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My Best Friend's Sister

Page 7

by Q. B. Tyler

  Fuck, she’s wet.

  My cock twitches as the vision of running my tongue through her folds, collecting her juices on my tongue, flashes through my mind. I hear her moan in her sleep, and the sound is music to my growing erection. I slip my hand under the waistband, finding the silky material of her panties. I pluck the string once, letting it snap against her skin, and I feel her hand tighten around mine.

  Someone’s awake, I think.

  I slide my fingers under the silk, not wanting to go another second without touching her pussy. I press two fingers to her clit and begin to stroke her gently. She’s getting wetter with every swipe of my fingers through her folds, and it doesn’t take long for her to start rubbing her ass against my cock in rhythm with my fingers.

  Fucking hell, she’s going to make me come.

  “Ava.” I press my nose against her neck and inhale her sweet fragrance. “Do you want to come?”

  Her eyes flutter open, and I can see the worry lines forming instantly in her forehead. She scrunches her nose and squeezes her eyes shut before letting them open again. She turns her head slowly, and I smile at her. “But I want you to come too.”

  I don’t have a chance to respond when I feel her hand that isn’t interlaced with mine reach behind her and begin to palm me through Tucker’s sweatpants she had given me to sleep in last night. She squeezes hard, and I hiss in response before sinking my teeth into her shoulder. “I want to touch you,” she whispers. “Your bare cock.”

  The word cock falling from Ava’s lips is almost enough to make me explode. “Go for it.”

  “I’ve never…,” she trails off.

  “I know.” I bite down on her earlobe, and she squirms as my fingers haven’t stopped their ministrations on the sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs. She slides her hand up and down my dick, adding pressure with every stroke. “Fuck, Ava.” I squeeze my eyes shut, knowing that if she doesn’t stop, I’m going to come all over myself. “Just you touching me makes me feel like I’m going to explode,” I murmur against her skin.

  She lets out a sigh, and I can already feel the precum leaking from the tip of my dick in response.

  I’m gliding in and out of her with ease at this point, as her juices are completely soaking my fingers. “I can’t wait to taste this pretty pussy, Ava.”

  She gasps at my words and turns in my arms, effectively removing my fingers from inside of her. Within seconds she’s completely detangled herself from me and has moved to straddle me, her pussy resting directly on top of my cock. My eyebrows shoot to my hairline as she rocks slowly against me.

  “I’ve fantasized about you doing that for a week now.” She leans down, and her lips find my chin and move down my neck to my collarbone. “I hear it feels amazing.” She rubs her herself against my cock slowly, up to the tip and then back down to the base. My hands find her hips, and I grip hard as I feel the familiar sensation moving through me. “But, I’m nervous,” she whispers.

  “We’ll go slow. We’ll take everything slow and go at your pace. We’ll only do what you’re comfortable with when you’re ready.” She nods but continues to rock against me. “I’m going to come if you don’t stop that.” My teeth are clenched together as I’m trying to slow the orgasm building within. I can already feel the tingle in my balls as the cum prepares to make its exit.

  “Good.” She looks down at me, her hair wild and all over the place. She bites down on her bottom lip, and I sit up immediately, desperate to feel her closer to me. I wrap my arms around her and push her harder against my dick as she continues to rub against me like a cat in heat.

  “Are you going to come?” I ask as our movements quicken. I’d never been one for dry humping, but with every move of her hips against me, I find myself enjoying the act more and more. I feel like the teenager who was doing everything he could to avoid actual sex, and yet there was something so intimate about this. Almost more so than physical penetration.

  Her hands find mine and place them on her chest, and my fingers immediately find her nipples through the fabric, squeezing them gently. “You are so beautiful. I can’t wait to be inside of you.”

  “Fuck.” Her hands find my shoulders as she begins to move faster against me, trying to chase down the orgasm I know to be brewing in her body. “I’m close.”

  I smile hearing the approaching of her orgasm and within almost a split second, she’s falling apart in my arms, screaming the entire way down. She shudders in my arms, her nails scratching at my bare back as she continues to move up and down against me.

  I look down, and I can see that her orgasm has gone through her underwear and her shorts, and there was now evidence on my crotch. “Fuck,” I whisper out as the smell of her arousal wafts through the air and surrounds me. “You’re a goddess.”

  She follows my gaze, and her cheeks turn bright red. “Oh my God, I--”

  “Don’t.” I cup her chin, making her look at me. “That is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” I look down again as I watch her slowly rub her pussy against my painfully hard cock, and with the orgasm I know is only seconds away, I pull her down underneath me and finish rubbing myself against the two soaking wet layers of fabric between her legs. I buck myself against her with wild abandon, unbelieving that I’m actually humping the fuck out of Ava Remington.

  “FUCK,” I groan as my face drops into the crook of her neck, and I cum all over the inside of my underwear like I’m a fucking teenager.

  I stare at myself in the mirror of Ava’s miniscule bathroom as I think about what’s about to happen. She’s ready.

  I’d come into the bathroom to clear my head and get myself together after the mess I’d made all over my shorts. I open the door to find Ava standing on the other side of it with a smile on her face. She had lost the pants she wore to bed, leading me to believe she may not be wearing underwear either, as the t-shirt she’s wearing comes to about mid-thigh.

  “Don’t be nervous,” she says as her hand finds mine, interlacing our fingers.

  “I should be telling you that, I think.” I bring our interlaced hands to my lips, drawing them over her fingertips.

  “I’m not nervous.” She shakes her head back and forth. “This is what I want.”

  “You’re sure about this?” I tuck a loose strand behind her ear.

  “Absolutely.” Her eyes drop to my crotch, and I can already feel my cock hardening under her gaze. “I still haven’t seen your dick,” she tells me as she lets my hand go and runs her fingertip over the waistband of my sweatpants. She pulls on it slightly before dropping her fingers even lower to trace me through the material. “Will you show me what to do? What you like?”

  Fuck. This woman is going to be the death of me.

  Without another word, I lift her into my arms and carry her back to her room, kicking the door shut behind us. I deposit her on the bed, and she looks up at me through hooded slits as I pull off my sweatpants. I notice her nipples hardening underneath the cotton fabric in response, and a surge of pride runs through me that she’s turned on by my physique. I hook my fingers into the waistband of my briefs and slide them down my legs, slowly, my eyes never leaving hers. Her mouth drops open, her eyes wide and unblinking as she takes me in.

  “Holy shit.” She sits straight up and crawls across her bed toward me. She reaches out to touch me before pulling her hand back as if she’s scared touch it. I cup her cheek gently, drawing her attention away from my dick.

  “It’s okay,” I tell her, and she looks back down, that bottom lip trapped between her teeth once again. I’m seconds from pulling her lip from them when I feel her warm hand stroking me.

  Fuck, that feels good.

  “It’s so hard.” She squeezes slightly, and I twitch in response. She lets me fall from her hand, much to my disappointment, and slides up the bed, motioning me to follow her. “Lie on your back.”

  I do as she asks, and she positions herself between my legs, looking at my dick as if she wants to devour it.
She runs her tongue over her bottom lip, and I groan.

  “I need you to take the lead. I don’t know what I’m doing here.” She chuckles nervously.

  “Open your mouth,” I tell her as her hands fidget in her lap.

  She looks up at me, and her eyes are almost paralyzing. I can’t focus on anything else except for the warm brown eyes that I swear can see right through me.

  My mind drifts back to what it felt like to have my fingers inside of my best friend’s little sister. I was the first person to ever get between Ava Remington’s legs, and I go back and forth between praising and condemning myself for it. My thoughts are halted when I feel wet warmth surrounding my cock and sucking.


  “Easy, baby,” I tell her. She pulls off of me immediately, letting me fall from between her wet lips. She stares at me with wide eyes as if she’d done something wrong. “No, you were doing fine,” I assure her. “I just didn’t want to come too quickly.” I shoot her my signature smile, and she rolls her eyes.

  I cup her cheek gently, rubbing my thumb across the soft skin. Her teeth find that delectable bottom lip, gently pulling on it, and my cock jumps in appreciation. I pull her up the length of my body to meet my mouth, and my tongue finds hers instantly. I know I had advised against engaging in that level of intimacy, but I needed it now.

  I craved it.

  I needed to feel her lips against mine. I wanted to show her just how quickly things had changed on my end.

  I pull away from her, and she gasps, realizing what we had just done. She looks down, pink coloring her cheeks. “What happened to no kissing?”

  My hand reaches under her chin as her lips purse like I’ve noticed they do every so often. “Typically, people kiss when they have sex,” I tell her. She nods in agreement, and I have to resist the urge to pin her down and thrust my cock into her virgin folds. “You sure you’re ready?” I ask her.

  She looks away nervously before she nods. “Now? Or…,” she says, looking down at my cock, which is standing up straight between us, “should I go back to…,” she trails off nervously.

  “Do you want to finish?” God knows I want nothing more than to push my dick inside of that wet channel where no man has been before, but I don’t want her to feel pressured.

  She nods. “Well, I’ve always been a good student, and I think I’d like to pass this oral exam,” she giggles.

  “Always in need of positive reinforcement. I bet you’re still such a teacher’s pet.”

  She smiles and puts her hands on my cock again. Her mouth finds the tip of my dick, and she swirls her tongue around the head without sucking me completely into her mouth.

  Fuck, where did she learn this art of teasing?

  “Look at me,” I tell her, and her eyes find mine just as her tongue slides down my shaft. Jesus, this woman is going to kill me. “Wrap your lips around me.” She does as she’s told, and I feel her tongue swirling around me in her mouth as she moves down my shaft inch by inch. I feel the back of her throat, and it takes everything in me not to explode. “Breathe through your nose.”

  She must be stifling a laugh because I feel vibrations around my dick. I groan, “Move up and down.” She starts to move, but her hair begins to surround her face and my dick like a veil.

  That won’t do.

  I push her hair from around her face, pull it into a messy ponytail at the top of her head and hold it there. I want nothing more than to see those beautiful eyes on me when I shoot my load down her throat, but she continues to look down. “Look at me.” She tries, but it’s difficult at this angle, so she pulls her mouth off of me.

  “How do I look at you and do this in this position?”

  I huff. “It’s why I hate this position.”

  “Well, what do you like?”

  “I stand, and you’re on your knees.”

  “Seems like you’re trying to assert your dominance. How very ego-maniacal.” She rolls her eyes, and I want to put my cock back in her mouth to stop the train of smart ass comments I know will follow.

  I’m shocked when I see her get off of her bed and kneel in the center of her room. She pulls off her t-shirt, finally and I’m met with her perfect tits.

  She motions me over, and I’m led by my dick and my hormones to stand in front of her. She yanks the ponytail holder from around her wrist and pulls her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head. “So, you don’t yank any more of my hair out.” She smiles cheekily, and I blanch wondering how hard I was really pulling earlier.

  Sorry, I mouth at her, and she giggles again before her mouth sheaths my cock once more.

  Her eyes immediately find mine as she begins to work me over, in and out like she’s trying to suck the soul right out of me. When she runs her tongue up the underside of my cock, when her lips find by balls, when she tickles the head of my cock with her tongue, when she hollows out her cheeks while I’m in her mouth, her eyes never leave mine. I grab her hand and press her fingers to the part between my balls and my cock. “Touch me here.”

  She lets me go again. “What does it do?”

  “It feels good,” I say through gritted teeth, wanting her mouth back on my cock. She nods and begins to massage the area there as she sucks. “Let me fuck your mouth.”

  My thoughts drift back to last night, when I saw her at that club. She looked so young, so carefree. She was in her element, and every man around her was enthralled, staring at what was mine. Wanting a touch, a taste… I ball my hands into a fist as I think about anyone’s hands on her. His hands on her.

  She is mine.

  She lets me fall from her mouth, a trail of spit connecting her slightly swollen lips with my dick. “What do you mean ‘fuck my mouth?’ Isn’t that what you’re already doing?”

  “No. I want to take control. I want to take over. Control the speed. Use your mouth.”

  “Oh.” She takes a deep breath. “Okay,” she whispers as she opens her mouth slightly.

  “Wider, baby.” I realize it’s the second time I’ve used that term of endearment, and I see she notices it too. My hand finds the back of her neck as I slide my cock between her lips. “Fuck. You are so beautiful,” I tell her as I slowly push in and out of her mouth. My hands find each side of her head as I begin to pick up the pace. Her hands find my ass, and she digs her nails into the flesh until I groan in response.

  “Where did you learn to do that?” I smile at her. I can see the smile in her eyes, and it pushes me over the edge. I don’t even have time to warn her that I’m coming before I erupt inside her wet mouth. I don’t know how long I go, but I start to see my cum seep out of her mouth, and I wonder if she’s having trouble swallowing.

  “Swallow it,” I demand as I pull my cock out of her mouth, feeling the end of my orgasm and the stream of cum that flowed out of my penis and into her waiting mouth. Her cheeks are full like a chipmunk, and I resist the urge to laugh as I see them slowly go down.

  “Aren’t you supposed to give a warning shot?! Like ‘I’m coming’ or something?” She wipes her mouth and her chin that still has remnants of my orgasm coating her skin. She tucks the hairs that have fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear and looks up at me. I pull her to her feet and push her against the wall, boxing her in.

  “Sometimes there’s no warning. When you suck dick like a porn star, sometimes there are surprises.”

  “Like… a porn star?” Her eyes widen as a devilish grin spreads across her face.

  “Yes. Your sexy little moans and whimpers, and the way you flutter your eyelashes when you run your tongue from root to tip. You sucked my cock like you’ve sucked hundreds of cocks. Not just mine.”

  “So, it was good.” She smiles even bigger, and I don’t miss my physiological reaction in response to seeing her lips turn upwards.

  “It was very good. So good, I’m going to return the favor.”

  I spot nervousness in her eyes and run a hand across her cheek. “What’s wrong? Didn’t you enjoy when I touched yo

  “Uh yeah… I did,” she says nervously as I pull her toward the bed.

  “I’m sensing a but…”

  “I’m just a little nervous.”

  “Which is normal. A lot of women can’t get out of their own head when men do this. But you have to relax.”

  She nods as her back finds the bed, and she opens her legs slightly to show me she’s ready. I press a second kiss to her lips before I slowly make my way down her body placing lazy, wet kisses on her skin. I dip my tongue into her navel, nipping the skin with my teeth. My nose finds the space between her legs, and I inhale deeply, letting her aroma flood my senses. Her natural fragrance surrounds me, and I’m suddenly infuriated with this piece of material between her pussy and my mouth. I rip it instantly.

  “Hey!” she says, looking down at her disintegrated panties that are in two pieces in my hands. “Really?!”

  I don’t offer up a response; I just look down to see her perfectly smooth pussy, waiting for me to devour. I notice her tense, and I look up to see her eyes tightly closed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I’m nervous,” she breathes out.


  “What if I don’t... taste good?” She looks down at me, and I roll my eyes. Of course. I notice her swallow. “I read somewhere that sometimes women don’t exactly have the best… taste.”

  “Your scent is—mouthwatering, Ava. I can’t wait to taste you,” I assure her.

  Truth is, I had never smelled a scent quite like Ava. She smelled of faint vanilla and woman, and it sent me on a head trip whenever I got a whiff of her arousal. I’d never been particularly excited to go down on a woman; it was usually a means to an end. But I’d already gotten the blow job, and yet I was drooling at the idea of tasting her.

  My nose pushes through her folds, and I take another deep inhalation without the barrier of her panties in the way. I can see the beginnings of her orgasm sitting at the entrance to her pussy, making me wonder just how turned on she got sucking my cock. “You’re so wet.”


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