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Mark: BWWM Romance (Members From Money Book 11)

Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  “And I you, Latoya Seville.” He swung her up into his arms and carried her off to the bedroom where he undressed her slowly. His fingers touched the slight bump of her pregnancy and lingered, a tender look on his face. He looked up at her and his amazing green-grey eyes said it all. “I always will.”


  Latoya stared down at her son in wonder. He was a Seville through and through with the same shade of hair as his father, sister, mother and cousin. Matthew Anthony Seville had been born the fourth day of April in the early hours of the morning with as little fuss as possible. The months had flown by with her working up to the time when she was due to go on maternity leave in spite of her husband’s protests. Mark had been busy writing not only for Diana but other bestselling artists as well and had made his name and getting coveted awards for his talented writing. He was busy making another soundtrack for a movie due out in December. They had bought a house with a sprawling backyard, a pool, and a tennis court. They had had the housewarming in February. Latoya could not believe how happy she was. She had spent the first few months of their marriage waiting for things to take a turn for the worst but she was learning to relax and be happy now.

  “I think he is full now.” She looked up as her husband came into the nursery. He had gone downstairs to see his mother and sister out after their visit. Matthew was two weeks old but he looked as if he was aware of what was going on around him. He blinked his large green-grey eyes at her as she eased her nipple out of his mouth.

  “Are you sure?” Mark asked her teasingly as he reached down to take his son from her. The nursery had been decorated in a swirl of blues and greens that matched the colors of both father and son’s eyes and made you feel as if you were in a forest on a cool and beautiful day. They had been photographed when they were coming from the hospital and again when they had gone out for the first time last week. Latoya had somehow gotten used to the attention and it did not bother her so much.

  “I think he is going off to sleep now.” She adjusted her maternity bra and got to her feet, going over to the cot as Mark put their son down. Her fingers touched his soft cheek gently and he opened his eyes to look at her before closing them. “He is so beautiful,” she whispered as Mark’s arms came around her waist.

  He bent to kiss her neck and she shivered. “Is it so wrong that I am so happy?”

  “It would be wrong if you were not.” He could feel himself hardening against her and he had to force himself to think of something else. They had made love right up to when she had gone into labor, but he was finding it hard being near her and not having her.



  “I have something I need to do.”

  “Like what?”

  “You’ll see,” she said mysteriously as she took his hand and led him out of the nursery ad into the large master bedroom. “Take off your clothes.”


  “Go ahead.”

  He did so slowly as he continued to look at her wondering what she was up to. “Get on the bed.”

  He did as she ordered feeling the erection getting bigger. He groaned as she came on and knelt before him. “Baby, you don’t…” He did not get any further as her lips closed over him and she took him deep inside her throat! He could not breathe! His hands clenched into fists as she moved her mouth up and down the length of him. He wanted to tell her to stop, but the words could not come out of his mouth. The pleasure was too much! His body jerked and after a few minutes he felt his testicles tightening unbearably! He jerked and called out her name hoarsely as he spilled himself deep into her mouth, the control leaving him! She swallowed everything and only then did she stop coming over him, her body settling on his still shuddering one.

  His eyes a brilliant green gazed into hers as the words he wanted to say would not come.

  “I love you, my husband,” she murmured.

  “You have no clue as to how much I love you.” The tears glinted in his eyes as he stared at her.

  “I have an idea,” she murmured as she curled herself into his arms.

  Mark held her to him and even when she had fallen asleep, he still had his arms around her. He had found his muse and everything in between!

  The end.

  Also available in the same series: Nicholas by Katie Dowe:


  A sexy billionaire pregnancy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Kelsey doesn’t believe in happy endings.

  Perhaps being raised by an abusive, alcoholic dad does that to you.

  Besides, she has no time for love while owning a successful chain of fried chicken restaurants.

  Especially not after the man she thought she loved ran away with much of her hard-earned money.!

  And then Nicholas, the son of a petroleum billionaire, walks into her life.

  As much as she tries to ignore his smoldering hot looks and sexy personality, she can’t deny the unbelievable chemistry between them…

  And neither can he!

  But when one hookup changes their world forever, will Kelsey be able to tear down the barriers over her heart and accept Nicholas as the only man for her?

  Find out in this steamy billionaire romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to smoldering sex scenes between two hot billionaires.

  Want to read more? Then click here to get Nicholas now.


  Enjoyed Mark? Want more handsome billionaires to rock your world? Then why not catch up with some other hot members from The Elite Club:

  Click here to meet them now in the Members From Money series.

  Close To Her Asian Billionaire

  A BWAM romance like no other...

  A complete romance, brought to you by bestselling author Erica A Davis.

  Carla is a private investigator who's very good at her job, even though it's come at the expense of her love life.

  Little did she know however, her toughest case yet could turn that around!

  Handsome billionaire Jason is accused of laundering money from his company, and Carla's been paid to find out the truth.

  While going undercover during her investigation Jason seems to be a good and caring man, Carla knows looks can be deceiving.

  Regardless, his charms soon has her getting closer to her target than she should, and a passionate relationship soon blossoms between the two.

  Which puts Carla in a potentially no win situation.

  What if Jason is guilty and he ends up going to jail?

  And even if he's not, but he finds out she's been investigating him, will he ever trust her again?

  Find out in this thrilling and (of course) steamy BWAM romance by Erica A Davis of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you'll need your own billionaire to investigate… between the sheets.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 1

  "Hey! Hey, you! Black bitch!"

  Carla Romaine heard the angry male voice but it took a few moments to realize it wasn't coming from her earphones. Taking them out, she slowed to a stop and turned, wiping the strands stuck to her forehead away. A huge man with black hair shaved close to his scalp and built like a wrestler was storming towards her, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. He looked like a European version of the Hulk with a vein protruding angrily from his temple.

  Oh, great. Another angry man. Carla was used to seeing them and wasn't fazed. Her job involved dealing with irate husbands and angry lovers. But today she wasn't interested in having another confrontation; she had a lot to do and she was close to falling behind.

  "I assume you're talking to me." She said calmly.

  "Yeah." The man
jabbed a finger at her as he got closer. "Yeah, I'm talking to you, bitch."

  Carla sighed and glanced at her watch.

  "You've got one minute before I carry on with my workout. I'm on the clock."

  "Yeah." Came a sneer. "Always on the clock."

  "Who are you and what do you want?"

  "I'm Patrick Pisani."

  Carla was good with names and she could remember every single case she had worked on. Having a near eidetic memory was a positive for her line of work. And she knew exactly who this man was.

  "Christina's husband."

  "Glad you remember me." Pisani's eyes narrowed, his face still red. "Seeing as you ruined my life."

  "You cheated on your wife." Carla shot back calmly. "I only got the proof for Christina and she did the necessary actions. You ruined your own life, not me."

  Pisani snorted rudely.

  "My wife is too stupid for her own good. She would believe anything she was told." He jabbed a finger hard into Carla's chest. "You made her believe I was cheating."

  Carla bit her lip and counted to five. She would let one touch go but if he did it again...

  "Did I also ask your girlfriend to make sure you two were caught by my camera?" She quipped.

  "You're a smart-mouthed cu..." Pisani snarled but Carla cut across him sharply.

  "Stop right there, Mr Pisani. You call me that word and you're going to be having a nasty headache." She pointedly looked at his crotch. "And I'm not talking about the head on your shoulders."

  For a moment Pisani looked taken aback. Carla guessed he hadn't been expecting for her to bite back and stand up to him. The man was a bully, especially towards women, and he used his size to his advantage. Carla had met bigger and tougher men who had cowered before her and she wasn't about to let him take her down. Then the surprise cleared and he chuckled without mirth.

  "That's funny. Really funny. Threatening violence. Makes you feel good, does it? Threatening people with violence?"

  "Only if you start calling me a See You Next Tuesday."

  Carla had been brought up not to curse and even as an adult her mother would make her take confession whenever she let one loose by accident. Carla hated confession so she had schooled herself not to curse at all. It had stuck well into adult life. The word Pisani had almost called her was the worst, something Carla wouldn't go near even if she did curse.

  Pisani folded his arms, his forearm muscles bulging.

  "You like ruining people's lives, don't you?" He demanded. "You PIs have sad pathetic lives so you decide you can make everyone else's lives pathetic."

  "You did that yourself. No one asked you to cheat." Carla glanced at her watch. "Time's up. Goodbye, Mr Pisani."

  "I don't think so." Pisani grabbed at her arm as Carla turned away, his fingers digging into her arm. He pulled her close, his face inches away from hers as he spat in her face. "You'll be regretting what you did, you little..."

  "Is there a problem here?"

  Carla looked round and saw an Asian man jogging towards them, slowing to a walk as he reached them. Her heart stuttered. Oh, my. Taller than the average Asian male, jet-black hair sweaty and tousled on his head and long, sinewy muscles, this man seemed to exude something that had Carla unable to take her eyes off him. Dressed in a sleeveless red top with black running shorts and white sneakers, he was handsome.

  Handsome enough that Carla's body started heating up. Her core tightened and Carla had to bite her lip as her inner muscles clenched. That wasn't an everyday occurrence. Carla had thought she was virtually immune to every good-looking man that came along.

  Evidently not.

  "No problem." She squeaked. She coughed and tried again. "Mr Pisani was just leaving."

  "Mr Pisani was just having a conversation with Miss Romaine." Pisani countered, his hand tightening on Carla's arm.

  Despite herself, Carla winced. Then suddenly Pisani had let go and was stumbling back, a stunned expression on his face. The Asian man stepped between them, glancing at her for a moment. Carla rubbed her arm and nodded to say she was all right. The Asian man turned back to Pisani.

  "The lady said it was ending." His voice was calm but Carla caught the underlying tone. He was daring Pisani to push it. "Get going, sir."

  Pisani stared at him, looking him up and down. He scoffed and laughed.

  "I've got a foot on you and probably more than fifty pounds. You really think you can get me to move?"

  "How about seven belts in seven martial arts and three of them are black?" The newcomer countered calmly. "Do you really want to test that?"

  Carla stared at his back. Did he really have those black belts? Pisani also looked doubtful. But when the Asian man stepped towards him his expression changed and Pisani moved away. Giving Carla one last glare, he turned away and walked off. Her rescuer turned to her and looked down at her, his forehead furrowed in concern.

  "You okay?"

  "I'm fine." Carla's arm still burned but it was a dull burn now. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you really have three black belts?"

  Her rescuer looked slightly bashful.

  "I've got three belts. They're not black." He spread his hands. "I'm not Jet Li."

  Carla laughed. He laughed as well and Carla was stunned at how his whole face lit up. He went from simply handsome to devastating. There was a scar on his chin that looked like a childhood scar and his eyes weren't quite on the same level but that didn't deter any of his looks away. It just enhanced them.

  Carla realized where her thoughts were going and coughed, stepping away and giving him a smile.

  "Thanks for saving my ass. I've got to get going. My boss will have my hide if I'm late."

  "Let me jog with you for a bit."

  Carla was tempted. It meant spending more time in his company. But she was a realistic woman. This man was out of her league and there wouldn't be a chance with him.

  "If you do we'll talk and I'll get distracted, which I can't afford right now." She shrugged. "Maybe some other time?"

  "Okay." He dug into his pocket and withdrew a slim white card, which he held out. "Here's my card. Give me a call sometime."

  Carla took the card, swallowing back a gasp as their fingers touched and her whole hand tingled. She glanced at the card. Jason Liu, CEO.

  CEO. Which meant she wasn't even anywhere near his league. But Carla kept those thoughts to herself and gave him a polite smile.

  "I will do."

  But she knew as she jogged away that she would never see the man again.


  This brief, and somewhat pleasant, interlude resulted in Carla getting behind in her schedule. Instead of having the bath she had planned on having she switched to a shower and dressed quickly, tugging a brush through her hair. No matter how much she washed it and kept it in good condition her hair kept getting tangled. Either that or her brush had taken a personal dislike towards her.

  Dressing in a black t-shirt and navy jeggings, her hair tied back in a simple ponytail, Carla charged across town to her office. It was a miracle she didn't get caught by a police car breaking the speed limit. While that might have been a decent excuse for being late with any other employee, her boss didn't accept it. He wasn't a fan of lateness, even when the reason was legitimate.

  Carla couldn't wait for the day when she had earned enough to go out on her own and start her own private agency business. At least she could keep her own hours and not have to run her life like a military schedule.

  By skimming the traffic laws and cutting out on a few luxuries - breakfast being one of them - Carla arrived five minutes early, her stomach growling at her. There was a box of brownies in the bottom drawer her boss hadn't found yet so Carla was intending on sneaking a few when she made her first coffee of the day.

  Grabbing her purse and barely remembering to lock up, Carla hurried across the parking lot into the lobby that was the front for the private investigation services she worked for. The girl behind the desk looked up as Carla c
ame charging in and nearly got the sleeve of her coat caught on the door handle.

  "Morning, Faye."


  Faye didn't blink at Carla's whirlwind entrance. Despite having only worked at the business since September to fill her hours while studying at the University of Miami and pay for her fees, the nineteen-year-old seemed unflappable and calm in a crisis. Born with dwarfism, the pixie-cut brunette had a big attitude that came out in contrast to her stoic persona. Carla liked the girl on sight and the feeling was mutual.

  "Nothing on my calendar come in?"

  "You've got a client waiting in your office."

  "Already?" Carla glanced at her watch and saw she did have the right time. She wasn't seeing things. "But I don't start for another five minutes. My office should be locked."

  "The Boss had to unlock it. The woman didn't want to wait in the lobby."

  Carla grunted. They did come across those who wanted things their way, including going into Carla's office when she wasn't there. It was an unwritten rule that no one was to go in there unless she allowed them.

  She was going to have a word with that old man she called an employer. Next time the client could wait in the corridor if she didn't like the lobby.

  "Let's hope she hasn't found the secret stash of brownies in my bottom drawer." She muttered, burrowing into her bag for her phone.

  Faye gasped.

  "You've got brownies and you didn't tell me?"

  Carla winked.

  "I'll send a few out once I've got rid of this client."

  "I'll hold you to that."

  Carla's office was near the back next to the big boss. Carla didn't know if that was deliberate or because there hadn't been any other space. She didn't like being that close to the Boss, who liked to leer at her breasts when he thought she wasn't looking.

  Another reason for leaving when she could. She didn't let men outside of work treat her like she was there for their visual enjoyment so why should she let men in her workplace treat her that way?

  Carla pushed into her office and kept walking to her desk, still searching for her phone.


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