Measureless Peril
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Abbazia, Patrick, 138
Abercrombie, 233, 295
Adamovich, John, 241
Adams, Trenouth, 241
Admiralty, British, 35, 86, 131
Aeronautics, Bureau of, 289
African Americans, 234
A. H. Bull Steamship Company, 176
aircraft carriers, 25, 26, 35, 102
air gap, 259
Alfred Holt Shipping Company, 153
All Quiet on the Western Front (Remarque), 81
Alva, 206
Alvarez, Luis, 263
Amazone, 158
American Shipper, 71
American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 195
American South African Steamship Line, Inc., 199–200
Anderson, Maxwell, 80–81
Andrews, Adolphus “Dolly,” 167–68, 174, 212, 213, 215
Andrews, Lewis M., Jr., 286
Anglo-German Naval Treaty, 24
Anti-Submarine School, 33
Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Research, 292
appeasement, Munich agreement and, 86
Applied Arts Building, 9
Archangel, Soviet Union, 202, 203
architects, 8–9
Argentia, 126, 302, 312
Arizona, 147, 245
Arkansas, 11, 123
Army, U.S., airplanes of, 213–14
Army Air Force, 214, 263
Arnold, Henry H. “Hap,” 263, 264
asdic, see sonar
Asterion, 175–78, 184
Athenia, 50–57, 61, 63, 69
casualties on, 70–71
German reaction to sinking of, 71–72
passengers on, 51
torpedoing of, 52, 70–71, 86, 273
Atik, 175–78, 182, 301
Atlantic, Battle of:
Bismarck vs. Prince of Wales in, 124
casualties of, 5, 70–71, 124, 138, 139, 141–42, 155–56, 178, 191, 216–17, 286, 299–300, 311
diffusion of, 3
as forgotten, 3
Greer attacked in, 136–37
Kearny attacked in, 138–39
Kriegsmarine offensive against U.S. coast in, 149, 150–57, 160–61, 162, 298–313
Liberty ships in, 194–204
as longest battle in history, 3
Medals of Honor given in, 295
Project LQ in, 174–78
Reuben James attacked in, 11, 139, 140, 141–42, 143
Roper in, 216–17
Stark’s planning for, 111
start of, 50
U-505 sunk in, 293–95
see also Athenia
Atlantic, security zone in, 83, 117
Atlantic Charter, 126–27
Atlantic Fleet Confidential Memorandum, 164–66
Atlantic Squadron, 82, 95, 164
Atlas, 208–9
Auchincloss, Louis, 3, 285
Augusta, 123–24, 126
autobahn system, 103
B-18s, 264
baby flattops, see escort carriers
Bailey, Barbara, 54, 55, 56, 57
Bainbridge, 227
Baldt Patent anchor, 223
Baldwin, Hanson W., 100
Barker, Moses, 188–89, 190
Barnard College library, 325
battleships, 10, 25
vulverability of, 226–27
Bay City, Mich., 231
Beasley, Harold Hammer, 141
Beatty, David, 24
Belfast, 51
Belgium, 85
Benét, Stephen Vincent, 81
Benson, Jim Franklin, 141
Bermuda, 275, 276–77, 282
Bernardelli, Richard, 315
Bethel Shoal buoy, 158
Bethlehem-Fairfield shipyard, 196
Bethlehem Steel, 232
Beyer, Kenneth M., 174–75, 177
Bibb, 67, 68, 79
Big Horn, 178
Biscay, Bay of, 102–4, 152, 182, 259, 287
Biscay Cross, 265
Bishop, Nancy, 53
Bismarck, 124
Blair, Clay, 293
Blairlogie, 71
Bletchely Park, 272, 275
Bloch, Claude C., 146, 147
Blue Funnel line, 153
Bluejackets’ Manual, The, 16–17, 19
Bogue, 2, 301, 302, 303, 307, 308
bombes, 272, 275
boot camp, 15�
Bora-Bora, 185
Bordeaux, 103
Boulder Dam, 197
Boulogne, 90
Boyd, Thomas, 81
Braun, Eva, 314
Brazil, 191–92
Breck, Wallace, 190
Bremen, 55–56
Brennan, 225
Breslau, 26
Brest, 103
Bright, 323
Britain, Battle of, 260, 261
British Expeditionary Force (BEF), 90
British Prestige, 157
British Purchasing Committee, 116–17
British Shipbuilding Mission, 194
Britten, Beverley, 181
Brown Brothers, 240
Bruce, Nigel, 236
Buck, Alfred, 142–43
Buck, Paul, 185, 186, 189, 191
bucket brigades, 212
Buderi, Robert, 262
Buell, Thomas, 162–63
Bureau of Marine Inspection and Navigation, 200
Bureau of Ships, 228–29
Burgess, Mr., 277
Burnham, 99–100
Bush, Vannevar, 262, 264–65, 267, 268, 292
“buzz saw,” 277
Cadmus, Paul, 13
Caine Mutiny, The (Wouk), 317–18
Cairo, 203
Cairo, 182
Caldwell, William, 298
California, 146, 184
Calloway, Kay, 63, 66
Calvert, George, 138, 139
Cameron, 99
Camp, 323
Campbell, 67, 68, 79
Campbeltown, 99
Campobello Island, 109
Canada, 5, 51, 91
Canal Zone, 200
Canaris, William, 31, 33
Cape Cod, 154
Cape Hatteras, 151, 153
Cape of Good Hope, 186
Cape Town, 186, 189
Carnegie Institution, 262
Carolyn, 175–78
Carpentier, Georges, 64n
Carter, W. J., 175
Casco Bay, Maine, 133
Castro, Fidel, 195
Chamberlain, Arthur, 186, 190
Chamberlain, Neville, 86, 87, 319–20
Chamber of Commerce, 218, 320
Chappell, Oscar, 156
Chatelain, 279, 293–94, 302, 303, 308, 316
Chesterfield, 98–99
Chew, 245
Chicago, University of, 218
Child, George, 64, 66
China, 319
Christina Knudson, 215
Christmas, descriptions of, 296–97
Churchill, 98–99
Churchill, Winston:
FDR’s correspondence with, 85, 86–88, 89–90, 91–92, 113–14, 146, 160–61, 227