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Rory and the Alien Groom (Intergalactic Brides 9)

Page 10

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  Banchek returned a half hour later with a wide smile on his face.

  “You’re in a good mood,” Zwyk said.

  “I was correct about your genetic makeup. I even spoke to the council about it. The good news is that you’re approved to mate whomever you wish, and they’d like it done sooner rather than later. They’re searching for others like you in hopes they can make our people strong again. It’s not common knowledge, but we think we’ve discovered why there were no females born to our generation, and it all goes back to the gene that you carry.”

  “So, you’re saying what exactly?”

  “If you were to mate with a Terran female, you would be able to have female children, unlike most of us. We at first thought it was due to an illness our females had suffered, but when we did more research other possibilities surfaced. Our current theory is that the others who carry that genetic marker died in battle before they could either be mated or at least before they had children. One of your parents obviously carried it. Do you know why you were the only one born to them?”

  Zwyk shrugged. “Mom had a difficult pregnancy with me. They decided not to try for more children and she had an operation to sterilize her. I know it isn’t common, and they had to fight the council for permission, but my father was adamant that he wouldn’t risk his mate’s life just to have more kids.”

  Banchek nodded. “I’m betting any additional children would have been female. I’m sorry for the loss of your family.”

  “Does this mean I’m cleared to leave as soon as Rory wakes up?”

  “Of course. And at the rate you’re healing, you should be one hundred percent operational in two days. If anything changes during that time or you feel any pain, please come back and let us know. For now, you should only feel some discomfort around the healing wounds. Try not to use your shoulder too much for the rest of the day and by tomorrow you should be able to use it in moderation.”

  “Thank you.”

  Banchek smiled and excused himself.

  So he was a genetic freak. It figured that if he was going to be famous on his world for something, it would be for something he couldn’t control. Instead of being revered as a warrior or for his incredible mind, they were rolling out the red carpet because he’d lucked out genetically. He was thrilled for his people if it meant they could figure out what had happened to their race. And knowing that any children he had would carry that same gene meant that there was hope for the future of his people, even if they would be only half-Zelthranite.

  There were no pure-blood Zelthranites after his generation, and there never would be again. Every male was pairing off with a compatible female. While Earth’s human females were preferred, there were other races out there who were a match as well. Some were too volatile to have a peaceful mating between them, and some weren’t very pleasant to look at. The humans were pretty, and while they could attack if provoked, most of the females he’d met and interacted with weren’t so bad. None were as sweet as his Rory, though.

  He wondered if they’d ever have a fight. Reyvor had mentioned fighting with Hazel a few times, and he knew that Thrace and Avelyn had disagreements over children all the time. Avelyn was ready to adopt more, and Thrace was holding out. Now that Lily was older and in school, Zwyk didn’t understand why his friend was refusing to bring more children into their home. It had been part of the agreement with the council when Thrace had asked for permission to mate Avelyn. While Zwyk didn’t think the council would revoke their mating, he didn’t think it was wise to defy them either.

  Rory had mentioned that she was on birth control. If they were to be mated, he’d have to ask her to stop taking the pills. At least, he assumed she took pills. She hadn’t mentioned getting a shot. There were so many forms of birth control on this world that it left him dizzy just thinking about it. He didn’t understand how the humans figured out which one was the right method for them. Things were simpler on his world. Birth control didn’t exist, unless you counted complete sterilization. They usually just let nature take its course.

  While Rory slept, Zwyk contemplated his next move. He wanted to do something special when he asked Rory to be his mate, something to show her that he paid attention when she talked, something tailored just for her. He’d never considered himself the romantic type, but he was willing to give it a try. After several failed relationships and a failed engagement, he was determined to do better. Granted, those other women had complained about all the things that made him who he was, and Rory seemed to love those things. She was his match in every way and he was an idiot for not realizing it long ago. If he’d only paid her more attention prior to his engagement, then the entire wedding fiasco could have been avoided. It should have been Rory walking up the aisle toward him, and not to tell him that his bride had run off.

  By the time she woke a few hours later, he had a plan in mind. Implementing it while she was staying with him over the next two days would be a little more difficult. As much as he wanted to jump on his ideas and get everything in place, he knew he might have to wait until he was he fully mended and Rory was back in her apartment, no matter how much he wanted her to live with him permanently.

  She stared at him as he stood. Banchek had come in to remove the bandages now that his wounds were closed. He was still healing on the inside, and would probably have some faint scars from the bullet wounds. Rory, however, looked less than pleased.

  “Something’s wrong. What is it?” he asked.

  “You can’t go out like that.”

  He looked down at himself. “Like what?”

  “With all that sexiness on display,” she said waving her hand over his body. “You need a shirt.”

  Banchek stifled his laughter. “He can’t put on a shirt for at least another twenty-four hours unless it buttons down the front. I don’t want him lifting his arm above waist level if he can help it. The motion of shrugging on a shirt could cause more damage.”

  Rory growled softly and stomped her foot. “Everyone is going to stare if he walks around like that. Do you know how many women are running around this place?”

  “Rory, the only woman I want looking at, as you put it, all this sexiness, is you. I can assure you I won’t notice another female out there.”

  “I still don’t like it.”

  “We’ll go straight to the car and you can drive me home. Just try not to kill anyone between here and the parking lot.”

  She snorted and opened the door. Rory stomped down the hallway and he couldn’t help but chuckle a little. She was adorable when she was jealous, even if she had no reason to be. Zwyk couldn’t imagine ever wanting anyone as much as he wanted Rory. Just thinking of her made him smile. Now, he just had to convince her of that.

  He bit his lip to keep from smiling as she glared at every female they passed. When they reached her car, he wisely stayed quiet. Her hands clenched the steering wheel in a white-knuckled grip before she blew out a breath and relaxed.

  “I just turned into one of those possessive crazy girlfriends, didn’t I?” she asked.

  “If I said it was cute, would you hit me?”

  “I might be tempted.” She smiled. “Except for the fact you’re full of holes. I think you’ve been punished enough. What possessed you to tackle an armed man? Weren’t there warriors nearby?”

  He bristled. “So, I can’t protect those around me because I’m not a warrior?”

  “No, Zwyk, I didn’t mean it like that. I just thought it was the warriors’ job to protect everyone at the Terran station. Aren’t they hired as guards?”

  “I was closer.”

  She kissed his cheek. “I think it was very brave of you. But if you’d died, I’d have brought you back just so I could murder you myself.”

  “Noted. I’ll try to limit my acts of bravery.”

  Rory pulled out of the parking space and drove to Zwyk’s house. When they got there, she rushed ahead to open the door. He wasn’t certain if he was amused that she thought him complet
ely helpless, or offended. Zwyk walked inside and Rory immediately began herding him toward the couch. He humored her and sat down, curious as to how far she’d take things. Was she going to escort him to the bathroom too?

  “Why don’t you find a movie for us and I’ll get some snacks and drinks. Or would you prefer to go to the bedroom and rest?” she asked.

  “I can assure you if I go to the bedroom, resting is the last thing that will be on my mind.”

  “Zwyk! You heard what the doctor said. You need to rest and not use your shoulder. I would imagine the wound in your abdomen wouldn’t thank you for an afternoon romp either.”

  “Fine. I’ll sit here like a lump and watch movies. Are you sure we can’t watch them naked?”

  Rory rolled her eyes and walked off.

  Chapter Ten

  Rory folded her arms over her chest and stared at a naked Zwyk. “What are you doing?”

  He lounged back against the couch cushions. “Tempting you?”

  “Rest. You’re supposed to rest.”

  He waved a hand at his very erect cock. “Does this look like I’m able to rest? What if I promise to sit very, very still?”

  “Yeah because that sounds like tons of fun. Zwyk, clothes. Now.”

  He grumbled, but at least pulled on his boxer briefs. Maybe she should have asked if they’d given him pain medication. It was the only explanation she could think of. They laughed and had a good time, but he was never this playful. She watched him warily as she set their snacks and drinks on the coffee table.

  “There’s a new selection of movies on Netflix,” he said. “Want to pick one?”

  “I’ll watch whatever you want to.”

  He gave her a sly look. “Even if I put on porn?”

  “You seriously have a one track mind today. What did they give you when I was asleep? An aphrodisiac? You sit there and find us a movie. I’m calling Doctor Banchek.”

  Zwyk raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything.

  Rory went into the other room to make her call. She sat on hold for several minutes before Banchek picked up.

  “Rory, is everything all right? Zwyk isn’t in any pain, is he?”

  “Oh, he’s feeling something all right, but it isn’t pain. Did you slip something in his water? All he has on his mind is sex, and he’s acting completely out of character.”

  Banchek chuckled. “I can assure you that’s all Zwyk and not drugs. In all honesty, as long as he isn’t too rough on his shoulder I don’t see that it would hurt for the two of you to be intimate. He’s healing at an accelerated rate.”

  “It’s just not like him to be so playful.”

  “Maybe getting shot made him re-evaluate his life,” Banchek suggested. “I would advise that you embrace the changes in him and just see what happens.”

  “Thank you, Doctor.”

  Rory ended the call and leaned against the living room doorframe. Zwyk was scrolling through movies and looked a little bummed. If it wasn’t medication making him act differently, then maybe she’d take Banchek’s advice and just go with it. Zwyk wanted sex? She’d give him sex. Maybe it was time to show off her new wax job. Rory smiled as she shimmied out of her clothes and then sauntered into the living room completely bare.

  Zwyk dropped the remote and it clattered to the floor as his jaw dropped.

  “Rory, what…”

  “The doctor said you’re clear for sex as long as we don’t get too crazy.” She leaned over and tugged at his boxer briefs. “These need to go, though.”

  Zwyk bolted up and kicked off his underwear. Rory smiled at his eagerness.

  “We don’t have any of your toys here.” He frowned. “We should buy some.”

  She quirked an eyebrow. “You want to get dressed and go buy some right now?”

  “Uh, no. Definitely not right now.”

  “Didn’t think so.”

  “Wait right here.”

  Zwyk took off out of the room only to return a moment later with a blanket they’d purchased on their last shopping trip. He tossed it on the floor between the coffee table and TV, then he grabbed the remote and a moment later the sounds of a cheesy porn flick filled the air.

  “You’re seriously putting porn on?” she asked.

  “Thought it might inspire us.”

  Rory didn’t know what had made Zwyk change -- maybe it was being shot, like the doctor suggested -- but she was enjoying this new version of her boyfriend. She’d thought he was damn near perfect before, but now he was even more so. Rory sank to her knees on the blanket and waited for Zwyk to join her. She watched the woman on the screen contort into a position that made her wince.

  “That can’t be real,” she said. “You’d have to be a human pretzel to pull that off.”

  “Yoga,” Zwyk said.


  He nodded. “I’ve heard it’s great for flexibility.”

  “If you think I’m taking up yoga just to get into new sex positions, you’re on drugs. My idea of exercise is standing in line at the coffee shop.”

  Zwyk smiled. “You’re perfect the way you are, Rory. I’d never ask you to do something you didn’t like.”

  She looked at the TV again with raised eyebrows. “Think you can swivel your hips like that while thrusting? That might be interesting. Unless you aren’t healed enough.”

  “I’m willing to try.” He grabbed her foot and pulled her flat with his good arm. “Now, I say we watch a little less and put on our own performance.”

  “As long as there’s no video. There’s not, is there?”

  “No video.” He wagged his eyebrows up and down. “Unless you want there to be.”

  “No video.” Her lips quirked up on one side. “This time. We should definitely do that one time though.”

  Zwyk kissed her hard and deep, making her toes curl. Her hands wrapped around his biceps and she felt the strain in his good arm. Worried he might hurt himself further, she nudged him until he rolled over onto his back. She lightly ran her fingers over the scarred area on his shoulder and abdomen, her stomach clenching when she thought about how close she’d come to losing him. She leaned forward and brushed her lips over both wounds, hoping the doctor was right and he’d be completely healed in a day or two.

  “I’m fine, Rory,” he assured her. “But if you’d like to take those lips just a little lower…”

  She grinned and wrapped her hand around his cock, giving it a few long strokes. “You mean you’d like my lips here instead?”

  He groaned. “I’d very much like your lips there. Hands are nice, but your tongue would be better.”

  Rory leaned forward and flicked the head of his cock with her tongue. He sucked in a breath as she wrapped her lips around the tip and sucked softly. She curled her tongue around his shaft as she took all of him into her mouth. Her gaze clashed with his as she pulled back and flicked her tongue against his hard shaft. Rory placed gentle kisses along his length, as her hand gripped him, twisting slightly as she swallowed him down again. Zwyk’s hips rose as her head bobbed. She felt his balls draw up and knew he was close.

  Zwyk wrapped a hand in her hair and tugged. “Not this time, Rory. I want to be inside you when I come.”

  She hummed and licked his shaft before sitting up. “Then what did you have in mind?”

  He glanced at the TV before looking back at her. “Want to try that?”

  She gave a bark of laughter when she saw the porn had taken a decidedly BDSM turn. The woman was bound, gagged, and blindfolded while the man did whatever he wanted to her. And if her moans were to be believed, she was loving every minute of it.

  “Nice try, but I don’t think so. My kink level doesn’t go quite that high.” She smiled. “But if you want to tie me to the bed sometime, I’m all for it.”

  “I wonder if Raylic can spare some handcuffs.” His hand caressed her side. “I definitely want you locked to the headboard and at my mercy. Once these wounds are healed we are going to have some fun. Handcuffs.
Video. And anything else we can think of.”

  “Whipped cream and chocolate syrup?”

  “I’ll make a list.”

  Rory trailed a finger down his chest. “So, how did you want me? On top? On my knees?”

  “Why don’t you lie down and I’ll show you?”

  Zwyk sat up and Rory took his place on the blanket. He rolled her hips so that her lower half was turned, then he pulled her leg over his good arm and she felt his cock brush against her pussy. He entered her with one thrust, stealing the breath from her lungs and making her moan in ecstasy. Every stroke was deeper than the last and when he added a twist to his hips she nearly screamed the roof off she came so hard. Zwyk took her harder, faster, and as she came a second time, she felt him come inside of her.

  Zwyk eased out of her and released her leg. He lay back and panted for breath.

  “If you injured your shoulder, I’m going to kill you. Just as soon as I can feel my bones again.”

  “So, you liked the twist.”

  “I loved the twist.”

  “I’ll add that to my other list.”

  She turned her head to look at him. “What other list?”

  “The What Makes Rory Scream list. So far it includes sex toys and now a twist. I’m eager to find out what else I can add to it.”

  “For now, might I suggest we take a shower and then have a snack and watch a movie? I don’t know about you, but I’m suddenly starving.”

  “I could eat.”

  Rory nudged him. “Come on. Shower. I’m sticky and I really don’t want my thighs to stick together. I may not have any hair down there anymore, but I still bet that would hurt like a bitch.”

  Zwyk groaned, but got up then helped Rory to her feet. By the time they’d showered, eaten, and settled in with a movie, Rory was dozing off against Zwyk’s good shoulder. Even though she’d slept a little at the clinic, it hadn’t been enough for her to feel rested. The energy she’d just expelled with Zwyk was about all she’d had left.

  Zwyk wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. “Rory?”

  “Hmm?” she hummed sleepily.

  “You said something important to me at the clinic. I thought you should know I feel the same way about you. I don’t know when it happened, but sometime during the past week I fell in love with you.”


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