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Terraformed Skies

Page 61

by Anna Lewis

  She slung her legs around to the ground and picked up one of Andrew’s tee shirts to cover up her body. Then she padded through his wonderful home while rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

  “…yeah, it’s good to see you too, mate.”

  Lori paused as she realized that Andrew was talking to someone in the kitchen. He had a visitor, which for some reason freaked her out a little. She strained her ears and listened closer.

  “It’s been too long. My time in Japan was awesome though.”

  It was another guy. That helped Lori to relax. She glanced at her mussed-up appearance in the mirror, noticing how obvious it was what they’d been up to. She was like an advert for post incredible sex. Then again, she hadn’t done anything to be ashamed of, and she’d spent too much of her life hiding.

  “Morning!” she called out in a sing song voice as she entered the kitchen. At least she sounded confident, even if she didn’t feel it. “Any coffee on the go?”

  “Well, well, well, you didn’t tell me that you had company, Andrew.”

  Lori forced her eyes to follow the sound of the mysterious voice, to work out who it was attached to, and her heart jolted in her chest as she saw another very handsome man. New York had to be full of them! He had light brown, curly hair, warm hazel eyes, and a slightly shorter, softer body than his friend. Where Andrew had that teasing look, this man had a real warmth to his appearance.

  “Lori, this is Christopher, Christopher, Lori.”

  Christopher grabbed onto Lori’s hand and gave her a bright smile. “He forgets to mention that I’m Christopher Venician, of Venician Enterprises.” When Lori’s expression remained blank, he felt compelled to continue. “A very successful IT business.” Oh, another damn billionaire, maybe New York was filled with them too.

  “Oh right, okay.” Lori took a seat and tried to work out what the hell was going on. Why did there seem to be a strange competitive edge between the men? “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Andrew handed her a coffee and joined in the chat. “Yes, Christopher is a very old friend of mine. We’re very close. Except he just fucked off to Tokyo and left me for six months.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m back now.”

  There was such a warmth between the men, it was nice to see. Lori sat back and watched them tease and interact with one another for a while, trying to work out more about them. If Andrew remained in her life for a while then she’d ask him at some point.

  “So,” all of a sudden, Christopher turned his attention back to Lori with no warning. “How did you meet Andrew?”

  “At his club.” For some reason she felt her face heating up as she said this. Why that was the embarrassing part of the story, she wasn’t sure.

  “It was her first day in New York, right?” Andrew gave her a lovely smile.

  “Yeah, that’s right.”

  “I see.” Christopher moved behind Lori as if he was cross examining her. “And you like to have fun, by the looks of it.” There wasn’t any accusation in his tone, which gave Lori the confidence to nod. Christopher sounded interested in her answer, not judgmental. “And if you’re having fun with Andrew, then I take it you have a lot of fun?”

  The text messages rolled through Lori’s mind. While they hadn’t acted upon any of them Lori knew that she might just be willing. She’d acted out of character now, she was going wild and crazy, so why not admit that?

  “Maybe.” Okay, so giving a vague answer seemed the safest…just in case. “Why do you ask?”

  Christopher and Andrew shared a look. They were speaking telepathically in a language that didn’t include Lori. She slugged back the coffee as she watched them over the mug, trying to work out what was going on.

  Finally, Andrew turned to face Lori, and his face twisted up inquisitively. “Lori, you can say no to this, but if you’d like any of our texts to become reality then that can happen right now.”

  Her heart pulsed, her core pounded, her eyes flickered between the men. Was she really ready for her sexual awakening to become something else? Could she brave going that far?

  She needed this, she wanted it, her body screamed out for it. It was crazy, but if she didn’t she had a feeling that she’d always regret it. Lori tipped her chin up high and she forced a strength into her tone.

  “Yeah, okay, why not.”

  The atmosphere completely changed, the air became thick with sexual tension. Lori could barely breathe through it but she liked the way that it felt. This was a situation that she felt in control of, even if she had no idea what was going to happen next, and she loved that sensation. It was sexy as hell.


  Christopher’s hands were on Lori’s back in an instant, and the silkiness of his cool hands had her shivering lightly under the tee shirt she was wearing. She’d been so looking forward to a sexy morning surprise from Andrew that she hadn’t even bothered to put on panties…a fact that she was now very aware of.

  Andrew spun the chair around and brought Lori to face him, and with his familiar grin beaming down on her she felt much more comfortable with what was happening. If he was fine with it, and Christopher certainly seemed good with it, then it couldn’t be wrong. Could it?

  As Andrew brought his lips down to Lori’s, Christopher’s connected with her neck, causing her to gasp loudly. There was so much attention on her, more than she’d ever had in her life. She was stunned by how much she liked it.

  “Come on, let’s take this to my bedroom.”

  Andrew took Lori’s hand and he guided her towards the room she’d only just left, and Christopher followed with his hands firmly planted on Lori’s hips. It seemed to her that he was very aware that Andrew already had a heavy claim on her body, and he wanted to ensure that his stake was claimed too.

  “Okay.” Andrew took a seat on the couch he had in his bedroom. “Let’s make this happen.”

  “Oh, it’s like this, is it?” Christopher seemed to know exactly what was going on, which made Lori’s heart beat faster. Her dream, her fantasy, it was actually happening. Was this for real?

  Christopher leaned over Lori so much so that she fell back onto the bed. Her legs were still hanging over the side, which he instantly took advantage of. He dropped to his knees and slung one of Lori’s legs over his shoulder allowing her to feel his breath tickling her entrance.

  This reminded Lori of Andrew sitting in exactly the same position as in his texts. She twisted her neck so she could see him, and he was leaning forward on his knees and staring intently at her as if she was the hottest thing ever. Seeing that expression on his face made her heart slam violently against her ribcage.

  Christopher’s lips moved up and down Lori’s thighs which had her fisting the sheets beneath her. His mouth was getting nearer to her wetness, she wasn’t sure how it’d feel when he finally got there, but she was excited to find out.

  This was crazy, but incredible too. Lori didn’t know what had come over her but it felt good to be so wild. So free.

  “Argh!” she gasped as Christopher shocked her by unexpectedly plunging his tongue into her. Lori’s hips lifted from the bed, but Christopher fixed her in place so he could continue running his rough tongue all over her.

  Her eyes slid closed as she lost herself to the pleasure for a moment, but a bossy cough from Andrew was enough to remind her that she was supposed to be watching him as he watched her.

  There was a thunder storm swirling in her stomach, she could barely stand it, and from the way Andrew was looking at her he felt the same way.

  It didn’t feel right having him over there on the other side of the room. Lori wanted him with her, she wanted him involved.

  “Come here,” she rasped, wiggling her finger towards Andrew. “Come here.”

  Christopher’s tongue was working her clit now, he was tracing some incredible patterns over her, and Lori knew that if she didn’t change this up soon she’d lose her freaking mind.

  Andrew paused for a moment, not sure if he liked being comma
nded, but then Lori bit sweetly down on her bottom lip and he knew that he couldn’t resist. She was just so freaking adorable. As he made his way over to her, he unzipped his trousers to make this better for her.

  Lori gasped as the shirt flipped up over Andrew’s head, giving her a great view of his body for the very first time. He really did have a load of muscles tracing up and down his torso which made her mouth incredibly wet with desire.

  Andrew sat within touching distance of Lori, so she twisted the top half of her body around so she could feel him. She grabbed his throbbing cock, too turned on to be polite now and she ran her hand up and down his shaft at the same rapid pace that Christopher was working her clit.

  “Oh fuck,” Andrew grunted, as the pleasure got the better of him. “Oh, Lori.”

  The pleasure flooded her, it crept up over her like a boiling hot bubble of lava. Having one man below her and one above her excited Lori incredibly, she didn’t think it had ever felt that good.

  Just as she started to shudder, Christopher flipped his tongue away which had Lori groaning with dismay…that was until she felt a thick cock replacing it. He was inside her without her even looking at him, which felt strangely wonderful. His cock felt different from Andrew’s. Not better or worse, just different.

  “Oh shit,” she cried out, rubbing Andrew faster. “Oh my God.”

  As the pleasure washed over her and caused her head to spin, Lori felt both the male bodies all around her. Christopher was filling her up, causing her walls to contract hard and fast, and Andrew’s length felt phenomenal between her finger tips. The orgasm pumped through her, her body buckled violently under the strain of it, and soon Andrew soaked her hand too. As the bliss swallowed up Christopher he clung tightly to Lori’s hips, causing marks from the way he needed her. She clung to him too, loving the way he felt. Having two men to play with was amazing.

  This was all so exciting, it was the most incredible thrill of Lori’s life. Rather than sating her desire, it had heightened it. Lori couldn’t help but wonder what else she would enjoy…


  There was a feeling of glee in the air as everyone’s breathing returned to normal. All three of them had enjoyed themselves and now were very happy. That opened Lori’s eyes wide. She knew the view of the world that she’d had forced down her throat wasn’t quite right, but she hadn’t expected to learn this about herself either.

  “Wow, that was…” She giggled, unsure of how to finish that sentence. Andrew was on one side of her, Christopher the other. “That was something else.”

  “Was that your first time?” Christopher asked innocently enough. “Doing something like that, I mean?”

  Lori’s eyes widened as she considered the implications of this. Did that mean it was something that these men did all the time? She wasn’t sure how to feel about that…she knew that they weren’t exactly virgins, that wasn’t what she wanted anyway–and she guessed that it made sense since they seemed to have their own language. Maybe this was the sort of thing that they did all the time.

  Christopher is a very old friend of mine. We’re very close. Maybe there was a lot more to that statement than Lori had first realized.

  Lori dug deep inside herself to try and work out how this made her feel, but she realized that it didn’t really matter. They had treated her well, she didn’t feel like a spoke on a never ending rotating wheel. It was fine…it was only fun anyway.

  Only fun, only fun, only fun.

  “Yeah, that was my first time.” She smiled brightly and tossed her hair over her shoulder. “Probably not my last though.”

  “You’re a good girl.” He kissed her shoulder with a smirk. “I like you.”

  “What about you?” She gulped as she asked this, unsure if she actually needed an answer. Couldn’t she just leave it? Still, it was out there now, it was too late to take it back. She was going to find out the truth whether she liked it or not.

  “No, this isn’t our first time.” Of course not. “But you were definitely one of the best.”

  “The best, I’d say,” Andrew smiled reassuringly at her. Lori doubted that he was telling the truth, but it was nice that he cared enough about her feelings to say that. “Now what do you guys say about getting some breakfast?”


  “Your phone never stops going off, does it?” Rose asked as they cleaned up the diner at the end of their shift. “I didn’t know that you had a boyfriend.”

  Lori had to really work hard to contain herself as she considered that statement. The only reason that her cell phone never stopped was because she had two gorgeous men messaging her all the time. It was exhausting, but in the best way possible.

  This sexual revelation that she was going through made Lori feel worthy, and that was worth everything.

  She glanced down at her screen, seeing snippets of what was waiting for her:

  ‘Hey sexy, can’t stop thinking about you…’

  ‘Oh God, stop turning me on while I’m working…’

  “No, no boyfriend,” she replied honestly. “Just get a lot of texts, that’s all.” She wasn’t lying. Neither Andrew or Christopher were her boyfriend which was good really because she liked them both. She wasn’t ready to give either of them up. She liked Andrew because he was sharp witted and smart, and she liked Christopher’s humor and the way he was really sweet with her. Although she met Andrew first and she had more of a history with him, they both had qualities that she wanted. If only she could mix them up together.

  Or have them both forever…although that might be one fantasy too far.

  “Well if you aren’t seeing anyone how about coming out with me one night? I’m sick of being single, it’s been far too long, and I don’t meet anyone working here.” Rose pleaded with her eyes. “Come on, it’ll be so much fun.”

  “Yeah okay.” Lori smiled secretly to herself. “I know the perfect place we can go.”

  Maybe it was a dangerous plan to turn up at Andrew’s club unannounced, she was very aware that she could find him with another woman which might hurt her feelings, but the thrill of surprising him was almost too much to ignore.

  “Okay, how about Friday night? We’re both doing day shifts aren’t we, so it won’t be any issue.”

  “Sure, Friday sounds good.” Lori licked her lips in anticipation. “It’ll be fun.”

  “What are you going to wear?”

  Lori didn’t need to think about that one, she wanted to remind Andrew of the first time they met. Maybe he would call Christopher down to the club and they’d sneak off into his office and…

  No, she couldn’t think like that. This was a night out with her friend and she couldn’t abandon her like that. This was the first close friend she’d ever had, she didn’t want to blow it.

  “I have a red dress that I’m going to wear. How about you?”

  “Oh.” Rose’s eyes lit up with excitement. “I have this black dress that shows off a lot of cleavage.” She was a top-heavy girl, so Lori could easily see that being the case. “And I always pull when I’m wearing it, it’s like a lucky charm.”

  “Just so I know what I’m doing whilst being your wing woman, are you looking for love or lust? Obviously that’ll totally change my game.”

  “Always lust.” Rose rolled her eyes as if it was obvious. “Love comes later, it’s always the way. Without that instant spark there’s nothing to build upon.”

  Well, Lori had definitely experienced the spark here in New York, but never before. Maybe that had been her issue all along.

  “And don’t worry.” Rose touched her arm and gave her a smile. “We’ll find someone for you too.”

  Lori didn’t need anyone else, she had enough drama in her life, but she didn’t know how to explain that to Rose so she simply nodded and smiled agreeably.


  Lori couldn’t get into the swing of things, the night didn’t quite feel right. She had done her duty, Rose was making out heavily with some guy on the dance floor, but s
he couldn’t feel happy about it.

  She had come to Andrew’s club expecting to have some teasing fun with him, but he was nowhere to be found. She’d even snuck up to the VIP section earlier on, and it was totally empty. Lori found it very frustrating, she was dolled up and excited for him, and it was all for nothing.

  As Rose’s ‘date’ slid his hand up her skirt she knew that she couldn’t take it much longer. There was no point in trying to maintain the element of surprise anymore, she needed to text him. Lori didn’t want to seem too desperate about it, so instead of saying anything she held the phone up so Andrew would be able to see enough of the club to know that it was his, and she snapped a selfie.

  “Nice picture.” An unfamiliar voice whispered into Lori’s ear. She turned to see a preppy guy who was probably a similar age to her grinning in her direction. “You look lovely tonight.”

  “Oh right…thanks.” Why was it that she was perfectly comfortable with two older, powerful, intimidating billionaires, but with a guy who was much more similar to her, Lori felt too self-conscious to act normally.

  “Is that your friend?” He nodded towards Rose and her butt that was now almost completely on show.

  “Yep.” Lori popped the ‘p’

  “Yeah, it’s my friend whose face she’s sucking.” He chuckled awkwardly. “I feel like we’ve been abandoned for the night, don’t you?”

  Lori glanced down at her phone to see that she had no new messages. “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  “Would you like a drink?”

  Lori looked at the guy, examining his perfectly pretty face. He was the sort of guy that she might have considered a few weeks before, but now there was a blandness to him that just wouldn’t ever get her heart pounding. He was vanilla, just like she used to be, but now she’d changed.

  That didn’t mean there was any harm in accepting a drink though. “Yeah please. My name is Lori, by the way.”


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