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Mark: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 11)

Page 12

by Katie Dowe

  She was in the kitchen preparing something to eat when the woman called her. “I sent a copy to Kelly, darling, I hope you don’t mind. Perfect choice. You looked stunning!”

  “Thank you,” Latoya said, pleased at her words. “I had a hard time choosing, but I saw it and I knew it was the one.”

  “I hope you did not try it on before Mark.”

  “He is in New York.” Something in Latoya’s voice warned Leesa that all was not right.

  “With Diana?”

  “He is taking her to his friend’s cabin in Texas.” Latoya stirred the sauce on the stove top. “I have no reason to be jealous because I know he loves me. But try telling my mind that.”

  “You are only human, darling. But remember that they were never involved.”

  “Not by her choice.”

  “Mark is devoted to you, darling, you have nothing to worry about.”

  “It’s her I am worried about.”


  “So this is where the magic started.” The attendants had settled her in one of the chairs where she could keep her feet up. They had stopped at the main house where Lola had fussed over her until Lance had told her enough. They were planning to keep an eye on her. Diana’s assistant, a nerdy looking woman, had come with her to help her out.

  “You will be comfortable here.”

  “But you have to go,” she said shrewdly as she looked at him.

  “I am not going to leave every detail of the planning to Latoya.”

  “And I think she must be wondering why her man is spending so much time with a woman who the press had reported that he was involved with.”

  “She understands,” he said evasively.

  “She is a woman and so am I, and you are an extremely attractive man who not only has looks and money but actual feelings.” She touched his hand briefly. “Go to her.”

  Chapter 12

  They had to clear a way for him at the airport. Somehow they had discovered that he had been involved in carting Diana Rowe to some isolated place and they were demanding to know where she was. Ever since the accident that had taken her love interest life, both his movies and her albums had been selling like hot bread. His agent had called and said that this was the opportunity for them to come out with something quickly to take advantage of the popularity. He had told her in an icy voice that the lady had just lost her lover and was recuperating from an accident that had almost taken her life as well so he had no intention of capitalizing on her pain and grief. He had felt sick about it and had called Latoya and told her he was on his way. She had sounded a little cool, but he had ignored it. How could she not realize how much he loved her?

  He finally made it from the airport and headed to the apartment. He could not wait to get home to her!


  Latoya called her. She could afford to be generous because her man was on his way home to her and hers was on a slab somewhere in the morgue. She had not called because the jealousy had been eating away at her and she knew that she had been selfish and foolish so she called. “Diana, it’s Latoya.”

  “He is on his way back.”

  “I know. He called.” She paused a minute. “How are you?”

  “In a lot of pain and wondering how I ended up this way.”

  “It could have been worse. I am so sorry about Lawrence.”

  “I am sorry. I sounded like an ungrateful bitch when Lawrence’s son is at this time planning his funeral. I am grateful for another chance at life.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “I am going to get better and do a lot of thinking.” She hesitated. “He does not see anyone but you, Latoya. You have to believe that.”

  “I do.” She smiled slightly. “Get well soon.”

  With a spring in her step, she went to the bathroom to get ready for his arrival. She also had fantastic news for him!

  He went through the darkened living room and found her lying on the bed, her head propped up on the pillows watching television. “Hey.” He approached her warily. “I am sorry I am late. I was practically mobbed at the airport.”

  “I saw it on television.” She stretched her arms out and he went into them gratefully, resting his head on her bosom. He was home and suddenly all the weariness left his body. Latoya brushed her fingers through his thick hair and held onto him. “How are you?”

  “I am okay now,” he murmured, taking in her elusive scent. “Are you?”

  “Definitely. I called Diana.”

  He moved and lifted his head and he looked down at her. “Why?”

  “To ask how she was doing. I was not checking up on you, Mark.”

  “Good, because I would hate to think that you do not trust me.” He made to move, but she held him back.

  “We are not going to fight, not now.” She placed his palm on her flat belly and kept it there. “Not when we are going to be parents.”

  He went still and his eyes met hers. “Baby?” he whispered hoarsely.

  “I am four weeks pregnant.”

  He blinked and felt the shudder racked his body. “You are carrying my child?” He had never been so humble in his entire life. He was going to be a father!

  “Yes.” She pulled him into her arms and held him. “I suspected before but I wanted to be sure and I wanted it to be a surprise.”

  “I should have been there.” He reproached her gently. “Latoya.” He clasped her face with his palms and rested his head on her forehead, his breath stirring her skin. “My family.”

  “For the first time in my life I know what it means to be a part of a family,” she murmured.

  “And from now you will always be a part of my family.” His lips sought hers hungrily, his desire stirring and his body heating up slowly. He stopped but only to get rid of his clothes and joined her on the bed. He took off her lace nightgown and let his hand wander over her, stopping at her flat stomach. He bent his head and placed small butterfly kisses on her trembling flesh.

  He went further down, his fingers reaching and delving into her opening causing her to arch towards him. He did not stay there for long, but removing his fingers he came over her, entering her slowly as she gave him a proper homecoming welcome!


  They told his mother and sister when they went to dinner that weekend. Latoya wanted to tell Leesa and the others, but she was afraid of it getting to the press. She had no intention of them chronicling every aspect of their private lives for the entire world to see. She was going to tell them but not right now. Leesa and Kelly were planning the wedding and it was turning out to be very big! Something she had not planned on.

  “That’s great news!” Linda Seville beamed as she looked at them. “I am so happy for you.”

  “Now Markalia can have someone to play with.” Stephanie got up and came over to hug them both.

  “Why didn’t you bring her?” Mark asked as he looped his hand around her shoulders.

  “She and her daddy are having a father/daughter bonding time.” She looked at the slim beautiful woman with the envious figure for a moment. “You are lucky you don’t have to think about getting off the baby fat when the time comes. I have been trying to lose the twenty pounds I gained during pregnancy, but it is not happening.”

  “Stop trying to frighten her,” Mark told her mildly.

  “I am not in the least bit frightened. I am looking forward to everything that comes with the pregnancy,” Latoya responded with a smile.

  “When you are not able to lose the weight and Mark tells you to go on a diet then you will see,” Stephanie blurted out, causing them to look at her. “I am sorry; I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Luke should not be saying that to you, darling.” Her mother looked at her curiously seeing the weariness there and the false smile. “You tell him that.”

  Mark left Latoya in the living room with his mother and took his sister’s hand as they went outside onto the patio. “It’s none of your business,” Stephanie told hi
m as soon as they reached outside.

  “You are my sister and most of all my twin so I am making it mine.” He used back her words on her. “What’s going on?”

  Stephanie shrugged and looked over at the shimmering blue water of the pool, her hands clasped over the railing of the patio. “I guess I am going through post natal depression. I am not happy and I tend to cry at the drop of a hat. He just said that to me because I have been complaining about being too fat. It’s been five months since I had my daughter and we have not…” She gestured helplessly. “You know what I mean.”

  “Have you checked it out?”

  “You mean actually go to a shrink?”

  “Yes, Steph, that’s what I meant. You need counseling.”

  “I figured everything would go back to normal in a matter of time, but we are getting further and further apart and I can see that he is losing patience.”

  “Get counseling. I will pay for it.”

  “Haven’t you done enough!” she asked him exasperated. “You have paid off for our house and bought me that SUV and not to mention the money you have put away for your niece! It’s enough Mark.”

  “You are my sister so it will never be enough.” He tugged her into his arms and she rested her head onto his chest as she closed her eyes.

  “If you were not my brother, I would have to fight Latoya for you,” she sniffed.

  “I am afraid she would win out all the time,” he said with a quiet laugh.

  She lifted her head and looked up at him. “Thank you for being my brother.”

  “You are welcome.” He bent and kissed her on the forehead. “Now let’s go back in before they come out to find us.”


  Somehow it got out that she was pregnant and even before she could tell Leesa and the others. “I wanted to tell you before the entire world knew about it!” Latoya protested as soon as Leesa called her. It was all there in the headlines. ‘Mark Seville’s fiancé pregnant with their first child!’ “So much for keeping our private lives private.” She sighed.

  “You live in the spotlight, darling, so get used to it.”

  She knew she never would.

  She put aside the document she had been perusing and called him. “I saw it. I am sorry.”

  “I guess it is the price I pay for being with someone so famous,” she told him.

  “Any regrets?” he asked her.

  “None at all.”

  “Good. I love you.”

  “I love you too.”

  She called in her secretary and went back to work.


  People flew from all over to attend the wedding. Diana Rowe had recuperated enough to be in attendance even though she was still not fully recovered. She had told the press that she would not miss her friend’s wedding for the world. Leesa was wondering at one point if she had made a mistake having the wedding at her place. It was going to be outdoors on the vast grounds even though the Thanksgiving Day had turned out to be very cold. She had made provisions for that and was having the reception in the Great Hall instead of keeping it outdoors as she had originally planned. She was one of the attendants with Latoya’s best friend Coretta being the matron of honor. She had come over from Madrid with her husband and daughter and was staying at Kelly’s place who had told Latoya that it was her pleasure to put them up.

  Latoya was four months pregnant and had started to show a little bit. A clever seamstress had given her a little more room to maneuver. She had stayed at Kelly’s place along with Coretta and had stayed up half the night gabbing with her and Kelly. It was after she had gone into the shell pink guest room that she had started missing Mark. She had told herself she would not call him but after a while she did. “I miss you,” he told her softly. “I personally think this tradition of the bride not seeing the groom is total nonsense.”

  “It’s supposed to make the wedding night all the more interesting,” she had told him with a laugh.

  “If what we do in bed gets any more interesting then I am afraid we are going to be in big trouble.”

  “I thought you would have gone out with the guys at the club and there would be strippers there coming out of a cake or something.”

  “The guys I associate with are happily married men who would never think of doing anything like that and neither would I. Will you strip for me after the ceremony is over and we are on our honeymoon?”

  “Definitely. It will be my pleasure.”

  Now at Kelly’s magnificent place, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She clasped her hands over her belly and kept them there. She had gotten into the habit of talking to their child every night before going to bed. Mark had started it and she had found herself doing so as well. “Hello in there, honey. This is your Mommy speaking. I am now getting ready to go and meet your Dad at the altar. There are going to be lots of photos and videos so you will be able to watch the ceremony one day. We love each other and you will be able to see it for yourself. You were created in love, honey, and I want you to always remember that.” She looked up as both Kelly and Coretta stood at the doorway. Coretta was wearing a slim fitting lavender gown with thin straps and Kelly had on bright green.

  “You are stunning!” Coretta said with a sigh. “I am feeling a lot of envy right now. When I got married, I was wearing a simple lavender dress that I had picked up at a little boutique in Madrid.”

  “Are you happy?” Latoya asked her.

  “I am.”

  “That’s what counts,” she murmured as she turned back to the mirror for one last look. Her hair had been piled on top of her head and secured with jeweled pins. Dazzling emerald and diamond earrings sparkled at her lobes with matching bracelets. They had been a gift from Mark. “I am ready.”

  Latoya placed her hand on Alfred Gaston’s arm and took a deep breath as they got ready to step outside and onto the red carpet that had been placed there. The wives had gone all out to make everything special and she felt as if she was living in a fairy tale! As if he knew that she was nervous, the man who had been so nice to her throughout the years patted her hand reassuringly as they made their way up the aisle. Halfway up, she did not remember the crowd as her eyes caught the man she had loved for so long. His hair glistened in the midmorning sun picking out the blonde highlights. He was wearing a smart dark blue tuxedo that fitted him very well. His best friend Lance was standing beside him along with Coretta who smiled at her as she made her way up. His sister Stephanie was one of the bridesmaids and looked beautiful in light orange. Mr. Gaston took her hand from his arm and placed it into Mark’s with a flourish and made his way to his seat. Mark’s hand tightened on hers as he walked her the rest of the way up.

  Cameras flashed as soon as they stood together in front of the minister repeating their vows. Very soon, they were husband and wife and the minister was announcing them as Mr. and Mrs. Mark Anthony Seville.

  Leesa smiled as she looked over at her husband and children. They were on their best behavior but she could see that Leigh-Ann looked a little bored as she tapped her dainty feet. She was stunning with her father’s coloring and her mother’s personality. Brad caught her eyes and he smiled at her with all the love they shared. So many weddings and so many stories to tell!


  “Speech! Speech! Speech!” the crowd shouted as they finished diner and the toasts were being made. Coretta had already made her speech saying how after waiting for her entire life, her friend had finally gotten a man who had been worth waiting for. Lance had talked about their college days and the fact that Mark had always been determined and focused. Now it was his time to talk. He got to his feet and looked down at the woman who had just become his bride, the one who was carrying his child. “What can I say?” His green-grey eyes twinkled as he looked around the room and then back at Latoya. “I am facing what is the happiest moment of my life right here and words do not seem to be enough! Latoya and I met in the café that day and there was no turning back for us. I turned my back
on what was an amazing connection and thought that pursuing a career would be enough. I was wrong and I must say how grateful I am that she was still available.” He took her hand and she got to her feet. “She is all the woman I will ever need,” he finished huskily.

  “Is that going to be the title of your next song?” someone shouted from the back.

  “It might very well be.”


  They went on their honeymoon in the isolated cabin where Mark had penned his hit songs. The place had been tidied up after Diana had left and she had been so grateful to Lance and Lola that she had given them several copies of her albums much to their delight. Mark was thinking of buying it.

  He carried her over the threshold putting her down in the middle of the cozy living room where there was already a fire burning in the hearth. “What do you think? I figured that we will be going to Europe in a few weeks so you would need somewhere we would have no interruptions and where we could be by ourselves.”

  “You figured right.” She looked around and wandered over to the faded sofa. “I can just see you sitting here deep in thought about what you should write next.”

  He came over and pulled her into his arms. “And trying to get you out of my head,” he murmured with a smile.

  She looked up at him. “Did you succeed?”

  “In parts.” He bent his head and kissed her forehead. “I was only kidding myself. You were indelibly printed on my brain, Mrs. Seville.” He loved saying it and could not say it enough!

  She closed her hands around his neck and brought his head to hers. “I love you, Mark Seville.”


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