “Where are you from? Is your accent Southern?”

  “Maybe.” She fluttered her eyelashes at him, the alcohol was making her feel braver than before. “Maybe not.”

  “Hmmm…” Andrew slid back further in his seat and examined her closely. Lori could tell by the dark desire in the back of his eyes that he actually liked the mystery of her a bit so at least she was safe in the knowledge that she could play on it more. Make it a game, that could be fun. “Right, Lori. I can see that you’re going to be a tough cookie to crack.”

  “Maybe.” That was becoming her mantra, but she didn’t know what else to say. “We’ll see how the night goes on.”

  “That’s fine.” He held up his hands in a defeated gesture. “Don’t talk, I don’t mind. Instead, let’s go for a dance.”

  Panic jolted her. Dancing was another topic that scared the shit out of Lori. It was one of the many things that caused desperate issues in her old life. In school she wanted to be a dancer, she loved to move her body to the beat. She adored expressing herself using her body, but that was stripped from her. She hadn’t danced in years.

  “Oh…I don’t know if I can…” Her heart pumped ice cold blood around her body. Yes, she came to New York for a fresh start, to get back to herself, but this was one step too far. She didn’t expect to go so far so soon.

  But Andrew wasn’t about to take no for an answer. He wrapped his fingers through hers and moved towards the stairs. Lori wanted to pull back, she wanted to run, but there was a large part of her that adored the attention from Andrew and she was scared of letting him go.

  The safety of the VIP section of the club fell away as they moved through the throngs of sweaty bodies on the dance floor. With lots of people surrounding them, it was easier for Lori to feel less self-conscious. There wasn’t so much focus on her.

  Except for Andrew. He was staring hungrily at her like she was something to be devoured.

  He moved with ease and confidence, treating the music like it was something to be conquered. Andrew dominated the dance floor, he controlled every inch of it, which again sent Lori’s mind unexpectedly back to sex. She could just see him being as dominating in the bedroom, but in a thrilling way that she wanted to experience.

  She started by slowly rolling her hips and the incredible sensations that had flooding her body freed her all over again. Then Lori lifted her hands above her head and she really let loose. What was the point of being self-conscious when no one but Andrew was staring at her, and the look he was giving her actually made her feel sexy for the first time in her life.

  “Damn girl, you can really move.” Andrew sidled closer to her, getting right up in her personal space. “Where did you learn to dance?”

  Lori didn’t answer because she was all of a sudden acutely aware of his body. Andrew felt hot, he felt thick and muscular, she wanted to wrap her arms around him.

  Do it! Her brain screamed. Touch him.

  But she didn’t. She couldn’t. The second she took that step this turned from a fantasy into a reality. Much as she wanted to brave that step she didn’t know if she was ready for it.

  As it turned out, Lori didn’t need to, because Andrew leaned forward and he cupped her cheeks in his hands so he could stare right at her. His tongue flicked out past his lips to moisten them and as that happened Lori felt the ground vanish from beneath her. This was so unexpected, so much, the moment was so intense that the she could almost hear every wing flap of the butterflies in her stomach.

  “You...” He leaned closer. “Are...” Lori braced herself. “Beautiful.”

  And with that his soft lips crashed into hers and fireworks burst out all over her body. Andrew held her face still as his mouth moved with hers, which made the rest of the world melt away. As he nibbled on the bottom of her lip and his tongue darted into hers Lori realized that this was probably how it was supposed to feel to be touched, to be kissed.

  Her body buzzed, her head spun, she never wanted Andrew to let her go. In his arms she felt different, better…

  But of course, eventually he had to pull away. If he didn’t it would become very indecent, and as much as this was fun, Lori didn’t feel like stripping down in public was the best way to start her brand-new life.

  “I need your number,” Andrew growled against her cheek. His breath tickled her, which set her entire body on edge. “I already know that you are someone that I’m going to want to see again.”

  She probably shouldn’t, Lori knew that it was wise to settle in her new city before putting down any roots, but she also knew that she was going to. This feeling that Andrew had coursing through her veins felt utterly addictive. She was intoxicated by him, and she wanted more.

  “Sure, here’s my phone. Put your number in and I’ll call you.”


  ‘Ooh, what I wouldn’t give to see a bright red gossamer thin camisole covering that hot body of yours…’

  “You okay?”

  Lori shoved her phone quickly back into her pocket and she looked up to smile at her new friend, Rose. “Yeah, good. You?”

  “Not looking forward to work, but you know how it is.” Rose pulled the ugly pink waitress uniform over her clothes. “I’m sure you feel the same.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Lori didn’t like to say that actually she enjoyed the job. Okay, so the diner was crap, and the hours sucked, but she was being independent for the very first time in her life. This job was hers, she’d gotten it by herself, she was proud of it. “Hopefully it won’t be too busy today.”

  “Your phone is still beeping.”

  “Oops.” Lori tried to shield it from her friend’s eyes as she took it out to read the message. The texts that she’d been sharing with Andrew over the last two weeks had been getting increasingly naughty and exciting. She didn’t want her friend to see and to get the wrong impression. It was all just fun.

  ‘Actually, I’d like to see someone else strip the cami off you. I’d like to sit in the corner of the room and watch as another man dominates your body.’

  Lori tried her best to keep her gasp inside as a heat spread between her legs. Andrew was always pushing the boundaries when he messaged her, as if he was trying to find out what she liked, and she was a little ashamed of herself to admit that she liked thinking about it all. It was just so far from the life that she’d had before, and that thrilled her.

  ‘I would keep my eyes fixed on you the whole time,’ she sent back quic
kly, her heart racing with excitement. She didn’t have any idea what Andrew truly thought of her, it didn’t totally matter. It was all just fun.

  Wasn’t it?

  Shoving her cell phone away she tried to focus on work for the time being instead. If she allowed her mind to get sucked into the world of Andrew and what he may or may not do to her body, she knew she’d fall apart.

  “Right, ten hours of fun!” Rose declared sarcastically. “Let’s get to it.”


  Lori crashed through the door to her apartment while rubbing the perspiration from her forehead. The shift had been an extremely busy one, and all she wanted to do was fall into her bed.

  With her cell phone clutched tightly between her fingers, of course. That was the only way she could relax these days. That link she had to Andrew and the excitement that he gave her was necessary for her to relax.

  ‘Hot damn, you are sexy.’ He’d replied to her message from earlier on in the day. ‘I can just picture it now.’

  Lori bit down on her lip, imagining it too. It would be the opposite to the vanilla love that she was used to, and that excited her like crazy. Without even realizing it, her hand fluttered down towards the pulsing in her panties as her mind went wild.

  Andrew, sitting on a chair in the corner of the room…

  Her hand dug into her underwear, she gasped loudly as she felt how hot and wet she was.

  Another man, a nameless, faceless man on top of her, riding her…

  She dipped her fingers in, she massaged her insides, arching her back as a thrill tore through her body.

  Her eyes only on Andrew, him touching himself staring at her with that deep, dark desire that she’d spotted on the dance floor in the club…

  Her other hand grabbed onto her breast, she kneaded it imagining that it was someone else touching her body.

  It was too much, she was on fire, she wanted to scream. A pressure built up inside of her, it started in the tips of her toes and spread up through her stomach and up to her head. She’d never felt so good, the world was swirling around her, this was the best she’d ever felt in her life.

  She was free.

  “Oh God!” As the waves of sheer bliss flooded her body, Lori let loose and she yelled. The fantasy of Andrew was amazing, everything about him was incredible, maybe it was the post orgasmic bliss speaking, but she actually wanted to know more about it.

  Maybe even for real.

  It was all just fun, after all.

  ‘Maybe you shouldn’t have to picture it,’ she texted, feeling braver than she probably should. Her heart thundered in her chest as she typed furiously. ‘Maybe you should see it for real’.

  Her head flopped back on the pillow while she waited for him to reply, and for her body to calm down too. She hadn’t ever touched herself before, so she hadn’t ever had a powerful orgasm like that in her life, and it made her realize that there was so much she’d been missing out on. She wanted to know it all, to experience it all. She was only going to live once and she wanted to live well.

  As the bleep of a reply came through, Lori practically jumped off the bed in shock. She’d all but forgotten that she was waiting for it.

  ‘You have to come to me. I need to see you, I can’t get you off my mind. Come tomorrow?’

  This was it, this was her chance to transform this into a genuine life experience. Her breaths became ragged, her stomach excited, this was the best thing that had ever happened to her.

  ‘Okay, I will. Pick me up at eight.’ She attached her address to the message and grinned happily to herself. This was the most exciting thing that had ever happened to her. It wasn’t like Lori to act in such a way, but that was what made it so much more fun.


  “Wow, your home is amazing!” Lori exclaimed as she walked into Andrew’s house. She should’ve known that it’d be the opposite end of the scale to hers, after all he owned a club, he sent a driver and a limousine to pick her up, the neighborhood was a lovely one…but still, this was something else.

  “You’re amazing.” Andrew’s arms instantly circled her waist, and the powerful chemistry consumed Lori all over again. They’d been sending one another sexy texts all day long, and that was clearly foreplay since they were both so riled up. Lori had felt hot and bothered all day long. All she wanted was to finally get what she’d been looking forward to, and from the way that her body was sparking she was finally going to get it.

  Lori was glad that Andrew instantly grabbed onto her body, it saved all the awkward, sexually charged small talk and got them right where she needed to be.

  She spun around and crashed her lips into his, turning her thoughts off. She didn’t want to think, she’d spent her entire life thinking, now she just wanted to lose herself to the sensations in her body.

  Andrew rolled with it. He picked Lori up and pulled her legs tightly around his waist. She could feel a thick, throbbing erection behind his trousers and the excitement inside of her built even more. She had no idea how many women had been in her position, and she honestly didn’t care. Right now, the thrill in his cock was all for her, and damn she needed that.

  Andrew crashed Lori back against the hallway wall as their kiss deepened and intensified in passion. The coldness of the wall seeped through Lori’s thin vest top, but it did nothing to cool down her hot, sticky body. As Andrew’s lips moved from her mouth and down to her neck, Lori slid her eyes closed and tossed her head back in desire.

  “Oh God,” he groaned as his teeth lightly sank into her neck. “Lori, you drive me crazy, you have no idea.”

  He pulled her back from the wall, and slammed her body onto a nearby table where he could finally let go of her weight. She wasn’t heavy, he just couldn’t touch her all over in the way that he’d been dreaming about all day long.

  Lori panted loudly as Andrew dropped to his knees between her legs. He kept his eyes fixed on hers while he ran his fingers up and down her silky thighs in a tantalizing manner. The desire in his eyes reminded her of her inner fantasies, which she instantly had to try and forget if she didn’t want to lose herself too quickly.

  “Nice panties,” Andrew growled while yanking the lace away from her body as if it was nothing. Lori heard a loud tear, which meant that they were probably ripped, but she didn’t care. She’d bought them especially for tonight anyway, so it hardly mattered that they were gone. “Do you want me?”

  “Huh?” Her eyebrows furrowed. Was it not obvious that she was desperate for him? Could he not tell from the way that her body was freaking out?

  “Do you? It’s a simple question?” Despite the fact that he was on the floor with her thighs wrapped around him, Andrew still had control of her, it was obvious.

  “Of course I do.”

  His hand slipped closer to her slit, causing Lori to try and slide closer to him, but Andrew had her fixed in place. “Beg,” he commanded.

  Was he serious?

  “Please?” Lori decided to go with it, mostly because it seemed like fun. “Please?” Her voice rasped as he got nearer. Any…minute…now…

  But then Andrew completely shocked her by lifting her up once more and practically dropping her onto the ground. Her back hit the floor and he hovered that sexy, incredible body of his over hers. Lori wanted to rip the shirt off him, to see his body, but she couldn’t. She was on her back being dominated, and that felt great too.

  Andrew rested on one arm only, showing his strength, and slowly slid the zip down on his trousers. He used his free hand to pull his cock free which caused Lori to cry out loudly. He was absolutely huge, she had no idea what he was going to do to her.

  She didn’t have to wait long to find out.

  Andrew pushed himself into Lori, and a guttural scream burst free from her chest. He filled her up in the most amazing way possible, it felt phenomenal. She clung to him, digging her nails into his skin, as he pumped in and out of her. This was wonderful, better than she ever could’ve imagined.

  Andrew w
as everything.

  “Oh fuck, Lori you feel incredible.” With every gasp that came out of Andrew’s mouth she felt better, sexier, more like a goddess. “Fuck, you’re amazing.”

  Lori wanted to tell him that she felt the same way, but she was too consumed, too overwhelmed, her body was contracting and swelling and teetering far too closely to the edge of desire. Her head spun, her heart pounded against her rib cage, a bouncing heat bulldozed through her body.

  “Ah,” she cried out as the orgasm crept up on her. She lifted her head from the ground and pressed her lips against Andrew’s as her body vibrated and hummed with pleasure. This had all happened much quicker than she’d expected–not that she could’ve waited–so she needed something to tighten her bond with this amazing man.

  She wanted to kiss him while they came, because she hoped that would make him stick around. This was one of those experiences that she definitely wanted to have more than once.

  As their lips connected, the pleasure burst free and she held her mouth against his. This was lust like no other, and she wanted to cling onto it for a lot longer.


  Lori stirred, twisting her body over, and as she felt a bed that was far too comfortable to be her own her eyes snapped open. The room surrounding her was too crisp and white to be hers, which brought thrilling memories flooding her brain.

  Andrew, all over her. Andrew, inside of her, consuming her, making her feel things she didn’t even know were possible.

  After the moment out in the hallway when they were too desperate to wait for one another, they lay in bed and ate pizza while chatting about everything and anything. Nothing serious of course, Lori wasn’t ready for that, but it felt nice all the same. It made their tryst feel much more than just a sexual thing, which was unexpectedly pleasant.

  They then had slow, bordering on romantic, sex before they fell asleep in one another’s arms, so Lori wasn’t sure why she was waking up alone now. The bed was too big for just one person.


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