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This Modern Love

Page 3

by Will Darbyshire

  I also realised the intimacy in the smaller things we shared, a glass of juice in the morning, little forehead kisses, walking your dog or my personal favourite, backrubs as I fell asleep.

  My Love, you’re my first crush and my first love and as naïve as it may be, I sincerely hope you are my last.

  Thank you for everything,

  Your Love

  Dear You,

  You’re so beautiful. Your smile, your eyes, your lips, your hands, everything. Did you know that you play in my mind like one of my favourite song lyrics, you sting my heart like after eating a bowl of hot soup. You know me but I don’t think you see me, I see you for one, I see you like no other, I see you so often your image never leaves the remains of my brain. I wish you see me, I wish you remembered me. I wish that you could see me the way I see you. I see you for you and that is the you that I love, but please can you see me too.



  Manitoba, Canada



















  Dear Ben,

  If only I could write something that sounded like a song. Something that makes your head spin.

  How I wish my words could sound like a rhythm that you feel in your heart.

  Every letter, like a note that coincides melodiously with the next.

  If only I could put the essence of your being into words.

  You look like music.

  And I can’t write anything that would do you justice, but . . .

  You look like music.



  Dear —— ,

  I pushed you away and put up a wall to keep you out. To keep from getting hurt. I was scared of how I felt. I was scared I would hurt you, that you would hurt me. But now I know that you are perfect, perfect for me. I want you, no I need you. I want to spend every night holding your hand and be wrapped in your embrace. I want someone to care about me and protect me from all that is bad in this world. I just want you. I want you to love me again like I love you.



  Dear Crush,

  They say after four months, it isn’t a crush anymore, it’s love. It didn’t take me four months to realise that.

  Yours always,


  London, UK

  Hi Crush,

  It kind of feels weird writing a letter to someone whom I’ve shared memories with.

  I still remember the first night we exchanged our ‘I love yous’ and the first time you held my hand and told me I’m beautiful.

  I have always been the quiet and shy one, while you always have been the expressive and funny one. We complement each other, we bring out the best in each other, and we definitely spread the love to everyone who comes our way.

  You were always there for me, but things took a wrong turn causing us to drift apart. I was insecure, and I completely forgot all about you. I made you leave...

  No, scratch that, I wanted you to leave and you did. It was hard for you, but you know I wanted to find myself. I went away for college, and I completely left you hanging.

  The funny thing is even though I have pushed you away too many times, you’re still there. You told me you’ll still be there.

  I admire your bravery. I admire everything about you, and all you have ever done for me. I love you, and I’ll never forget you. You taught me how unconditional love really works, and I’m sure the next person that you’ll love will be blessed to have you for life.



  Dear —— ,

  I didn’t like the fact you farted on me,

  but I still like you very much.



  Dear Angel,

  All humans search for love,

  And now I can stop searching,

  For after all,

  I am only human.


  ( ‘}{“ )




  Relationships. They’re everywhere.

  But in books, film and television they’re often portrayed as this unattainable and unrealistic fantasy. Couples are either fighting with each other or gazing endlessly into each other’s eyes. Of course, things are never that black and white. We tend to glaze over the fundamental elements of relationships; the ones which don’t involve broken plates and sex in the rain but rather the inner mechanics that make it all work. Relationships in the real world usually aren’t as dramatic as they are on our screens, and it’s the small everyday things that amount to a much bigger picture. A cup of tea can go a long way, and a simple ‘How was your day?’ can change a mood instantly. It’s those quiet gestures we often overlook that help maintain a stable and happy relationship.












  As a guy who currently has a girlfriend of eighteen months, I’m a big fan of relationships (though of course I would say that). They teach us to be better. We have to be more selfless and giving. We have to think as a team rather than an individual. It’s a constant backwards and forwards to understand each other; to grasp how the other person thinks, to recognise how their very being works. Maintaining a successful relationship is a great accomplishment; two people are able to work in harmony and that is something to be proud of.

  For this middle part of the book I asked people to submit a thank you letter to their partner. I wanted people to write something to celebrate their relationship. We rarely take the time to just sit and appreciate things. We move at such a fast pace that we neglect to see just how good we have it. I also asked people about how technology affects their relationships. The response we received was lovely and very touching. Clearly the internet is polarising; for some people it works, for others it most definitely doesn’t.

  It seems quite clear from all the letters that love is still ever blossoming; people are still madly and unconditionally in love despite the rise of social media, and even after many years together. If you’re in a relationship, I encourage all of you when reading this to think about your partner. What are you most thankful for? And do you say it enough?

  Dear Orestis,

  Thank you for telling me about your newest favorite songs. I fall in love with every song you tell me about. And thanks for remembering my favorite constellation and telling me that when you see it at night you think of me. It makes me feel really close to you even though we’re half a world apart.

  I love you.



  Dear L,

  Thank you.

  For the most incredible year of my life.

  For showing me the world

  For that time you drove 27 hours so I could see my best friend

  For letting me play Kygo every day

  For caring about this beautiful planet that we get to call home

  For inspiring me to make my craziest dreams a reality

  For being the best big spoon

  For not compromising your morals

  For being such a great salsa partner

  For that spark in your eyes and the grin on your face when you jump in a waterfall, climb a tree or hold a puppy

  For wanting to make the world better, and realising that that is the most important thing we can do

  For helping me find my spark back

  For not settling for a mediocre life. and for not letting me do the same

  For preferring to sleep in a van than a 5 star hotel

  For helping me live the adventure

  For appreciating the magic of every sunset

  For choosing me over Beyoncé

  For making me feel safe, in every way

  For opening your heart to me. I know it wasn’t easy, but I promise to treasure it.

  After all, the biggest adventure you can have is to open your heart.

  With love,


  P.S. I’d choose you over Beyoncé too

  Technology creates disconnection in communication.

  Phoebe, England

  Dear Cameron

  With your fingers all cut up from the strings on your guitar, and your hair falling over your face like it does every morning. I lay and watch as you sit in pure happiness playing the music you love so much. Noticing all the beauty you have when you look at me and smile, and the small little smile lines that form around eyes that I love so much appear. You are a beautiful human.

  Thank you for loving me the way you do and thank you for showing me what love really is and can be. I’m so extremely lucky to love you.

  Yours always



  We would study on skype. 9 and a half hours of just silence. I was never alone though. If one of us travelled to a place where wifi wasn’t available as often, we would just film a bunch of videos.

  Emilia, Lima, Peru



















  Hi Sam,

  I just want to say thank you for loving me unconditionally – through the best times and the worst times. Thank you for looking at me when I’m broken and my eyes are all puffy from crying and still calling me beautiful. You make me feel like a million pounds.

  I love you. To the moon and back.


  Dearest Jack,

  I just wanted to thank you for always buying me food. The combination of your rosy cheeks and a blueberry muffin are my life essentials.



  Dear David,

  Thanks for the countless rides home. Also, thanks for letting tons of half empty water bottles stay on the passenger side of your car. I know you hate them. But they’re kind of our little collection.

  I’m going to be sad when you drive away to college, and I’m stuck here.

  And I’m going to be sad when you throw my water bottles away.


  Georgia, USA

  I think technology has had a positive effect on love. I’m in a long-distance relationship so it makes separation a lot easier due to Skype, etc. Keeps us in touch.

  Finlay, UK

  Dear D.

  Thank you for finding me new books and movies to watch/read every week. I don’t think you understand how much I actually appreciate that.

  Thanks for not punching me in the face every time I beat your a$$ at Mario Cart. Because I always win.

  Also, thank you for letting me listen to Drake real loud in the car... my ex hated me for that.

  I like that I like u and I like that u like me

  Let’s keep it that way.

  Thank you.


  Dear Mike,

  I appreciate so many things about you and what you do for me. A short list of these things is: you being the honest, confident, loyal, dedicated man that you are when it comes to your family, your work, your friends, the cashier at the store, at the drive thru, and of course to me and our children. Thank you for feeding me, especially when I am a beast (you know my love for food). For always seeing me as beautiful even when I know I look ragged.

  And in this too short of a list I just mentioned to my brother today that I love how you always see both sides to a story and are a very fair person. A character like that speaks volumes and I am so happy to be a part of your life. I love you.

  Love, your wifey,


  Michigan, USA

  (married for 15 years)

  Dear J,

  I love the passion in your eyes when you do something you love. I can see the excitement radiating through your skin. It’s inspiring. You push me to pursue my aspirations.

  Thank you for lifting me up when I’m down.

  With love,


  Dear Joseph,

  Thank you.

  Thank you for making me see the stars when I only saw the darkness.



  Hi Valentina,

  I’m writing to you because the feelings that I have for you make me do this kind of stuff.

  For the last couple of years you and I have been very good friends. You’ve been my support when I had no one. I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done for me. The friendship you’ve offered me, your love, your tenderness, your kindness, and infinite and unconditional support. My soul and heart will ever be grateful for you, there’s no one that makes me feel like you do every day since September 18th.

  Soon we will be having our third month anniversary and I know it sounds silly but I’ve liked and had a crush on you since the beginning of the year so it’s a big deal for me. I hope this letter for you will make it to be actually in the book so I will buy the book and give it to you.

  With great love to you my beautiful girlfriend,


  We got married on facebook before we even started dating... 4 years later and I think we may actually do it someday.

  Melissa, Toronto, Canada

  Dear Alex,

  Alone in cold sheets,

  I imagine us folded like paper

  In our origami bed.

  And it keeps me warm.

  Thank you for being there,

  even when you’re not.















  You asked me to marry you and I said yes.

  I said yes to adventure.

  I said yes to doing your laundry.

  I said yes to waking up next to you.

  I said yes to driving, when you just wanted to enjoy the view.

  I said yes to baking you bread from scratch in accordance with your diet.

  Thank you for taking me on this trip around the world.

  Thank you for standing up for me, when I refused to stand up for myself.

  Thank you for making breakfast on Sundays.

  Thank you for wanting me to stay.

  Thank you for asking…

  Love always,


  New York City, USA

  Internet connection in Scotland is fine, but in Mozambique it’s shit. Now I notice when the screen freezes he’s still cute.

  Marila, from Portugal, living in Scotland

  Dear Emmalisa,

  You are currently fast asleep next to me and the butterfly tattoo on the back of your neck is peeking up from the duvet you’re wrapped in.

  Your short, silver-gray hair is a bit messy from all the sleep, your breathing is heavy and your skin is so soft.

  Lying here knowing you are next to me is the most valuable thing for me.

  I never thought that long distance relationship would work out, I thought it would h
urt too much being away from each other. But it doesn’t, because when I walk off that train and see your smile it’s like I never left in the first place.

  And I’m so thankful for that, I’m so thankful for the little things. Your smile, the way you kiss my forehead, freezing on the balcony together taking the last blow from our cigarettes, when you say you love me, the way your tiny body is filled with beautiful artwork, just being with you.

  I just want to say thank you for being the most amazing girlfriend I could ever ask for. and thank you for giving up so much just to be with me, I can never thank you enough.

  Now I’m gonna stop writing this thank you note and wrap my arms around you until you wake up.

  I love you.

  Yours truly



  texting the love of your life and him reading it 6 days later, thanks for the heads up read receipts

  Mareeda, California, USA

  Dear Dan,

  It’s a Monday and you’re currently having an interview for a job you don’t want. There are a lot of things that you don’t want to do, but do anyway, you’re funny like that. In fact, you spend most of your time doing things for other people instead of yourself.

  I wanted to thank you for the things you do for me the most though.

  I want to thank you for the undying patience you have towards me, no matter how testing I become.

  Thank you for accepting my flaws. Thank you for being strong in a gentle way. Thank you for being my number one fan.


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