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My Best Friend's Sister

Page 8

by Q. B. Tyler

  She mewls, my words making her pussy clench in response, and I’m immediately hard thinking about her clenching with me inside of her. I blow gently on her folds, and she grinds against the bed. I put one hand on each of her thighs and take one lick through her folds, letting out a deep breath as I realize this is the only woman I want to do this to for the rest of my life.


  “Holy shit!” she swears as my tongue begins to work her over. I tap her clit lightly with the tip of my tongue, and she responds with a whimper and a tug of my hair. “Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God!” she chants, and I grin to myself as I can tell she's going to come. Soon. “Jackson!” She lets out a moan, and I feel her thighs coming closer to my head as I know she's feeling the urge to trap my face between her legs.

  I run my hands gently up the back of her thighs as I feel her nearing her breaking point. “Tell me how it feels, Ava,” I murmur against her as I continue to lap at the delicious space between her thighs.

  “Like… nothing… everything all at once. I think I'm going to--” she starts, and I glance upwards, shocked to catch her gaze staring down at me, watching me with fascination as she's propped up on her elbows.

  Her jaw falls open as my tongue begins to rapidly flick her clit before she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. I know the exact moment the orgasm begins to wrack her petite frame as her eyes shut, her arms give out and she falls to the bed letting out a guttural moan. I fuck her with my mouth through the remainder of her orgasm, and only when she stops spasming do I place a final kiss on her smooth pussy. I begin to kiss up her body, lacing my hands with hers as I hold them above her head.

  “That was… incredible.” She gives me a lazy smile, and I resist the urge to capture her lips with mine. I need to make sure she’s comfortable with where this is heading first.

  “You ready?” I search her eyes for any uncertainty, but she turns her head to the side just as quickly escaping my intense gaze. I hold her hands above her head with one hand and trail my other hand down her face, cupping her cheek. “No. Look at me, Ava.” She obeys my command, and I can see the apprehension in her eyes.

  “We’ll go slow?”

  I smile at her willingness to give her virginity to me so freely. My cock aches at the thought. Despite the fact I can't thrust into her fast and hard before I settle on a punishing rhythm. Despite the fact I'll have to slide in slowly inch by inch, checking along the way to make sure she's alright. Despite the fact this is the most inexperienced woman I've been with since I was fifteen, I feel the pre-cum pooling at my tip, dying for a taste of Ava’s pussy. “Yes.”

  “I want this; I’m just still a little nervous,” she tells me honestly as I feel her try to pull her hands from my grasp. She pushes me back slightly so I’m hovering over her and we aren’t skin- to-naked-skin. Her dainty hands move down my chest and toward my dick, and it jumps with anticipation.

  “Do you have… condoms?” She almost whispers the last word as if she was worried someone could hear. I reach down and grab the wallet from my pants and pull one out, holding it up for her to see. She licks her lips, her nervous eyes finding mine. “Okay, let’s do it.”

  She watches me with fascination as I roll the condom on to my erect member. I place my hands on my thighs as I’m on my knees between her legs, waiting for her move. Her hand reaches out for my cock and pulls me toward her waiting folds. “I…maybe you should take it from here?”

  I place my hand over hers, and together we stroke my dick from root to tip. I groan, feeling her soft hand under mine, touching my cock as I move slowly toward her pussy. She slides her hand out from under mine, and I tap my dick against her clit before I begin to slide my member through her heavily saturated folds. I glide against her clitoris, back and forth, and she begins to writhe beneath me as her orgasm builds.

  “Are you going to come like this, Ava? All over my cock? Before I’m even inside of your pretty pussy?” I lower my face to hers, our lips no more than a millimeter apart. “You are mine, Ava,” I say against her lips before I press them to hers, forbidding her to say anything back. My tongue snakes into her mouth, finding hers instantly and moving in perfect rhythm with my cock rubbing against her. Her hands find my hair, and she pulls hard, the feelings of her impending orgasm pushing her closer to the edge.

  Our kisses are getting more aggressive, more forceful as she tries to take the pleasure from my mouth as well as my cock. Her hands leave my hair to travel down my back, and her nails scratch my skin. The bite of her nails sends a jolt to my dick, reminding me that I haven’t been inside of her yet, so I pull away from her lips. “Baby, let me inside… please?” I beg, the torturous assault of her mouth followed by the warmth of her folds has blown the last of my resolve to pieces.

  I need to fuck her. Now.

  Her eyes flutter open hearing my words; her cheeks are flushed, and there’s a thin layer of sweat glistening on her skin. I lean down and lick her neck, collecting the moisture coating her skin. “You taste so good,” I tell her, my mouth watering as I remember what her pussy tasted like. I slide my cock slowly through her folds again when I feel her gasp.

  “I need you,” she pleads.

  I pull back and line my cock up with her entrance. I ease in slowly, and I hear her whimper underneath me. I freeze as her hands find my biceps. “You okay?”

  “Keep going,” she says, and it sounds like she’s holding her breath.

  “Breathe, baby.”

  My hand moves down between us and I rub her clitoris, hoping I can distract her from the pain. “Jackson,” she moans as I slide out slowly and push again. She clenches around me, and I grit my teeth, trying to think about anything else but the gorgeous naked woman beneath me gripping my cock like a vise. She wraps her legs around me, her heels pressing against my ass as she pushes slightly.

  “Ava…,” I groan. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.” She looks up at me, and for a brief second, I’m transported back to a time when Ava used to look up at me with those doe eyes of hers.

  God, I’ve been hers from the start. How am I just realizing it?

  My heart constricts as my lips find hers and I push the rest of the way inside of her. She bites down on my lip gently and grips my arms harder before sliding her hands behind my neck. I pick up a faster rhythm, gliding in and out of her with ease as she’s soaking wet. Her arousal and probably the evidence of her virginity are flooding the bed underneath us, and I can’t escape the taboo feeling of being covered in her. I haven’t seen a woman’s blood on my dick in over ten years, and suddenly, I want nothing more than to pull out of Ava and see the red innocence all over me.

  I pull back to alert her that I’m close. When I look down, I’m taken by her piercing eyes and her tits bouncing with every thrust inside of her. The visual and physical stimulation sends me over the edge, and I explode. I drop my head and sink my teeth into the flesh behind her ear as I continue to pump my dick in and out of her as I grunt out her name over and over. After what feels like hours, I slow my movements as the aftershocks of my orgasm move through me. I pull back slightly and see Ava staring at me with a large grin.

  “That was amazing!” She giggles.

  “You didn’t come.” I furrow my brows knowing it’s very normal for a woman not to come her first time, but it’s still not sitting right with me.

  “Well, that’s normal, right?”


  She purses her lips and frowns. “Aw, is someone’s ego bruised?” she placates me, and I resist the urge to shove my cock down her throat to keep her quiet.

  “Turn over,” I tell her as I pull out of her slowly. Sure enough, the condom I’m wearing is covered in blood. The visual is sexy as fuck.

  She winces when she sees the mess. “Sorry about that.”

  “Don’t be sorry. It’s normal.” I tell her, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Now turn over.”

  “What?” She sits up on her elbows as I get up and
move across her small room to deposit the condom in the trash.

  “Turn over on your stomach, Ava. Don’t make me ask you again.”


  “New position.” Her eyes widen, and she turns over on her stomach as I slide another condom on. I pull her up to her knees and slide a pillow under her stomach. “Prop your ass up in the air…but put your head down.” She does what I ask and even gives a little shake. I chuckle and lean down to place a kiss on her right ass cheek. “Don’t tease me, Ava. Now lift this sexy little ass higher.”

  She gets down lower and lifts her ass up higher. “What does this do?”

  “Trust me.”

  She doesn’t say anything, but I can see her nod as I slide into her harder and faster than the first time. “OH MY GOD!” she yells, and her face instantly hits the mattress. Bingo.

  My fingers find her hips as I begin to pound into her rapidly. She finally pulls her face out of the mattress, but she grabs the closest pillow and bites down on it to muffle the screams.

  “Tell me how good it feels.”

  “So… fucking… good…,” she moans between thrusts. She’s trying to catch her breath, but I don’t let up. I don’t stop. I want to feel Ava come all over my cock. I want my cock to feel the quivering that my mouth felt when she came. With the way she’s fidgeting beneath me, I know it’s coming. Quick.

  Having just come, I’m able to hold off a bit longer than last time, but I begin building as I pound into her. I look down and notice that both of her toes are curled, and I know from experience that a lot of women curl their toes just before--

  The pillow leaves her mouth, and I hear her scream out my name as her fingers claw at her sheets. Holy fuck, that’s sexy. It seems like she’s been coming for hours when her body finally slows down, having used my cock to draw out every second of her powerful orgasm. Her body stops shaking, and she turns around and gives me a grin. “Now that…was unbelievable.” I begin to pull out of her when she slides back on me and squeezes.


  “Ava that was for you.”

  She narrows her gaze at me and within a split second I feel her hand cupping my balls. “I want you to come,” she says as her hand begins to stroke my balls with determination, grazing her finger over the spot that she knows drives me wild.


  * * *

  It had been two weeks since Ava and I had taken our relationship into boyfriend and girlfriend territory, and I still hadn’t told Tucker. She’d been sleeping at my place almost every night, as I was officially over the close quarters of her apartment. Every time Tucker called, Ava made it her personal mission to turn me on while I was talking to him. Yesterday, she sucked me off just as Tucker and I started talking about the prior night’s Eagles game.

  I pay no attention as Ava slides up next to me in bed as I pick up the phone. I put the finger to my lips, indicating she needs to be quiet, and she rolls her eyes before getting up and planting herself firmly in my lap as she appears to be mesmerized by an old rerun of Friends.

  But I know what she’s doing.

  Every few seconds she moves around under the illusion that she’s trying to get comfortable, but really, it’s just an excuse to rub herself on my dick. I cough to hide the groan that almost escapes my lips while I’m talking to her brother. “You alright, man?” he asks.

  “Yeah, what were you saying?”

  I hear him speaking, but I couldn’t tell you what he was saying if my life depended on it. I am too focused on the girl in front of me who is literally sitting on my dick…and moving around far too much on it. She pulls her top over her head and tosses it to the side. She looks over her shoulder, and I point a finger at her.

  Behave, I mouth silently at her, and she giggles quietly before spinning around, putting her perfect breasts on display. My eyes widen to the size of saucers seeing one of my favorite parts of her to have in my mouth staring me in the face, and I can feel my mouth begin to water instantly. She lowers her face to my crotch and presses her lips to my dick that was covered by my gray Calvin Klein boxers. I can see the fabric darken due to her spit, and I’m instantly hard as she tongues my cock through my underwear.

  “Tucker, one sec,” I tell him. I put him on mute before he can reply. “Ava Remington, I am going to put you the fuck over my knee.”

  “Oh, is that a promise?” She pulls her lips away from my dick, and I’m slightly grateful for a reprieve from the torture.

  My nostrils flare, and my body is fighting itself on whether it’s pissed or turned the fuck on. “Can you not do this while I’m talking to your brother?”

  Her lip juts out, and I can already see this is not going to end well for me. “But you haven’t fed me today.”

  My cock seems to appreciate her choice of words because it immediately stands at attention, begging me to let her suck it.

  “Stop it,” I reluctantly tell her, and she rolls her eyes and turns back around to face the television.

  “Alright, what were you saying?” I ask into the phone. “Sorry, work shit.”

  I hear the very unladylike snort from in front of me and notice her shake her head. I assume she has given up trying to torture me when I see her spin around and lie down on her stomach between my legs. She grins up at me, her face perfectly aligned with my crotch, and gives me a devilish smirk. She reaches into my underwear to free my erection, and I have to fight the moan sitting in the back of my throat. Ava! I mouth at her, trying to get across the fact that I’m trying to yell at her. She ignores my warning, pressing her tongue to the base of my shaft and drawing it upward.

  I let my head lean back against my headboard, unable to focus on anything except for the woman currently hollowing her cheeks around my cock as she sucks me hard into her mouth.

  “Did you hear what I said?” I hear in my ear, and my eyes fly open as I try and recall what Tucker said. I blink my eyes several times as I attempt to focus on anything other than the person who is literally humming around my dick, causing the vibrations to move through me.

  Jesus, Ava.

  “Yeah, totally.”

  “Asshole, you’re not even listening. I’ll call you tomorrow,” he says before he hangs up. I toss my phone down on the bed and give Ava a stern look.

  “You are in SO much trouble.”

  I’m woken up Saturday morning by lips rubbing against my face. I smile in my sleep, feeling her kisses peppering my jaw and lips. I open one eye, revealing my favorite girl with a huge smile on her face. I pull her on top of me and press my lips to hers. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “You didn’t wake me up when you got home last night,” she pouts, and I pull gently on her bottom lip. I worked later than usual last night, not arriving home until well after midnight, only to find my girlfriend asleep with her tax law textbook resting on her chest. I would have woken her up had she not pulled an all-nighter the night before cramming for an exam.

  “I knew you were tired from the night before; I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Next time, wake me,” she whispers as her lips trail along my jaw to find mine. Her hands move into my hair, and she pulls away to look me in the eye. “You’re going to tell Tucker while he’s here this time?”

  I nod. It had been almost a month and a half since Ava and I had gotten serious, and Tucker was still none the wiser. I was beginning to feel guilty for all of the lying I was doing, but I was worried about how he was going to take it with twenty-five years of friendship on the line. Tucker had a temper and was known to overreact, so I could see him telling me he never wanted to talk to me again. I could see him telling me to fuck off. I could see him punching me in the face. At the risk of sounding like a girl, I just wasn’t ready to blow up the closest friendship I had. But I had to tell him.


  Tucker was coming into town for the weekend and I wasn’t going to last long without touching or kissing Ava. Let alone three days. I barely lasted twelve hours the last time he was

  “We should get ready so I can take you back to your apartment.”

  “I wish I could stay here with you.” She rolls off of me and lands on her back, staring up at the ceiling. She’s wearing nothing but an old t-shirt of mine and a smile. “Once you tell him, I can’t sleep over?”

  “You want your brother to know what we’re doing in here?”

  “You can go three days without fucking me?” She shoots me a look, and I think about what going without her touch for seventy-two hours would feel like.

  Basically hell.

  “Well, let me see how he takes it, and then we can go from there.”

  The last time he was in New York, it was just for the night. The train ride from Philadelphia where we’re from to New York is basically an hour, so by the time he got in, he basically wanted to head out for the night. So, we hit the town-- with Ava in tow. Something Tucker was less than pleased about.

  Two weeks prior…

  “Why is my sister coming? I figured it would just be us?” Tucker asks as he tosses back his third shot since we returned to my penthouse. I broke the news to Tucker in the car ride from the airport that Ava was coming with us, and he’s been complaining about it ever since. “We haven’t hung out in months; this is the first time I’ve made it out here since the summer, and you want to let my little sister tag along?”

  “She’s not twelve, Tucker. She can come with us to dinner and the bar; what’s the big deal?”

  “The big deal is… I mean-- come on, do you want Elle hanging around when you’re trying to pick up women?” he asks in reference to my little sister.

  “I can assure you Ava does not give a shit.”

  “It’s my baby sister, man. I just wanted to let loose with my best friend, and I can’t do that with her around.”

  “It’ll be fine.”

  It was not fine. Tucker barely left my side, making it impossible for me to even look at my girlfriend sideways. Finally, I had to intercept her on the way back from the bathroom just to get a second alone with her.


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